Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit breakers-RCBOs-RCCBs for household and similar uses

This European Standard applies to Automatic Reclosing Devices (hereinafter referred to as “ARD”) for household and similar uses, for rated voltage not exceeding 440 V a.c. intended to be used in combination with circuit-breakers and/or RCCBs and/or RCBOs, and designed either for factory assembly or for assembly on site. These devices are intended to reclose main protective devices (hereinafter referred to as “MPD”) such as circuit-breakers complying to EN 60898 1 and/or EN 60898 2, RCCBs complying to EN 61008 1 and RCBOs complying to EN 61009 1 after tripping of those devices in order to re-establish continuity of service. In detail, this European Standard applies to the following types of ARD:  ARD with assessment means, reclosing only if both the prospective line current and the prospective earth-fault current do not exceed given values;  ARD with assessment means, reclosing only if the prospective line current does not exceed a given value;  ARD with assessment means, reclosing only if the prospective earth-fault current does not exceed a given value;  ARD that reclose without any assessment. NOTE 1 The assessment cannot substitute the verifications required by HD 60364 6:2007. NOTE 2 The requirements and tests for the assessment function in IT systems are under consideration. This European Standard does not apply to ARDs with multiple settings adjustable by means accessible to the user in normal service. This European Standard states:  the terms and definitions used for ARD (Clause 3);  the classification of ARD (Clause 4);  the characteristics of ARD (Clause 5);  the preferred values of the operating and influencing quantities (Clause 5);  the marking and information to be provided for ARD (Clause 6);  the standard conditions for installation and operation in service (Clause 7);  the requirements for construction and operation (Clause 8);  the list of minimum requirements to be tested (Clause 9).

Automatisch wiedereinschaltende Einrichtungen für Leitungsschutzschalter sowie Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter mit und ohne eingebautem Überstromschutz (RCBOs und RCCBs) für Hausinstallationen und für ähnliche Anwendungen (ARDs)

Prescriptions pour les dispositifs à refermeture automatique (DRA) pour disjoncteurs, ID et DD, pour usages domestiques et analogues

Naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop odklopnikov - Odklopniki na diferenčni tok z nadtokovno zaščito (RCBOs) - Odklopniki na diferenčni tok (RCCBs) za gospodinjsko in podobno uporabo (ARDs)

Ta evropski standard se uporablja za naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop (ARD)  v gospodinjski in podobni uporabi, kadar naznačena napetost ne presega 440 V izmenične napetosti, pri čemer so te naprave namenjene uporabi v kombinaciji z odklopniki in/ali odklopniki na diferenčni tok (RCCB) in/ali odklopniki na diferenčni tok z nadtokovno zaščito (RCBO) ter zasnovane za sestavo v tovarni ali na kraju samem.
Te naprave so namenjene ponovnemu vklopu glavnih zaščitnih naprav (MPD), kot so odklopniki, skladni s standardom EN 60898-1 in/ali EN 60898-2, odklopniki na diferenčni tok, skladni s standardom EN 61008-1, in odklopniki na diferenčni tok z nadtokovno zaščito, skladni s standardom EN 61009-1, po njihovem izklopu, da se znova vzpostavi neprekinjeno delovanje.
Ta evropski standard se uporablja za naslednje vrste naprav za avtomatski ponovni vklop:
− naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop z možnostjo ocene, ki napravo znova vklopijo le, če pričakovani linijski tok in pričakovani zemeljskostični tok ne presegata navedenih vrednosti;
– naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop z možnostjo ocene, ki napravo znova vklopijo le, če pričakovani linijski tok ne presega navedene vrednosti;
– naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop z možnostjo ocene, ki napravo znova vklopijo le, če pričakovani zemeljskostični tok ne presega določene vrednosti;
– naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop, ki napravo znova vklopijo brez kakršne koli ocene.
OPOMBA 1: Ocena ne more nadomestiti preverjanj, zahtevanih v standardu HD 60364-6:2007.
OPOMBA 2: Zahteve in preskusi za funkcijo ocenjevanja v sistemih IT se obravnavajo.
Ta evropski standard se ne uporablja za naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop z več nastavitvami, ki jih lahko uporabnik nastavi med običajnim delovanjem.
Ta evropski standard določa:
− izraze in definicije, ki se uporabljajo za napravo za avtomatski ponovni vklop (točka 3);
− klasifikacijo naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop (točka 4);
− značilnosti naprave za avtomatski ponovni vklop (točka 5);
− prednostne vrednosti obratovalnih in vplivnih veličin (točka 5);
− označevanje in informacije, ki se predložijo za napravo za avtomatski ponovni vklop (točka 6);
− standardne pogoje za nameščanje in delovanje med obratovanjem (točka 7);
− zahteve za izdelavo in delovanje (točka 8);
− seznam minimalnih zahtev, ki jih je treba preskusiti (točka 9).

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EN 50557:2012
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Standards Content (Sample)

Automatic reclosing devices for circuit breakers-RCBOs-RCCBs for household and
similar uses (ARDs)
Automatisch wiedereinschaltende Einrichtungen für Leitungsschutzschalter sowie
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter mit und ohne eingebautem Überstromschutz (RCBOs und
RCCBs) für Hausinstallationen und für ähnliche Anwendungen (ARDs)
Prescriptions pour les dispositifs à refermeture automatique (DRA) pour disjoncteurs, ID
et DD, pour usages domestiques et analogues
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50557:2011
29.120.50 9DURYDONHLQGUXJD Fuses and other overcurrent
PHGWRNRYQD]DãþLWD protection devices
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 50557
December 2011
ICS 29.120.50
English version
Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit breakers-
RCBOs-RCCBs for household and similar uses

Prescriptions pour les dispositifs à Automatisch wiedereinschaltende
refermeture automatique (DRA) pour Einrichtungen für Leitungsschutzschalter
disjoncteurs, ID et DD, pour usages sowie Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter mit und
domestiques et analogues ohne eingebautem Überstromschutz
(RCBOs und RCCBs) für
Hausinstallationen und für ähnliche
Anwendungen (ARDs)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2011-07-19. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2011 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50557:2011 E
Foreword . 5
Introduction . 6
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Classification . 10
4.1 According to the method of construction . 10
4.2 According to the MPD . 10
4.3 According to the type of assessment means . 10
4.4 According to the safety means during the assessment . 11
4.5 According to the range of ambient air temperature (only for ARD according to 4.2.2 and
4.2.3) . 11
4.6 According to the connection to FE . 11
4.7 According to maximum number of reclosing operations . 11
4.8 According to mechanical interlock between MPD operating means and ARD
enabling/disabling system . 11
5 Characteristics . 11
5.1 Summary of characteristics . 11
5.2 Rated quantities . 12
6 Marking and other product information . 13
6.1 Standard marking . 13
6.2 Instructions for assembly and operation . 14
7 Standard conditions for operation in service . 15
7.1 General . 15
7.2 Conditions of installation . 15
7.3 Pollution degree . 15
8 Requirements for construction and operation . 15
8.1 Mechanical design . 15
8.2 Protection against electric shock . 19
8.3 Dielectric properties and isolating capability . 19
8.4 Temperature rise . 20
8.5 Mechanical and electrical endurance . 20
8.6 Performance at short-circuit currents . 20
8.7 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact . 20
8.8 Resistance to heat . 20
8.9 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire . 20
8.10 Behaviour at low ambient air temperature . 21
8.11 Operating characteristic . 21
8.12 Assessment means for ARD according to 4.3.2 . 22
8.13 Safety in blocked condition . 23
8.14 Test device. 23
8.15 Ageing . 23
8.16 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . 23
9 Tests . 23
9.1 General . 23
9.2 Test condition . 23
9.3 Measurement of the reclosing time after the tripping of the MPD . 24

– 3 – EN 50557:2011
9.4 Test of indelibility of marking . 24
9.5 Verification of the non influence of the ARD on the correct operation of the MPD . 24
9.6 Tests of creepage distances and clearances for electronic circuits (abnormal conditions) . 26
9.7 Requirements for capacitors and specific resistors and inductors used in electronic circuits . 28
9.8 Test of reliability of screws, current-carrying parts and connections . 28
9.9 Test of reliability of terminals for external conductors . 29
9.10 Verification of protection against electric shock. 29
9.11 Test of dielectric properties and isolating capability . 29
9.12 Temperature rise . 30
9.13 Verification of the mechanical and electrical endurance – Verification of the reclosing system
of the ARD . 30
9.14 Short-circuit test . 30
9.15 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact . 31
9.16 Test of resistance to heat . 31
9.17 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire . 32
9.18 Verification of the correct operation at low ambient air temperatures for RCCBs for use at
temperatures between -25 °C and +40 °C . 32
9.19 Verification of the operating characteristics . 32
9.20 Verification of the safety during the assessment . 33
9.21 Verification of the operation of the test device at the limits of rated voltage . 34
9.22 Verification of ageing . 34
9.23 Electromagnetic compatibility . 35
Annex A (informative) Classification of ARDs according to 4.3.1 . 43
Annex B (informative) Classification of ARDs according to a) and/or a) . 44
Annex C (informative) Classification of ARDs according to b) and/or b) . 45
Annex D (normative) Number of samples for full test procedure . 46
Annex E (normative) Test sequences . 47
Annex F (informative) A-deviations . 48
Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives. 49
Bibliography . 50

Figure 1 – Minimum creepage distances and clearances measured in millimetres . 37
Figure 2 – Minimum creepage distances and clearances as a function of peak value of operating
voltage . 38
Figure 3 – Verification of the reclosing subordinated to the measurements of the resistance to earth for
ARD without functional earthing (9.19.1 a) – 9.19. 1 b) – 9.20.2) . 39
Figure 4 – Verification of the reclosing subordinated to the measurements of the resistan

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