Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for IMS packet switched based systems

This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1)   In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2)   Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3)   Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3).
NOTE 1   Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants (3.36), although they are the recipient of the service.
NOTE 2   Third party eCall systems (TPS eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall (3.32) standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider (3.29).
NOTE 3   These conformance tests are based on the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 which was published before Internet Protocol multimedia Systems (IMS) packet switched networks were available. This deliverable therefore replicates the appropriate tests from EN 16454 (and acknowledge their source); adapt and revise Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 to an IMS paradigm; or provide new additional tests that are required for the IMS paradigm. Some 14 112-eCall (Pan European eCall) tests provided in EN 16454 are specific to GSM/UMTS circuit switched communications and not appropriate for the IMS paradigm and are therefore excluded from this deliverable.
This document therefore provides a suite of ALL conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNO’s, and PSAPS, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance to CEN/TS 17184.
NOTE 4   Because in the event of non-viability or non-existence of an IMS supporting network at any particular time/location, IMS-eCall systems revert to CS networked eCall systems eCall via GSM/UMTS, IVS and PSAPs need to support, and prove compliance to both IMS and CS switched networks.
The Scope covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - eSicherheit - eCall-Ende-zu-Ende-Konformitätsprüfungen für IMS-paketvermittelnde Systeme

Systèmes de transport intelligents - eSécurité - eCall: Essais de conformité du système « eCall » de bout en bout pour les systèmes IMS basés sur la commutation de paquets

Inteligentni transportni sistemi - e-Varnost - Preskušanje skladnosti e-klica v zvezi pošiljatelj-prejemnik za paketno preklopne sisteme IMS

Ta dokument opredeljuje ključne udeležence v verigi e-klica pri izvajanju storitve z uporabo sistema IMS prek paketno preklopnih omrežij (kot je LTE/4G) kot:
1) avtomobilski sistem (3.20) (IVS)/vozilo,
2) operaterje mobilnih omrežij (MNO),
3) odzivno točko javne varnosti (3.27) (PSAP),
in zagotavlja preskuse skladnosti za skupine udeležencev 1) – 3).
OPOMBA 1: Preskusi skladnosti niso primerni in zahtevani za potnike v vozilu (3.36), čeprav so prejemniki storitve.
OPOMBA 2: Sistemi za e-klice tretje strani (e-klic TPS) ne spadajo na področje uporabe tega dokumenta. Temeljni standard o sistemih za e-klice tretje strani (3.32) (EN 16102) namreč ne določa komunikacijske povezave med vozilom in ponudnikom storitev sistema tretje strani (3.29).
OPOMBA 3: Ti preskusi skladnosti temeljijo na ustreznih preskusih skladnosti iz standarda EN 16454, ki je bil objavljen, preden so bila na voljo paketno preklopna omrežja z multimedijskim sistemom internetnega protokola (IMS). Ta dokument tako vključuje ustrezne preskuse iz standarda EN 16454 (in navaja njihov vir); prilagaja in revidira protokole za preskuse skladnosti (CTP) iz standarda 16454 paradigmi IMS; ali zagotavlja nove dodatne preskuse, ki so zahtevani za paradigmo IMS. 14 preskusov 112-e-klica (vseevropski elektronski klic v sili), podanih v standardu EN 16454, je značilnih za vodovno komutirano komunikacijo in niso ustrezni za paradigmo IMS, zaradi česar so izključeni iz tega dokumenta.
Ta dokument tako določa paket VSEH preskusov skladnosti za opremo IVS, operaterja mobilnega omrežja in PSAPS, ki so zahtevani za zagotavljanje in prikaz skladnosti s standardom FprCEN/TS 17184.
OPOMBA 4: Ker v primeru neuspešnega delovanja ali neobstoja omrežja, ki podpira IMS, ob katerem koli času/na kateri koli lokaciji sistemi za e-klice IMS preidejo na sisteme za e-klice v vodovno komutiranem omrežju prek omrežja GSM/UMTS, morata IVS in odzivna točka javne varnosti podpreti in zagotoviti skladnosti z omrežjem IMS ter vodovno komutiranim omrežjem.
Področje uporabe zajema preskuse skladnosti (in potrditev) novih inženirskih dosežkov, izdelkov in sistemov ter ne zahteva preskusov, povezanih s posameznimi vgradnjami v vozila ali na lokacije.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Inteligentni transportni sistemi - e-Varnost - Preskušanje skladnosti e-klica v zvezi
pošiljatelj-prejemnik za paketno preklopne sisteme IMS
Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for IMS
packet switched based systems
Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - eSicherheit - eCall Ende-zu-Ende Konformitätsprüfungen
für IMS-paketvermittelnde Systeme
Systèmes de transport intelligents - eSécurité - eCall: Essais de conformité du système «
eCall » de bout en bout pour les systèmes IMS basés sur la commutation de paquets
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 17240:2018
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 17240
October 2018
ICS 35.240.60
English Version
Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end
conformance testing for IMS packet switched based
Systèmes de transport intelligents - eSécurité - eCall: Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - eSicherheit - eCall
Essais de conformité du système " eCall " de bout en Ende-zu-Ende Konformitätsprüfungen für IMS-
bout pour les systèmes IMS basés sur la commutation paketvermittelnde Systeme
de paquets
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 20 August 2018 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to
submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS
available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in
parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 17240:2018 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 7
Introduction . 8
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms and definitions . 10
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 15
5 Conformance . 16
5.1 General . 16
5.2 General conditions . 16
6 General overview of the eCall transaction for pan-European eCall . 16
7 How to use this Standard . 21
7.1 Layout and procedures . 21
7.2 System under test . 22
7.3 Accelerated test procedures . 22
7.4 Accelerated test procedures for IVSs . 23
7.4.1 Accelerated test procedures for all types of 112-eCall IVS . 23
7.4.2 Additional accelerated test procedures for 112-eCall only IVS . 24
7.5 Accelerated test procedures for MNOs . 25
7.6 Accelerated test procedures for PSAPs – 112-eCall . 25
8 Requirements . 27
8.1 Requirements - General objectives . 27
8.1.1 State transitions. 27
8.1.2 Classification of testing . 33
8.1.3 CTP naming conventions . 35
8.1.4 CTP naming convention for IVS conformance tests . 36
8.2 CTP structure . 36
9 Conformance test requirements for in-vehicle IMS user equipment and systems
(IVS). 38
9.1 Conformance test requirements for in-vehicle user equipment and systems for IMS-
eCall (112-eCall/Pan European eCall) . 38
9.2 Test objectives and purposes . 38
9.3 Classification of testing and referenced tests for in-vehicle user equipment for 112-
eCall (Pan European eCall) IVS . 38
9.3.1 Taxonomy of testing . 38
9.3.2 Referenced tests . 38
9.4 State transition conformance tests for in-vehicle equipment and system to comply to
Standards for 112-eCall (Pan European eCall) . 39
9.4.1 Conformance requirement . 39
9.4.2 Use case test objectives by stage . 39
9.4.3 CTP — Conformance to ETSI TS 136 523 and ETSI TS 134 229 – 112-eCall
IVS via IMS . 42
9.4.4 CTP — Test for conformance to valid SIM/USIM – 112-eCall . 42
9.4.5 CTP — Automatic eCall triggering does not occur when engine control OFF –
112-eCall IVS . 43
9.4.6 CTP — Power on and self test – 112-eCall IVS . 44
9.4.7 CTP — Test for automatic activation of eCall . 45
9.4.8 CTP — Automatically triggered eCall in progress was not disconnected upon
a new eCall trigger – 112-eCall IVS . 46
9.4.9 CTP — Post-Lateral-crash performance of automatic trigger – IVS . 47
9.4.10 CTP — Post-frontal-crash performance of automatic trigger - IVS . 48
9.4.11 CTP — Performance of automatic trigger – Different crash types . 49
9.4.12 CTP — eCall manually activated – 112-eCall IVS . 50
9.4.13 CTP — Manually triggered eCall in progress was not disconnected upon a
new eCall trigger – 112-eCall IVS . 51
9.4.14 CTP — Test eCall activated – 112-eCall IVS . 52
9.4.15 CTP — Network registration – 112-eCall IVS . 53
9.4.16 CTP — Manual termination of eCall by vehicle occupants not allowed
(automatically triggered eCall) – 112-eCall IVS . 54
9.4.17 CTP — Manual termination of eCall by vehicle occupants not allowed
(manually triggered eCall) – 112-eCall IVS . 55
9.4.18 CTP — Automatically triggered eCall in progress was not disconnected when
ignition is switched to OFF – 112-eCall IVS . 56
9.4.19 CTP — Manually triggered eCall in progress was not disconnected when
engine control is switched to OFF – 112-eCall IVS . 57
9.4.20 CTP — Priority over conflicting communication – 112-eCall IVS . 58
9.4.21 CTP — Network registration is re-tried when network registration attempt
was not successful – 112-eCall IVS . 59
9.4.22 CTP — SIP Invite sent . 59
9.4.23 CTP — Establish session with urn:service:sos.ecall.automatic – 112-eCall
IVS . 60
9.4.24 CTP — Establish session with urn:service:sos.ecall.manual – 112-eCall
IVS . 61
9.4.25 CTP — Set-up call to test address – 112-eCall IVS . 62
9.4.26 CTP — eCall is attempted when no networks are available (limited
service condition) – 112-eCall IVS . 63
9.4.27 CTP — Re-dial attempt completed within 2 min after eCall is dropped –
112-eCall IVS . 63
9.4.28 CTP –IMS — ALLOW ACK Received . 63
9.4.29 CTP — Voice link Established – 112-eCall IVS . 64
9.4.30 CTP — Verify MSD Received – 112-eCall IVS . 65
9.4.31 CTP — Clear down call automatically – PE eCall IVS . 65
9.4.32 CTP — IVS clears down the eCall upon T2 expiry – 112-eCall IVS . 66
9.4.33 CTP — IVS registers recent eCalls – 112-eCall IVS . 67
9.4.34 CTP — Call-back allowed and able to be answered by IVS – 112-eCall IVS . 68
9.4.35 CTP — Call-back answered by IVS in the event of abnormal termination
– 112-eCall IVS . 69
9.4.36 CTP — MSD transfer occurs upon PSAP request during call-back – 112-
eCall IVS .

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