ASTM F2067-00(2006)
(Practice)Standard Practice for Development and Use of Oil-Spill Trajectory Models
Standard Practice for Development and Use of Oil-Spill Trajectory Models
1.1 This practice describes the features and processes that should be included in an oil-spill trajectory and fate model.
1.2 This practice applies only to oil-spill models and does not consider the broader need for models in other fields. This practice considers only computer-based models, and not physical modeling of oil-spill processes.
1.3 This practice is applicable to all types of oil in oceans, lakes, and rivers under a variety of environmental and geographical conditions.
1.4 This practice does not address issues of computer operation. It is assumed that the user of this practice is familiar with the use of a computer and its operating systems.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation:F2067–00 (Reapproved 2006)
Standard Practice for
Development and Use of Oil-Spill Trajectory Models
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2067; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4. Modelling Methods
1.1 This practice describes the features and processes that 4.1 A typical model simulates the motion of oil on water,
should be included in an oil-spill trajectory and fate model. calculates the various weathering processes and considers the
1.2 This practice applies only to oil-spill models and does interaction of the oil with the shoreline. The input data needed
not consider the broader need for models in other fields. This by the model includes area maps, oil properties, and spatial and
practice considers only computer-based models, and not physi- temporal vectors of wind and ocean currents. In some models,
cal modeling of oil-spill processes. there are separate programs for advection and fate. In some
1.3 This practice is applicable to all types of oil in oceans, cases, the fate models calculate weathering on the total mass of
lakes, and rivers under a variety of environmental and geo- the oil rather than on individual particles.
graphical conditions. 4.2 The computer model calculates the fate of the oil using
1.4 This practice does not address issues of computer physical and chemical properties of the oil and weathering
operation. It is assumed that the user of this practice is familiar algorithms.
with the use of a computer and its operating systems. 4.3 The output of a model is a map showing oil-slick
locations as a function of time, and graphs and tables of the
2. Terminology
weathering of the oil.
2.1 Definitions: 4.4 Trajectory models operate in a number of modes;
2.1.1 trajectory model—a computer-based program that
predictive, stochastic and receptor.
predicts the motion and fate of oil on water as a function of 4.5 The output of the model is subject to errors, primarily
time. Input parameters include oil properties, weather, and
caused by errors in the input data from forecast winds and
oceanographic information. There are four different modes: predicted ocean currents. The model should include an esti-
forecast, hind cast, stochastic, and receptor.
mate of the magnitude of these errors.
3. Significance and Use 5. Input Modelling Parameters
3.1 During an oil-spill response, trajectory models are used 5.1 In order to generate a georeferenced output, it is
to predict the future movement and fate of oil (forecast mode).
necessary to have a suitable base map. This map should have
This information is used for planning purposes to position a resolution in the order of 100 metres near shore and 1 km in
equipment and response personnel in order to optimize a spill
the open ocean. The base-map data should be in a common
response. mapping format, for example MID/MIF, ARC, and DIF. The
3.2 Oil-spill trajectory models can be used in a statistical
map should be vector-based in order that the output can be
manner (stochastic mode) to identify the areas that may be scaled to be consistent with the extent of the trajectory. The
impacted by oil spills.
data on the map should be organized in layers, with ocean
3.3 In those cases where the degree of risk at various current, wind fields, and trajectory information available as
locations from an unknown source is needed, trajectory models
separate layers.
can be used in an inverse mode to identify possible sources of 5.2 The physical and chemical properties of the oil are
the pollution (receptor mode).
needed in order to calculate the weathering of the oil.This data
3.4 Oil-spill trajectory models are used in the development should be derived from readily available distillation data
of scenarios for training and exercises. The use of models
curves and other standard oil-industry crude descriptors. Cata-
allowsthescenariodesignertodevelopincidentsandsituations logues are available that include parameters used in oil-spill
in a realistic manner.
trajectory models. The need for the determination of special
parameters should be avoided where possible.
5.3 The spatial and temporal distribution of wind fields is
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F20 on Hazardous
required to drive the advection terms of the model. These wind
Substances and Oil Spill Response and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
fields should be input as a time series of vectors, with separate
F20.16 on Surveillance and Tracking.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2006. Published October 2006. Originally
inputs for each wind-data source. The modeling program
approved in 2000. Previously approved in 2000 as F 2067 – 00.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F2067–00 (2006)
should have methods to interpolate the data from the individual by the mode, then anomalous results are generated. The total
wind observations. In some cases, wea
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