Shell boilers - Part 1: General

1.1  General
This European Standard specifies design, construction, equipment, operational and water treatment requirements
drawn up with a view to ensuring the operating safety of new stationary shell boiler plants.
This European Standard includes the requirements for the prevention of over-heating and  inadmissible over-
1.2  Boiler plants
A boiler plant consists of:
a)     the shell boiler including all pressure parts from the feedwater inlet (including the inlet valve) to the steam
       and/or hot-water outlet (including the outlet valve). This includes economisers, superheaters and associated
       connecting pipes which are heated by flue gas and are not separated from the main system by intervening
       shut-off devices. Also included is any piping connecting the boiler to and including the first isolating valve;
b)     isolated economisers, superheaters and associated connecting pipes;
c)     expansion vessels and/or expansion tanks for plants for hot water production;
d)     thermal insulation and/or refractory and cladding;
e)     installations for heat supply and heating;
f)     installations for processing and feeding the fuel into the boiler;
g)     installations for the air supply of the boiler including the fans;
h)     installations for the feedwater supply of the boiler;
i)     all control and safety systems.
This European Standard specifies requirements for both directly fired and electrically heated boilers including low
pressure boilers (LPB, see 3.7) as well as for waste-heat boilers with a gas-side pressure not exceeding 0,5 bar1)
of cylindrical design, constructed from carbon or carbon manganese steels by fusion welding and a design pressure
not exceeding 40 bar1). The boilers covered by this European Standard are intended for land use for providing steam
or hot water (typical examples are shown in Figures 1.2-1 to 1.2-5).

Großwasserraumkessel - Teil 1: Allgemeines

Diese Norm regelt die Konstruktion und Berechnung, die Ausrüstung sowie die Anforderungen an den Betrieb und die Wasserqualität im Hinblick auf die Sicherstellung der Betriebssicherheit neuer stationärer Großwasserraumkessel-Anlagen und in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen der Europäischen Richtlinie über Druckgeräte. Diese Norm schließt die Anforderungen zur Vermeidung einer Überhitzung und Druckküberschreitung ein.

Chaudières à tubes de fumée - Partie 1: Généralités

1.1 Généralités
La présente norme européenne spécifie la conception, la fabrication, l'équipement, les prescriptions de fonctionnement et de traitement de l'eau dans le but de garantir un fonctionnement sûr des chaufferies équipées de chaudières à tubes de fumée neuves.
La présente norme européenne inclut les prescriptions pour la prévention de la surchauffe et de la surpression inadmissible.
1.2 Chaufferies équipées de chaudière
Une chaufferie consiste-en :
a) la chaudière à tubes de fumée, y compris l'ensemble des parties sous pression, depuis la tubulure d'entrée d'eau d'alimentation (incluant la robinetterie d'entrée) jusqu'à et y compris la sortie de vapeur et/ou d'eau surchauffée (incluant la robinetterie de sortie). Cela comprend les économiseurs, les surchauffeurs et les tuyauteries de liaison associées qui sont chauffés par les fumées et qui ne sont pas séparés du système principal par l'intervention d'un robinet de sectionnement. Sont également incluses toutes les tuyauteries de raccordement de la chaudière, y compris le premier robinet d'isolement ;
b) les économiseurs isolés, les surchauffeurs et les tuyauteries de liaison associées ;
c) les vases et/ou réservoirs d'expansion pour les installations de production d'eau surchauffée ;
d) les isolations thermiques et/ou réfractaires et placages ;
e) les installations d'alimentation en chaleur et de chauffe ;
f) les installations de préparation et d'alimentation en carburant de la chaudière ;
g) les installations d'alimentation en air de la chaudière, y compris les ventilateurs ;
h) les installations d'alimentation en eau de la chaudière ;
i) tous les systèmes de régulation et de sécurité.

Mnogovodni kotli - 1. del: Splošno

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EN 12953-1:2002
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Mnogovodni kotli - 1. del: SplošnoGroßwasserraumkessel - Teil 1: AllgemeinesChaudieres a tubes de fumée - Partie 1: GénéralitésShell boilers - Part 1: General27.060.30Grelniki vode in prenosniki toploteBoilers and heat exchangersICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 12953-1:2002SIST EN 12953-1:2002en01-november-2002SIST EN 12953-1:2002SLOVENSKI
EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 12953-1May 2002ICS 27.060.30; 27.100English versionShell boilers - Part 1: GeneralChaudières à tubes de fumée - Partie 1: GénéralitésGroßwasserraumkessel - Teil 1: AllgemeinesThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 March 2002.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2002 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 12953-1:2002 ESIST EN 12953-1:2002

Information to be supplied by the purchaser to themanufacturer .16Annex B
Guidance in the use of the conformity assessmentprocedures .18Annex ZA
Clauses of this European Standard addressingessential safety requirements or other provisions of the Pressure Equipment Directive
............................................ 232SIST EN 12953-1:2002

GeneralThis European Standard specifies the design, construction, equipment, operational and water treatment requirementsdrawn up with a view to ensuring the operating safety of new stationary shell boiler plants.This European Standard includes the requirements for the prevention of over-heating and inadmissible over-pressurisation.1.2
Boiler plantsA boiler plant consists of:a)the shell boiler including all pressure parts from the feedwater inlet (including the inlet valve) to the steamand/or hot-water outlet (including the outlet valve). This includes economisers, superheaters and associatedconnecting pipes which are heated by flue gas and are not separated from the main system by interveningshut-off devices. Also included is any piping connecting the boiler to and including the first isolating valve;b)isolated economisers, superheaters and associated connecting pipes;c)expansion vessels and/or expansion tanks for plants for hot water production;d)thermal insulation and/or refractory and cladding;e)installations for heat supply and heating;f)installations for processing and feeding the fuel into the boiler;g)installations for the air supply of the boiler including the fans;h)installations for the feedwater supply of the boiler;i)all control and safety systems.This European Standard specifies requirements for both directly fired and electrically heated boilers including lowpressure boilers (LPB, see 3.7) as well as for waste-heat boilers with a gas-side pressure not exceeding 0,5 bar1)of cylindrical design, constructed from carbon or carbon manganese steels by fusion welding and a design pressurenot exceeding 40 bar1). The boilers covered by this European Standard are intended for land use for providingsteam or hot water (typical examples are shown in Figures 1.2-1 to 1.2-5).Where a particular boiler is a combination of shell boiler and water-tube boiler design, then the water-tube boilerstandard EN 12952 is used in addition to this European Standard. One such example of this combination is shownin Figure 1.2-2.This European Standard applies to the boiler proper, from the feed-water inlet connection to the steam outletconnection and to all other connections, including the valves and steam and water fittings. If welded ends are used,the requirements specified herein begin or end at the weld where flanges, if used, would have been fitted.This European Standard applies to boilers having a capacity of greater than 2 l, a maximum allowable pressuregreater than 0,5 bar and with a maximum design temperature in excess of 110 °C.For Low Pressure Boilers (LPB) less stringent requirements concerning design and calculation are acceptable.Details are defined in the respective clauses.The boiler plant comprises, besides the boiler proper as described above, all pieces of equipment necessary for theintended mode of operation, for which requirements have been laid down in the different parts of this EuropeanStandard.1)For boilers operating at pressure greater than those stated the rules of this standard equally apply. However, itis generally considered that additional design analysis, inspection and testing may be necessary.4SIST EN 12953-1:2002

cylindrical shell 7 reversal chamber tube plate
2 furnace tube (1st pass)8 wet back rear plate
3 front tube plate9 header
4 rear plate10 tube wall
5 smoke tube(s)11 refractory
6 wrapper plateNOTE
The effective radiant heating surface comprises the furnace tube and the surface of the reversal cham-ber, where applicable.Figure 1.2-1 — Wet back boiler with internal reversal chamber5SIST EN 12953-1:2002

ExclusionsThis European Standard does not apply to water-tube boilers, coil boilers, to boilers for railway locomotives, or tomarine boilers. This standard does not cover brickwork setting and insulation.However, no construction code can be sufficiently detailed in order to guarantee, in all cases, the necessaryoperational safety. It is therefore the manufacturer's responsibility, in addition to complying with the requirementsof this European Standard, to take into consideration the special measures which could be necessary in order toobtain the required level of safety.Be that as it may, the safety and reliability of a boiler complying with the requirements of this standard and with theadditional precautions which may possibly be taken by the manufacturer can only be guaranteed if the feedwaterand boiler water are in accordance with the requirements of prEN 12953-10 and if the boiler is correctly operatedand maintained. To achieve this, the instructions given by the manufacturer in the operating and maintenancemanuals are followed.7SIST EN 12953-1:2002

Normative referencesThis European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. Thesenormative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. Fordated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this EuropeanStandard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of thepublication referred to applies (including amendments).EN 764,
Pressure equipment — Terminology and symbols — Pressure, temperature, volume.prEN 764-3:1998,
Pressure equipment — Part 3: Definition and parties involved.EN 12952,
Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations.EN 12953-3:2002,
Shell boilers — Part 3: Design and calculation.prEN 12953-10,
Shell boilers — Part 10: Requirements for feedwater and boiler water quality.CR 12953-14, Shell boilers - Part 14: Guideline for the involvement of an inspection body independent of themanufacturer.3
Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions of EN 764, prEN 764-3 and the followingapply.3.1purchaser individual or organization that buys the completed boiler plant or part thereof from the manufacturer [EN 12952-1]3.2
manufacturerindividual or organization responsible for the design, fabrication, testing, installation where relevant, and compliancewith the requirements of this standard whether executed by him or a subcontractor, see EN 12952-13.3
designer individual or organization that, on behalf of the manufacturer, carries out the design of the boiler plant and thedesigner determines the shape, dimensions and thicknesses of the boiler plant components, selects the materialsand details the methods of construction and testing [EN 12952-1]3.4material supplier individual or organization, not being a material manufacturer, that supplies material or prefabricated parts to be usedin the construction of the boiler plant or any component thereof [EN 12952-1]3.5
material manufacturer individual or organization that produces the basic material for the fabrication of boiler plant components orprefabricated standardized parts [EN 12952-1]8SIST EN 12953-1:2002

responsible authoritythis standard identifies the involvement of competent organisations which are independent of the manufacturer. Suchorganisations may be notified bodies, recognised third-party organisations or user inspectorates. For the purpose ofthis standard all these organisations have been collectively termed responsible authorities (RA) (see also EN 12952-1)NOTE 1The definition of a notified body and the criteria controlling its operation are given respectively in article 12 andAnnex IV of the Pressure Equipment Directive.NOTE 2The definition of a recognized third-party organisation and the criteria controlling its operation are given respectivelyin article 13 and Annex IV of the Pressure Equipment Directive.NOTE 3The definition of a user inspectorate and the criteria controlling its operation are given respectively in article 14 andannex V of the Pressure Equipment Directive.3.7
low pressure boilers (LPB) steam boilers with a maximum saturation temperature of 120 °C (this corresponds to a pressure of 1 bar gauge) orhot water generators with a maximum outlet temperature of 120 °C and a maximum allowable pressure of 10 bargauge9SIST EN 12953-1:2002

Symbols and abbreviationsFor the purposes of this European Standard, the general symbols and abbreviations indicated in Table 4-1 shallapply.Table 4-1 — S

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