ASTM E552-95
(Test Method)Test Method for Efficacy of Acute Mammalian Predacides (Withdrawn 2000)
Test Method for Efficacy of Acute Mammalian Predacides (Withdrawn 2000)
1.1 This test method covers the effectiveness of predacides. Any test method covering the use of a predacide should include recognition that the ultimate test for efficacy is whether it functions as an effective management tool under range conditions. While laboratory or pen data are both necessary and useful, vital determination must be under actual use conditions. There is no standard laboratory animal. This test method attempts to balance the necessary and the feasible in making such an evaluation.
1.2 Research in this field in the United States is primarily associated with government funding, because of low-economic incentives and intensive regulation. Such factors periodically change without reference to science.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: E 552 – 95 An American National Standard
Standard Test Method for
Efficacy of Acute Mammalian Predacides
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 552; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Vertebrate animal control as a science is very primitive, lacking many of the research tools and
procedures which are well established in other biological areas. Indeed the field still remains more of
an art or skill highly dependent upon field experience usually garnered by trial and error. This is
particularly true in dealing with the higher forms that are neither domestic nor commensal. All are
capable of elementary reason as well as learned behavior patterns. Thus pesticidal work with these
forms has been very difficult and in some areas impossible to standardize. However, the committee
recognizes that the effort to do so must be made both to improve the science related and to provide
some reasonable safeguards for legitimate environmental concerns. A major concern relates to
countries or regions with severe problems from depredating mammalian predators. While United
States research may seem to exceed the care of this test method, the committee desires to continue to
validate this basic document as a point of established beginning.
1. Scope E 758 Test Method for Mammalian Acute Percutaneous
1.1 This test method covers the effectiveness of predacides.
E 1291 Test Method for Conducting a Saturated Vapor
Any test method covering the use of a predacide should include
Inhalation Study with Rats
recognition that the ultimate test for efficacy is whether it
E 1373 Test Method for Conducting a Subchronic Inhala-
functions as an effective management tool under range condi-
tion Toxicity Study in Rats
tions. While laboratory or pen data are both necessary and
useful, vital determination must be under actual use conditions.
3. Laboratory Testing
There is no standard laboratory animal. This test method
3.1 Efforts must be taken to establish routine procedures and
attempts to balance the necessary and the feasible in making
approaches for all test animals. All undue stress should be
such an evaluation.
avoided; since stress alone can cause mortality, particularly in
1.2 Research in this field in the United States is primarily
wild-caught specimens.
associated with government funding, because of low-economic
3.2 All target species must be tested (see Practice E 555).
incentives and intensive regulation. Such factors periodically
3.3 Animal Selection:
change without reference to science.
3.3.1 Test animals should be laboratory-reared or captured
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
from wild environments.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.3.2 Test animals should be adult. The age and weight of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
test animals will vary, but should not include aged, emaciated,
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
nor injured specimens. Leg injury from capture should be
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
stabilized. The general condition of the test animals should be
2. Referenced Documents validated by a competent individual, preferably a veterinarian.
3.3.3 Behavioral and physiological differences between
2.1 ASTM Standards:
sexes may require the separation of test results by sex.
E 555 Practice for Determining Acute Oral LD50 for Test-
3.4 Pretest Conditioning:
ing Vertebrate Control Agents
3.4.1 Wild-caught animals should be maintained in captivity
for a sufficient time to allow them to become acclimated to
captive conditions.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-35 on 3.4.2 Cage or pen specifications vary of necessity. The type
Pesticides and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E 35.17 on Vertebrate
of cage or pen used should allow sufficient freedom of
Control Agents.
movement so as not to provide additional stress to the
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1995. Published January 1996. Originally
individual or group of test animals prior to the test.
published as E 552 – 75. Last previous edition E 552 – 75 (1989).
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.05.
3.4.3 Diet and general condition should be stabilized for a
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 552
minimum of 28 days prior to testing. the fumigant-laden air. Then hold the animals 7 days for
3.4.4 Laboratory-reared and acclimated wild-caught ani- observation, if not moribund. Then sacrifice them and examine
mals should be maintained for 7 days in the type of pen or cage for both gross and microscopic degenerative changes in body
that is used for the test. organs. Through repetitive tests, an LD50 will be obtained
3.5 Animal Numbers Required for Testing—The number of either in separate or group cage tests. Fumigant chambers at
test animals will vary according to the test, statistical method, humane societies may be adapted to fulfill the requirements for
and availability. Juvenile test animals may be required in some large animals.
tests, but should not replace adults, unless specified. Final
4.4 Chronic—Administer sublethal doses of the acute toxi-
laboratory tests must be made with all target species since
cant to adult rats and twelve adult target species daily for a
interspecific data may not be transposable (7.1).
30-day period. Routes of administration should be identical
3.6 Observations—Observations should be made on all
with the ones which are used under field application. Use three
parameters likely to be affected by the test, but should always
or more dose levels. The highest dose should produce definite
include mortality, intoxication symptoms, induced behavioral
signs of toxicity. A lower dose should not produce any
abnormalities, and recovery period.
significant adverse physiological, biochemical, or morphologi-
3.7 Pathological Examination—All animals that are af-
cal effects. Use test animals which are evenly divided by sex,
fected or die as a result of treatment should be examined for
if possible. Post any animals dying during the course of the test
gross pathological and histological changes. Similar examina-
for degenerative organ changes and gross pathology. Sacrifice
tions of unaffected survivors are also usually desirable.
all animals on the 31st day and evaluate gross anatomical
3.8 Analysis of Data—Data from all species should be
changes or abnormalities.
presented with accompanying narrative. Statistical treatment
4.5 Secondary:
alone may convey invalid conclusions.
4.5.1 Test for secondary hazards in the following way. Feed
a predatory or scavenger animal a prey species given a known
4. Toxicity
quantity of chemical to observe whether the chemical causes
4.1 Acute Oral:
any deleterious effects on the predator or scavenger.
4.1.1 The acute oral LD50 should be established by stan-
4.5.2 Expose individual animals of one or more target
dard toxicological procedures (see Practice E 555) in male
species to the chemical under simulated field conditions.
laboratory rats and should precede intensive testing on the
Animals killed in this manner are then exclusively offered ad
target species. Consider the target species as the standard
libitum to the predator or scavenger species for a period of at
laboratory animal.
least 7 days. Use appropriate avian and mammalian predators
4.1.2 Establish oral toxicity (LD50) by administration of the
which should include at least one species of bird raptor as well
chemical to a minimum of twelve animals of each target
as the domestic dog or domestic cat, or both. Additionally, tests
species, consisting of six males and six females, all sexually
with prey species killed by measured doses of toxicant may be
adult. None of the females should be observably pregnant.
Administer the chemical after the upper digestive tract is void
4.5.3 Conduct replications on all tests when evidence of
of food. In mammals, this generally requires a minimum of 4
secondary hazard exists. Sacrifice and autopsy all test preda-
tory or scavenger animals for gross pathological change at the
4.2 Dermal:
conclusion of the test period.
4.2.1 Establish dermal toxicity using laboratory rats, ac-
cording to the methods described by Draize (1955). If the
4.6 Non-Target Species—Test selected non-target species
LD50 of the toxicant falls below 200 mg/kg on rats or is
identically, with baits for each predacide. These routinely will
anticipated to be used against the target species as a dermal
include domestic dogs or cats, or both, and a scavenger bird.
toxicant even if only as an adjunct, then conduct dermal
toxicity studies on target species. Use a minimum of twelve test
5. Behavioral Modification
animals, six males and six females.
5.1 When testing for acute and chronic sublethal effects,
4.2.2 Test for irritant characteristics to eyes and skin on
make special observations to ascertain the possibility of
laboratory rabbits. If any evidence of skin or eye irritation
behavioral modification that might serve as vocal, chemical, or
develops, then test the target species. Methodology similar to
postural communication to the individuals of the target species.
tests with human cosmetics will suffice.
The ability of vertebrate animals to communicate warnings is
4.3 Inhalation—Test toxicants intended to act as fumigants
well documented. Such behavioral changes induced by suble-
for toxicity by inhalation. Use twelve test animals of each
thal or lethal amounts of toxicant could well affect the efficacy
target species, six adult males and six adult females, following
once it is tested under free-field conditions. Maintain notes on
similar tests with male laboratory rats. Methyl bromide or
any such behavioral changes. Conduct these observations in
HCN may be used as comparative standards in the same
conjunction with the preceding studies in Section 4.
4.3.1 Use a sealed or gas-tight test chamber of known and
6. Devices
measured air volume in which the test animal(s) can live for 10
min without severe oxygen depletion. Introduce a known 6.1 If devices are required for toxicant delivery, they must
quantity of the intended fumigant into the chamber and hold for be laboratory- and field-tested before being incorporated as
10 min. At the end of 10 min, introduce fresh air and evacuate part of a mortality-inducing system. Testing devices under
E 552
laboratory conditions is a restrictive environment for develop- by preparation of the baiting sites so that visitation and
ing efficacy data, although results of laboratory tests of devices consumption of baits can be determined on the basis of animal
can be indicative. tracks left at these sites. Such sites should be distributed
throughout representative portions of the study area. Data
7. Pharmacodynamics and Pathology
recorded should minimally include species visiting and con-
7.1 The following laboratory information is usually required
suming baits, number of baits consumed, and the rate of bait
before efficacy can be established and should supplement a disappearance. This procedure may require weeks of baiting to
statistical style of presentation (target species):
overcome wariness and daily monitoring may have to be
7.1.1 Latency period, altered. The timing and location of field tests are best planned
7.1.2 Poisoning symptoms,
so that weather conditions minimally influence results, and
7.1.3 Cause of death, treatment has the greatest effect on predator numbers. If the
7.1.4 Pathology (autopsy findings),
effect upon juvenile animals is desired, the test should be made
7.1.5 Mechanism of action, immediately following the denning season.
7.1.6 Metabolic fate of toxic material, and
9.1.2 Selectivity of a toxicant is dependent on the chemical
7.1.7 Specificity for age, sex, size, and climatic season.
nature of the compound itself, and on the method of applica-
tion. Maximum effort should therefore be placed on application
8. Palatability (Acceptance)
techniques with respect to the following: (a) differential
8.1 A standard placebo for testing acceptance in predatory
movement and spatial characteristics of the target and non-
or omnivorous animals does not exist because of the wide
target species; (b) selectivity of the carrier (bait, mechanical
variation in natural food habits and the wide disparity between
device, etc.); and (c) specific placement of the carrier in
naturally occurring foods and laboratory or commercially
relation to the behavioral and ecological characteristics of the
prepared kennel rations. Habituation and opportunity are as
target species. The selectivity of various application techniques
important in predator food habits as is relative availability.
can sometimes be determined (prior to the field testing of
Therefore, palatability should be tested using whatever stan-
toxicants) by varying the distribution of a carrier containing a
dard ration the caged animals are accustomed to eating. Thus,
dye marker instead of a toxicant with subsequent checks for the
in each test, the habituated ration will serve as the placebo for
presence of the dye in collected animals.
palatability tests of nontoxic materials.
9.1.3 Where the nature of the toxicant is such that fresh
8.2 Palatability tests should be made on a minimum of six
carcasses of dead animals can be recovered, autopsy and
adult males, six adult females not obviously pregnant, and six
residue analysis can be a helpful adjunct to the primary means
juveniles of the target species, if possible. The tests should be
of determining efficacy and selectivity.
free choice between the placebo and the subject materials in
9.1.4 Post treatment studies should include acquisition of
sufficient amount of each to be in excess of each animal’s
periodic population indexes to determine recovery rates of
minimum daily requirement. There should be no fasting of
target and non-target species (including compensatory in-
subject animals and the tests should be made at the regular
creases). However, it should be recognized that such indexes
feeding time.
are greatly influenced by seasonal differences in animal move-
8.3 Palatability studies on target species should be com-
ment and the influences of weather. Therefore, pretreatment
pleted prior to any field testing and are required for all
and post treatment indexes should be obtained at the same time
candidate predacide car
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