Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators

This part of EN 474 deals with all specific significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to hydraulic excavators as defined in EN ISO 6165:2006, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This part also deals with object handling application, shovel application and log application.
The requirements of this part are complementary to the common requirements formulated in EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013.
This part does not repeat the requirements from EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013, but adds or replaces the requirements for application for hydraulic excavators.
This part specifies the appropriate technical measures to eliminate or reduce risks arising from the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events during commissioning, operation and maintenance of hydraulic excavators.
This European Standard is not applicable to hydraulic excavators manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.

Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Teil 5: Anforderungen für Hydraulikbagger

Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Partie 5: Prescriptions applicables aux pelles hydrauliques

La présente partie de l’EN 474 traite de tous les phénomènes, situations et événements dangereux significatifs relatifs aux pelles hydrauliques définies dans l’EN ISO 6165:2006, lorsqu’elles sont utilisées comme prévu ou dans des conditions de mauvais usage que le fabricant peut raisonnablement prévoir (voir Article 4).
La présente partie traite également des utilisations en manutention d’objets, en pelle et en grumes.
Les prescriptions figurant dans la présente partie viennent en complément des prescriptions communes présentées dans l’%EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013&.
La présente partie ne répète pas les prescriptions de l’%EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013& mais en ajoute ou en remplace certaines applicables aux pelles hydrauliques.
La présente partie prescrit les mesures techniques appropriées pour éliminer ou réduire les risques dus aux phénomènes, situations et événements dangereux significatifs survenant lors de la mise en service, du fonctionnement et de la maintenance des pelles hydrauliques.
La présente Norme européenne ne s’applique pas aux pelles hydrauliques fabriquées avant la publication de la présente Norme européenne par le CEN.

Stroji za zemeljska dela - Varnost - 5. del: Zahteve za hidravlične bagre

Ta del standarda EN 474 obravnava vsa večja tveganja, nevarne situacije in dogodke v zvezi s hidravličnimi bagri iz standarda EN ISO 6165:2006, kadar se ti uporabljajo v skladu z njihovim namenom in pod pogoji pričakovane nepravilne uporabe, ki jih določa proizvajalec (glejte točko 4). Ta del obravnava tudi ravnanje s predmeti, uporabo lopate in ravnanje s hlodi. Zahteve iz tega dela dopolnjujejo splošne zahteve, navedene v standardu EN 474-1:2006+A1:2013. Ta del ne ponavlja zahtev iz standarda EN 474-1:2006+A1:2013, temveč dodaja ali nadomešča zahteve za uporabo hidravličnih bagrov. Ta del določa ustrezne tehnične ukrepe za odpravo ali zmanjšanje večjih tveganj, nevarnih situacij in nevarnih dogodkov med začetkom obratovanja, obratovanjem in vzdrževanjem hidravličnih bagrov. Ta evropski standard se ne uporablja za hidravlične bagre, poizvedene pred datumom izdaje tega evropskega standarda s strani CEN.

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EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Teil 5: Anforderungen für HydraulikbaggerEngins de terrassement - Sécurité - Partie 5: Prescriptions applicables aux pelles hydrauliquesEarth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators53.100Stroji za zemeljska delaEarth-moving machineryICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 474-5:2006+A3:2013SIST EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014en,fr,de01-januar-2014SIST EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014SLOVENSKI
EN 474-5:2006+A3
July 2013 ICS 53.100 Supersedes EN 474-5:2006+A2:2012
English Version
Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators
Engins de terrassement - Sécurité - Partie 5: Prescriptions applicables aux pelles hydrauliques
Erdbaumaschinen - Sicherheit - Teil 5: Anforderungen für Hydraulikbagger This European Standard was approved by CEN on 17 April 2006 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 20 December 2008, Amendment 2 approved by CEN on 22 November 2011 and Amendment 3 approved by CEN on 23 May 2013.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 474-5:2006+A3:2013: E SIST EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014

List of additional significant hazards – Hydraulic excavators . 18 Annex B (informative)
Rated lift capacity tables for object handling . 20 Annex C (normative)
Requirements for excavator swing brakes . 24 Annex D (informative)
Illustrations . 28 Annex ZA (informative)
!Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC" . 32 Bibliography . 33
Figures Figure 1 — Tipping lines of walking excavators . 15 Figure 2 — Measurement of the tipping load to front/rear . 16 Figure 3 — Measurement of tipping load to the side . 16 Figure C.1 — Swing service brake . 25 Figure D.1 — Crawler excavator . 28 Figure D.2 — Compact crawler excavator . 28 Figure D.3 — Wheel excavator . 29 Figure D.4 — Compact wheel excavator . 29 Figure D.5 — Walking excavator . 30
Tables Table A.1 — List of additional significant hazards . 18 Table B.1 — Example of rated lift capacity table for crawler excavators . 22 Table B.2 — Example of rated lift capacity table for wheel excavators . 23
!", # $ and %&. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive. #For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.$ For bibliographic references, see %EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013&. EN 474 "Earth-moving machinery — Safety" comprises the following parts:  Part 1: General requirements  Part 2: Requirements for tractor-dozers  Part 3: Requirements for loaders  Part 4: Requirements for backhoe-loaders  Part 5: Requirements for hydraulic excavators  Part 6: Requirements for dumpers  Part 7: Requirements for scrapers  Part 8: Requirements for graders  Part 9: Requirements for pipelayers  Part 10: Requirements for trenchers  Part 11: Requirements for earth and landfill compactors  Part 12: Requirements for cable excavators This European Standard is intended for use in combination with Part 1 of the series. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, SIST EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014

Introduction This part of EN 474 is a type C standard as stated in EN ISO 12100-1:2003. The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and events are covered are indicated in the scope of this European Standard. When provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type A or B standards, the provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other standards, for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this type C standard. SIST EN 474-5:2007+A3:2014

%EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013&, EN ISO 12100-1:2003 and the following apply. NOTE 1 Terminology for hydraulic excavators are specified in ISO 7135:1993 and illustrated in A

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