This document specifies the methodology to define the train related braking model and required emergency and service brake on-board parameters to enable speed and distance monitoring for trains equipped and operated on railway lines using ETCS Baseline 3.
This document is only applicable for ETCS Gamma braking model trains (i.e. the train is said to be a “gamma” train). This document does not specify the way these parameters are transferred to and can be used by the ETCS on-board system (e.g. during start of mission - SoM).
The ETCS “conversion models” are not covered by this document and are described in EN 16834:2019, Annex F. The ETCS “conversion models” are intended for use with trains where the braking performance is expressed using braked weight percentages (“lambda” train).
Any trackside related input parameters, including national values, are not covered in this document. Information can be found in the SUBSET-026 (see [11]).

  • Standard
    117 pages
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This document is applicable to manually operated end cocks designed to cut-off the brake pipe and the main reservoir pipe of the air brake and compressed air system of rail vehicles; without taking the type of vehicles and track-gauge into consideration.
This document specifies requirements for the design, dimensions, testing and certification (qualification and/or type test), and marking.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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This document is applicable to empty-loaded changeover devices. The purpose of such devices is the generation of a load-related signal which causes the brake performance to be adjusted to the current vehicle mass.
The manually operated empty-loaded changeover devices change their output signal according to the position of the handles which together with the associated changeover plates serve as interfaces. The changeover plates read the required information for the operation of the empty-loaded changeover devices, i.e. brake weights for each position and the relevant changeover mass of the vehicle.
Automatic empty-loaded changeover devices sense a certain load threshold of the vehicle to automatically adjust the output signal when the mass of a vehicle reaches a defined value. This threshold is the changeover mass. Below this mass the vehicle’s brake system provides a reduced brake force. For the changeover mass or more the high brake force applies.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, testing and quality assurance of empty-loaded changeover devices.

  • Standard
    38 pages
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This document defines terms for brakes and braking in rolling stock.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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This document specifies requirements for pads for disc brakes of railway rolling stock.
The document defines requirements and generic test programs for brake pads on dynamometer. This document does not cover mandatory tests to verify stopping distances in addition to laboratory, bench test and in-service tests. In order to qualify the brake pad performance in accordance with the classification the standard provides fixed parameter figures as categories defined in paragraph classification scheme.
This document is not applicable for urban rail applications.

  • Standard
    89 pages
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    1 day

This document defines requirements for the brake pad holders with which the heavy rail vehicles and urban rail vehicles are fitted.
This document is applicable to the brake pad holders made from ferrous materials e.g. cast iron, cast steel or forged steel.
This document is not applicable for brake pad holders made of non-ferrous materials.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the functionality, position, constraints and control of a magnetic track brake system (MTB system) installed in bogies for use in emergency braking and in low adhesion conditions on Mainline Trains with speeds up to 280 km/h. It covers high suspension types of MTB only and not high/low and low suspension type of MTB.
This document also contains test methods and acceptance criteria for an MTB system. It identifies interfaces with electrical equipment, bogie, track and other brake systems.
On the basis of the existing international and national standards, additional requirements are defined for:
-   conditions of application for the MTB system;
-   retardation and brake forces;
-   functional and design features;
-   strength requirements;
-   type, series and vehicle implementation tests.
For design and calculation a "reference surface" is established.

  • Standard
    42 pages
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This document specifies the criteria for system acceptance and type approval of a wheel slide protection (WSP) system. It also specifies criteria for the implementation of WSP to specific vehicle applications and specific operating conditions, as well as requirements for wheel rotation monitoring (WRM). This includes the design, testing and quality assessment of the WSP and WRM systems and their components.
This European Standard does not apply to vehicles on rubber tyred wheels or vehicles equipped with hydraulic brakes.

  • Standard
    103 pages
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    1 day

This document applies to distributor valves and distributor-isolating devices.
The distributor valves contained in this document are of graduable release type. Direct release types are not included.
Functionally they are regarded as not containing relay valves of any type, even if the relay valves are physically an integral part of the distributor valves.
This document applies to both distributor-isolating devices mounted separate from the distributor valve and distributor-isolating devices integral with the distributor valve.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, testing and quality assurance of distributor valves and distributor-isolating devices.
The distributor valve and distributor-isolating device are intended to be part of a brake system mounted in a vehicle with maximum length of 31 m and maximum brake pipe volume of 25 l taking into consideration brake pipe inner diameters between 25 mm and 32 mm.

  • Standard
    66 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document is applicable to relay valves designated to control the brake cylinder pressure of compressed air brakes fitted to railway vehicles, in association with an air brake distributor valve or other control device. It covers one stage relay valves and relay valves adjusting the brake cylinder pressure in response to a change in vehicle speed or load that is either continuously variable or in two or more stages, i.e. empty – loaded.
Relay valves operating with other pressures, in particular the brake pipe pressure, are not included.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of relay valves.

  • Standard
    51 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies test methods and acceptance criteria for a brake system for use in high speed trains as described in the TSI Rolling Stock, operating on routes of the trans-European high-speed rail system.
The tests defined in this document have the purpose of verifying that the braking performance and functions of the train's brake system comply at least with the respective requirements of EN 15734-1.
This European Standard is applicable to:
-   new vehicles of high speed trains;
-   new constructions of existing vehicle types;
-   major overhauls of the above-mentioned vehicles if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
The functional testing requirements set out in this document assume the vehicles are fitted with a brake system architecture that follows the UIC air brake pipe control principles.
High Speed Rolling Stock can be fitted with alternative brake system architectures that do not employ brake pipe control. In these cases equivalent testing requirements will need to be generated to test the functional performance of brake system fitted.

  • Standard
    68 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the functionality, constraints, performance and operation of a brake system for use in high speed trains as described in the TSI High Speed Rolling Stock, operating on routes of the European railways and their infrastructure systems.
The brake system requirements specified in this European Standard apply to trains that may operate at a maximum speed of up to 350 km/h on lines specifically built for high speed and define graduated values for deceleration related to four speed ranges (see Clause 6).
This European Standard covers:
-   all new vehicle designs of high speed trains;
-   all major overhauls of the above-mentioned vehicles if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
This European Standard does not cover locomotive hauled trains, which are specified by EN 14198.
NOTE   This document applies the functional subdivision into subsystems as specified in the TSI High speed. The braking system is part of the function: "Accelerate, maintain speed, brake and stop".

  • Standard
    53 pages
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This European Standard specifies basic requirements for the braking of trains hauled by locomotives:
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in general operation each vehicle is fitted with the traditional brake system with a brake pipe compatible with the UIC brake system.
NOTE   This ensures technical compatibility of the brake function between vehicles of various origins in a train (see 5.4).
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in fixed or predefined formation, the requirements on the vehicle and the train are necessary. In the case of a UIC brake system, this standard applies; if not, the EN 16185 series or the EN 15734 series applies.
If concerned, the UIC brake architecture described in this standard (see 5.4) can be used for brakes for multiple unit train and high speed trains and urban rail described in the EN 13452 series, the EN 16185 series and the EN 15734 series.
This European Standard also takes into account electrical and electronic control functions and additional brake systems like dynamic brakes and adhesion independent brakes.
The brake system requirements, which are specific for on-track machines are set out in EN 14033 1.
This European Standard does not apply to Urban Rail rolling stock braking system, which is specified by EN 13452 1.

  • Standard
    81 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document applies to pneumatic half couplings designed to couple either the brake pipes or main reservoir pipes of railway vehicles, without taking the type of vehicles and track-gauge into consideration.
This document gives the requirements for the design, dimensions, testing and quality assurance of pneumatic half couplings.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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    1 day

This document applies to automatic variable load sensing devices designed to continuously sense the load of a railway vehicle and provide a pneumatic output signal that can be used by a relay valve for the automatic variation of the air pressure used for brake applications, thereby adjusting the brake force accordingly to achieve the required brake performance.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, testing and quality assurance of automatic variable load sensing devices.
The requirements of this document are not fully applicable for tests on vehicle level (vehicle homologation tests).

  • Standard
    26 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document is applicable to brake pipe accelerators designed to vent the brake pipe of railway vehicles when an emergency braking is initiated, without taking the type of vehicles and track-gauge into consideration.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of brake pipe accelerators.

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the functionality, constraints, performance and operation of a brake system for use in self propelling thermal and electric trains operating on routes of the European rail system network.
This European Standard covers:
- all new vehicle designs of self-propelling thermal and electric trains being operated at a maximum speed up to 200 km/h, in the following text simply called EMU/DMU;
- all major overhauls of the above-mentioned vehicles if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
This standard does not cover:
- locomotive hauled trains which are specified by EN 14198;
- mass transit rolling stock which is specified by EN 13452-1;
- high speed trains being operated at speeds greater than 200 km/h which are specified by EN 15734-1.

  • Standard
    56 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies test methods and acceptance criteria for a brake system for use in self propelling thermal and electric trains, in the following document called EMU/DMU, operating on routes of the European conventional rail system network.
This European Standard is applicable to:
-   all new vehicles designs of self-propelling thermal and electric trains;
-   all major overhauls of the EMU/DMU if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
This European Standard does not cover:
-   locomotive hauled trains which are specified by EN 14198;
-   mass transit rolling stock which is specified by EN 13452 (all parts);
-   high speed trains being operated at speeds greater than 200 km/h which are specified by EN 15734-1 and tests in EN 15734-2.
The functional testing requirements set out in this European Standard assume the vehicles are fitted with brake system architecture as defined in prEN 16185 1.
The braking performance obtained by applying the tests defined in this European Standard can be used to assess compliance with the required braking performance as defined in prEN 16185-1.

  • Standard
    73 pages
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This document defines a harmonized way to assess the braking performance by test of locomotives, passenger coaches, freight wagons and self-propelled passenger trains (EMU/DMU).
The document sets out the standardized method for undertaking brake performance tests and the correction factors to be applied to the data obtained for all types of rolling stock.
This document also defines the methods to assess the brake performance in terms of stopping distance, and from this the process to determine vehicle(s) deceleration and braked weight.
It then deals with conversion of the braked weight to the braked weight percentage of a vehicle or train for operating purposes. It also sets out additional factors when determining the braked weight percentage of a train calculated from specified braked weight, depending on the formation of the train.
In Annex D there is a method for determining brake performance of freight wagons fitted with P10 cast iron or LL-blocks using limited testing (force measurement).

  • Standard
    84 pages
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    1 day

This document applies to brake block holders and brake block keys included in brake rigging installed on railway vehicles.
Brake block holders and brake block keys made of non-ferrous materials are not within the scope of this document.
This document contains requirements for design and evaluation testing of conformity.
The requirements contained in this document apply to the brake block holders and brake block keys fitted on railway vehicles with brake blocks whose dimensions are in accordance with the requirements given in EN 16452.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies requirements for the design and dimensions of the brake disc.
This document applies to brake discs mounted onto the wheel, including the wheel web or wheel hub of railway rolling stock.
This document applies to discs having one or more disc brake rings, each having two axially separated friction faces.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the design and dimensions of the brake disc.
This document applies to discs pressed or shrunk onto the axle or drive shaft of railway rolling stock by a cylindrical or conic tapered interference fit.
This document applies to discs having one or more disc brake rings, each having two axially separated friction faces.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This European Standard gives the requirements for the design, dimensions, performance, and testing of a brake block (otherwise known as brake shoe insert) that acts on the wheel tread as part of a tread brake system. This European Standard does not cover cast iron brake block requirements.
This European Standard is applicable to brake blocks of either "K", "L", or "LL" friction level designed to be fitted to tread braked rail vehicles.
This European Standard contains the requirements for interfacing the brake block with the rail vehicle, the testing procedures in order to confirm that it satisfies the basic safety and technical interchangeability requirements, the material control procedures to ensure product quality, reliability and conformity and considers health and environmental needs.

  • Standard
    179 pages
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    1 day

This document gives guidelines for the calculation of vehicle stopping distances when testing a WSP system using the methods specified in EN 15595, the standard for Wheel Slide Protection, under the conditions defined in that standard.
This document is only applicable to the calculation of stopping distances for the evaluation of the results of WSP tests carried out in accordance with EN 15595.
This document does not apply to calculations used to determine the stopping performance of a WSP equipped train under operational conditions as it is only applicable for specific WSP test conditions.

  • Technical report
    18 pages
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This document specifies test methods and acceptance criteria for a brake system used in passenger coaches including driving trailers for use in general operation.
This document is applicable to all new passenger coaches including driving trailers, which are designed for general operation in the European conventional rail system network in accordance with EN 14198.
This document does not cover the homologation tests of any brake component.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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This European Standard describes general algorithms for the brake performance calculations to be used for all types of train sets, units or single vehicles, including high speed, locomotive and passenger coaches, conventional vehicles and wagons.
This European Standard does not specify the performance requirements. It enables the estimation and/or comparison by calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, dissipated energy, power, force calculations and immobilization braking.
If it is required to validate, verify or assess braking performance it is recommended that a more detailed calculation is performed in accordance with EN 14531-2, i.e. a step by step calculation.
This European Standard contains generic examples of the calculation of brake forces for individual brake equipment types and calculation of stopping distance and immobilization braking relevant to a train (see Annexes C and D).

  • Standard
    83 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard establishes general principles for designing, manufacturing and type testing slack adjusters.
NOTE 1   These requirements cannot be written in sufficient detail to ensure good workmanship or proper construction. Each manufacturer is therefore responsible for taking every necessary step to make sure that the quality of workmanship and construction is such as to ensure accordance with good engineering practice.
It is applicable to double acting slack adjusters designed to control the block (shoe) to tread (wheel) clearance of tread braked vehicles with conventional brake cylinders and rigging, without taking the track-gauge into consideration.
NOTE 2   The term used for this device by UIC is "Brake rigging adjuster".

  • Standard
    20 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for the design, dimensions, performance and testing of single/double brake indicators. It applies to pneumatically and electrically operating brake indicators visible from the outside of the vehicle.
NOTE   Brake indicators are for giving information about release and application of the brake.
This European Standard applies to brake indicators on railway vehicles used on the main national networks, urban networks, underground railways, trams and private networks (regional railways, company railways etc.).
This document does not apply to brake indicator for magnetic track brake or eddy current brake.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the step-by-step method for the calculation of brake performance utilizing time step integration which may be used for all types of train sets, units or single vehicles, including high-speed, locomotive and passenger coaches, conventional vehicles and wagons.
This European Standard does not specify the performance requirements. It enables the calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, adhesion requirements, force calculations, etc.
This European Standard enables the verification by calculation of the stopping and slowing performance for high-speed and conventional trains operating on high-speed and conventional infrastructure. It may also be used for the detailed investigation of stopping or slowing performance at any design/verification stage.
The proposed method of this standard is based on a numerical time integration algorithm. The standard explains a simple numerical integration scheme in order to provide a useful straightforward example of the proposed method. Other numerical time integration algorithms exist, especially more accurate ones, but they are not in the scope of this Standard.
NOTE    When such methods are used the order of accuracy that they achieve has to be in accordance with this European Standard.
This European Standard also includes examples of distance and other dynamic calculations, see Annex B.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the requirements for the function, design, performance, and testing of emergency push buttons that are installed in train’s driving’s cab.
This document is applicable for emergency push button.
This document is not applicable for emergency handle.

  • Draft
    20 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies basic requirements for the braking of trains hauled by locomotives.
This document is applicable for trains hauled by locomotives and vehicles intended for use in general operation or in fixed or predefined formation.
NOTE   This ensures technical compatibility of the brake function between vehicles of various origins in a train (see 5.4).
If concerned, the EN-UIC brake architecture described in this document (see 5.4) is also applicable to brakes for multiple unit train and high speed trains and urban rail described in the EN 16185 series and the EN 15734 series and the EN 13452 series respectively.
This document also takes into account electrical and electronic control functions and additional brake systems like dynamic brakes and adhesion independent brakes.
The brake system requirements, which are specific for railbound construction and maintenance machines are set out in EN 14033-1.

  • Draft
    81 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the requirements for the function, design, performance and testing of brake indicators. It applies to brake indicators visible from the outside of the rail vehicle.

  • Draft
    24 pages
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This document specifies basic requirements and definitions for a brake system for use in urban rail vehicles.
Note: Urban rail vehicles are defined in EN17343.
This document is applicable to:
- tram vehicles and light rail vehicles;
- metro vehicles with steel wheels;
- metro vehicles with rubber tyred wheels;
- other urban rail vehicles.
This document does not apply to special transport systems, e.g. suspended monorail, rack and pinion lines, isolated operations such as scenic railways, special duty vehicles, etc.Compliance with the functional and performance requirements defined in this document is verified by testing in accordance with EN 13452-2.

  • Draft
    33 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies test methods for a brake system for use in urban rail vehicles.
Note: Urban rail vehicles are defined in EN 17343.
This document is applicable to:
- tram vehicles and light rail vehicles;
- metro vehicles with steel wheels;
- metro vehicles with rubber tyred wheels;
- other urban rail vehicles.
This document does not apply to special transport systems, e.g. suspended monorail, rack and pinion lines, isolated operations such as scenic railways, special duty vehicles, etc.

  • Draft
    74 pages
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    1 day

This document is applicable to empty-loaded changeover devices. The purpose of such devices is the generation of a load-related signal which causes the brake performance to be adjusted to the current vehicle mass.
The manually operated empty-loaded changeover devices change their output signal according to the position of the handles which together with the associated changeover plates serve as interfaces. The changeover plates read the required information for the operation of the empty-loaded changeover devices, i.e. brake weights for each position and the relevant changeover mass of the vehicle.
Automatic empty-loaded changeover devices sense a certain load threshold of the vehicle to automatically adjust the output signal when the mass of a vehicle reaches a defined value. This threshold is the changeover mass. Below this mass the vehicle’s brake system provides a reduced brake force. For the changeover mass or more the high brake force applies.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, testing and quality assurance of empty-loaded changeover devices.

  • Draft
    15 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies requirements for pads for disc brakes of railway rolling stock.
The document defines requirements and generic test programs for brake pads on dynamometer. This document does not cover mandatory tests to verify stopping distances in addition to laboratory, bench test and in-service tests. In order to qualify the brake pad performance in accordance with the classification the standard provides fixed parameter figures as categories defined in paragraph classification scheme.
This document is not applicable for urban rail applications.

  • Draft
    14 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the criteria for system acceptance and type approval of a wheel slide protection (WSP) system. It also specifies criteria for the implementation of WSP to specific vehicle applications and specific operating conditions, as well as requirements for wheel rotation monitoring (WRM). This includes the design, testing and quality assessment of the WSP and WRM systems and their components.
This European Standard does not apply to vehicles on rubber tyred wheels or vehicles equipped with hydraulic brakes.

  • Draft
    5 pages
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    1 day

This document is applicable to relay valves designated to control the brake cylinder pressure of compressed air brakes fitted to railway vehicles, in association with an air brake distributor valve or other control device. It covers one stage relay valves and relay valves adjusting the brake cylinder pressure in response to a change in vehicle speed or load that is either continuously variable or in two or more stages, i.e. empty – loaded.
Relay valves operating with other pressures, in particular the brake pipe pressure, are not included.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of relay valves.

  • Draft
    5 pages
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    1 day

This document applies to distributor valves and distributor-isolating devices.
The distributor valves contained in this document are of graduable release type. Direct release types are not included.
Functionally they are regarded as not containing relay valves of any type, even if the relay valves are physically an integral part of the distributor valves.
This document applies to both distributor-isolating devices mounted separate from the distributor valve and distributor-isolating devices integral with the distributor valve.
This document specifies the requirements for the design, testing and quality assurance of distributor valves and distributor-isolating devices.
The distributor valve and distributor-isolating device are intended to be part of a brake system mounted in a vehicle with maximum length of 31 m and maximum brake pipe volume of 25 l taking into consideration brake pipe inner diameters between 25 mm and 32 mm.

  • Draft
    9 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies basic requirements for the braking of trains hauled by locomotives:
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in general operation each vehicle is fitted with the traditional brake system with a brake pipe compatible with the UIC brake system.
NOTE   This ensures technical compatibility of the brake function between vehicles of various origins in a train (see 5.4).
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in fixed or predefined formation, the requirements on the vehicle and the train are necessary. In the case of a UIC brake system, this standard applies; if not, the EN 16185 series or the EN 15734 series applies.
If concerned, the UIC brake architecture described in this standard (see 5.4) can be used for brakes for multiple unit train and high speed trains and urban rail described in the EN 13452 series, the EN 16185 series and the EN 15734 series.
This European Standard also takes into account electrical and electronic control functions and additional brake systems like dynamic brakes and adhesion independent brakes.
The brake system requirements, which are specific for on-track machines are set out in EN 14033 1.
This European Standard does not apply to Urban Rail rolling stock braking system, which is specified by EN 13452 1.

  • Draft
    6 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies test methods and acceptance criteria for a brake system for use in self propelling thermal and electric trains, in the following document called EMU/DMU, operating on routes of the European conventional rail system network.
This European Standard is applicable to:
-   all new vehicles designs of self-propelling thermal and electric trains;
-   all major overhauls of the EMU/DMU if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
This European Standard does not cover:
-   locomotive hauled trains which are specified by EN 14198;
-   mass transit rolling stock which is specified by EN 13452 (all parts);
-   high speed trains being operated at speeds greater than 200 km/h which are specified by EN 15734-1 and tests in EN 15734-2.
The functional testing requirements set out in this European Standard assume the vehicles are fitted with brake system architecture as defined in prEN 16185 1.
The braking performance obtained by applying the tests defined in this European Standard can be used to assess compliance with the required braking performance as defined in prEN 16185-1.

  • Draft
    6 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies basic requirements for the braking of trains hauled by locomotives:
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in general operation each vehicle is fitted with the traditional brake system with a brake pipe compatible with the UIC brake system.
NOTE   This ensures technical compatibility of the brake function between vehicles of various origins in a train (see 5.4).
-   For trains hauled by locomotives and intended for use in fixed or predefined formation, the requirements on the vehicle and the train are necessary. In the case of a UIC brake system, this standard applies; if not, the EN 16185 series or the EN 15734 series applies.
If concerned, the UIC brake architecture described in this standard (see 5.4) can be used for brakes for multiple unit train and high speed trains and urban rail described in the EN 13452 series, the EN 16185 series and the EN 15734 series.
This European Standard also takes into account electrical and electronic control functions and additional brake systems like dynamic brakes and adhesion independent brakes.
The brake system requirements, which are specific for on-track machines are set out in EN 14033-1.
This European Standard does not apply to Urban Rail rolling stock braking system, which is specified by EN 13452-1.

  • Draft
    5 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard establishes general principles for designing, manufacturing and type testing slack adjusters.
NOTE 1   These requirements cannot be written in sufficient detail to ensure good workmanship or proper construction. Each manufacturer is therefore responsible for taking every necessary step to make sure that the quality of workmanship and construction is such as to ensure accordance with good engineering practice.
It is applicable to double acting slack adjusters designed to control the block (shoe) to tread (wheel) clearance of tread braked vehicles with conventional brake cylinders and rigging, without taking the track-gauge into consideration.
NOTE 2   The term used for this device by UIC is "Brake rigging adjuster".

  • Draft
    5 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard gives the requirements for the design, dimensions, performance, and testing of a brake block (otherwise known as brake shoe insert) that acts on the wheel tread as part of a tread brake system. This European Standard does not cover cast iron brake block requirements.
This European Standard is applicable to brake blocks of either "K", "L", or "LL" friction level designed to be fitted to tread braked rail vehicles.
This European Standard contains the requirements for interfacing the brake block with the rail vehicle, the testing procedures in order to confirm that it satisfies the basic safety and technical interchangeability requirements, the material control procedures to ensure product quality, reliability and conformity and considers health and environmental needs.

  • Draft
    13 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard describes the functionality, constraints, performance and operation of a brake system for use in self propelling thermal and electric trains operating on routes of the European rail system network.
This European Standard covers:
- all new vehicle designs of self-propelling thermal and electric trains being operated at a maximum speed up to 200 km/h, in the following text simply called EMU/DMU;
- all major overhauls of the above-mentioned vehicles if they involve redesigning or extensive alteration to the brake system of the vehicle concerned.
This standard does not cover:
- locomotive hauled trains which are specified by EN 14198;
- mass transit rolling stock which is specified by EN 13452-1;
- high speed trains being operated at speeds greater than 200 km/h which are specified by EN 15734-1.

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This European Standard specifies the functionality, position, constraints and control of a magnetic track brake system (MTB system) installed in bogies for use in emergency braking and in low adhesion conditions on Mainline Trains up to speeds of 280 km/h. It covers high suspension types of MTB only and not high/low and low suspension type of MTB.
This document also contains test methods and acceptance criteria for an MTB system. It identifies interfaces with electrical equipment, bogie, track and other brake systems.
On the basis of the existing international and national standards, additional requirements are defined for:
-   conditions of application for the MTB system;
-   retardation and brake forces;
-   functional and design features;
-   strength requirements;
-   type, series and vehicle implementation tests.
For design and calculation a "reference surface" is established.

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This European Standard describes general algorithms for the brake performance calculations to be used for all types of train sets, units or single vehicles, including high speed, locomotive and passenger coaches, conventional vehicles and wagons.
This European Standard does not specify the performance requirements. It enables the estimation and/or comparison by calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, dissipated energy, power, force calculations and immobilization braking.
If it is required to validate, verify or assess braking performance it is recommended that a more detailed calculation is performed in accordance with FprEN 14531-2, i.e. a step by step calculation.
This European Standard contains generic examples of the calculation of brake forces for individual brake equipment types and calculation of stopping distance and immobilization braking relevant to a train (see Annexes C and D).

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