ASTM D1465-90(1995)e1
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Blocking and Picking Points of Petroleum Wax
Standard Test Method for Blocking and Picking Points of Petroleum Wax
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the blocking point and picking point of petroleum wax.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or
withdrawn. Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: D 1465 – 90 (Reapproved 1995) An American National Standard
Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry
Suggested Method T 652
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Test Method for
Blocking and Picking Points of Petroleum Wax
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1465; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This test method was prepared jointly by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry and the American Society for Testing
and Materials.
e NOTE—Section 14 was added editorially in June 1995.
1. Scope width is disrupted (50 % blocking point) are noted. The
temperatures of corresponding points on the blocking plate are
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the block-
reported as the picking point and blocking point or blocking
ing point and picking point of petroleum wax.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
5. Significance and Use
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
5.1 Blocking of waxed paper, because of the relatively low
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
temperatures at which it may occur, can be a major problem to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
the paper-coating industry. For example, when the waxed
surfaces in a roll of waxed paper stick together, upon separa-
2. Referenced Documents
tion the surface films are marred and the glossy finish is
2.1 ASTM Standards:
destroyed. The wax picking point and the wax blocking point
D 87 Test Method for Melting Point of Petroleum Wax
indicate an approximate temperature range at or above which
(Cooling Curve)
waxed surfaces in contact with each other are likely to cause
D 2423 Test Method for Surface Wax on Waxed Paper or
surface film injury.
6. Apparatus
E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers
6.1 Wax Coating Device—Any manual- or machine-driven
3. Terminology
waxer that gives uniform coatings of the desired weights to a
3.1 Definitions: strip of paper not less than 51 mm (2 in.) wide.
3.1.1 wax blocking point—the lowest temperature at which 6.2 Trimming Board, or other device for cutting paper strips.
film disruption occurs across 50 % of the waxed paper surface 6.3 Paper Scales, sensitive to 0.002 g, or suitable balance
when the test strips are separated. for measuring basis weights of unwaxed and waxed paper.
3.1.2 wax picking point—the temperature at which the first 6.4 Blocking Plate Assembly, consisting of a metal plate 305
film disruption occurs on the waxed paper when test strips are mm (12 in.) wide, 13 to 51 mm ( ⁄2 to 2 in.) thick, and 559 to
separated. 914 mm (22 to 36 in.) long. It is heated at one end and cooled
at the other end to provide a 457 to 762-mm (18 to 30-in.) test
4. Summary of Test Method
section having an average temperature gradient of 0.8 to 2.2°C
(1.5 to 4.0°F)/in. The temperature gradient across the width of
4.1 Paper test specimens are coated with the wax sample,
the plate from the longitudinal axis to 25 mm (1 in.) from the
folded with the waxed surfaces together, and placed on a
edge must not exceed 0.3°C (0.5°F). The temperature at any
blocking plate. The plate is heated at one end and cooled at the
point should not vary more than 0.3°C (0.5°F). Details of two
other end to impose a measured temperature gradient along its
acceptable blocking plates are given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
length. After a conditioning period on the plate, the specimens
6.4.1 Eight Foam Rubber Strips,25to38mm(1to1 ⁄2 in.)
are removed, unfolded, and examined. The points of initial film
1 1
wide by 6 to 13 mm ( ⁄4 to ⁄2 in.) thick, extending the length
disruption (picking point) and where 50 % of the specimen
of the test section on the blocking plate.
6.4.2 Eight Sets of Steel Weights, 25 by 25 mm (1 by 1 in.)
1 in cross section made from stock having a density range from
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on
3 3
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee 7800 to 8000 kg/m (0.28 to 0.29 lb/in ). The weights may be
D02.10.0A on Physical and Chemical Properties.
in single lengths or in sections to give sets equaling the length
Current edition approved April 27, 1990. Published June 1990. Originally
of the test section of the blocking plate.
published as D 1465–57 T. Last previous edition D 1465–80 (1985) .
6.5 Temperature Recorder, or indicator for measuring the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.03. temperature gradient of the blocking plate. The instrument and
D 1465
FIG. 1 Type A Blocking Plate
FIG. 2 Type B Blocking Plate
thermocouples when calibrated shall consistently be accurate the waxing device used.
to 6 0.3°C (0.5°F).
6.6 Thermometers—For water bath and wax bath on the 9. Standardization of Apparatus
waxing device, use two ASTM Tag Closed Tester Thermom-
9.1 Turn the blocking plate on with all sponge rubber strips
eters having a range from −5 to 110°C (20 to 230°F), graduated
and metal blocks in position. Allow sufficient time (3 h
in 1°F subdivisions, and conforming to Thermometer 9C or 9F
minimum) for the plate to reach an equilibrium temperature
as prescribed in Specification E 1.
7. Test Paper 9.2 Calibrate a 30-gage “test” thermocouple as follows:
Heat a beaker of water to about 43.3°C (110°F) and measure its
7.1 Paper—Cereal glassine of basis weight 46 to 51 g/m
temperature with a standardized thermometer which is accurate
(28.5 to 31.5 lb/3000 ft ).
to 0.3°C (0.5°F). Insert the “test” thermocouple in the water
8. Sampling
and measure the temperature with a manual potentiometer
8.1 Select a portion of the wax that is representative of the which is accurate to at least6 0.5°C (61°F). A portable
whole sample. The amount required will depend on the size of precision type potentiometer or a type K potentiometer, both of
D 1465
which are accurate to at least 0.5°F (0.3°C) in this temperature 11. Procedure
range, is preferred.
11.1 The blocking plate may be left on continuously. If
9.3 Lay the calibrated “test” thermocouple across the width
starting with a cold plate, allow at least 3 h for the plate to heat
of the plate with its junction directly over one of the imbedded
up and reach an equilibrium condition with the pads and
thermocouples. Be sure that one of the sponge rubber strips
weights in place. Check the temperature recorder to be sure the
covers the junction completely. Replace the weights on the
plate is at the desired temperature.
rubber strips. After 3 to 4 min, note the temperature readings on
11.2 The blocking plates have room for seven or eight rows
the hand potentiometer and the corresponding point on the
of specimens across the plate. Fol
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