ASTM E849-86
(Practice)Practice for Safety and Health Requirements Relating to Occupational Exposure to Asbestos (Withdrawn 1995)
Practice for Safety and Health Requirements Relating to Occupational Exposure to Asbestos (Withdrawn 1995)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
41 O.lgndon: E Ml - M
11111 R- St., Phll•delp/1111, I'll. 19103
Rtp!1nl9d from lh1 Annu•t BOOie al AS:rM S.ndard1. Ccpyrtghl ASTM
If na1 1ill9d In 1119 curr1n1 combln.c! lnellle, will IPPHr In th• n1111 ldlllon.
Standard Pn1ctlce for
•• Scope
laJing to Naturally Occurring /""'l"lfic Fi/Mn:
3.1.t Asbntifonn-a. special type of fibrous
I. J This practice js applic:able to oc:cupational
habit in which the 6ben are eeparable into thin.
exposura to ubestol including: minina. tDulina,
ner fibers and ultimately into fibrils. Thia blbit
tramporfadon, manuficturing, and product uiie
accounts for pater flexibility and bigbcr tcalile
(Note I).
strength than other habits of the •me minerll.
' Ncm I-For broad uses by c:atqory or ubeltot
The inc:rased flexibility and biaher 1CnlUe
containina prodllC'll, •Annex Al.
strength are, apparently', the lllOlt distinct prop
1.2 If the airborne fibrous partic:ulates can be
erties of asbestiform fibers.
pro~n to be patholoP:ally inert, such a in the
3.1.2 A.sbntOl-4. eollectiw mioeraJoak:ml
c11e of certain ubestos cement dusts, then thil
term that dacribel 1 ll'OUP of natunlly cxx:urrina
practice is not applij:able (I, 2).
inorp.nic. hiahly fibrous. silicate minemll, whidl
1.3 For occuional work that may involve in·
are easily separated into Iona, thin, taible fibers
tennittent expmure, an approved rapiratory
when crushed or piocn•d. This iacludel the
protector (meetina requirements llipuJated in
llbeltifonn varieties of: eerpeotiae (c:lu}IDCile);
5.4) lhaU be used and the other provisions of'tbis
riebeckite (crocidolite); grunerite (punerite •
ltlndard need not be applied. Sec
beltOI); anthophyllite (antbopbyllite asbmtol);
tremolite (tremolite asbestol); and actiaolite (ac
:z. Relereac:ed Docamenhl
tinolite ubestol) (92).
2.1 A.STM Srandanh:
D 135~ Practice for Plannina the Sampling of
Alillllol s-bNaar-
the Ambient Atmosphere'
cbqllltilc 12001.zt.s
D 2009 Rccommeildcd Prac:tice for Collection
cnx:idolite 12001.ZM
pu.nerilf . (mnallle) 12172-7.J.-'•
by F"altration and Determination of Mall,
aalllophJtlill.,. nsJM7_,.
Number, and Optic:al Sizina of AtmOlpberic:
tralaolile .
D 2946 Dellnitioos of Tams Jlclatinl to >.
04240 Tat Method for AiJtlome Albeltol
Conc:enll'ltion in w~ Atmolpilere'
2.2 ·ANSI Sltllllltutb:'
Z9.2 Fundamentals Oownina the DClian
anc1 Operatioo m Local Exhaust System
Z88.2 Prmka tor RespiJatory ~
3.T .
3.1 Mi"""""""' ~.JCripllOlll qf Tmn.r b-
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
3.1.J. l The nonubestifonn varieties of the pec:t ratio is considered to represent a reasonably
minerals indicated in 3.1.2 have different Chem lower limit for natun&lly occurring ubcatif'orm
ical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers. mineral fiben. Fibers of these dimensions can be
broken into parts of fiben that may maintain
Nore 1-The presence of an uterisk (") following
their same surface properties and activities. Such
a C AS rqistry number indicates that the reaistration is
for a substance that CAS does not treat in its rqular fiber fragments may, therefore, have to be
CA indeit processi11111 a unique chemic:al entity. Typ.
counted for atmospheric monitorina purposes.
ically, this OC:C:Ul"I when the material is one of variable
However, the definition of a fiber solely by its
composition, a bioJOlical mpuitm, a botanical entity,
aspect ratio is quite inadequate, since it is obvious
an oil or extract of plant or anim&I OJiain, er one that
includes some detcription of ~ysic:81 ll*iftcity, IUCh that particles of nonfibrou1 materials do not be
as morphology. ThcM matenall are being reaiatmd
come ubestol fibcra u their aspect ratio may
currently to support the 1ubltance identification needs
inc:reuc throuah comminution .ancf preferential
of federal regulatory qcncia. Ewnpiel of such rqifo
aYml cleavqe to fraamentcd aspect ratiOI of
tnti.ons in the mineral area are l3.Jl.2 l-t• Albeslol,
1332·'8-7• Kaolin, and 70892-S9-0" Montmorillonite, 5:1 or pater.
cmlcined. CAS reailtry numben that include an urerilk
3.2 Dncriptions of T~mu Sp«ific 10 This
will usually be found Indexed either in the CA pinenl
subject index or u incompletely defined derivatives or
3.2. I asP«t ratio-tlie ratio of the length of a
specific chemic:al subltanca in the CA chemical 1111>
stance index; the coa1espondin1 rqlilby number will fibroua particulate to its apparent width (equiv·
not be included u a J11rt of the index entry.
alcnt diameter).
NOT! 2-The juatif&eation for restrictin1 ubestOI to
3.2.2 monitorwl particulat~n ubestiform
iilicate miuerala may be quationable from the miner
particulate composed of fibrils, with an aspect
aqic:al Point or view u
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