Hot finished steel structural hollow sections - Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties

This document specifies tolerances for hot finished circular, square, rectangular and elliptical structural hollow sections, manufactured in wall thicknesses up to 120 mm, in the following size ranges:
-   Circular: Outside diameters up to 2 500 mm;
-   Square: Outside dimensions up to 800 mm × 800 mm;
-   Rectangular: Outside dimensions up to 750 mm × 500 mm;
-   Elliptical: Outside dimensions up to 500 mm × 250 mm.
The formulae for calculating sectional properties of sections manufactured to the dimensional tolerances of this standard, to be used for the purposes of structural design, are given in Annex A.
Dimensions and sectional properties for a limited range covering the more common sizes are given in Annex B.
NOTE   The designation of the sections' major axis (yy) and minor axis (zz) aligns with the axis designation used for structural design in the structural Eurocodes.

Warmgefertigte Hohlprofile für den Stahlbau - Teil 2: Grenzabmaße, Maße und statische Werte

Dieser Teil der EN 10210 enthält die Anforderungen an die Grenzabmaße und Formtoleranzen von warmgefertigten Hohlprofilen für den Stahlbau mit kreisförmigem, quadratischem, rechteckigem oder elliptischen Querschnitt; hergestellt in Wanddicken bis 120 mm und den folgenden Abmessungen,
kreisförmig: Außendurchmesser bis zu 2 500 mm
quadratisch: Außendurchmesser bis zu 800 mm x 800 mm
rechteckig: Außendurchmesser bis zu 750 mm x 500 mm
elliptisch: Außendurchmesser bis zu 500 mm x 250 mm
Die Formeln zur Berechnung der statischen Werte zur Festigkeitsauslegung der Hohlprofile, die gemäß der Grenzabmaße dieser Norm hergestellt werden, sind in Anhang A angegeben.
Die Maße und statischen Werte sind für eine Reihe von Standardabmessungen in Anhang B angegeben..
Die allgemeinen Bedingungen sind in EN 10210-1 (Erzeugnismerkmale, Prüfkriterien und Leistungskriterien gemäß der Bauproduktenverordnung) und die allgemeinen technischen Lieferbedingungen sind in EN 10210-2 festgelegt.
ANMERKUNG      Die Bezeichnung der Hauptachsen (yy) und die der Nebenachsen (zz) der Hohlprofile erfolgt in Anlehnung an die Achsenbezeichnung, die für die Festigkeitsauslegung in den Eurocodes verwendet wird.

Profils creux de construction finis à chaud en aciers — Partie 2 : Tolérances, dimensions et caractéristiques de section

Le présent document spécifie les tolérances pour les profils creux de construction finis à chaud circulaires, carrés, rectangulaires ou elliptiques, fabriqués en épaisseur jusqu’à 120 mm, pour les gammes de dimensions suivantes :
- Circulaire : Diamètres extérieurs jusqu’à 2 500 mm ;
- Carré : Dimensions extérieures jusqu’à 800 mm x 800 mm ;
- Rectangulaire : Dimensions extérieures jusqu’à 750 mm x 500 mm ;
- Elliptique : Dimensions extérieures jusqu’à 500 mm x 250 mm.
Les formules pour le calcul des caractéristiques de section pour les profils fabriqués aux tolérances dimensionnelles de la présente norme, à utiliser pour les besoins de la conception de structures, sont données en Annexe A.
Les dimensions et les caractéristiques de section pour une gamme limitée couvrant les dimensions les plus courantes sont données à l’Annexe B.
NOTE   Les désignations de l’axe principal (yy) et de l’axe secondaire (zz) du profil sont alignées sur la désignation des axes utilisée en conception dans les Eurocodes de construction.

Vroče izdelani votli konstrukcijski profili iz jekla - 2. del: Mere, mejni odstopki in značilnosti profilov

Ta del standarda prEN 10210 določa tolerance za vroče izdelane okrogle, kvadratne, pravokotne in ovalne konstrukcijske votle profile, izdelane z debelino sten do 120 mm v naslednjih razponih velikosti:
Okrogli: zunanji premer do 2.500 mm
Kvadratni: zunanje dimenzije do 800 mm × 800 mm
Pravokotni: zunanje dimenzije do 750 mm × 500 mm
Ovalni: zunanje dimenzije do 500 mm × 250 mm
Formule za izračun značilnosti profilov, izdelanih v okviru dimenzijskih mejnih odstopkov tega standarda, ki se uporabljajo za projektiranje konstrukcij, so navedene v dodatku A.
Mere in značilnosti profilov za omejen nabor, ki obsega pogostejše velikosti, so navedene v dodatku B.
Splošni pogoji so določeni v standardu prEN 10210-1 (značilnosti izdelkov, preskusni postopki in merila učinkovitosti, ki veljajo v skladu z uredbami o gradbenih proizvodih) in tehničnih dobavnih pogojih v standardu prEN 10210-2.
OPOMBA: Označevanje daljše osi profila (yy) in njegove krajše osi (zz) se ujema z oznako osi, ki se uporablja za konstrukcijsko projektiranje v konstrukcijskih evrokodih.

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EN 10210-2:2019
English language
43 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 10210-2:2006
SIST EN 10210-2:2006/AC:2007
Vroče izdelani votli konstrukcijski profili iz jekla - 2. del: Mere, mejni odstopki in
značilnosti profilov
Hot finished steel structural hollow sections - Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and
sectional properties
Warmgefertigte Hohlprofile für den Stahlbau - Teil 2: Grenzabmaße, Maße und statische
Profils creux de construction finis à chaud en aciers - Partie 2 : Tolérances, dimensions
et caractéristiques de section
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 10210-2:2019
77.140.45 Nelegirana jekla Non-alloyed steels
77.140.70 Jekleni profili Steel profiles
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 10210-2
May 2019
ICS 77.140.75 Supersedes EN 10210-2:2006
English Version
Hot finished steel structural hollow sections - Part 2:
Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties
Profils creux de construction finis à chaud en aciers - Warmgefertigte Hohlprofile für den Stahlbau - Teil 2:
Partie 2 : Tolérances, dimensions et caractéristiques de Grenzabmaße, Maße und statische Werte
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 20 March 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 10210-2:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Symbols . 4
5 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer . 6
6 Tolerances . 6
7 Measurement of size and shape . 8
8 Dimensions and sectional properties . 13
Annex A (normative) Formulae for the calculation of sectional properties . 14
A.1 General . 14
A.2 Circular hollow sections . 14
A.3 Rectangular, including square, hollow sections . 15
A.4 Elliptical hollow sections . 17
Annex B (normative) Sectional properties for a limited range of standard sizes . 19

European foreword
This document (EN 10210-2:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 459 “ECISS -
European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization” , the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2019, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 2019.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 10210-2:2006.
The main changes with respect to the previous edtion are listed below:
a) paragraph 5.2 two options were added;
b) in Table 2 the mass tolerances were changed;
c) Figure 2 was updated;
d) for Tables B.1, B.2 and B.3 larger sizes and wall thicknesses were added;
e) standard was editorially revised.
This standard consists of the following parts:
— EN 10368, Steel structural hollow sections — General (Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and
marking) (in preparation)
— EN 10210-1, Hot finished steel structural hollow sections — Part 1: Technical delivery conditions
— EN 10210-2, Hot finished steel structural hollow sections — Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and
sectional properties
— EN 10210-3, Hot finished steel structural hollow sections — Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for
mechanical engineering purposes (in preparation)
It forms part of a series of standards on hollow sections together with EN 10219-1 to EN 10219-3.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Through its subcommittee SC 3 “Structural steels other than reinforcements” (secretariat: DIN)
1 Scope
This document specifies tolerances for hot finished circular, square, rectangular and elliptical structural
hollow sections, manufactured in wall thicknesses up to 120 mm, in the following size ranges:
— Circular: Outside diameters up to 2 500 mm;
— Square: Outside dimensions up to 800 mm × 800 mm;
— Rectangular: Outside dimensions up to 750 mm × 500 mm;
— Elliptical: Outside dimensions up to 500 mm × 250 mm.
The formulae for calculating sectional properties of sections manufactured to the dimensional
tolerances of this standard, to be used for the purposes of structural design, are given in Annex A.
Dimensions and sectional properties for a limited range covering the more common sizes are given in
Annex B.
NOTE The designation of the sections' major axis (yy) and minor axis (zz) aligns with the axis designation
used for structural design in the structural Eurocodes.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 10210-1, Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels — Part 1: Technical
delivery conditions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 10210-1 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
4 Symbols
For the purposes of this document, the symbols defined in Table 1 apply.
Table 1 — Symbols and definitions
Symbol Unit Definition
A cm Cross-sectional area
Area of the surface delimited by the perimeter at mid-
A mm
A m /m Superficial area per metre length
Specified side dimension of a square hollow section.
B mm
Specified dimension of the shorter side of a rectangular
Symbol Unit Definition
hollow section. Specified outside dimension of an elliptical
section on its minor axis
Length of corner region of a square or rectangular hollow
C /C mm
1 2
C cm Torsional modulus constant
D mm Specified outside diameter of a circular hollow section
Maximum and minimum outside diameter of a circular
D /D mm
max min
hollow section measured in the same plane
e mm Deviation from straightness
Specified dimension of the longer side of a rectangular
H mm hollow section. Specified outside dimension of an elliptical
section on its major axis
I cm Second moment of area
Torsional inertia constant (polar moment of inertia in the
I cm
case of circular hollow sections only)
i cm Radius of gyration
L mm Length
M kg/m Mass per unit length
O % Out-of-roundness
P mm External perimeter of an elliptical hollow section
External corner radius of a square or rectangular hollow
R mm
T mm Specified thickness
U mm Perimeter of an elliptical hollow section at mid-thickness
V mm Total measured twist
V mm Twist measured at one end of a section
W cm Elastic section modulus
W cm Plastic section modulus
Concavity of a side of a square or rectangular hollow
x mm
Convexity of a side of a square or rectangular hollow
x mm
Axis of cross-section, major axis of a rectangular hollow
yy —
Axis of cross-section, minor axis of a rectangular hollow
zz —
Angle between adjacent sides of a square or rectangular
θ °
hollow section
5 Information to be obtained by the manufacturer
5.1 Mandatory information
The following mandatory information from this part of EN 10210 shall be obtained by the manufacturer
at the time of enquiry and order:
a) the dimensions (see Clause 8);
b) the type of length, length range or length (see Table 3).
NOTE This Information is included in the list of information to be obtained by the manufacturer contained in
EN 10210-1.
5.2 Options
Options are specified in this part of EN 10210. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate a wish
to implement one of these options at the time of enquiry and order, the manufacturer shall supply in
accordance with the basic specification.
Option 2.1
The tolerance on approximate length shall be mm (see Table 3).
Option 2.2 Tolerance of external corner radius of 2T maximum at each corner.
Option 2.3 Out-of-roundness tolerances for diameter to thickness ratio exceeding 100 (see
Table 2, footnote d).
6 Tolerances
6.1 Tolerances shall not exceed the values given in Table 2 for shape, straightness and mass, Table 3
for manufacturer's delivered length and Table 4 for the height of the internal and external weld bead of
submerged arc welded hollow sections.
6.2 The internal corners of square and rectangular hollow sections shall be rounded, except in the
case of EW sections for a corner containing the weld, should the weld be located in the corner region.
NOTE The internal corner profile is not specified.
Table 2 — Tolerances on shape, straightness and mass
Square and
Circular hollow Elliptical hollow
Characteristic rectangular hollow
sections sections
±1 % with a minimum
Outside dimensions (D, B,
of ± 0,5 mm and a ±1 % with a minimum of ± 0,5 mm
maximum of ± 10 mm
b c
Thickness (T) - 10 %
2 % for hollow sections
having a diameter to
Out-of-roundness (O) —
thickness ratio not
exceeding 100
Concavity/Convexity (x ,
— 1 % —
x )
Squareness of side (θ) — 90° ± 1° —
External corner profile 3T maximum at each
— —
(C , C or R) corner
1 2
Twist (V) — 2 mm plus 0,5 mm/m length
Straightness (e) 0,2 % of total length and 3 mm over any 1 m length
Mass (M) - 6 %/+ 8 % on individual delivered lengths
For elliptical hollow sections of sizes H < 250 mm, the permitted tolerance is twice the value given in this
The positive deviation is limited by the tolerance on mass.
For seamless sections thicknesses of less than 10 % but not less than 12,5 % of the nominal thickness may
occur in smooth transition areas over not more than 25 % of the circumference.
When the diameter to thickness ratio exceeds 100, application of tolerance on out-of-roundness is not
required, unless specifically agreed (see 5.2).
The tolerance on convexity and concavity is independent of the tolerance on outside dimensions.
The sides need not be tangential to the corner arcs.
Table 3 — Tolerances on manufacturer's d

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