Standard Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic Testing

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ASTM A340-03a(2011) - Standard Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic Testing
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:A340 −03a(Reapproved 2011)
Standard Terminology of
Symbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic Testing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A340; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
In preparing this glossary of terms, an attempt has been made to avoid, where possible, vector
in the field of magnetic testing. In some cases, rigorous treatment has been sacrificed to secure
simplicity, but it is believed that none of the definitions will prove to be misleading.
It is the intent of this glossary to be consistent in the use of symbols and units with those found in
ANSI/IEEE 260-1978 and USA Standard Y10.5-1968.
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A06 on
Magnetic Properties and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A06.92 on
Terminology and Definitions.
Current edition approved May 1, 2011. Published August 2011. Originally
approved in 1949. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as A340–03a. DOI:
Part 1—Symbols Used in Magnetic Testing
Symbol Term ^ magnetomotive force
ff form factor
α cross-sectional area of B coil H magnetic field strength
A cross-sectional area of specimen ∆H excursion range of magnetic field strength
A' solid area H biasing magnetic field strength
B H coercive field strength
magnetic induction
H intrinsic coercive field strength
magnetic flux density
H coercivity
H demagnetizing field strength
∆B excursion range of induction H incremental magnetic field strength

H air gap magnetic field strength
B · biased induction
b g
B remanent induction H ac magnetic field strength (from an assumed
d L
peak value of magnetizing current
B remanence
H maximum magnetic field strength in a hyster-
B H energy product
d d m
(B H ) maximum energy product esis loop
d d m
H maximum magnetic field strength in a flux-
B incremental induction
∆ max
B intrinsic induction current loop
H ac magnetic field strength (from a measured
B maximum induction in a hysteresis loop
m p
B maximum induction in a flux current loop peak value of exciting current)
H instantaneous magnetic field strength (coinci-
B residual induction
r t
B retentivity dent with B )
H ac magnetic field strength force (from an as-
B saturation induction
sumed peak value of exciting current)
cf crest factor
I ac exciting current (rms value)
CM cyclically magnetized condition
I ac core loss current (rms value)
d lamination thickness c
I constant current
D demagnetizing coefficient
I ac magnetizing current (rms value)
df distortion factor m
D magnetic dissipation factor J magnetic polarization
k' coupling coefficient
E exciting voltage
E induced primary voltage ! flux path length
! effective flux path length
E induced secondary voltage
! gap length
E flux volts g
+ (also φ N ) flux linkage
f cyclic frequency in hertz
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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A340−03a (2011)
+ mutual flux linkage ∆χ incremental tolerance
L self inductance β hysteretic angle
L core inductance γ loss angle
L incremental inductance cos γ magnetic power factor

L intrinsic inductance γ proton gyromagnetic ratio
i p
L mutual inductance Γ magnetic constant
m m
L initial inductance δ density
L series inductance κ susceptibility
L winding inductance ac Permeabilities:
m magnetic moment µ ideal permeability
M magnetization µ inductance permeability
m total mass of a specimen µ L incremental inductance permeability

m active mass of a specimen µ initial dynamic permeability
1 0d
N demagnetizing factor µ peak permeability
D p
N turns in a primary winding µ incremental peak permeability
1 ∆p
N turns in a secondary winding µ instantaneous permeability
2 i
N I/! ac excitation µ impedance permeability
1 1 z
p magnetic pole strength µ incremental impedance permeability
3 permeance dc Permeabilities:
P active (real) power µ normal permeability
P apparent power µ absolute permeability
a abs
P specific apparent power µ differential permeability
a (B;f) d
P total core loss µ incremental permeability
c ∆
P specific core loss µ effective circuit permeability
c (B;f) eff
P incremental core loss µ intrinsic permeability
c∆ i
P normal eddy current core loss µ incremental intrinsic permeability
e ∆i
P incremental eddy current core loss µ maximum permeability
∆e m
P normal hysteresis core loss µ initial permeability
h 0

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