Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilization braking - Part 1: General algorithms utilizing mean value calculation for train sets or single vehicles

This European Standard describes general algorithms for the brake performance calculations to be used for all types of train sets, units or single vehicles, including high speed, locomotive and passenger coaches, conventional vehicles and wagons.
This European Standard does not specify the performance requirements. It enables the estimation and/or comparison by calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, dissipated energy, power, force calculations and immobilization braking.
If it is required to validate, verify or assess braking performance it is recommended that a more detailed calculation is performed in accordance with FprEN 14531-2, i.e. a step by step calculation.
This European Standard contains generic examples of the calculation of brake forces for individual brake equipment types and calculation of stopping distance and immobilization braking relevant to a train (see Annexes C and D).

Bahnanwendungen - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Anhalte- und Verzögerungsbremswege und der Feststellbremsung - Teil 1: Allgemeine Algorithmen für Einzelfahrzeuge und Fahrzeugverbände unter Berücksichtigung von Durchschnittswerten

Diese Europäische Norm beschreibt allgemeine Berechnungsverfahren, die für alle Arten von Zugverbänden, Einheiten oder Einzelfahrzeugen, einschließlich Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeugen, Lokomotiven, Reisezug-wagen, konventionellen Fahrzeugen und Güterwagen empfohlen werden.
Diese Norm legt keine Leistungsanforderungen fest. Sie ermöglicht die Ermittlung und/oder den Vergleich der verschiedenen Leistungsmerkmale mittels Berechnung: Anhalte- oder Verzögerungsbremswege, umgewandelte Energie, Berechnungen von Kräften und Feststellbremsungen.
Falls es erforderlich ist, die Bremsleistung zu bewerten, zu überprüfen oder zu beurteilen, wird empfohlen, dass eine genauere Berechnung in Übereinstimmung mit EN 14531-2, d. h. eine schrittweise Berechnung, durchgeführt wird.
Diese Europäische Norm enthält allgemeine Beispiele für die Berechnung von Bremskräften von individuellen Bremseinrichtungsarten und die für einen Zug relevante Berechnung von Anhalte- und Verzögerungs-bremswegen und der Feststellbremsung (siehe Anhang C und Anhang D).

Applications ferroviaires - Méthodes de calcul des distances d'arrêt, de ralentissement et d'immobilisation - Partie 1 : Algorithmes généraux utilisant le calcul par la valeur moyenne pour des rames ou des véhicules isolés

La présente Norme européenne décrit les algorithmes généraux pour les calculs de performance de frein à utiliser pour tous les types de compositions de trains, d'unités ou de véhicules isolés, ce qui inclut la grande vitesse, les locomotives et les voitures de passagers, les véhicules conventionnels et les wagons.
La présente Norme européenne ne spécifie pas les exigences de performances. Elle permet l'estimation et/ou la comparaison par le calcul des différents aspects des performances : distances d'arrêt ou de ralentissement, énergie dissipée, puissance, calculs des efforts et freinage d'immobilisation.
Si elle est requise pour valider, vérifier ou évaluer les performances de freinage, il est recommandé d’effectuer un calcul plus détaillé, conformément au FprEN 14531-2, c'est à dire un calcul pas à pas.
La présente Norme européenne contient des exemples génériques du calcul des efforts de freinage pour les types d'équipements de freinage individuels, du calcul de la distance d’arrêt et du freinage d’immobilisation propres à un train (voir les Annexes C et D).

Železniške naprave - Metode za izračun zavornih poti pri ustavljanju in upočasnjevanju ter zavarovanje stoječih vozil - 1. del: Splošni algoritmi, ki temeljijo na izračunu srednje vrednosti za vlakovne kompozicije ali posamezna vozila

Ta evropski standard opisuje splošne algoritme, ki se lahko uporabljajo za vse vrste vlakovnih kompozicij, enot ali posameznih vozil, vključno s hitrimi vlaki, lokomotivami in potniškimi vagoni, konvencionalnimi ter tovornimi vagoni.
Ta standard ne določa zahtev za delovanje. Omogoča oceno in/ali primerjavo na podlagi izračuna različnih vidikov delovanja: zavorne poti pri ustavljanju in upočasnjevanju, sproščena energija, moč, izračuni sil in zavarovanje stoječih vozil.
Če je zahtevano vrednotenje, preverjanje ali ocenjevanje zavorne zmogljivosti, je priporočeno izvesti podrobnejši izračun v skladu s standardom prEN 14531-2, tj. izračun po korakih.
Ta evropski standard vključuje splošne primere izračuna zavornih sil za posamezne vrste zavorne opreme ter izračun zavorne poti pri ustavljanju in zavarovanje stoječih vozil za ustrezen vlak (glej dodatka C in D).

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EN 14531-1:2016
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 14531-1:2005
Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and
immobilisation braking - Part 1: General algorithms utilizing mean value calculation for
train sets or single vehicles
Bahnanwendungen - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Anhalte- und
Verzögerungsbremswege und der Feststellbremsung - Teil 1: Grundlagen
Applications ferroviaires - Méthodes de calcul des distances d'arrêt, de ralentissement et
d'immobilisation - Partie 1: Algorithmes généraux utilisant des valeurs moyennes pour
des compositions de trains ou véhicules isolés
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 14531-1:2015
45.060.01 Železniška vozila na splošno Railway rolling stock in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 14531-1
December 2015
ICS 45.060.01 Supersedes EN 14531-1:2005
English Version
Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping
and slowing distances and immobilization braking - Part 1:
General algorithms utilizing mean value calculation for
train sets or single vehicles
Applications ferroviaires - Méthodes de calcul des Bahnanwendungen - Verfahren zur Berechnung der
distances d'arrêt, de ralentissement et Anhalte- und Verzögerungsbremswege und der
d'immobilisation - Partie 1 : Algorithmes généraux Feststellbremsung - Teil 1: Allgemeine Algorithmen für
utilisant le calcul par la valeur moyenne pour des Einzelfahrzeuge und Fahrzeugverbände unter
rames ou des véhicules isolés Berücksichtigung von Durchschnittswerten
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 27 June 2015.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14531-1:2015 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms and definitions . 6
3.2 Symbols and indices . 8
4 Stopping and slowing distances calculation . 11
4.1 General . 11
4.2 Accuracy of input values . 11
4.3 General characteristics . 11
4.3.1 Train formation . 11
4.3.2 Characteristics of a train . 12
4.4 Brake equipment type characteristics . 14
4.4.1 General . 14
4.4.2 Tread braking . 15
4.4.3 Disc braking . 15
4.4.4 Forces of friction brake (tread brake) equipment . 16
4.4.5 Forces of friction brake (disc brake) equipment. 21
4.4.6 Mean dynamic coefficient of friction ( m ) tread and disc brakes . 25
4.4.7 Brake forces of other brake equipment types . 25
4.4.8 Time characteristics . 34
4.4.9 Blending concept . 37
4.4.10 Sharing, proportioning of the brake forces - achieved forces . 38
4.5 Initial and operating characteristics . 38
4.5.1 Gradient of the track . 38
4.5.2 Initial speed . 39
4.5.3 Coefficient of adhesion . 39
4.5.4 Level of the brake demand . 40
4.5.5 Quantity of each brake equipment type available . 40
4.5.6 Calculation in degraded conditions . 40
4.6 Total decelerating force at train level . 40
4.7 External forces . 41
4.7.1 Gradient . 41
4.7.2 Wind force on the train . 41
4.7.3 Train resistance . 41
4.8 Stopping and slowing distance calculation based on mean values . 42
4.8.1 General . 42
4.8.2 Mean braking force with respect to the distance . 42
4.8.3 Equivalent deceleration (a ) based on mean forces . 42
4.8.4 Mean decelerations supplied by each braking force ( a ) . 43
4.8.5 Equivalent free run distance (s ) . 43
4.8.6 Stopping and slowing distance on level track (s) . 44
4.8.7 Stopping and slowing distance on a gradient (s ) . 44
4.8.8 Other specific formulae for the calculation of stopping distance . 45
4.9 Supplementary dynamic calculations . 45
4.9.1 General . 45
4.9.2 Mass to be braked (m ) . 46
4.9.3 Braking energy . 46
4.9.4 Maximum braking power of each brake equipment type . 48
4.9.5 Maximum specific power flux for each type of friction brake . 48
4.10 Specific expressions of braking performance . 49
4.10.1 General . 49
4.10.2 Braked weight percentage (λ) . 49
4.10.3 Braked weight . 49
4.10.4 Braking ratio . 49
4.10.5 Equivalent brake force . 49
5 Immobilization brake calculation . 49
5.1 General . 49
5.2 General characteristics . 49
5.3 Static coefficient of friction . 50
5.4 Train and operating characteristics . 50
5.5 Immobilization force provided by equipment type . 50
5.5.1 General . 50
5.5.2 Force of a screw hand brake (Tread brake) . 51
5.5.3 Force of a screw hand brake (Disc brake) . 51
5.5.4 Force of a tread brake unit . 51
5.5.5 Force of a disc brake unit arrangement . 52
5.5.6 Force of a permanent magnetic track brake . 52
5.6 Immobilization force for each axle. 53
5.7 Total immobilization force per train . 53
5.8 Immobilization safety factor . 54
5.9 Coefficient of adhesion required by each braked axle .

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