ASTM D5879-95(2010)
(Practice)Standard Practice for Surface Site Characterization for On-Site Septic Systems
Standard Practice for Surface Site Characterization for On-Site Septic Systems
This practice should be used as the initial step for evaluating a site for its potential to support an on-site septic system and to determine the best location for subsurface observations as covered in Practice D5921.
This practice should be used by individuals involved with the evaluation of properties for the use of on-site septic systems. Such individuals may be required to be licensed, certified, or meet minimum educational requirements by the local or state regulatory authority. Generally, such individuals should be familiar with the appropriate regulatory requirements governing the design and placement of on-site septic systems for the area of the site being investigated, and at least some experience or training in geomorphology, soils, geology, and hydrology.
This practice is one step in the design of an on-site septic system that also includes subsurface characterization, see Practice D5921, staking and protection of the soil absorption or constructed filter bed area, see Practice D5925, selection of system type, and design of the system size and configuration. Typically, the same individual will perform the surface and subsurface characterization of a site. Local regulation and practice will determine whether the same individual is responsible for all steps in the process of locating and designing an on-site septic system. Effective surface and subsurface characterization of a site for on-site septic systems, however, requires some knowledge of the following for the county or state in which the site is located: (1) on-site septic system types typically used for different soil conditions, and (2) typical soil absorption/filter bed areas required for different wastewater flow rates and areal soil wastewater loading rates.
1.1 This practice covers procedures for the characterization of surface conditions at a site for evaluating suitability for an on-site septic system for disposal and treatment of wastewater. This practice provides a method for identifying potentially suitable areas for soil absorption of septic tank wastewater.
1.2 This practice can be used at any site where on-site treatment of residential and nonhazardous commercial wastewaters using septic tanks and natural soils or constructed filter beds is required or an option under consideration. This practice may also be useful when constructed wetlands are used as an alternative wastewater treatment method.
1.3 This practice should be used in conjunction with Practices D5921 and D5925.
1.4 This practice offers a set of instructions for performing one or more specific operations. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this practice may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D5879 − 95 (Reapproved 2010)
Standard Practice for
Surface Site Characterization for On-Site Septic Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5879; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope D5925 Practice for Preliminary Sizing and Delineation of
Soil Absorption Field Areas for On-Site Septic Systems
1.1 This practice covers procedures for the characterization
(Withdrawn 2005)
of surface conditions at a site for evaluating suitability for an
on-site septic system for disposal and treatment of wastewater.
3. Terminology
This practice provides a method for identifying potentially
3.1 clinometer, n—an instrument for measuring inclination,
suitable areas for soil absorption of septic tank wastewater.
as in topographic slope.
1.2 This practice can be used at any site where on-site
3.2 constructed filter bed, n—a material, usually of a sandy
treatment of residential and nonhazardous commercial waste-
texture, placed above or in an excavated portion of the natural
waters using septic tanks and natural soils or constructed filter
soil for filtration and purification of wastewater from an on-site
beds is required or an option under consideration.This practice
septic system.
may also be useful when constructed wetlands are used as an
3.3 on-site septic system, n—any wastewater treatment and
alternative wastewater treatment method.
disposal system that uses a septic tank or functionally equiva-
lent device for collecting waste solids and treats wastewater
1.3 This practice should be used in conjunction with Prac-
using natural soils, or constructed filter beds with disposal of
tices D5921 and D5925.
the treated wastewater into the natural soil.
1.4 This practice offers a set of instructions for performing
3.4 potentially suitable field area, n—the portions of a site
one or more specific operations. This document cannot replace
that remain after observable limiting surface features, such as
education or experience and should be used in conjunction
excessive slope, unsuitable landscape position, proximity to
water supplies, and applicable setbacks, have been excluded.
be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not
3.5 recommended field area, n—the portion of the poten-
intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which
tially suitable field area at a site that has been determined to be
the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged,
most suitable for an on-site septic system soil absorption field
nor should this document be applied without consideration of
or filter bed based on surface and subsurface observations.
a project’s many unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the
3.6 soil absorption area, n—an area of natural soil used for
title of this document means only that the document has been
filtration and purification of wastewater from an on-site septic
approved through the ASTM consensus process.
2. Referenced Documents 3.7 soil absorption field area, n—an area that includes soil
absorption trenches and any soil barriers between the trenches.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Also called a leachfield.
D5921 Practice for Subsurface Site Characterization of Test
3.8 soil absorption trench, n—an excavated trench, usually
Pits for On-Site Septic Systems
1.5 to 3 ft wide that receives wastewater for treatment. Also
called a lateral or leachline.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and
4. Summary of Practice
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.01 on Surface and
Subsurface Characterization. 4.1 This practice describes a procedure using existing infor-
Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published September 2010. Originally
mation about a site, simple field equipment, and visual obser-
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D5879 – 95 (2003).
vation for identifying and evaluating all significant conditions
DOI: 10.1520/D5879-95R10.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D5879 − 95 (2010)
at the surface of a site, including climate, vegetation, surveyor’s rod is used, a tripod for stabilizing the rod may also
topography, surface drainage, water sources, and human influ- be useful. Accurate measurement of distances requires a tape
ences (structures, property lines), that may affect the suitability measure (30 m or 100 ft), although for many investigations
for design and construction of an on-site septic system. The pacing may be adequate for measuring approximate distances.
procedure involves exclusion of areas that are unsuitable for
6.2 At some sites, surveying equipment may be required to
natural soil absorption or constructed filter beds as a result of
determine more definitively suitability for an on-site septic
topography, landscape position, and proximity to surface
system or to provide additional information at the design
drainage, water sources, and other limiting surface character-
stages. Examples of such situations include marginal sites
istics (structures, utilities, property lines). If no areas at a site
where accurate measurements of a recommended field area are
comply with applicable regulatory requirements, no additional
required to determine if the suitable area is large enough and
field investigations are required. This procedure also provides
sites where accurate topographic contours are required for
guidance on selection of the specific area or areas at a site for
engineering design of constructed filter beds. This practice
subsurface investigation as covered in Practice D5921.
does not address the use of surveying equipment for such
5. Significance and Use
7. Procedure
5.1 This practice should be used as the initial step for
evaluating a site for its potential to support an on-site septic
7.1 Preliminary Documentation—All readily available in-
system and to determine the best location for subsurface
formation about the site should be obtained and reviewed prior
observations as covered in Practice D5921.
to visiting the site.
7.1.1 A survey showing the boundaries of the site is the
5.2 This practice should be used by individuals involved
preferred method for locating the site because it can also serve
with the evaluation of properties for the use of on-site septic
as a base map for field observations.Alegal description of the
systems. Such individuals may be required to be licensed,
property can also be used to plot the site on other available
certified, or meet minimum educational requirements by the
maps or for drawing a sketch map of the site. A topographic
local or state regulatory authority. Generally, such individuals
survey with contour intervals of 1 to 5 ft will facilitate
preliminary identification of potentially suitable field areas and
governing the design and placement of on-site septic systems
final map preparation. Usually, such maps will not be available
for the area of the site being investigated, and at least some
unless the site is part of a larger planned subdivision.
experience or training in geomorphology, soils, geology, and
7.1.2 The following information concerning local or state
regulatory on-site septic system siting requirements should be
5.3 This practice is one step in the design of an on-site
available for field reference, if required:
septic system that also includes subsurface characterization, Minimum separation distance between soil absorp-
see Practice D5921, staking and protection of the soil absorp-
tion or constructed filter fields and water supply, property lines
tion or constructed filter bed area, see Practice D5925, selec- 5
and other surface and subsurface features,
tion of system type, and design of the system size and Wastewater hydraulic loading rates for different soil
configuration. Typically, the same individual will perform the 6
texture, structure and other field observable soil properties,
surface and subsurface characterization of a site. Local regu- Selection criteria for alternative on-site septic sys-
lation and practice will determine whether the same individual
tem designs (that is, depth to seasonal high water table, depth
is responsible for all steps in the process of locating and
to limiting soil layer, slope, and so forth), and
designing an on-site septic system. Effective surface and Other site-specific features that may affect design of
subsurface characterization of a site for on-site septic systems,
on-site septic systems, such as perimeter drain clearances, and
however, requires some knowledge of the following for the
wastewater loading rates.
county or state in which the site is located: (1) on-site septic
7.1.3 If the site is undeveloped, the following information
system types typically used for different soil conditions, and
should be obtained, prior to visiting the site:
(2) typical soil absorption/filter bed areas required for different Planned location and size of the house or commer-
wastewater flow rates and areal soil wastewater loading rates.
cial structure, Planned location of water well, if applicable, water
6. Field Equipment
lines, and other buried utilities, and
6.1 In addition to equipment identified in Practice D5925, Information required for determining wastewater
additional equipment useful for site surface investigations
include the following:
of bedrooms, number of full-time employee equivalents and
6.1.1 Clinometer or Hand Level, and a Surveyor’s or other
shifts per day, biological/chemical oxygen demand). Practice
rod for slope measurements;
D5925 addresses in more detail wastewater hydraulic loading
6.1.2 Hammer, Stakes and Flagging, for marking p
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