Standard Specification for Cell-Type Oven with Controlled Rates of Ventilation

This specification covers the general and design requirements for two types of cell-type ovens based on their rates of ventilation, for determining loss in weight or changes in properties of materials on heating at elevated temperatures. This specification takes into account the fact that chamber geometry, rate of ventilation, and temperature each affect the rate of loss of volatile constituents from a material, or the rate of change in other properties. Hence, this oven is recommended whenever the results are dependent on the time and temperature of heating, the amount of ventilation, or both.
1.1 This specification covers the general requirements of a cell-type oven with controlled rates of ventilation for determining loss in weight or changes in properties of materials on heating at elevated temperatures. These specifications take into account the fact that chamber geometry, rate of ventilation, and temperature each affect the rate of loss of volatile constituents from a material, or the rate of change in other properties. This oven is recommended whenever the results are dependent on the time and temperature of heating, the amount of ventilation, or both. It is assumed that specific requirements such as specimen shape and dimensions, rate of ventilation, time, and temperature will be included in the applicable material specifications or test methods. Ovens meeting these specifications have been found useful for determination of plasticizer loss in plastics, and for controlled aging of elastomers and plastics.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.

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ASTM E95-68(2006) - Standard Specification for Cell-Type Oven with Controlled Rates of Ventilation
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Designation: E95 – 68 (Reapproved 2006)
Standard Specification for
Cell-Type Oven with Controlled Rates of Ventilation
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E95; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ventilation is adequate to avoid stagnation at the surface of the
specimens, as would be caused, for example, by high rates of
1.1 This specification covers the general requirements of a
diffusion of volatile constituents through the body of the
cell-type oven with controlled rates of ventilation for deter-
mining loss in weight or changes in properties of materials on
3.2 Oven types are classified as follows:
heating at elevated temperatures.These specifications take into
Type Ventilation Rate, m/min
account the fact that chamber geometry, rate of ventilation, and
LV 0.25 to 25
temperature each affect the rate of loss of volatile constituents
HV 100 to 250
from a material, or the rate of change in other properties. This
4. Requirements
oven is recommended whenever the results are dependent on
the time and temperature of heating, the amount of ventilation,
4.1 The oven shall consist of one or more cylindrical cells,
or both. It is assumed that specific requirements such as
each having a minimum diameter of 35 mm (1.4 in.) and a
specimen shape and dimensions, rate of ventilation, time, and
minimum length of 300 mm (12 in.). The cells shall be
temperature will be included in the applicable material speci-
mounted in a thermostatically controlled, heat-transfer me-
fications or test methods.
dium: for example, an aluminum block, a liquid bath, or a
circulating-air oven. The cells shall not be constructed of
NOTE 1—Ovens meeting these specifications have been found useful
copper or a copper alloy.
for determination of plasticizer loss in plastics, and for controlled aging of
4.2 The design of the oven shall be such that heated air
elastomers and plastics.
enters one end of the cell and is exhausted from the other end
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
of it without being recirculated. In order to prevent cross-
as the standard.
migration of volatile constituents contained in the specimens
being tested, air passing over a specimen in one cell shall not
2. Referenced Documents
2 come in contact with specimens in other cells.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.3 Air entering the cells shall have been filtered and
D1870 Practice for Elevated Temperature Aging Using a
preheated to within 1°C of the specified temperature for the
Tubular Oven
space occupied by the specimen. The design shall also permit
3. Types the cells to be cleaned easily after each test.
4.4 Provisionshallbemadeformeteringtheairflowthrough
3.1 Ovens are classified according to ventilation rate within
each cell within 610 % of any desired rate within the range of
the cells, provision being made for low (LV) and high (HV)
the particular type of oven. The air may be metered to each
ventilation rates. Thus, for materials showing low rates of
tube, or a single pressure-control device leading to a plenum
chamber may be used. If a plenum chamber is used, cells
necessity of providing the excessive heat input required by the
should be connected to it by passageways or orifices having
higher ventilation rate. It should, however, be established by
restrictions to assure the same rate of airflow to each cell. The
experiment when using the LV-type oven that the rate of
rate of flow may be measured on the entering air at room
temperature, if the proper factor is applied for the increase in
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee

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