Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Acetate-Based Emulsion Adhesives

This specification covers polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl acetate copolymer resin emulsion adhesives suitable for use on wood, wood-based substrates, or plastic laminates. This does not cover the group of polyvinyl-based adhesives suitable for bonding flexible films. Adhesives are classified on the basis of water resistance at three performance levels, namely wet-use (Type 1), intermediate use (Type 2), and dry-use (Type 3). Adhesives shall conform to test requirements as performed under the following exposure conditions and treatments: dry shear at specified temperatures; two-cycle boil; 48-hour soak; humidity exposure; freeze-thaw stability; and storage life. Materials shall also adhere to physical properties such as density, nonvolatile matter, and pH.
1.1 This specification covers polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl acetate copolymer resin emulsion adhesives suitable for use on wood, wood-based substrates, or plastic laminates. It does not cover the group of polyvinyl-based adhesives which are suitable for bonding flexible films.
1.2 The adhesives are classified at three performance levels in accordance with water-resistance as shown in and . See Section for a description of the expected exposure conditions for each class of adhesive. See for a classification of typical end products that are manufactured using adhesives at the three performance levels covered by this specification.
1.3 The following index is provided as a guide to the test methods portion of this specification:SectionTests for Physical PropertiesViscosityDensity NonvolatilespH Tests for Adhesive BondBlock Shear Strength, CompressionPlywood Shear Tests
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parenthesis are for information purposes only.
1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Sections 9 and 10, of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D4317-98(2004) - Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Acetate-Based Emulsion Adhesives
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D4317 – 98 (Reapproved 2004)
Standard Specification for
Polyvinyl Acetate-Based Emulsion Adhesives
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4317; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
This specification is a replacement for Federal Specification MMM-A-180C, Class B, August 6,
1979,Adhesive,VinylAcetate Resin Emulsion, which superseded MMM-A-193C, October 26, 1967.
market, in addition to the less water-resistant ones formerly covered by the Federal Specification.
1. Scope This standard does not purport to address all of the safety
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
1.1 This specification covers polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
wood, wood-based substrates, or plastic laminates. It does not
limitations prior to use.
cover the group of polyvinyl-based adhesives which are
suitable for bonding flexible films.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 The adhesives are classified at three performance levels
2.1 ASTM Standards:
in accordance with water-resistance as shown in Table 1 and
D905 Test Method for Strength Properties of Adhesive
Table 2. See Section 5 for a description of the expected
Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading
D906 Test Method for Strength Properties of Adhesives in
for a classification of typical end products that are manufac-
Plywood Type Construction in Shear by Tension Loading
tured using adhesives at the three performance levels covered
D907 Terminology of Adhesives
by this specification.
D1084 Test Methods for Viscosity of Adhesives
1.3 The following index is provided as a guide to the test
D1490 Test Method for Nonvolatile Content of Urea-
methods portion of this specification:
Formaldehyde Resin Solutions
D1875 TestMethodforDensityofAdhesivesinFluidForm
Tests for Physical Properties 9
D2556 Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives
Viscosity 9.1.1
Density 9.1.2 Having Shear-Rate-Dependent Flow Properties
Nonvolatiles 9.1.3
E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
pH 9.1.4
E70 Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions With the
Tests for Adhesive Bond 10
Block Shear Strength, Compression 10.2 Glass Electrode
Plywood Shear Tests 10.3
2.2 Federal Standards:
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
PPP-C-96 Cans, Metal, 28-Gauge and Lighter
standard. The values given in parenthesis are for information
PPP-D-723 Drums, Fiber
purposes only.
PPP-D-729 Drums,ShippingandStorage,Steel,55gal(208
1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the
test method portion, Sections 9 and 10, of this specification:
For referenced standards, visit the website,, or contact Customer
ThisspecificationisunderthejurisdictionofCommitteeD14onAdhesivesand Service at For Annual Book of Standards volume information, refer
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D14.30 on Wood Adhesives. to the standard’s Document Summary page on the website.
Current edition approved April 1, 2004. Published April 2004. Originally Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D4317–98. DOI: Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http://
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D4317 – 98 (2004)
TABLE 1 Test Requirements
Test Requirement, Required Tests
Test Section Number
min, psi (kPa)
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Block shear (compression) dry at 75°F (24°C) 10.2 2800 (19 306) X X X
Plywood (tension):
dry at 75°F (24°C) 400 (2 758) X X X
dry at 160°F (71.1°C) or 250 (1 724) X X X
Two-cycle boil see Table 2 X
48-h soak 250 (1 724) X X
Humidity exposure 250 (1 724) X
Freeze-thaw stability optional optional optional
Storage life X X X
Or 40 % of dry value at 75°F (24°C), whichever is larger.
Testing and certification for freeze-thaw stability is optional. To classify a test adhesive as freeze-thaw stable, test an initial lot of the adhesive brand in accordance
with 6.2 and
Testing of an initial lot of the adhesive brand in accordance with 6.3 and is required.
TABLE 2 Test Requirements (Continued)
4. Significance and Use
Type I Test Requirement Two-Cycle Boil
4.1 This specification addresses the need for a set of testing
Average Failing Load, psi ( (Minimum Wood Failure, %)
A procedures that demonstrates the difference in physical prop-
(kPa) Average of All Individual
Specimens Specimen
erties and in adhesive bonding properties among the many
Under 250 (1724) 50 25
available polyvinyl acetate-based adhesives. Because of the
250 to 350 (1724 to 2413) 30 10
diverse nature of the end products bonded with these adhe-
Above 350 (2143) 15 10
sives, testing in compliance with this specification can only
See Table 9 in Interim Voluntary Product Standard for Hardwood and Deco-
rative Plywood, HP-1, 1993. evaluate the adhesive tested under a given set of conditions.
in the report in order to give information on certain handling
and working properties. The adhesive bonding properties are
2.3 Military Standard:
measured by tests performed on maple block specimens and
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
birch plywood specimens, prepared and tested in accordance
with Test Methods D905 and D906, respectively. The test
3. Terminology
requirements are based on knowledge within the industry of
3.1 Definitions—Many terms in this specification are de-
values which may be expected. Test Methods D905 and D906
fined in Terminology D907.
have a long history of use as a basis for many specifications.
3.1.1 emulsion, n—a two-phase liquid system in which
4.2 This specification does not describe the end-use prod-
ucts for which each class of adhesive is acceptable, but it does
in, and are dispersed uniformly throughout, a second continu-
describe the general exposure conditions for which each class
ous liquid phase (the external phase).
will perform in a satisfactory manner. See Appendix X1. Discussion—The internal phase is sometimes de-
5. Classification of Adhesive Performance
scribed as the disperse phase.
3.1.2 latex, n—astabledispersionofpolymericsubstancein
5.1 For purposes of this specification, adhesives are classi-
an essentially aqueous medium.
fied on the basis of water resistance at three performance
3.1.3 polyvinyl acetate emulsion adhesive, n—a latex adhe-
levels, wet-use, intermediate use, and dry-use:
sive in which the polymeric portion comprises polyvinyl
5.1.1 Type 1, Wet Use—An adhesive passing Type 1 test
acetate, copolymers based mainly on polyvinyl acetate, or a
requirements as given in Table 1 and Table 2, and having
mixture of these, and which may contain modifiers and
high-water resistance, capable of producing sufficient
secondary binders to provide specific properties.
adhesive-joint strength and durability to make the bonded
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
product serviceable under conditions in which the equilibrium
3.2.1 adhesive designation—an adhesive that is manufac-
moisture content (EMC) of the wood may be 16% to a
tured by a unique combination of raw materials and process,
maximum of 21% for short periods of time, and where the
that conforms to a given set of physical and performance
temperature may reach levels as high as 71°C (160°F) (at
properties, and is identified by a specific name, number, or
times) during service. This adhesive will withstand most
alphanumeric designation.
outdoor conditions, such as repeated soakings. It is not,
3.2.2 lot—adhesive manufactured at one place from the
however, suitable for marine conditions where immersion
same batch or blend of raw materials subjected to the same
would be continual. As tested in this specification, a Type 1
operation and conditions.
adhesive is water-resistant, but not necessarily waterproof.
3.2.3 assembly—See adhesive assembly in Terminology
5.1.2 Type 2, Intermediate Use—An adhesive passing Type
2 test requirements as given in Table 1, and having good
NOTE 1—In this specification, the maple block lamination in Test
strength and durability to make the bonded products service-
Method D905 and the birch plywood construction in Test Method D906
are described as assemblies. able under interior or protected conditions in which there will
D4317 – 98 (2004)
be occasional intermittent exposure to wet conditions or high 9.1.1 Viscosity:
humidity and where the temperature may reach levels as high Bringtheadhesivesampleto25 60.5°C(77 61°F)
as 71°C (160°F) (at times) during service. and hold at this temperature during the viscosity reading. Test
5.1.3 Type 3, Dry Use—An adhesive passing Type 3 test inaccordancewithTestMethodsD1084,MethodB,exceptfor
requirements as given in Table 1, and capable of producing (1) temperature requirement, and (2) addition of Brookfield
sufficient adhesive-joint strength and durability to make the model LV to the list of acceptable viscometers in 6.1 of Test
bonded lumber product serviceable under normal interior Methods D1084.
service conditions where the relative humidity is not high and For adhesives requiring the addition of a catalyst,
doesnotfluctuatebetweenwidelimits,andwherethetempera- taketwoviscositymeasurementsofthetestadhesive(1) before
ture may reach levels as high as 71.1°C (160°F). the addition of the catalyst, and (2) after the addition of the
catalyst. Test in accordance with
6. Test Requirements
NOTE 2—Othertemperaturesmaybeuseduponagreementbetweenthe
6.1 To meet the requirements of this specification, subject
contracting parties, but the 60.5°C (61°F) tolerance must be observed.
the test adhesive to the tests in Section 9, and make the results
NOTE 3—Upon agreement between the contracting parties viscosity
may be tested and reported in accordance withTest Method D2556, using
the Brookfield synchrolectric viscometer specified in Test Methods
meet the requirements of the tests described in Section 10 and
D1084, Method B.
listed inTable 1 andTable 2, for the adhesive classification for
which it is to be certified.
9.1.2 Density—Measure the density of the adhesive in
6.2 Testing for freeze-thaw stability is optional. In order to
accordance with Test Method D1875 and report as weight per
certify that an adhesive brand meets the requirements for
gallon in pounds.
freeze-thaw stability, test an initial lot in accordance with
9.1.3 Nonvolatiles—Determine the nonvolatile content of All test requirements shall be passed for the appli-
the adhesive in accordance with Test Method D1490.
cable adhesive classification. Following this initial test, certi- For adhesives requiring the addition of a catalyst,
measure the nonvolatiles of the adhesive without catalyst.
manufacturer’s certification.
NOTE 4—Test Method D1490 covers the determination of the nonvola-
6.3 To meet the storage life requirements, test an initial lot
tile content of urea-formaldehyde resin; however, the procedure given is
of the adhesive brand in accordance with All test
applicable to polyvinyl acetate adhesives.
requirements shall be passed for the applicable adhesive
9.1.4 pH—Bringtheadhesiveto25 60.5°C(77 61°F)and
classification. Following this initial test, certification for this
determine the pH in accordance with Test Method E70.
10. Tests for Adhesive Bond
7. Retest and Rejection
10.1 For all tests, select equipment that complies with
Practices E4.
7.1 When a specimen fails at a load less than that specified,
the failure taking place 50% or more in the wood, disregard 10.2 Block Shear Strength (Compression):
10.2.1 Prepare the test specimens in accordance with Test
of the test specimens for any one test condition are discarded Method D905, using the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions
for conditions and procedures for preparing the adhesive,
for this reason, repeat the test.
7.2 If the results of any initial test do not conform to the applying it to the stock, and for assembling, pressing, and
curing the joint. Use a two-week curing period unless other-
an additional set of specimens made from the same lot of wise instructed by the adhesive manufacturer.
10.2.2 Number of Test Specimens—Test 20 test specimens
adhesive, each of which conforms to the requirements speci-
representing at least four joints.
fied. If this set of specimens fails to meet the requirements,
10.2.3 Cured (Dry) Test—Following the prescribed condi-
reject the lot.
tioning period for the assembly being tested, bring one test
8. Sampling
group of 20 test specimens to 8 6 1% moisture content (MC)
and test in accordance withTest Method D905.Apply the load
8.1 Take a 2-L(2-qt) sample of adhesive that is representa-
tive of the lot to be tested. Place 1 L qt of the adhesive in a through a self-aligning seat to ensure uniform lateral distribu-
tion of the load, except apply the load with a continuous
wide-mouth, glass, 1-L (1-qt) container and seal tightly. Use
for all tests with the exception of freeze-thaw stability motion of the movable loading head at a rate of 12.7 mm (0.5
in.)/min (610%).
(, and storage life ( For the initial test only,
to provide samples for testing these two properties, divide the 10.2.4 Calculation—Calculate the shear stress at failure in
kilopascals (kPa) or pounds per square inch (psi), based on the
second quart 1-L (1-qt) equally and use half for freeze-thaw
stability and half for storage

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