Concrete - A study of the characteristic leaching behaviour of hardened concrete for use in the natural environment

This Technical Report describes a method for characterising the time-dependent leaching behaviour of components from hardened concrete, for use in the natural environment.
This method specifies the procedures for determining the controlling mechanism(s) for leaching of components, their effective diffusion coefficients, in the case of diffusion-control and their cumulative release behaviour over any period of time.
This characterisation method consists of two leaching test procedures.  A potential or availability (pulverised specimen) test and a diffusion (tank) [monolithic specimen] test.
The test procedures produce leachates, the analytical procedures for which are not included in this Technical Report.
This Technical Report does not comprise a compliance method.
NOTE 1   The information obtained from the method is quantitative.  In the absence, however, of similar information for other construction materials or compliance criteria for acceptable/unacceptable performance of hardened concrete, the data obtained with neither permit a relative nor an absolute assessment of the environmental quality/compatibility of the concrete, unless, by default, in the case where leached concentrations of environmentally significant components are at, or below, their analytical limits of detection.
NOTE 2   In principle, this method could be used to characterise the leaching behaviour of hardened concrete, irrespective of the exposure conditions (e.g. natural environment, contact with drinking water etc.) which the concrete would experience in service.  It should be noted, however, that a European standard test method for the extraction/migration of mineral micropollutants is also likely to be developed by CEN/TC 164 - Water supply.
NOTE 3   Analytical procedures for determining concentrations of components in leachates and which may be suitable for the purposes of this Technical Report are being developed by CEN/TC 292 - (...)

Zement - Studie zum charakteristischen Auslaugverhalten von Festbetonen zur Verwendung in der natürlichen Umwelt

Auf Initiative von CEN/TC 51 (Zement und Baukalk) und CEN/TC 104 (Beton und zugehörige Produkte) wurde eine Task-Group (TG 6) der TC 51/WG 12 gebildet, um die Forschungsarbeit des EG-Forschungsprogramms zu begleiten oder zu verfolgen, das mit dem Ziel durchgeführt wird die Auswirkungen von Beton auf die natürliche Umwelt, falls es solche gibt, und die poten¬ziellen Auswirkungen zementgebundener Werkstoffe auf die Trinkwasserqualität festzustellen.
Dieser Bericht behandelt ausschließlich die Entwicklungen zu einem Ver¬fahren für eine Leistungsprüfung zur Charakterisierung des Auslaugungsverhaltens von Festbeton zur Anwen¬dung in Kon¬takt mit der natürlichen Umwelt, die offiziell der Europäischen Kommission in EUR 17869 EN [1] von einem Kon¬sortium aus niederländischen/deutschen Instituten vorgelegt wurden.
ANMERKUNG   Die Normung von Prüfverfahren für die Verwendung von zementgebundenen Werkstoffen (möglicherweise einschließlich Beton) in Kontakt mit Trinkwasser wird – obwohl im Prinzip nicht fundamental abweichend – innerhalb einer Ad-hoc-Gruppe von CEN/TC 164/WG 3 erarbeitet und in einem anderen Bericht behandelt.
Der Schutz der natürlichen Umwelt sowie der öffentlichen Gesundheit und Sicherheit sind von vorrangiger Bedeutung. Von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist jedoch auch die effiziente und nachhaltige Verwendung natür-licher und sekundärer Materialien/Ressourcen. Viele davon können als Bestandteile von Beton verwendet werden. Die Motivation für die in diesem Bericht beschriebenen Untersuchungen beruhte auf der Notwendig-keit, diese beiden Gesichtspunkte innerhalb des Konzepts nachhaltigen Bauens in ein Gleichgewicht zu bringen.

Cement - Študija značilnih lastnosti izluževanja strjenega betona za uporabo v naravnem okolju

Na pobudo CEN/TC 51 (Cement in gradbena apna) in CEN/TC 104 (Beton in sorodni proizvodi) je bila sklicana delovna skupina (TG 6) TC 51/WG 12 za spremljanje ali sledenje raziskovalnemu delu, ki se izvaja v okviru raziskovalnega programa ES in je predviden za ugotavljanje morebitnih učinkov betona na naravno okolje in morebitnih učinkov cementnih materialov na kakovost pitne vode.
To poročilo obravnava samo razvoj, kot o njem uradno poroča konzorcij nizozemskih in nemških inštitutov Evropski komisiji v EUR 17869 EN [1], ki vodi do metode preskusa proizvodnih lastnosti za opis lastnosti izluževanja strjenega betona za uporabo v stiku z naravnim okoljem.

General Information

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6060 - Definitive text made available (DAV) - Publishing
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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 16142:2011
English language
55 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Concrete - A study of the characteristic leaching behaviour of hardened concrete for use
in the natural environment
Zement - Studie zum charakteristischen Auslaugverhalten von Festbetonen zur
Verwendung in der natürlichen Umwelt
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16142:2011
91.100.10 Cement. Mavec. Apno. Malta Cement. Gypsum. Lime.
91.100.30 Beton in betonski izdelki Concrete and concrete
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16142
March 2011
ICS 91.100.30; 91.100.10
English Version
Concrete - A study of the characteristic leaching behaviour of
hardened concrete for use in the natural environment
Zement - Eine Untersuchung der bezeichnenden
Auslaugungseigenschaften von ausgehärtetem Beton zur
Verwendung in natürlichen Umgebungen

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 20 December 2010. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 51.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16142:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword . 4
Summary . 5
1 Introduction . 6
Part I . 8
2 Scope of the study . 8
2.1 Summary of three interlaboratory studies (ILS) . 8
2.1.1 First interlaboratory study and its evaluation (ILS #1) . 8
2.1.2 Second interlaboratory study and its evaluation (ILS #2) . 13
2.1.3 Third interlaboratory study and its evaluation (ILS #3) . 17
3 The experimental precision and its implications . 20
3.1 Introduction . 20
3.2 Discussion of the precision estimates . 22
4 Standardisation of the characterisation leaching method . 23
4.1 Introduction . 23
4.2 Potential applications for the method . 23
4.3 Necessary developments before any method can be applied . 24
5 Conclusions . 24
6 Appendices . 26
6.1 Members of the Project Team that undertook the investigations . 26
6.2 Laboratories participating in the precision experiment in ILS #3 . 26
7 References . 27
1 Scope . 28
2 Normative references . 29
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations . 29
4 Materials and reagents . 31
4.1 Materials . 31
4.1.1 General . 31
4.1.2 Requirements for standard specimens as test pieces (P ) and test pieces (P ) . 31
4.1.3 Requirements for precast products (or parts thereof) as test pieces (P ) and (P ) . 33
4.2 Reagents . 33
4.2.1 General requirements . 33
4.2.2 Leachant . 33
4.2.3 Acids . 33
4.2.4 Oxidising agent . 34
5 Apparatus . 34
5.1 General . 34
5.2 Sealable tank (or bucket) . 35
5.3 Filtering equipment. 35
5.4 Membrane filters . 35
5.5 Plastics bottles . 35
5.6 pH meter . 36
5.7 Conductivity meter . 36
6 Determining the leaching behaviour. 36
6.1 General . 36
6.2 Principles . 36
6.2.1 Diffusion (tank) test . 36
6.2.2 Availability test . 36
6.2.3 Surface area determination . 36
6.2.4 Assessment of the characteristic leaching . 36
6.3 Diffusion (tank) test . 37
6.3.1 Test conditions . 37
6.3.2 Procedure . 37
7 Calculation of cumulative leaching and expression of results . 38
7.1 Measured leaching of a component per leachate fraction . 38
7.2 Measured and theoretical cumulative leaching of a component . 39
7.2.1 General . 39
7.2.2 Measured cumulative leaching of a component . 39
7.2.3 Theoretical cumulative leaching of a component . 40
8 Precision of cumulative leaching . 40
8.1 General . 40
8.2 Precision of the availability test . 41
8.3 Precision of the diffusion (tank) test . 42
9 Characterising the leaching behaviour . 42
9.1 General . 42
9.2 Determining the controlling leaching mechanism . 43
9.3 Calculating the effective and mean effective diffusion coefficients of a component . 43
9.3.1 Effective diffusion coefficient of a component . 43
9.3.2 Mean effective diffusion coefficient of a component . 44
9.3.3 Selection of the lowest value of the mean effective diffusion coefficient . 44
9.4 Calculating the cumulative leaching of a component per surface unit, per time interval . 44
9.5 Assessment of components for which no diffusion coefficient can be determined . 45
9.6 Assessment of a diffusion coefficient . 45
9.6.1 General . 45
9.6.2 Assessment of the negative logarithm of the mean effective diffusion coefficient . 45
9.7 Comparison of the mobility of a component with the free mobility of the same component
in water . 45
9.7.1 General . 45
9.7.2 Calculating the tortuosity . 46
9.7.3 Calculating the retention factor . 46
9.8 Calculating the quantity leached, per mass unit, in the diffusion (tank) test . 46
9.9 Calculating the extent of depletion of a component . 47
10 Test report .

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