Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part -2-7: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for FINLAND (based on EN 50341-1:2012)

1.1 General (ncpt) FI.1 Application of the standard in Finland In Finland the standard EN 50341-1 (Part 1) can only be applied using this NNA (EN 50341-2-7) containing National Normative Aspects for Finland. The requirements of the standard are applied also for low voltage (below 1 kV AC) overhead lines. The requirements of the structural design are applicable also for DC overhead lines, where the electrical requirements are given in the Project Specification. This standard is applicable for new overhead lines only. (ncpt) FI.2 Application for existing overhead lines Overhead lines complying with the mechanical and electrical requirements of its original date of construction can be operated and maintained, if they do not cause obvious danger. The reparation and overhaul of lines can be done according to the previous requirements. Reparation means that a component which has been damaged is substituted with a similar new one. Overhaul means a wider improvement of the line for extending its lifetime. The basic structure remains same as before. This standard should be used for all modification works on existing lines. In modification works earlier norms and standards may also be used. In that case it shall especially be verified that changes in actions do not have significant impact on the loads of lines. Modification work means e.g. relocation of some supports or an extension to a line when this supplement has been taken into account in the original design, e.g. addition of a circuit or changing of the conductors to existing supports. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) FI.1 Application to covered conductors and aerial cables The standard includes requirements for the design and construction of overhead lines equipped with covered conductors and aerial cables. Additionally, the requirements of the equipment standards and manufacturers’ instructions shall be followed. (ncpt) FI.2 Application to cables for telecommunication The standard includes requirements for the application of telecommunication cables installed on common supports with electrical lines. (ncpt) FI.3 Installation of other equipment Only equipment belonging to the line (electric or telecommunication line) can be installed on the overhead lines. However, equipment serving communal services or environmental protection like telecommunication equipment, road signs, warning signs or warning balls may also be installed with the permission of the owner of the line. Other equipment than those mentioned above can also be installed on supports equipped with aerial cables with the permission of the owner of the line. If other equipment is installed on the supports, the requirements of safe working practices shall be taken into account. The installation height of equipment meant to be installed and maintained by an ordinary person shall be such that the work can be done without climbing the support and the distances of safe electrical work can be followed (see standard SFS 6002). The additional loads due to other equipment on the line supports shall be taken into account.

Nadzemni električni vodi za izmenične napetosti nad 1 kV - 2-7. del: Nacionalna normativna določila (NNA) za Finsko (na podlagi EN 50341-1:2012)

1.1 Splošno
(ncpt)   FI.1   Uporaba standarda na Finskem
Na Finskem je standard EN 50341-1 (1. del) mogoče uporabljati le ob uporabi teh nacionalnih normativnih določil (NNA) (EN 50341-2-7), ki obravnavajo nacionalna normativna določila za Finsko.
Zahteve standarda veljajo tudi za nadzemne vode z nizko napetostjo (pod 1 kV pri izmeničnem toku). Zahteve statičnega izračuna veljajo tudi za nadzemne vode z enosmernim tokom, pri čemer so električne zahteve obravnavane v projektni specifikaciji.
Ta standard se uporablja le za nove nadzemne vode.
(ncpt)   FI.2   Uporaba za obstoječe nadzemne vode
Nadzemne vode, ki so skladni z mehanskimi in električnimi zahtevami, določenimi na dan njihove izdelave, je mogoče upravljati in vzdrževati, če ne povzročajo očitne nevarnosti.
Popravilo ali obnovo vodov je mogoče izvesti v skladu s prejšnjimi zahtevami. Popravilo pomeni, da se poškodovana komponenta zamenja z ustrezno novo komponento. Obnova pomeni obsežnejšo izboljšavo voda za podaljšanje njegove življenjske dobe. Osnovna struktura ostane ista.
Ta standard naj bi se uporabljal za vse spremembe na obstoječih vodih. Za spremembe se lahko uporabljajo tudi prejšnje norme in standardi. V tem primeru je treba zlasti preveriti, ali spremembe ne bodo pomembno vplivale na obremenitve vodov. Spremembe se navezujejo npr. na premestitev nekaterih podpor ali podaljšanje voda, če se v izvirnem načrtu upošteva to dopolnilo, npr. dodatek tokokroga ali zamenjava vodnikov na obstoječih podporah.
1.2 Področje uporabe
(ncpt)   FI.1   Uporaba z izoliranimi vodniki in nadzemnimi kabli
Ta standard vključuje zahteve za obliko in izdelavo nadzemnih vodov, opremljenih z izoliranimi vodniki in nadzemnimi kabli. Poleg tega je treba upoštevati tudi zahteve standardov za opremo in navodila proizvajalcev.
(ncpt)   FI.2   Uporaba s telekomunikacijskimi kabli
   Ta standard vključuje zahteve za uporabo telekomunikacijskih kablov, napeljanih na običajne podpore z električnimi vodi.
(ncpt)   FI.3   Montaža druge opreme
Na nadzemne vode je mogoče montirati le opremo, ki pripada vodu (električni ali telekomunikacijski vod). Vendar je z dovoljenjem lastnika voda lahko montirana tudi oprema, ki se uporablja za skupne storitve ali za zaščito okolja, kot je telekomunikacijska oprema, prometni znaki, opozorilni znaki ali opozorilne krogle.
Z dovoljenjem lastnika voda je mogoče na podpore, opremljene z nadzemnimi kabli, montirati tudi drugo opremo, ki ni navedena zgoraj.  
Če je na podpore montirana druga oprema, je treba upoštevati zahteve za varne delovne postopke. Opremo, ki naj bi jo montirali in vzdrževali laiki, je treba montirati na višini, ki omogoča izvajanje del brez plezanja na podporo in upošteva razdalje za varno izvajanje električnih del (glej standard SFS 6002).
Upoštevati je treba dodatne obremenitve na podporah voda zaradi druge opreme.

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 50341-2-7:2016
Nadzemni električni vodi za izmenične napetosti nad 1 kV - 2-7. del: Nacionalna
normativna določila (NNA) za Finsko (na podlagi EN 50341-1:2012)
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part -2-7: National Normative Aspects
(NNA) for FINLAND (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50341-2-7:2023
29.240.20 Daljnovodi Power transmission and
distribution lines
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 29.240.20 Supersedes EN 50341-2-7:2015
English Version
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part -2-7: National
Normative Aspects (NNA) for FINLAND
(based on EN 50341-1:2012)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2023-08-30.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50341-2-7:2023 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
1 Scope . 5
1.1 General . 5
1.2 Field of application . 5
2 Normative references, definitions and symbols . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
3 Basis of design . 6
3.2 Requirements of overhead lines . 6
3.2.2 Reliability requirements . 6
3.2.5 Strength coordination . 6
4 Actions on lines . 7
4.3 Wind loads . 7
4.3.1 Field of application and basic wind velocity . 7
4.3.2 Mean wind velocity . 7
4.3.3 Mean wind pressure . 7
4.4 Wind forces on overhead line components . 7
4.4.1 Wind forces on conductors . 7 General . 7 Structural factor . 8 Drag factor . 8
4.4.2 Wind forces on insulator sets . 8
4.4.3 Wind forces on lattice towers . 8 General . 8
4.4.4  Wind forces on poles . 9
4.5 Ice loads . 9
4.5.1 General . 9
4.6 Combined wind and ice loads . 10
4.6.2 Drag factors and ice densities . 10
4.7 Temperature effects . 10
4.8 Security loads . 10
4.9 Safety loads . 10
4.9.1 Construction and maintenance loads . 10
4.12 Load cases . 11
4.12.1 General . 11
4.12.2 Standard load cases . 13
4.13 Partial factors for actions . 14
5 Electrical requirements . 16
5.5 Minimum air clearance distances to avoid flashover . 16
5.5.1 General . 16
5.6 Load cases for calculation of clearances . 16
5.6.1 Load conditions . 16
5.6.2 Maximum conductor temperature . 17
5.6.3 Ice loads for determination of electric clearances . 17
5.8 Internal clearances within the span and at the top of the support . 17
5.9 External clearances . 17
5.9.1 General . 17
5.9.2 External clearances to ground in areas remote from buildings, roads etc.
5.9.3 External clearances to residential and other buildings . 18
5.9.4 External clearances to crossing traffic routes . 18
5.9.6 External clearances to other power lines or telecommunication lines . 19
6 Earthing systems . 21
6.1 Introduction . 21

Finland - 3/32 - EN 50341-2-7:2023
6.1.4 Transferred potentials . 21
6.4 Dimensioning regarding human safety . 21
6.4.3 Design of earthing systems regarding permissible touch voltage . 21
7 Supports . 22
7.3 Lattice steel towers . 22
7.3.1 General . 22
7.3.6 Ultimate limit states . 22 General . 22 General . 22
7.3.9 Design assisted by testing . 22
7.5 Wood poles . 23
7.5.3 Materials . 23
7.5.5 Ultimate limit states . 23 Basis . 23 Calculation of internal forces and moments . 23 Resistance of wood elements . 23 Decay conditions . 23
7.7 Guyed structures . 24
7.7.1 General . 24
7.7.4 Ultimate limit states . 24 Basis . 24 Second order analysis . 24
7.7.6 Design details for guys . 25
7.10 Maintenance facilities . 25
7.10.3 Safety requirements . 25
8 Foundations . 27
8.1 Introduction . 27
8.2 Basis of geotechnical design . 28
8.2.1 General . 28
8.2.2 Geotechnical design by calculation. 28
8.2.3 Design by prescriptive measures . 29
9 Conductors and earth wires . 30
9.1 Introduction . 30
9.6 General requirements . 30
9.6.2 Partial factor for conductors . 30
10 Insulators . 30
10.2 Standard electrical requirements . 30
10.11 Type test requirements . 31
11 Hardware . 31
11.6 Mechanical requirements . 31
11.8 Material selection and specification . 31
12 Quality assurance, checks and taking-over . 31
Annex J . 32
J.4 Buckling resistance of angles in compression . 32
J.4.3 Slenderness of members . 32
J.4.3.1 General . 32
J.4.4 Secondary bracing members . 32

European foreword
1 The Finnish National Committee (NC) is identified by the following address:
SESKO Electrotechnical Standardization in Finland
Standardization committee SK 11, High Voltage Overhead Lines
Addr. Takomotie 8, 00380 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 50 571 6048
Email asiakaspalvelu@sesko.fi

2 The Finnish NC has prepared this Part 2-7 of EN 50341 listing the Finnish national normative aspects
(NNA), under its sole responsibility, and duly passed it through the CENELEC and CLC/TC 11
NOTE The Finnish NC also takes sole responsibility for the technically correct co-ordination of this NNA with
EN 50341-1. It has performed the necessary checks in the frame of quality assurance/control. However, it is
noted that this quality control has been made in the framework of the general responsibility of a standards
committee under the national laws/regulations.
3 This NNA is normative in Finland and informative for other countries.

4 This NNA has to be read in conjunction with Part

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