Portable fire extinguishers - Model laboratory - Report in compliance with EN 3-7

This model of laboratory report is to be used by all laboratories performing EN 3-7 tests.

Tragbare Feuerlöscher - Musterprüfbericht in Verbindung mit EN 3-7

Extincteurs portatifs - Modèle pour laboratoire - Rapport selon EN 3-7

Prenosni gasilniki – Vzorčno poročilo preskusnega laboratorija skladno z EN 3-7

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 14922:2005
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Portable fire extinguishers - Model laboratory - Report in compliance with EN 3-7
Tragbare Feuerlöscher - Musterprüfbericht in Verbindung mit EN 3-7
Extincteurs portatifs - Modele pour laboratoire - Rapport selon EN 3-7
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 14922:2004
13.220.10 Gašenje požara Fire-fighting
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 14922
December 2004
ICS 13.220.10
English version
Portable fire extinguishers - Model laboratory - Report in
compliance with EN 3-7
Extincteurs portatifs - Modèle pour laboratoire - Rapport Tragbare Feuerlöscher - Musterprüfbericht in Verbindung
selon EN 3-7 mit EN 3-7
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 5 August 2004. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 70.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 14922: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
This document (CEN/TR 14922:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 70 " Manual
means of fire fighting equipment", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This model of laboratory report is to be used by all laboratories performing EN 3-7 tests.
The standards which this CEN Report refers to are:
EN 3-7: 2004, Portable fire extinguishers — Part 7: Characteristics, performance requirements and test
EN 615:1994, Fire protection — Fire extinguishing media — Specifications for powders (other than class D
EN 1568-1:2000, Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 1: Specification for medium
expansion foam concentrates for surface application to water-immiscible liquids.
EN 1568-2: 2000, Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 2: Specification for high expansion
foam concentrates for surface application to water-immiscible liquids.
EN 1568-3: 2000, Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 3: Specification for low expansion
foam concentrates for surface application to water-immiscible liquids.
EN 1568-4:2000, Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 4: Specification for low expansion
foam concentrates for surface application to water-miscible liquids.
CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
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M O D E L  LA B O R A T O R Y  R E P O R T

(Information contained on these two pages of the report shall be considered as the minimum list of
details required in the introduction)

• Identification and Address  Date of Issue of the report
of the Laboratory
+ EN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation,
Logo and number of accreditation’s body

Report nr : …………….
Requested by : …………….
Tests for compliance with EN 3-7:2004

• Identification of extinguisher:

� Type: (manufacturer’s designation of the model)……………according to general drawing
nr : ……………
� Manufacturer (identification, address, etc…): …………
� Type and commercial name of extinguishing medium (or media): ……………
� Nominal charge of extinguisher: ……………
� Pressurisation (Method, type, gas, mass or pressure): ……………

• Conclusion of the tests:
Compliance of submitted samples with all applicable clauses of the standard: YES / NO.
(details: see summary (taking model variants into consideration where relevant))

� Operating temperature range: from …. °C to …. ° C
� Dielectric suitability (applicable only for water based extinguisher): ……………
� Fire class(es) intended for: ……………
� Fire ratings achieved: ……………

CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
• Supplementary information :
• Samples
*Quantity of provided samples : ……………
*Receipt of the samples by the lab – date : ……………

• Conformity to documentation
The extinguishers submitted can be identified from the detailed documentation supplied by
the manufacturer comprising:
* Annex 1: Conformity of the extinguishing media to the technical data provided by the
* Annex 2: list of documents included in this tests report. (the minimum documents to
identifies the fire extinguisher)

* Annex 3 (if relevant): list of documents not included in this tests report, but registered by
the laboratory.
* PED references: Certificate’s nr….;
Notified Body’s nr,…
• Report
* This report comprises …… pages, annexes A1 and …… annexes.

* Only the materials detailed in this report have been subjected to tests.

* The summary and conclusions of checks and tests are given on page ……

* This report or any part of it may not be reproduced without the written permission of the
Laboratory stamp Signature and position of the person or
persons responsible of the laboratory

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CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)

Item nr EN 3 Title Applicable Compliance
Clause Yes / No  Yes     No
1 4.2 Control of discharge
2 4.3 Operating position
3 4.4 Hose assembly
4 4.5 Propellants
5 4.6 Means of checking pressure for stored pressure extinguishers
6 6.1 Nominal charges
7 6.2 Filling tolerances
8 6.3 Design of filling opening
9 7.1.1 Duration of operation, minimum duration
10 7.1.2 Duration of operation, spread of measurements
11 7.2 Residual charge
12 7.3 Commencement of discharge
13 7.4 Temperature cycling
14 8.1 Retention of propellant
15 8.2 Leakage acceptance level
16 9.2 Dielectric test, for water based extinguishers
17 10.1 General requirement for use of extinguishers
18a 10.2 Operating force for CO2 extinguishers
18b 10.2 Operating force for other extinguishers
19 10.3 Safety devices
20 10.4 Filter for water based extinguishers
21a 10.5 Hose and coupling systems, for CO2 extinguishers
21b 10.5 Hose and coupling systems, for other extinguishers
22a 10.6 Control valve, for CO2 extinguishers
22b 10.6 Control valve, for 1 and 2 kg powder extinguiushers
22c 10.6 Control valve, for other extinguishers
23 11.1.1 Pressure gauge
24 11.1.2 Pressure gauge scale
25 11.1.3 Pressure gauge error after cycling
26 11.1.4 Compability of pressure gauge materials
27 11.2 Pressure indicator
28 12.1 Horn / hose for CO2 extinguishers
29 12.2 Horn resistance to static load
30 12.3 Security of horn / hose fixing
31 12.4 Horn resistance to temperature
32 13 Mounting bracket
33 14.1 Resistance to external corrosion
34 14.2 Resistance to internal corrosion
35 15.2 Class A fire rating
36 15.3 Class B fire rating
37 16.1 Extinguisher identification, colour

CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
Model of laboratory test report according to EN 3-7:2004

1) Control of discharge (EN 3–7:2004, 4.2)

Provision of device to interrupt discharge (yes/no)
Self closing device (yes/no)
Compliance to 4.2 (yes/no)
2) Operating position (EN 3–7:2004, 4.3)

Operation without inversion (yes/no)
Operating device location conform to requirements (yes/no)
Compliance to 4.3 (yes/no)
3) Hose assembly (EN 3-7, 4.4)

Nominal weight (kg)/ volume of agent (l)
Requirement for hose (yes/no)
Length of actual flexible hose fitted (mm)

Required length (mm) ≥ 400 / ≥ 250
Compliance to 4.4 (yes/no)
4) Propellants (EN 3–7:2004, 4.5)

Type of propellant (to be checked by documentation)
Compliance to 4.5 (yes/no)
5) Means of checking pressure for stored pressure extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 4.6)

Means for pressure check available (yes/no/not applicable)
A – Pressure gauge     ❏
B – Pressure indicator   ❏
C – Pressure connection ❏
Compliance to 4.6 (yes/no)
6) Nominal charges (EN 3–7:2004, 6.1)

Nominal charge (kg/l)
Compliance to 6.1 (yes/no)
7) Filling tolerances (EN 3–7:2004, 6 2)

Sample 1 2 3 4
Actual (kg/l)
Deviation from nominal (%)
Maximum allowed tolerance (%)
Compliance to 6.2 (yes/no)
CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
8) Design of filling opening (EN 3–7:2004, 6.3)

Provision to vent pressure (yes/no)
Pressure released within 1/3 of disassembly (yes/no)
Diameter of actual filling opening (mm)
Required minimum diameter 20 mm ≤ 3 kg or 3 l < 25 mm
Compliance to 6.3 (yes/no)
9) Duration of operation, minimum duration (EN 3–7:2004, 7.1.1)

Sample 1 2 3
Measured duration (s)
Required duration (s)

Compliance to 7.1.1 (yes/no)
10) Duration of operation, spread of measurements (EN 3–7:2004, 7.1.2)

Deviation of measured time from average discharge duration:
Average discharge duration (s)
Sample 1 2 3
Actual deviation (%)
Required deviation (%)
≤ ± 15
Compliance to 7.1.2 (yes/no)
11) Residual charge (EN 3–7:2004, 7.2)

Residue as a percentage of the nominal charge:
Sample 1 2 3
Actual (%)
Required (%)
≤ 10
Compliance to 7.2 (yes/no)
12) Commencement of discharge (EN 3–7:2004, 7.3)

Sample 1 2 3
Measured (s)
Required (s) ≤ 4
Compliance to 7.3 (yes/no)
CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
13) Temperature cycling (EN 3-7, 7.4)

Temperature cycling Cycle A Cycle B
Sample 1 2 3 4
Temperature at start of cycle (°C) T: T: T: T :
min min max max
Temperature at end of cycle (°C) T : T : T : T :
max max min min
Commencement of discharge Actual (s)
Commencement of discharge Required (s) ≤ 10
Maximum duration of operation Actual (s) 1
Maximum duration of operation Required (s) 1
Minimum duration of operation Actual (s)
Minimum duration of operation Required (s) ≥ 6
Max. duration of operation for CO2 Actual (s)
Max. duration of operation for CO2 Required (s) ≤ 2,5 times the average value at 20°C
Residual charge Actual (%)
Residual charge Required (%) ≤ (2)
Compliance to 7.4 (yes/no)
(1)The maximum duration of operation shall be not more than twice the value established at a temperature of
20°C. for all extinguishers except for CO2
(2) Maximum 15% for BC powder, maximum 10% for all other agents.

14) Retention of propellant (EN 3–7:2004, 8.1)

Verification possible (yes/no)
Verification method (by weighing / by pressure)
Verification device (connection / gauge / indicator)
Compliance to 8.1 (yes/no)
15) Leakage acceptance level (EN 3–7:2004, 8.2)

Sample 1 2
Actual leakage % (1)
Required rate of leakage ≤ 6 % / year (1)
Actual leakage % (2)
Required rate of leakage ≤5 % weight / year (2)
Compliance to 8.2 (yes/no)
(1) For stored pressure extinguishers, % of the expanded free gas volume at 20 °C.
(2) For cartridge operated and CO2 extinguishers % of the nominal charge.

16) Dielectric test, for water based extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 9.2)

Actual current at 35 kV (mA)
Required current at 35 kV (mA)
≤ 0,5 mA
Compliance to 9.2 (yes/no)
17) General requirement for use of extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 10.1)

Capable to use extinguisher without mounting, removal or modifying of any
component except for the safety device (yes/no)
Compliance to 10.1 (yes/no)
CEN/TR 14922:2005 (E)
18a) Operating force for CO2 extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 10.2)

Activation without repetition of action (yes/no)
Force to activate the extinguisher at 40°C:
Sample 1 2
Actual (N)
Required (N) ≤ 200
Force to activate the extinguisher at T :
Sample 1 2
Actual (N)
Required (N)
≤ 300
Compliance to 10.2 (yes/no)
18b) Operating force for other extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 10.2)

Activation without repetition of action (yes/no)
Force to activate the extinguisher:
Sample 1 2
Actual force to activate finger trigger (N)
Required force to activate finger trigger (N)
≤ 100
Actual force to squeeze grip lever (N)
Required force to squeeze grip lever (N)
≤ 200
Actual force to screw down hand wheel (N) (1)
Required force to screw down hand wheel (N) (1)
≤ 100
Actual energy to strike knob (J)
Required energy to strike knob (J)
≤ 2
Compliance to 10.2 (yes/no)
(1) Measured at outside of the wheel.
Maximum of 360° rotation to full open position.

19) Safety devices (EN 3–7:2004,10.3)

Release of safety device distinct from operating mechanism (yes/no)
Removal of safety device can be seen (yes/no)
Force to release safety device:
Sample 1 2
Actual (N)
Required (N)
≥ 20 ≤ 100
Attempt to initiate discharge without release of safety device:
Sample 1 2
Deformation or damage of operating mechanism in
case of double force ( yes/no )
Compliance to 10.3 (yes/no)
20) Filter for water based extinguishers (EN 3–7:2004, 10.4)

Filter position upstream of smallest orifice (yes/no)
Area of each filter orifice smaller than smallest area of the discharge passage (yes/no)
Area of smallest orifice in discharge passage (mm )

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