ASTM D5393-97
(Test Method)Test Method for Determination of Fogging Characteristics of Vehicle Interior Trim Materials (Withdrawn 1998)
Test Method for Determination of Fogging Characteristics of Vehicle Interior Trim Materials (Withdrawn 1998)
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for determining the tendency of interior trim materials used in automobiles and other vehicles to produce a light-scattering film, which may be called fog film or fog, on a glass surface in a controlled environment.
1.2 Acceptance criteria for materials tested using this test method will be established by the specifications of those companies that implement this test method.
1.3 This procedure is applicable to the measurement of fog condensate on glass surfaces within the limits of the test conditions. This test will not measure or cannot measure accurately those cases in which:
1.3.1 The condensate's surface tension is low, resulting in early coalescing into a thin transparent film.
1.3.2 The condensate is present in such large quantity that the droplets coalesce and form a heavy oily/clear film on the glass surface. This heavy film would result in false glossmeter readings during the final evaluation.
1.3.3 The condensate is reactive within the vehicle environment or interactive with other volatiles in the vehicle not present in the test chamber.
1.4 All testing on compounds indicated herein is based on materials conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 + 2°C and 50 + 5% relative humidity for 24 h prior to any testing and tested under the same controlled conditions. Note 1-This standard and ISO 6452 are essentially equivalent.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Note 4 for a specific hazard statement.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: D 5393 – 97
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Test Method for
Determination of Fogging Characteristics of Vehicle Interior
Trim Materials
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5393; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope * bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Note 4 for a
specific hazard statement.
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for determining the
tendency of interior trim materials used in automobiles and
2. Referenced Documents
other vehicles to produce a light-scattering film, which may be
2.1 ASTM Standards:
called fog film or fog, on a glass surface in a controlled
D 523 Test Method for Specular Gloss
D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
1.2 Acceptance criteria for materials tested using this test
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
method will be established by the specifications of those
companies that implement this test method.
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
1.3 This procedure is applicable to the measurement of fog
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
condensate on glass surfaces within the limits of the test
2.2 ISO Standards:
conditions. This test will not measure or cannot measure
ISO 6452 Rubber and Plastic Coated Fabrics—
accurately those cases in which:
Determination of Windscreen Fogging Characteristics of
1.3.1 The condensate’s surface tension is low, resulting in
Organic Trim Materials in Motor Vehicles
early coalescing into a thin transparent film.
ISO 2813 Paints and Varnishes—Measurement of Specular
1.3.2 The condensate is present in such large quantity that
Gloss of Non-Metallic Paint Films at 20°, 60°, and 85°
the droplets coalesce and form a heavy oily/clear film on the
glass surface. This heavy film would result in false glossmeter
3. Terminology
readings during the final evaluation.
3.1 General—Definitions are in accordance with Terminol-
1.3.3 The condensate is reactive within the vehicle environ-
ogy D 883 and abbreviations with Terminology D 1600, unless
ment or interactive with other volatiles in the vehicle not
otherwise indicated.
present in the test chamber.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.4 All testing on compounds indicated herein is based on
3.2.1 fogging—the deposit of an undesirable light-scattering
materials conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 6 2°C
film on the interior glass surface of vehicles.
and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for 24 h prior to any testing
3.2.2 fogging number—the quotient in percent from a 60°
and tested under the same controlled conditions.
glossmeter value of a glass plate with fogging condensate and
NOTE 1—This standard and ISO 6452 are essentially equivalent.
the 60° glossmeter value of a glass plate without the conden-
1.5 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes
which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes
4. Summary of Test Method
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered
4.1 A glass plate is cleaned and its specular reflectance is
as requirements of the standard.
measured using a glossmeter. A test piece of the material is
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
placed on the bottom of a beaker. The beaker is placed in a
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
temperature-controlled heating unit. The cleaned glass plate is
placed upon the beaker with a silicone rubber seal so that any
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
volatile materials that migrate from the test piece will conden-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
sate upon its undersurface.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4.2 A cooling system is placed upon the glass plate to
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.15 on Thermoplastic Materi- Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
als. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Current edition approved July 10, 1997. Published April 1998. Originally Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street,
published as D 5393 – 93. Last previous edition D 5393 – 93. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
D 5393
control the condensate temperature. After a specified time the
glass plate is removed, and its specular reflectance is again
measured with the same glossmeter. The reflectance of the
fogged plate expressed as a percentage of reflectance of the
clean plate is reported as the fogging number. The fogging
number is used as a comparative ranking between materials.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Fogging is believed to be caused largely by the vapor-
ization of volatile ingredients from all materials within the
passenger compartment and their condensation on the cooler
glass surfaces. These volatile ingredients may come from the
polymer, lubricant, plasticizer, catalyst, stabilizer or other
additive used in the manufacture of interior trim materials or
components, or both.
5.2 Before proceeding with this test method, reference
should be made to the specification of the material being tested.
Any test specimen preparation, conditioning, dimensions,
and/or testing parameters covered in the materials specification
shall take precedence over those mentioned in this test method.
If there are no material specifications, then the default condi-
tions apply.
6. Apparatus and Reagents
6.1 Apparatus:
6.1.1 Suitable 60° Glossmeter meeting the requirements of
Test Method D 523 (see Section 6.2 of Test Method D 523).
NOTE 1—Actual equipment would consist of multiple chambers.
6.1.2 Heating Unit, temperature-controlled, with multiple
FIG. 1 Schematic of a Typical Chamber for Fog Testing
chambers and a typical temperature range from 60° to 120°C.
A temperature override cutout to prevent overheating in the
6.1.7 Silicone Rubber Seals as recommended by the manu-
event of thermostat failure can be employed.
facturer, with a diameter to match the beaker rim. The heating must be able to maintain the tempera-
6.1.8 Black Matte Surface for mounting the glass plates
ture desired to within 60.5°C.
during reflectance measurements. The matte surface shall have The test temperature should be attained prior to
specular reflectance readings of less than 0.5 gloss units when
starting the test and should be reattained within 20 min after the
measured with a 60° glossmeter.
beakers holding the samples are placed in the heating unit.
6.1.9 Suitable Microscope with a 400 3 magnification.
6.1.3 The temperature of the cooling system for the glass
6.2 Reagents:
plates must be maintained at 21 6 0.5°C during the test. The
6.2.1 Acetone, Ethyl Acetate, and Ethanol, certified ACS or
cooling plate, which is laid upon the glass plate, should be held
HPLC grade.
firmly in place to ensure a good seal for the test chamber.
6.2.2 Diisodecyl Phthalate, DIDP, or other suitable refer-
NOTE 2—See the listing of equipment sources in Appendix A.
ence material agreed upon by the testing parties.
6.2.3 Heat-Stabilized Liquid for the thermostatically con-
6.1.4 Heat-Resistant Glass Beakers as recommended by
trolled heating unit, if required.
the manufacturer are used as the sample chamber (see Fig. 1
6.2.4 Detergent, nonionic.
for a typical design).
6.2.5 Filter Paper, Whatman #1, 11-cm diameter.
6.1.5 Float Glass Plates, Windshield, or Residential
6.2.6 Lint-Free Cotton Cloth.
Window-Quality Glass must have the tin and non-tin surfaces
6.2.7 Lint-Free Laboratory Wipers, Kimwipes or equiva-
identified. The thickness and dimensions of the glass plates
shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. Glossmeter
readings on the cleaned glass plates shall be within 62 gloss
7. Specimen Preparation
units from plate to plate.
7.1 Cut at least 3 circular test pieces each with the specified
NOTE 3—The tin and non-tin surfaces of the glass plates can be
area 50 6 1cm (80 mm diameter) for Haake equipment (see
identified by viewing the surfaces in a darkened room under a UV light at
Appendix X1) or 27 6 1cm (58 mm diameter) for Hart
254 nm wavelength. The tin surface will fluoresce when it is exposed to
equipment (see Appendix X1) and not greater than 10 mm
the UV light.
6.1.6 Metal Rings having a uniform mass within 61 g and
made of a chromium-plated steel or other inert material with a
Available from Whatman Intn. Ltd., Maidstone, England or from Fisher
diameter to fit inside the beaker are used to hold the sample flat
Scientific, 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
on the bottom of that beaker. Available from Kimberly Clark Corp., Roswell, GA 30016.
D 5393
thick. Generally, the thicker materials are machined on the (DOP) should provide a fogging number of 32 6 3 % when tested for 6
h at a temperature of 90°C.
underside to 10 mm. This would not be possible with plush
carpets. For components with irregular surfaces, several pieces
8.2.3 An empty beaker can be run in the test to check the
cut to make up the required area may be used.
adequacy of the cleaning method. The control value should be
99 6 1 for fog number.
8. Procedure
8.2.4 During continuous use, run a control test run once
8.1 Cleaning:
every five testing periods. With intermittent use, it is recom-
8.1.1 Wash the glass plates with a cotton cloth and ethanol,
mended that a control DIDP be used for each test to ensure
acetone, or ethyl acetate, if necessary, to remove any heavy oil
proper equipment operation and to provide a daily check on the
repeatability of the testing. A laboratory dishwasher having a deionized-water-
8.3 Calibration:
rinse cycle may be used in place of the following manual
8.3.1 Calibrate the glossmeter according to the manufactur-
er’s instructions. Wash the glass plates with a solution of detergent
8.3.2 Place a cleaned glass plate on a black matte surface (as
and water, followed by a thorough water rinse. Rinse the plates
described in 6.1.8), and measure the gloss of the glass surface.
generously with acetone and lightly wipe off excess acetone
Take four readings at 90° rotations and calculate the average
with a lint-free wiper. Allow the glass surfaces to air-dry for 2
value. Record this value as R .
to 3 min. Inspect visually for streaking and general cleanliness.
8.3.3 It is recommended that the glass plates not be reused
Repeat acetone rinse or rewash if cleanliness is not acceptable.
since microscopic scratches may affect the rate of deposition of
NOTE 4—Due to the hazardous nature of some reagents, appropriate
any vapors and the resulting reproducibility of the test method.
clothing, gloves, and eye protection equipment should be worn. Consult
Discard any glass plates that have surface scratches or abraded
supplier’s Material Safety Data Sheets for further information.
NOTE 5—Optional cleaning verification steps: Check the surface energy
8.4 Exposure of Test Specimens:
of each plate with solutions and procedure found in Appendix X2. Surface
8.4.1 Place a test piece (see Section 7) into the bottom of a
tension can be used as a measure of uniformity of the cleaning procedure.
beaker with the side to be tested facing the bottom of the glass
8.1.2 Rinse the beakers thoroughly with ethanol, acetone, or
plate. Place a metal ring onto the test piece to prevent curling
ethyl acetate, if necessary, to remove any oils. Wash with a
of the test piece, resulting in nonuniform heating of the test
strong solution of detergent and water; rinse thoroughly with
piece. Multiple-piece samples should be laid as flat as possible
water. Use distilled or deionized water for a final rinse and dry
and held down with a metal ring.
for ⁄2 to1hat 100°C. If powders, pastes, or liquids are to be tested, place
8.1.3 Wash the silicone rubber seals and metal rings in a
a quantity of 10 6 0.2 g into the bottom of the beaker, ensuring
strong detergent solution, rinse with distilled or deionized
that the wall of the beaker is not moistened and that the test
water, and dry with a lint-free cloth.
specimen is evenly distributed over the bottom of the beaker.
8.1.4 If the beakers are not used immediately, store inverted Materials that may stick to the bottom of the beaker
on clean filter paper at room temperature. Glass plates should
may be placed in an aluminum-foil dish and the entire foil dish
be stored and separated in a dust-free environment until used;
set into the beaker. No metal ring need be used.
otherwise the plates should be recleaned before measurements
8.4.2 Cover the control test beaker (see 8.2.1) and the
are taken.
beaker containing the test piece with the silicone rubber seals,
8.1.5 Silicone rubber seals can become harbors of fogging
position the cleaned glass plates with the non-tin surface
materials. When high-deposit material is tested, special atten-
exposed toward the sample, and place in the heating unit.
tion should be given to cleaning the seals to avoid fugitive
8.4.3 Cover the glass plate with the cooling plate main-
material in later tests.
tained at 21°C. Maintain the previously determined tempera-
8.2 Control Test:
ture of the chamber for 3 h (see 8.2.2), and then carefully
8.2.1 Measure 10 6 0.2 g of diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) or
remove the cooling plate and glass plates from the top of the
other suitable reference material into a beaker, taking care to
avoid moistening the wall of the beaker with the DIDP. If the piece to be tested is a composite of dissimilar
8.2.2 This control test is carried out in parallel with the test
material, test both sides to determine the reflectance ratio.
on the trim material. The testing period is 3 h with a
Having established which side of the composite material has a
recommended heating unit temperature of 100°C. The DIDP
lower reflectance ratio (fog number), test this side in accor-
should provide a fogging number of 77 6 3. If the values
dance with 8.4.1.
obtained are outside this range, adjust the temperature of the
heating unit until the correct fogging number is obtained NOTE 7—A circle of new filter paper placed
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