Standard Test Method for Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste Forms

This test method can be used to measure the release of a component from a cylindrical solidified waste form into water at the reference temperature of 20°C and at elevated temperatures that accelerate the rate and extent of leaching relative to the values measured at 20°C.  
This test method can be used to:
Compare releases of waste components from various types of solidification agents and formulations.
Determine the diffusion coefficients for the release of waste components from waste forms at a specific temperature.
Promote greater extents of reaction than can be achieved under expected service conditions within a laboratory time frame to provide greater confidence in modeled diffusive releases.
Determine the temperature dependence of diffusive release.
Fitting the experimental results with a mechanistic model allows diffusive releases to be extrapolated to long times and to full-scale waste forms under the following constraints:
Results of this test method address an intrinsic property of a material and should not be presumed to represent releases in specific disposal environments. Tests can be conducted under conditions that represent a specific disposal environment (for example, by using a representative groundwater) to determine an effective diffusion coefficient for those conditions.
Projections of releases over long times requires that the waste form matrix remain stable, which may be demonstrated by the behavior of the specimen in ALTs at elevated temperatures.
Extrapolations in time and scale are limited to values that correspond to the maximum CFL value obtained in an accelerated test.
The mechanism must be the same at all temperatures used in the extrapolation. The same model that describes the results of tests conducted at elevated temperatures must also describe the results of tests run at the reference temperature of 20°C.
1.1 This test method provides procedures for measuring the leach rates of elements from a solidified matrix material, determining if the releases are controlled by mass diffusion, computing values of diffusion constants based on models, and verifying projected long-term diffusive releases. This test method is applicable to any material that does not degrade or deform during the test.
1.1.1 If mass diffusion is the dominant step in the leaching mechanism, then the results of this test can be used to calculate diffusion coefficients using mathematical diffusion models. A computer program developed for that purpose is available as a companion to this test method (Note 1).
1.1.2 It should be verified that leaching is controlled by diffusion by a means other than analysis of the leach test solution data. Analysis of concentration profiles of species of interest near the surface of the solid waste form after the test is recommended for this purpose.
1.1.3 Potential effects of partitioning on the test results can be identified through modeling, although further testing and analyses are required to determine the cause of partitioning (for example, if it occurs during production of the material or as a result of leaching).
1.2 The method is a modification of other semi-dynamic tests such as the IAEA test (1) and the ANS 16.1 Leach Test wherein elevated temperatures are used to accelerate diffusive release to an extent that would only be reached after very long times at lower temperatures. This approach provides a mechanistic basis for calculating diffusive releases at repository-relevant temperatures over long times, provided that the leaching mechanism does not change with temperature.
1.2.1 Tests can be conducted at elevated temperatures to accelerate diffusive release and provide a mechanistic basis for calculating diffusive releases that would occur at lower temperatures over long times. Tests conducted at high temperatures allow the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient to be determined. They also demonstrate tha...

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ASTM C1308-08 - Standard Test Method for Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste Forms
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REDLINE ASTM C1308-08 - Standard Test Method for Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste Forms
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REDLINE ASTM C1308-08 - Standard Test Method for Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste Forms
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:C1308 −08
Standard Test Method for
Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from
Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model
Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1308; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.2.1 Tests can be conducted at elevated temperatures to
1.1 This test method provides procedures for measuring the
calculating diffusive releases that would occur at lower tem-
leach rates of elements from a solidified matrix material,
determining if the releases are controlled by mass diffusion,
allow the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient
computing values of diffusion constants based on models, and
to be determined. They also demonstrate that the diffusion
verifying projected long-term diffusive releases. This test
mechanism is rate-limiting through the measured extent of
method is applicable to any material that does not degrade or
diffusive release.
deform during the test.
1.2.2 Releasesatanytemperaturecanbeprojecteduptothe
1.1.1 If mass diffusion is the dominant step in the leaching
highest cumulative fractional release value that has been
measured for that material (at any temperature), provided that
diffusion coefficients using mathematical diffusion models. A
the mechanism does not change.The mechanism is considered
computer program developed for that purpose is available as a
to remain unchanged over a range of temperatures if the
companion to this test method (Note 1).
1.1.2 It should be verified that leaching is controlled by
diffusion by a means other than analysis of the leach test
NOTE 1—A computer program in which the test results are evaluated
using three diffusion models is briefly described in Annex A1 and in the
solution data. Analysis of concentration profiles of species of
Accelerated Leach Test Method and User’s Guide for the “ALT” Com-
puterProgram (2).Thedataarefitwithmodelequationsfordiffusionfrom
recommended for this purpose.
a semi-infinite solid, diffusion from a finite cylinder, and diffusion with
1.1.3 Potential effects of partitioning on the test results can
partitioning of the species of interest to determine effective diffusion
be identified through modeling, although further testing and coefficients and quantify the goodness of fit. The User’s Guide contains
several typographical errors; these are identified in Annex A1.
example, if it occurs during production of the material or as a
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
result of leaching).
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
1.2 The method is a modification of other semi-dynamic
tests such as the IAEA test (1) and the ANS 16.1 Leach Test
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
wherein elevated temperatures are used to accelerate diffusive safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
release to an extent that would only be reached after very long
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
times at lower temperatures. This approach provides a mecha- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
nistic basis for calculating diffusive releases at repository-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
relevant temperatures over long times, provided that the
2. Referenced Documents
leaching mechanism does not change with temperature.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Forms for Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Fuel Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.13 on Spent Fuel
and High Level Waste.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as C1308–95(2001). For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
DOI: 10.1520/C1308-08. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Theboldfacenumbersinparenthesesrefertothelistofreferencesattheendof Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
this standard. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 B

This document is not anASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:C1308–95 (Reapproved 2001) Designation: C 1308 – 08
Standard Test Method for
Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from
Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model
Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1308; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1This test method provides a method for accelerating the leach rate of solidified waste and determining if the release is
diffusion-controlled. This test method is applicable to any material that does not degrade, deform, or change leaching mechanism
during the test.
forms. Diffusion can be confirmed as the leaching mechanism through the use of a computerized mathematical model for diffusion
from the finite cylinder (
1.1 This test method provides procedures for measuring the leach rates of elements from a solidified matrix material,
determining if the releases are controlled by mass diffusion, computing values of diffusion constants based on models, and
verifying projected long-term diffusive releases. This test method is applicable to any material that does not degrade or deform
during the test.
1.1.1 If mass diffusion is the dominant step in the leaching mechanism, then the results of this test can be used to calculate
diffusion coefficients using mathematical diffusion models. A computer program developed for that purpose is available as a
companion to this test method (Note 1).
1.1.2The leaching mechanism should be verified as diffusion-controlled by a means other than analysis of the leach test data.
For this purpose, analysis of post-leaching concentration profiles within the solid waste form is recommended.
1.1.2 It should be verified that leaching is controlled by diffusion by a means other than analysis of the leach test solution data.
Analysis of concentration profiles of species of interest near the surface of the solid waste form after the test is recommended for
this purpose.
1.1.3 Potentialeffectsofpartitioningonthetestresultscanbeidentifiedthroughmodeling,althoughfurthertestingandanalyses
are required to determine the cause of partitioning (for example, if it occurs during production of the material or as a result of
1.2 The method is a modification of other semi-dynamic tests such as the IAEAtest (1) and theANS 16.1 Leach Test wherein
elevated temperatures are used to accelerate diffusive release to an extent that would only be reached after very long times at lower
long times, provided that the leaching mechanism does not change with temperature.
1.2.1 Tests can be conducted at elevated temperatures to accelerate diffusive release and provide a mechanistic basis for
calculating diffusive releases that would occur at lower temperatures over long times. Tests conducted at high temperatures allow
the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient to be determined. They also demonstrate that the diffusion mechanism is
rate-limiting through the measured extent of diffusive release.
1.2.2 Releases at any temperature can be projected up to the highest cumulative fractional release value that has been measured
for that material (at any temperature), provided that the mechanism does not change. The mechanism is considered to remain
unchanged over a range of temperatures if the diffusion coefficients show Arrhenius behavior over that range.
NOTE1—The computer program and the models are briefly described in 1—A computer program in which the test results are evaluated using three
diffusion models is briefly described in Annex A1 and in the Accelerated Leach Test Method and User’s Guide for the “ALT” Computer Program (12).
The data are fit with model equations for diffusion from a semi-infinite solid, diffusion from a finite cylinder, and diffusion with partitioning of the species
This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C26 on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.07 on Waste Materials.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1995. Published April 1996.
Current edition approved Dec

This document is not anASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:C1308–95 (Reapproved 2001) Designation: C 1308 – 08
Standard Test Method for
Accelerated Leach Test for Diffusive Releases from
Solidified Waste and a Computer Program to Model
Diffusive, Fractional Leaching from Cylindrical Waste
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1308; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1This test method provides a method for accelerating the leach rate of solidified waste and determining if the release is
diffusion-controlled. This test method is applicable to any material that does not degrade, deform, or change leaching mechanism
during the test.
forms. Diffusion can be confirmed as the leaching mechanism through the use of a computerized mathematical model for diffusion
from the finite cylinder (
1.1 This test method provides procedures for measuring the leach rates of elements from a solidified matrix material,
determining if the releases are controlled by mass diffusion, computing values of diffusion constants based on models, and
verifying projected long-term diffusive releases. This test method is applicable to any material that does not degrade or deform
during the test.
1.1.1 If mass diffusion is the dominant step in the leaching mechanism, then the results of this test can be used to calculate
diffusion coefficients using mathematical diffusion models. A computer program developed for that purpose is available as a
companion to this test method (Note 1).
1.1.2The leaching mechanism should be verified as diffusion-controlled by a means other than analysis of the leach test data.
For this purpose, analysis of post-leaching concentration profiles within the solid waste form is recommended.
1.1.2 It should be verified that leaching is controlled by diffusion by a means other than analysis of the leach test solution data.
Analysis of concentration profiles of species of interest near the surface of the solid waste form after the test is recommended for
this purpose.
1.1.3 Potentialeffectsofpartitioningonthetestresultscanbeidentifiedthroughmodeling,althoughfurthertestingandanalyses
are required to determine the cause of partitioning (for example, if it occurs during production of the material or as a result of
1.2 The method is a modification of other semi-dynamic tests such as the IAEAtest (1) and theANS 16.1 Leach Test wherein
elevated temperatures are used to accelerate diffusive release to an extent that would only be reached after very long times at lower
long times, provided that the leaching mechanism does not change with temperature.
1.2.1 Tests can be conducted at elevated temperatures to accelerate diffusive release and provide a mechanistic basis for
calculating diffusive releases that would occur at lower temperatures over long times. Tests conducted at high temperatures allow
the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient to be determined. They also demonstrate that the diffusion mechanism is
rate-limiting through the measured extent of diffusive release.
1.2.2 Releases at any temperature can be projected up to the highest cumulative fractional release value that has been measured
for that material (at any temperature), provided that the mechanism does not change. The mechanism is considered to remain
unchanged over a range of temperatures if the diffusion coefficients show Arrhenius behavior over that range.
NOTE1—The computer program and the models are briefly described in 1—A computer program in which the test results are evaluated using three
diffusion models is briefly described in Annex A1 and in the Accelerated Leach Test Method and User’s Guide for the “ALT” Computer Program (12).
The data are fit with model equations for diffusion from a semi-infinite solid, diffusion from a finite cylinder, and diffusion with partitioning of the species
This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C26 on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.07 on Waste Materials.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1995. Published April 1996.
Current edition approved Dec

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