Spectator facilities - Layout criteria of service area - Part 2: Characteristics and national situations

This Technical Report gives characteristics generally applicable to service areas.
This Technical Report also gives a questionnaire where CEN members give their contributions and information on the national situation.

Zuschaueranlagen - Kriterien für die räumliche Anordnung von Versorgungsbereichen - Teil 2: Eigenschaften und nationale Gegebenheiten

Installations pour spectateurs - Partie 2: Critères d'implantation des espaces de service - Caractéristiques et situations nationales

Le présent Rapport Technique indique les caractéristiques généralement applicables aux espaces de service.
Il contient également un questionnaire par lequel les membres du CEN fournissent leur contribution et donnent des informations concernant leur situation nationale.

Prostori za gledalce - Merila za načrtovanje storitvene oskrbe - 2. del: Značilnosti in nacionalne razmere

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Prostori za gledalce - Merila za načrtovanje storitvene oskrbe - 2. del: Značilnosti
in nacionalne razmere
Spectator facilities - Layout criteria of service area - Part 2: Characteristics and national
Zuschaueranlagen - Kriterien für die räumliche Anordnung von Versorgungsbereichen -
Teil 2: Eigenschaften und nationale Gegebenheiten
Installations pour spectateurs - Partie 2: Criteres d'implantation des espaces de service -
Caractéristiques et situations nationales
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 13200-2:2005
91.040.10 Javne stavbe Public buildings
97.200.10 Gledališka, odrska in Theatre, stage and studio
studijska oprema ter delovne equipment
97.220.10 Športni objekti Sports facilities
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 13200-2
November 2005
ICS 97.200.10; 97.220.10
English Version
Spectator facilities - Layout criteria of service area - Part 2:
Characteristics and national situations
Installations pour spectateurs - Critères d'implantation des Zuschaueranlagen - Teil 2: Kriterien für die räumliche
espaces de service - Partie 2: Caractéristiques et situations Anordnung von Versorgungsbereichen - Eigenschaften und
nationales nationale Gegebenheiten
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 30 April 2005. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 315.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 13200-2:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope.4
2 Terms and definitions.4
3 Relationship between external area and service area.4
3.1 Choice of spectator facilities site .4

3.2 Infrastructure.4
4 Organisation of service area (See A.10).5
4.1 Facilities for activity area participants .5
4.2 Facilities for media.5
4.3 Facilities for the organising and staging of events.5
4.4 Facilities for stewards and security services .5
4.5 Facilities for administration, maintenance and function .5
4.6 Facilities for spectators.5
5 Characteristics.6
5.1 External perimeter barrier with turnstiles and exit gates.6
5.2 Passageways.6
5.3 Toilet.6
5.4 First aid.7
5.5 Kiosks for food, drink and souvenirs.7
5.6 VIP area.7
5.7 Ticket sales.7
Annex A (informative) National Situation of spectator service area characteristics applicable in
certain European Countries .9

This Technical Report (CEN/TR 13200-2:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 315
“Spectator facilities”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI.
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives characteristics generally applicable to service areas.
This Technical Report also gives a questionnaire where CEN members give their contributions and
information on the national situation.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the following definition applies.
service area
space or spaces with controlled access between the external area and the viewing area (see Figure 1)
3 Relationship between external area and service area
3.1 Choice of spectator facilities site
When selecting a suitable location, any planning or building developments in the neighbourhood of the
prospective grounds should be assessed. It may be that neighbouring grounds are to be used for purposes
which might constitute a nuisance to the spectator facility (e.g. dirt, pollution, noise caused by traffic or
industry) or alternatively that the spectator facilities itself might be the nuisance factor (e.g. levels of noise for
people living in the neighbourhood from sports or from spectator crowds at events, including arrivals and
departures, or the light from the illumination of the sports ground). A study should be made, if necessary, of
whether and which form of protective measures can be taken to prevent such mutual disturbances and at
what cost.
3.2 Infrastructure
Both public and private transports systems should be located and dimensioned so that the flow of spectators
is able to pass through the entrance and exit/gates of the facility without disruption to other forms of transport
and so that sufficient space is available for persons awaiting the next departure. The lanes of the roads
should not be obstructed.
Access to public transport:
 Rail;
 taxis;
 bus;
 connection to airport;
 connection to port;
 connection to railway station.
Access to private transport:
 vip;
 private car;
 motorcycles;
 bicycles;
 footpaths;
4 Organisation of service area (See A.10)
The service area can be organised into the following areas (see also Figure 1):
4.1 Facilities for activity area participants
These facilities comprise the activity area and rooms, equipment rooms, changing, training rooms, sanitary
facilities, first-aid room, drug testing room, call room (waiting room), parking spaces for cars, buses and
bicycles for the participants of the activity area.
The following amenities are required for this area: recreational areas, resting areas, refreshment and catering
rooms, sanitary and health facilities.
4.2 Facilities for media
These include press spaces, commentary spaces, TV camera spaces, interview rooms, press offices, facilities
for telecommunication and Internet, catering facilities, sanitary facilities and parking spaces.
Any temporary TV media or advertising arrangement should be agreed before and shall not compromise the
safety and the visibility of spectators.
4.3 Facilities for the organising and staging of events
Facilities for the organisation of the events (accounting and office rooms, judge office, changing, sanitary
facilities), control room, management, lighting, acoustics, scoreboards and parking spaces for emergency
rescue services.
4.4 Facilities for stewards and security services
Facilities for steward services, police, fire, security guards, including parking spaces for public order and
security services as well as for emergency rescue services
4.5 Facilities for administration, maintenance and function
This area comprises office rooms with telephone, telecommunication, electronic data processing, staff
changing rooms, sanitary facilities and lounges as well as material stores, rooms for maintenance equipment,
workshops, event storage and equipment rooms, technical control station, electric power station, heating
systems, water supply equipment.
4.6 Facilities for spectators
These include catering facilities and seats, parking spaces, ticket offices, controls, telephones, sanitary
facilities, drinks, food and souvenirs, VIP area, meeting point, spaces for sponsors (boxes) and first-aid.
5 Characteristics
Service area shall be fully accessible to people with special needs.
The service area is constituted by:
5.1 External perimeter barrier with turnstiles and exit gates
Passageways, indoor or outdoor, to enter to the service area or to exit from it, within the perimeter limit or
barrier of the spectator facilities. This will include entry point and turnstiles for ingress (see A.1), exit doors or
gates for exit (see A.2), in order to provide a secure separation between external area and services area.
Turnstile for access or exits of facilities are not suitable for persons with special needs. In order to allow free
access and ingress for those persons, barrier free installations shall be installed additionally.
5.2 Passageways
The first element of the exit route from the spectator accommodation should be no wider than any subsequent
element (see A.3).
The passageways can be as follows:
 on one level (see A.4);
 on and inclined plane (see A.5) (ramps);
 on stairs (see A.6);
 on elevators and escalators.
5.3 Toilet
Unless otherwise specified by National legislation or other guidance, a general criteria for sanitary
accommodation (toilets) is as follows:
 the numerical proportion of men to women spectator is subject to the type of event being staged.
Whereas for most sports and non-sporting events (open air concerts) one can assume a ratio of 1:1. For
some sports like football, a ratio of 3:1 (men: women) can be expected. This requirement can be met by
providing a flexible arrangement for part of the sanitary unit which allows for an alternative use for men or
women, provided that the building conditions are suitable for such. Facilities designed for larger spectator
crowds should cater for this.
The number of toilet facilities is listed in Table 1 below and a rate of 1 toilet for every 10 disabled spectators is
needed (see A.7).
A reasonable distance between any position from the viewing are and the nearest toilet should be considered
Table 1 — Number of spectator toilets
Spectators Total less than 500 Total 1000 and more rate per 1000
For women:
Toilet seats 25 33
Washbasins 10 15
For men:
Toilets seats 5 7
Urinals 20 26
Washbasins 10 15
5.4 First aid
Unless otherwise specified one first-aid station, should be provided for every 5,000 to 10,000 (see A.8)
5.5 Kiosks for food, drink and souvenirs
Each spectator block should be furnished with a kiosk (4 to 8 counter spaces) and with rooms storing goods
and empties. Depending on the type of supply, one counter space is calculated every 300 to 600 spectators
(see A.9).
For goods from vendors, appropriate storage room should be provided based on a calculation of 1 vendor for
every 500 to 1.000 spectators.
Kiosks may also be supplemented by restaurants, as required.
5.6 VIP area
This area should be considered. Size, number and layout should be appropriate to circumstances.
5.7 Ticket sales
A ticket office(s) should be provided for spectators in the external area near to service area. Counters should
be supplied for the sale of advance tickets for future events.
1 Sports / Event area
2 Sports participants
3 Leisure oriented users
4 Persons involved in non sporting events
5 Spectators
6 Media facilities
7 Event organisation and implementation
8 Stewards and security services
9 Administration, maintenance
Figure 1 – Example of scheme of subdivision into individual sections
Annex A
National Situation of spectator service area characteristics applicable in
certain European Countries
A.1 Specify entry control requirements and any special requirement for the external perimeter barrier in your

Spectator facilities - Layout criteria of service area - Part 2: Characteristics and national
Zuschaueranlagen - Kriterien für die räumliche Anordnung von Versorgungsbereichen -
Teil 2: Eigenschaften und nationale Gegebenheiten
Installations pour spectateurs - Partie 2: Criteres d'implantation des espaces de service -
Caractéristiques et situations nationales
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 13200-2:2005
91.040.10 Javne stavbe Public buildings
97.200.10 Gledališka, odrska in Theatre, stage and studio
studijska oprema ter delovne equipment
97.220.10 Športni objekti Sports facilities
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 13200-2
November 2005
ICS 97.200.10; 97.220.10
English Version
Spectator facilities - Layout criteria of service area - Part 2:
Characteristics and national situations
Installations pour spectateurs - Critères d'implantation des Zuschaueranlagen - Teil 2: Kriterien für die räumliche
espaces de service - Partie 2: Caractéristiques et situations Anordnung von Versorgungsbereichen - Eigenschaften und
nationales nationale Gegebenheiten
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 30 April 2005. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 315.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 13200-2:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope.4
2 Terms and definitions.4
3 Relationship between external area and service area.4
3.1 Choice of spectator facilities site .4

3.2 Infrastructure.4
4 Organisation of service area (See A.10).5
4.1 Facilities for activity area participants .5
4.2 Facilities for media.5
4.3 Facilities for the organising and staging of events.5
4.4 Facilities for stewards and security services .5
4.5 Facilities for administration, maintenance and function .5
4.6 Facilities for spectators.5
5 Characteristics.6
5.1 External perimeter barrier with turnstiles and exit gates.6
5.2 Passageways.6
5.3 Toilet.6
5.4 First aid.7
5.5 Kiosks for food, drink and souvenirs.7
5.6 VIP area.7
5.7 Ticket sales.7
Annex A (informative) National Situation of spectator service area characteristics applicable in
certain European Countries .9

This Technical Report (CEN/TR 13200-2:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 315
“Spectator facilities”, the secretariat of which is held by UNI.
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives characteristics generally applicable to service areas.
This Technical Report also gives a questionnaire where CEN members give their contributions and
information on the national situation.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the following definition applies.
service area
space or spaces with controlled access between the external area and the viewing area (see Figure 1)
3 Relationship between external area and service area
3.1 Choice of spectator facilities site
When selecting a suitable location, any planning or building developments in the neighbourhood of the
prospective grounds should be assessed. It may be that neighbouring grounds are to be used for purposes
which might constitute a nuisance to the spectator facility (e.g. dirt, pollution, noise caused by traffic or
industry) or alternatively that the spectator facilities itself might be the nuisance factor (e.g. levels of noise for
people living in the neighbourhood from sports or from spectator crowds at events, including arrivals and
departures, or the light from the illumination of the sports ground). A study should be made, if necessary, of
whether and which form of protective measures can be taken to prevent such mutual disturbances and at
what cost.
3.2 Infrastructure
Both public and private transports systems should be located and dimensioned so that the flow of spectators
is able to pass through the entrance and exit/gates of the facility without disruption to other forms of transport
and so that sufficient space is available for persons awaiting the next departure. The lanes of the roads
should not be obstructed.
Access to public transport:
 Rail;
 taxis;
 bus;
 connection to airport;
 connection to port;
 connection to railway station.
Access to private transport:
 vip;
 private car;
 motorcycles;
 bicycles;
 footpaths;
4 Organisation of service area (See A.10)
The service area can be organised into the following areas (see also Figure 1):
4.1 Facilities for activity area participants
These facilities comprise the activity area and rooms, equipment rooms, changing, training rooms, sanitary
facilities, first-aid room, drug testing room, call room (waiting room), parking spaces for cars, buses and
bicycles for the participants of the activity area.
The following amenities are required for this area: recreational areas, resting areas, refreshment and catering
rooms, sanitary and health facilities.
4.2 Facilities for media
These include press spaces, commentary spaces, TV camera spaces, interview rooms, press offices, facilities
for telecommunication and Internet, catering facilities, sanitary facilities and parking spaces.
Any temporary TV media or advertising arrangement should be agreed before and shall not compromise the
safety and the visibility of spectators.
4.3 Facilities for the organising and staging of events
Facilities for the organisation of the events (accounting and office rooms, judge office, changing, sanitary
facilities), control room, management, lighting, acoustics, scoreboards and parking spaces for emergency
rescue services.
4.4 Facilities for stewards and security services
Facilities for steward services, police, fire, security guards, including parking spaces for public order and
security services as well as for emergency rescue services
4.5 Facilities for administration, maintenance and function
This area comprises office rooms with telephone, telecommunication, electronic data processing, staff
changing rooms, sanitary facilities and lounges as well as material stores, rooms for maintenance equipment,
workshops, event storage and equipment rooms, technical control station, electric power station, heating
systems, water supply equipment.
4.6 Facilities for spectators
These include catering facilities and seats, parking spaces, ticket offices, controls, telephones, sanitary
facilities, drinks, food and souvenirs, VIP area, meeting point, spaces for sponsors (boxes) and first-aid.
5 Characteristics
Service area shall be fully accessible to people with special needs.
The service area is constituted by:
5.1 External perimeter barrier with turnstiles and exit gates
Passageways, indoor or outdoor, to enter to the service area or to exit from it, within the perimeter limit or
barrier of the spectator facilities. This will include entry point and turnstiles for ingress (see A.1), exit doors or
gates for exit (see A.2), in order to provide a secure separation between external area and services area.
Turnstile for access or exits of facilities are not suitable for persons with special needs. In order to allow free
access and ingress for those persons, barrier free installations shall be installed additionally.
5.2 Passageways
The first element of the exit route from the spectator accommodation should be no wider than any subsequent
element (see A.3).
The passageways can be as follows:
 on one level (see A.4);
 on and inclined plane (see A.5) (ramps);
 on stairs (see A.6);
 on elevators and escalators.
5.3 Toilet
Unless otherwise specified by National legislation or other guidance, a general criteria for sanitary
accommodation (toilets) is as follows:
 the numerical proportion of men to women spectator is subject to the type of event being staged.
Whereas for most sports and non-sporting events (open air concerts) one can assume a ratio of 1:1. For
some sports like football, a ratio of 3:1 (men: women) can be expected. This requirement can be met by
providing a flexible arrangement for part of the sanitary unit which allows for an alternative use for men or
women, provided that the building conditions are suitable for such. Facilities designed for larger spectator
crowds should cater for this.
The number of toilet facilities is listed in Table 1 below and a rate of 1 toilet for every 10 disabled spectators is
needed (see A.7).
A reasonable distance between any position from the viewing are and the nearest toilet should be considered
Table 1 — Number of spectator toilets
Spectators Total less than 500 Total 1000 and more rate per 1000
For women:
Toilet seats 25 33
Washbasins 10 15
For men:
Toilets seats 5 7
Urinals 20 26
Washbasins 10 15
5.4 First aid
Unless otherwise specified one first-aid station, should be provided for every 5,000 to 10,000 (see A.8)
5.5 Kiosks for food, drink and souvenirs
Each spectator block should be furnished with a kiosk (4 to 8 counter spaces) and with rooms storing goods
and empties. Depending on the type of supply, one counter space is calculated every 300 to 600 spectators
(see A.9).
For goods from vendors, appropriate storage room should be provided based on a calculation of 1 vendor for
every 500 to 1.000 spectators.
Kiosks may also be supplemented by restaurants, as required.
5.6 VIP area
This area should be considered. Size, number and layout should be appropriate to circumstances.
5.7 Ticket sales
A ticket office(s) should be provided for spectators in the external area near to service area. Counters should
be supplied for the sale of advance tickets for future events.
1 Sports / Event area
2 Sports participants
3 Leisure oriented users
4 Persons involved in non sporting events
5 Spectators
6 Media facilities
7 Event organisation and implementation
8 Stewards and security services
9 Administration, maintenance
Figure 1 – Example of scheme of subdivision into individual sections
Annex A
National Situation of spectator service area characteristics applicable in
certain European Countries
A.1 Specify entry control requirements and any special requirement for the external perimeter barrie

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