Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band - Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for MAC/Packet systems

Defines the conditions and methods of measurement to be applied to MAC/packet decoder units.

Meßverfahren für Empfänger für Satelliten-Rundfunkübertragung im 12-GHz-Bereich - Teil 5: Elektrische Messungen an Dekodern für MAC/Paket-Systeme

Méthodes de mesure sur les récepteurs d'émissions de radiodiffusion par satellite dans la bande de 12 GHz - Partie 5: Mesures électriques sur les décodeurs pour les systèmes MAC/Paquet

S'applique aux décodeurs pour les systèmes MAC/paquet. Définit les conditions et les méthodes de mesure à appliquer à ces décodeurs.

Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 GHz band -- Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for MAC/Packet systems (IEC 61079-5:1993)

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Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the
12 GHz band -- Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for MAC/Packet
systems (IEC 61079-5:1993)
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12
GHz band -- Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for MAC/Packet systems
Meßverfahren für Empfänger für Satelliten-Rundfunkübertragung im 12-GHz-Bereich --
Teil 5: Elektrische Messungen an Dekodern für MAC/Paket-Systeme
Méthodes de mesure sur les récepteurs d'émissions de radiodiffusion par satellite dans
la bande de 12 GHz -- Partie 5: Mesures électriques sur les décodeurs pour les
systèmes MAC/Paquet
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61079-5:1993
33.060.20 Sprejemna in oddajna Receiving and transmitting
oprema equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Méthodes de mesure sur les récepteurs
d'émissions de radiodiffusion par satellite
dans la bande 12 GHz
Partie 5:
Mesures électriques sur les décodeurs pour
les systèmes MAC/paquet
Methods of measurement on receivers for
satellite broadcast transmissions in
the 12 GHz band
Part 5:
Electrical measurements on decoder units
for MAC/packet
© IEC 1993 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
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International Electrotechnical Commission
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1079-5 ©I EC – 3 –
1.1 Scope and object 11
1.2 Normative references 11
2.1 MAC/packet decoder unit 13
3.1 General conditions 15
3.2 Setting of the decoder 15
3.3 Video, audio and digital test signals 17
3.4 Reference signals 21
3.5 Standard measuring conditions 21
3.6 Measuring instruments 21
4.1 Video signal distortion 25
4.1.1 Amplitude versus frequency response 25
4.1.2 Group delay characteristics 27
4.1.3 Automatic amplitude and phase measurements within the video band 27
4.1.4 Pulse response 31
4.1.5 Bar signal response 33
4.1.6 Low-frequency distortion 35
4.1.7 Linearity 35
4.1.8 Response to a ramp signal in the case of scrambled/descrambled
signals 39
4.2 Unwanted signals 39
4.2.1 Signal-to-noise in nominal conditions 39
4.2.2 Suppression of energy dispersal signal 41
4.2.3 Spectrum aliasing 43
1079-5 ©I EC – 5
Clause Page
4.3 Time domain demultiplexing 45
4.3.1 Accuracy of colour decoding 45
4.3.2 Delay between luminance and chrominance
channels 45
4.3.3 Relative delays of R,G,B signals 47
4.4 Noise sensitivity 49
4.4.1 Video output signal-to-noise ratio versus input signal-to-noise ratio 49
4.4.2 Clamp efficiency in the presence of noise 51
4.5 Conformity of composite synchronization signal 53
4.6 Miscellaneous video measurements 55
5.1 Clock recovery in the presence of noise 55
5.2 Bit error rate due to random noise 57
5.3 Audio-click perceptibility in the presence of noise 57
6.1 Audio-frequency characteristics 59
6.2 Harmonic distortion of audio channels 61
6.3 Dynamic range of audio channels 63
6.4 Audio crosstalk 63
6.5 Phase difference between left and right channels 65
6.6 Audio signal-to-noise ratio 67
Figures 69
A Analytical description 135
B Bibliography 149
1079-5©IEC – 7 --
Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for
MAC/packet systems
1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization
comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to
promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and
electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards.
Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in
the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and
non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC
collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with
conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.
2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on
which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as
possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
3) They have the form of recommendations for international use published in the form of standards, technical
reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International
Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any
divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly
indicated in the latter.
International Standard IEC 1079-5 has been prepared by IEC by sub-committee 12A:
Receiving equipment, of IEC technical committee 12: Radiocommunications.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
DIS Report on Voting
12A(CO)169 12A(CO)172
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the repo rt
on voting indicated in the above table.

1079-5 ©I EC - 9 -
IEC 1079 consists of the following parts, under the general title: Methods of measurement
on receivers for satellite broadcast transmission in the 12 band.
- Part 1: 1992, Radio-frequency measurements on outdoor units.
- Part 2: 1992, Electrical measurements on DBS tuner units.
- Part 3: 1992, Electrical measurements of the overall performance of receiver
systems comprising an outdoor unit and a tuner unit for direct DBS reception.
Part 4: 1993, Electrical measurements on sound/data decoder units for the digital
subcarrier/NTSC system.
- Part 5: 1993, Electrical measurements on decoder units for MAC/packet systems.
Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.
Annex B is for information only.

1079-5 © IEC - 11 -
Part 5: Electrical measurements on decoder units for
MAC/packet systems
Section 1: General
1.1 Scope and object
The object of this part of IEC 1079 is to define the conditions and methods of measure-
ment to be applied to MAC/packet decoder units.
The specifications of the limit values of the various parameters of the decoder are outside
the scope of this pa rt .
This unit can either be connected to the output of a DBS tuner unit or be a pa
rt of it.
The methods of measurement concerning the DBS tuner pa rt are described in pa rt 2
of IEC 1079.
The input signal is a baseband video signal encoded according to one of the following
MAC standards:
- D-MAC/packet;
- D2 MAC/packet.
The output signals are:
red, green, blue colour signals (R,G,B);
- one or more audio signal(s);
- the composite synchronization signal.
NOTE - The methods of measurement can also be used for MAC/packet receivers with built-in MAC
decoder units if R,G,B output signals are available.
1.2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this part of IEC 1079. At the time of publication of
this standard, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to
revision, and pa rties to agreements based on this pa rt
of IEC 1079 are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative
documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
IEC 107-1: 1977, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television
broadcast transmissions - Part 1: General considerations. Electrical measurements other
than those at audio frequencies

1079-5 ©IEC - 13 -
IEC 107-2: 1980, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television broad-
cast transmissions - Part 2: Electrical and acoustic measurements at audio frequencies
IEC 107-3: 1988, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television
broadcast transmissions - Part 3: Electrical measurements on multichannel sound tele-
vision receivers using subcarrier systems
IEC 107-4: 1988, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television
broadcast transmissions - Part 4: Electrical measurements on multichannel sound tele-
vision receivers using the two-carrier FM system
IEC 107-5: 1992, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television
broadcast transmissions - Part 5: Electrical measurements on multichannel sound televi-
sion receivers using the NICAM two-channel digital sound system
IEC 107-6: 1989, Recommended methods of measurement on receivers for television
broadcast transmissions - Pa rt 6: Measurement under conditions different from broadcast
signal standards
IEC 933-1: 1988,
Audio, video and audiovisual systems - Interconnections and matching
values. Part 1: 21-pin connector for video systems - Application No.1.
Section 2: General explanation of terms
For the purpose of this part of IEC 1079, the following general definitions apply.
2.1 MAC/packet decoder unit
The function of this unit is to process an incoming baseband video MAC signal issued from
a DBS tuner unit and to decode it in order to provide R,G,B colour, audio and composite
synchronization signals which can be applied to a monitor or a TV set having an appro-
priate audiovideo connector such as the one defined by IEC 933-1.
The exact configuration of the unit depends on overall product design and the related type
of MAC/packet system that the equipment is designed to process.
In the description of the measurement methods, it is assumed that the arrangement of the
units is similar to the notional block diagram shown in figure 1.

1079-5 ©I EC - 15 -
Section 3: General notes on measurements
General conditions
3.1.1 '
Measurements should be carried out in accordance with the following conditions to ensure
measurement reliability.
Test site
Measurement shall be carried out at a location that is not subject to external radio fre-
quency interference. If interference cannot be avoided, the tests shall be carried out in a
screened room.
3.1.3 Environmental conditions
Sections three, four and five of IEC 107-1 shall be applied.
3.1.4 Power supply
A power supply equivalent to the rated voltage and rated frequency of the unit shall be
used. The fluctuation of the power supply voltage and frequency during the tests shall not
exceed ±2 % and harmonic components of the power supply shall not exceed 5 %.
3.1.5 Accuracy of measuring instruments
The accuracy of the measuring instruments used, if known, shall either be stated as a
percentage or in decibels, as appropriate.
Alternatively, the precision class may be quoted as stated in the relevant publications.
3.1.6 Stabilization period
Unless otherwise specified, measurements should be started at the time that stabilization
of the characteristics is obtained.
3.2 Setting of the decoder
Unless otherwise specified, all adjustments of the decoder should be set to nominal (for
video and audio parts).
Special care should be taken concerning saturation and contrast settings. They can be
checked using the colour-bar test signal and observing that R,G,B output colour signals
are as close as possible to those shown in figure 17.

1079-5 ©IEC –17 –
3.3 Video, audio and digital test signals
3.3.1 Video test signals
Most video measurements are performed on one of the outgoing R,G,B colour signals
which are derived from both luminance and chrominance components. In order to easily
determine the characteristics of each processing channel, the video test signals exist in
two forms:

one for the luminance channel testing (referred to as "L") where the test signal is
included in the luminance part of the line;
– one for the chrominance
(referred to as "Ch") where the test signal is included in
the chrominance
part of the video line.
a) Multiburst L and Ch signals.
b) Complex wobbulation L and Ch signals (real part).
c) Complex wobbulation L and Ch signals (imaginary part).
Modulated pulses signal L and Ch signals.
e) Pulse and bar L and Ch signals.
f) Rising ramp L and Ch signals.
g) Eight-riser staircase L and Ch signals.
h) 50 % grey level signal.
i) 75 % colour-bar signal.
j) Bow-tie signal (even line), bow-tie signal (odd line).
Low frequency black to white transition signal
Examples are shown in figure 2, but complete signal description is provided in the
annex A.
1 The nominal dynamic range of the MAC video is 1 V. In this text, signals will be described as ranging
from —0,5 V to +0,5 V as follows:
Chrominance Luminance
Nominal dynamic range —0,5 V to +0,5 V —0,5 V to +0,5 V
Offset (relative to standardized
0 V — 0,5 V
signal descriptions)
Relative gain (relative to 0,733 for Eu'
standardized signal descriptions) 0,927 for Ev'
Black signal
0V —0,5 V
50 % grey signal 0V 0V

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