1.1 General (ncpt) FI.1 Application of the standard in Finland In Finland the standard EN 50341-1 (Part 1) can only be applied using this NNA (EN 50341-2-7) containing National Normative Aspects for Finland. The requirements of the standard are applied also for low voltage (below 1 kV AC) overhead lines. The requirements of the structural design are applicable also for DC overhead lines, where the electrical requirements are given in the Project Specification. This standard is applicable for new overhead lines only. (ncpt) FI.2 Application for existing overhead lines Overhead lines complying with the mechanical and electrical requirements of its original date of construction can be operated and maintained, if they do not cause obvious danger. The reparation and overhaul of lines can be done according to the previous requirements. Reparation means that a component which has been damaged is substituted with a similar new one. Overhaul means a wider improvement of the line for extending its lifetime. The basic structure remains same as before. This standard should be used for all modification works on existing lines. In modification works earlier norms and standards may also be used. In that case it shall especially be verified that changes in actions do not have significant impact on the loads of lines. Modification work means e.g. relocation of some supports or an extension to a line when this supplement has been taken into account in the original design, e.g. addition of a circuit or changing of the conductors to existing supports. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) FI.1 Application to covered conductors and aerial cables The standard includes requirements for the design and construction of overhead lines equipped with covered conductors and aerial cables. Additionally, the requirements of the equipment standards and manufacturers’ instructions shall be followed. (ncpt) FI.2 Application to cables for telecommunication The standard includes requirements for the application of telecommunication cables installed on common supports with electrical lines. (ncpt) FI.3 Installation of other equipment Only equipment belonging to the line (electric or telecommunication line) can be installed on the overhead lines. However, equipment serving communal services or environmental protection like telecommunication equipment, road signs, warning signs or warning balls may also be installed with the permission of the owner of the line. Other equipment than those mentioned above can also be installed on supports equipped with aerial cables with the permission of the owner of the line. If other equipment is installed on the supports, the requirements of safe working practices shall be taken into account. The installation height of equipment meant to be installed and maintained by an ordinary person shall be such that the work can be done without climbing the support and the distances of safe electrical work can be followed (see standard SFS 6002). The additional loads due to other equipment on the line supports shall be taken into account.

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SI.1 Definition of the new overhead power line
A new overhead power line is defined as a functionally completed installation for the
transmission of electricity between points A and B (i.e. the new construction of all
conductors, their supports together with foundations, earthing system, insulators,
accessories and fittings).
The overhead lines currently being designed (starting of a design to obtain a building
permit) or being under construction may be completed in accordance with the standards
in force at the time of the start of the design or construction of the overhead line.
In the case of maintenance and renovation works with major structural changes to
overhead lines, this standard shall be applied in accordance with the project
specification. E.g., for the construction of new support on new foundations in the existing
overhead line, the provisions of this standard shall be applied to support and foundations
but for the other elements of the overhead line don’t need to be complied with this
For the design and construction of DC overhead lines, the requirements of this standard
are also applicable to the design of structures, but not for electrical requirements, which
have to be specified in the project specification.

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SE.1 Application to existing overhead lines
This Part 2-18 is applicable for new overhead lines only and not for existing lines.
SE.2 Maintenance, rebuilding or extension of an overhead line
Measures related to maintenance of the electrical installation shall fulfill the legislation in force when it
was erected. In the case of a rebuilding or extension of an electrical installation (overhead line), the
current regulations in force shall be applied for the rebuilding or extension.
(Regulations and general advice of the National Electrical Safety Board regarding the installation of
electrical installations ”Elsäkerhetsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om hur starkströmsanläggningar
ska vara utförda”, Ikraftträdande och övergångsbestämmelser (ELSÄK-FS 2022:1))
SE.3 Optical ground wire (OPGW) and optical phase conductor (OPCON)
This Part 2-18 is applicable for installation of OPGW and OPCON, also known as OPPC, in overhead
lines in Sweden.
SE.4 All dielectric self supporting optical cable (ADSS) and optical attached cable (OPAC)
This Part 2-18 is applicable for installation of ADSS and OPAC in overhead lines in Sweden.
NOTE The allowable electrical field for the ADSS cable should be taken into consideration when the conductor
configuration is determined.
SIST EN 50341-2-18:2023

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1.1 General (A-dev) AT.1: A new overhead line is defined as the new construction of the totality of all conductors, their supports together with foundations, earthing grid, insulators, accessories and fittings used for the overground transport of electrical energy between two points A and B. 1.2 Field of application (A-dev) AT.1: Stranded-conductors or cable structures with telecommunications components carried on the line that do not simultaneously function as earth wires or stranded conductors are subject to the provisions of Annex U.

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2019-09-17: No XML available because of the template of the NNA
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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1.1 General 1.1 DE.1 General (ncpt) (Supplement to DIN EN 50341-1 (VDE 0210-1):2013-11, clause 1.1) This EN applies to planning and installation of overhead lines with nominal voltages above AC 1 kV. This EN needs not to be adopted to existing installations. Installations in the planning and construction stage may be completed adopting the standard edition valid at the beginning of planning. 1.2 Field of application 1.2 DE.1 Application to conductors with components for telecommunication (ncpt) (Supplement to DIN EN 50341-1 (VDE 0210-1):2013-11, 1.2) In Germany this EN is applicable to all types of conductors (according to the information in clause 1.2) which contain components for telecommunication. 1.2 DE.2 Application to installation of telecommunication equipment on supports (ncpt) (Supplement to DIN EN 50341-1 (VDE 0210-1):2013-11, 1.2) In Germany this EN is applicable to the installation of telecommunication equipmen

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1 Scope 1.1 General BE.1 Scope of Part 1 and Part 2-2 (ncpt) Part 1 and the present Part 2-2 are only applicable to completely new or completely replaced overhead lines between two points, A and B, as well as to new supports on new foundations with nominal voltages above AC 50 kV. (A-dev) Overhead lines or supports with nominal voltages exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 50 kV are treated as a high voltage of the first category in the General Regulations of the Electrical Installations (GREI) and follow completely the GREI for their dimensioning. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) BE.1 Application to telecommunication equipment Part 1 and this NNA apply to telecommunication equipment mounted on the new supports (e.g. dishes, antennas), particularly with respect to wind assumptions.

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1.1 General (ncpt) PL.1 Scope of application This NNA applies to designing and constructing of new overhead lines with nominal system voltages exceeding 1 kV AC. "New overhead line" means a totally new line between two points, A and B, built up with new components. The standard PN-EN 50341-1 (Part 1) with this NNA does not apply to modernisation, reconstruction and renovation of the existing lines, unless otherwise specified in the Project Specification. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) PL.1 All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cables This NNA applies to All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cables only within the scope of their impact on the supports and minimum clearances which shall be taken as for insulated cable systems. (ncpt) PL.2 Telecommunication equipment This NNA relates to the telecommunication equipment mounted on the new overhead line supports.

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General (snc) EE.1 Application to new lines In Estonia the standard EN 50341-1 (Part 1) can only be applied using this NNA (EN 50341-2-20) containing National Normative Aspects for Estonia. This Part 2-20 applies to all new overhead electric lines with nominal system voltages exceeding AC 1 kV and also for low voltage (below 1 kV AC) overhead lines performed by aerial cables. The requirements of the structural design are applicable also for DC overhead lines, where the electrical requirements are given in the Project Specification. (ncpt) EE.2 “New overhead line” A “new overhead line” means a completely new line between two points, A and B. A new branch line of the existing power line should be considered as a new power line including the junction support. Specific requirements for junction support should be defined with the Project Specification. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) EE.1 Application to covered conductors and aerial cables The standard includes requirements for the design and construction of overhead lines with nominal system voltages up to 45 kV AC equipped with covered conductors and aerial cables. Additionally, the requirements of the equipment standards and manufacturers’ instructions shall be followed. (A-dev) EE.2 Application to mounting of telecommunication equipment The Standard EVS-EN 50341:2013 is applicable to fixing of structural elements for tele-communication (antennas, All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) equipment, junction boxes, etc.), if mounted on power line supports (towers), especially regarding wind forces and ice loads on such fixed elements. The design and installation should be done under the due control of the line owner and/or the competent authority. Mounting of telecommunication equipment on power line supports must be coordinated with the line owner and stated in the Project Specification. This standard applies to telecommunication lines only in the case of their common installation with power lines. This standard does not apply to separately installed telecommunication overhead lines. If telecommunication equipment (antennas, dishes, etc.) will be installed in the transmission line supports, and their size, location or mounting may have major effects on the loads or design of the structures, the requirements of EVS-EN 1993-3-1/NA:2009 shall also to be taken into account. If such structures include conductive parts, the requirements on clearances in subclause 5.8 should be applied. (ncpt) EE.3 Application to installation of other equipment Only equipment belonging to the line (electric or telecommunication line) can be installed on the overhead lines. However, with the permission of the owner of the line, equipment serving communal services or environmental protection like road signs, warning signs or warning balls, etc., may also be installed. The installation height of equipment meant to be installed and maintained by an instructed person shall be such that the work can be done without climbing the support and the distances of safe electrical work can be followed. The additional loads due to this equipment on the line supports shall be taken into account if necessary.

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1.1 General 1.1 IS.1 Application to new lines (snc) This Part 2-12 is only applicable to new overhead transmission lines exceeding 1 kV (AC). If deviations and/or extensions to existing transmission lines are planned, the Icelandic NC shall be informed and will decide case by case whether ÍST EN 50341 is applicable or not.

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1.1 General 1.1 RO.1 General (ncpt) This Part 2-24 gives the requirements for planning, design and construction of overhead electrical lines with nominal voltages exceeding A.C. 1 kV operating at 50 Hz frequency. The present Part 2-24 is not applicable for existing overhead electrical lines unless specifically required by Project Specification. The power installations of overhead lines, that are in different stages of design or construction, can be finalised in conformity with the standards in force at project beginning. For the application of this standard for specific requirements relaring to modernization, increasing safety and transport capacity of existing overhead lines, reference shall be specified in the Project Specification. At the same time, the correlation between relevant regulations and associated standards shall be established in the Project Specifications. The extension of existing electrical lines is considered as new overhead lines, except the junction points that shall be detailed in the Project Specifications. 1.2 Field of application 1.2 RO.1 Overhead electrical lines with insulated conductors (ncpt) This Part 2-24 is applicable for the design and construction of overhead electrical lines with insulated conductors where the internal and external clearances can be smaller than those specified in Part 1 (SR EN 50341-1:2013).

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IEC 60652:2021 is available as IEC 60652:2021 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60652:2021 specifies the methods and procedures of testing supports for overhead lines. It applies to the testing of supports and structures of overhead lines. There is no restriction on the type of material used in the fabrication of the supports which may include, but not be limited to, metallic alloys, concrete, timber, laminated wood and composite materials. If required by the client, this document can also be applied to the testing of telecommunication supports, railway/tramway overhead electrification supports, electrical substation gantries, street lighting columns, wind turbine towers, ski-lift supports, etc. Tests on reduced scale models of supports are not covered by this document. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2002. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Title modified; b) Added reference to CIGRE Brochure 399; c) In Clause 7, added test limitation for wind speed and direction during testing; d) In paragraph 10.5, added load increments for destruction tests; e) In paragraph 10.7, added a requirement for an agreement between client and testing station when testing supports made of creep-sensitive materials; f) In Clause 17, added requirements for sampling procedure to be provided in the test report.

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GB.1 General This NNA is only applicable to all new overhead lines above A.C. 1kV. This Euronorm is only applicable to new overhead lines and shall not be applied to maintenance, reconductoring, tee-offs, extensions or diversions to existing overhead lines unless specifically required by the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard for overhead lines constructed with covered conductor refer to the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard to telecommunication systems involving optical fibres either incorporated in or wrapped around earthwires or conductors or suspended from overhead line supports, reference should be made to the Project Specification.

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(ncpt) FR.1 Scope of Part 1 and Part 2-8 Part 1 and the present Part 2-8 apply to new overhead lines as defined in 1.1/FR.2 "Definition of a new overhead line". (ncpt) FR.2 Definition of a new overhead line A new overhead line denotes any new overhead electrical line exceeding AC 1 kV built on new foundations and: - flanked by two substations or two terminal towers preceding said substations. or - flanked by a substation or a terminal tower at one end and in a branch situation (including branch tower) or tapping situation at the other end. (ncpt) FR.3 Application to existing overhead lines This standard does not apply to existing overhead lines exceeding AC 1 kV in France. (ncpt) FR.4 Application to overhead lines for which technical studies are underway Any decision to apply the requirements of the present standard to new overhead line projects for which technical studies are underway shall be stipulated in the Project Specification. (ncpt) FR.5 Application to overhead lines under construction The requirements of the present standard do not apply to overhead lines under construction. (ncpt) FR.1 Application to radio telecommunication equipment Part 1 and Part 2-8 apply to radio telecommunication equipment mounted on the towers of new overhead lines, particularly with respect to wind and ice assumptions. Radio equipment shall be arranged on the support so that it can be accessed and operations performed in accordance with safety regulations.

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2020-05-14: no xml because NNA document
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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20170619: No XML for NNA standards
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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This NNA is only applicable to all new overhead lines above A.C. 1kV. This Euronorm is only applicable to new overhead lines and shall not be applied to maintenance, reconductoring, tee-offs, extensions or diversions to existing overhead lines unless specifically required by the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard for overhead lines constructed with covered conductor refer to the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard to telecommunication systems involving optical fibres either incorporated in or wrapped around earthwires or conductors or suspended from overhead line supports, reference should be made to the Project Specification.

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IEC 61854:2020 is available as IEC 61854:2020 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61854:2020 applies to spacers for conductor bundles of overhead lines. It covers rigid spacers, flexible spacers and spacer dampers. It does not apply to interphase spacers, hoop spacers and bonding spacers. This document is written to cover the line design practices and spacers most commonly used at the time of writing. There may be other spacers available for which the specific tests reported in this document may not be applicable. In some cases, test procedures and test values are left to agreement between purchaser and supplier and are stated in the procurement contract. The purchaser is best able to evaluate the intended service conditions, which should be the basis for establishing the test severity. In Annex A, the minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and supplier are listed. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Consider the application of spacers on high temperature conductors specifying additional high temperature tests in clamp slip tests and for the characterization of elastic and damping properties; b) Specify as far as possible test parameters and acceptance values; c) Avoid as far as possible the alternative procedures for the same test; d) Introduce a simpler test device for the simulated short circuit current test; e) Introduce test at low temperature on fastener components such as break away bolts and conical spring washers; f) Prescribe a different procedure for subspan oscillation tests on spacers equipped with clamps having rod attachments; g) Modify the test procedure for the aeolian vibration tests; h) Prescribe a different procedure for aeolian vibration tests on spacers equipped with clamps having rod attachments; i) Re-edit all the figures in order to make them more clear and homogeneous; j) Introduce an additional test device for the simulated short circuit current test. Key words: Overhead Lines, Spacers

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IEC 61897:2020 is available as IEC 61897:2020 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 61897:2020 applies to aeolian vibration dampers intended for single conductors or earth wires or conductor bundles where dampers are directly attached to each subconductor. The purchaser may adopt part(s) of this document when specifying requirements for cables different from those mentioned above (e.g. optical ground wires (OPGW), all dielectric self-supporting optical cables (ADSS)). In some cases, test procedures and test values are left to agreement between the purchaser and the supplier and are stated in the procurement contract. Annex A lists the minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and supplier. Throughout this document, the word “conductor” is used when the test applies to dampers for conductors or earth wires. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Consider, in addition to Stockbridge type aeolian vibration dampers, also spiral aeolian vibration dampers and elastomeric aeolian vibration dampers. b) Consider the application of dampers on high temperature conductors, specifying additional high temperature tests in clamp slip tests. c) Simplify the procedure of the damper effectiveness evaluation. d) Introduce test at low temperature on fastener components such as break away bolts and conical spring washers. e) Include figures showing the test arrangements for the main mechanical tests. Key words: Overhead Lines, Aeolian Vibration Dampers

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This NNA is applicable to any new line between two points, A and B, its modifications and extensions. The design and construction of overhead lines with covered conductors and voltages greater than 45 kV shall respect the same electrical clearances as of overhead lines with bare conductors of the same voltage.

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This Part 2-5 is applicable for new permanent overhead lines only and generally not for existing lines in Denmark. If some planning/design or execution work on existing lines in Denmark has to be performed, the degree of application of this Standard shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned and the authorities. Installations in the planning and construction stage may be completed adopting the standard edition valid at the beginning of planning.

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This NNA (National Normative Annex) is only applicable to all new overhead lines equipped with bare conductors, covered conductors or cables, with voltages above 1kV AC. This standard is not applicable to overhead lines pre-existing before its coming into force and shall not be applied to maintenance or reconductoring; the standard can be applied in case of significant modifications of existing lines.

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SE.1 Application to existing overhead lines This Part 2-18 is applicable for new overhead lines only and not for existing lines. SE.2 Maintenance, rebuilding or extension of an overhead line Measures related to maintenance of the electrical installation shall fulfill the legislation in force when it was erected. In the case of a rebuilding or extension of an electrical installation (overhead line), the regulations in force shall be applied for the rebuilding or extension. (ELSÄK-FS 2008:1) SE.3 Replacement This Part 2-18 replaces the Swedish Standards SS EN 50341 3 18, edition 1 and SS EN 50423 3 18, edition 3. SE.4 Optical ground wire (OPGW) and optical phase conductor (OPCON) This Part 2-18 is applicable for installation of OPGW and OPCON, also known as OPPC, in overhead lines in Sweden. SE.5 All dielectric self supporting optical cable (ADSS) and optical attached cable (OPAC) This Part 2-18 is applicable for installation of ADSS and OPAC in overhead lines in Sweden. NOTE The allowable electrical field for the ADSS cable should be taken into consideration when the conductor configuration is determined.

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General SK.1 New overhead line As a new overhead line is considered a brand new electric overhead line with nominal voltage exceeding 1 kV AC, between the points A and B. The new branch line of the existing overhead line shall be considered as a new overhead line except for a junction support for which the specific requirements shall be defined in the Project Specification. The extent of application of this standard in respect of reconstruction, relaying and extension of existing overhead lines shall be determined in the Project Specification. Simultaneously, the Project Specification shall determine, which of the previous national standards shall be used and to what extent they shall be used for the project in question. 1.2 Field of application SK.1 Field of application The requirements of this standard shall be adopted, where applicable (e.g. requirements on loads, external clearances, etc.), for telecommunication cables as well. In case of overhead line under the design stage, parties concerned shall agree the extent of the application of this standard. Overhead line under construction may be completed according to standards valid during the design stage of the line. The parties concerned shall agree any possible application of certain clauses of this standard. SK.2 Installation of telecommunication equipment on supports Provisions of this standard also apply to the telecommunication equipment and devices (aerials, dish antennas, etc.) which are installed on individual supports of overhead power lines, especially in terms of wind and ice loads on such installed equipment. Design and installation has to respect requirements of the utility operating the line in question. The design of such telecommunication equipment has to incorporate such technical solutions and such precautions, which shall allow safe access and maintenance of both a power line and telecommunication equipment, and which shall provide protection of persons performing repairs or maintenance of the power line and/or telecommunication equipment against electric shock and protection of telecommunication equipment and attached installations against the influence of the power line (short-circuits, switching and lightning overvoltages etc.).

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This Part 2-16 is applicable for new permanent overhead lines only and generally not for existing lines in Norway. If some planning/design or execution work on existing lines in Norway has to be performed, the degree of application of this Standard shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned and the authorities.

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1.1 General (ncpt) CZ.1 New overhead line The new overhead line is considered a brand new electric overhead line with nominal voltage exceeding 1 kV AC, between the points A and B. The new branch line of the existing overhead line shall be considered a new overhead line except for a junction support for which the specific requirements shall be defined in the Project Specification. The extent of application of this standard in respect of reconstruction, relaying and extension of existing overhead lines shall be determined in the Project Specification. Simultaneously, the Project Specification shall determine, which of the previous national standards shall be used and to what extent they shall be used for the project in question. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) CZ.1 Field of application The requirements of this standard shall be adopted, where applicable (e.g. requirements on loads, external clearances, etc.), for telecommunication cables as well. In case of overhead line under the design stage, parties concerned shall agree the extent of the application of this standard. Overhead line under construction may be completed according to standards valid during the design stage of the line. The parties concerned shall agree any possible application of certain clauses of this standard. (ncpt) CZ.2 Installation of telecommunication equipment on supports Provisions of this standard also apply to the telecommunication equipment and devices (aerials, dish antennas, etc.) which are installed on individual supports of overhead power lines, especially in terms of wind and ice loads on such installed equipment. Design and installation has to respect requirements of the utility operating the line in question. The design of such telecommunication equipment has to incorporate such technical solutions and such precautions, which shall allow safe access and maintenance of both a power line and telecommunication equipment, and which shall provide protection of persons performing repairs or maintenance of the power line and/or telecommunication equipment against electric shock and protection of telecommunication equipment and attached installations against the influence of the power line (short-circuits, switching and lightning overvoltages etc.).

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This European Standard applies to new overhead electric lines with nominal system voltages exceeding AC 1 kV and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz. The extent of the application of this standard by each country in respect of existing overhead lines is subject to the requirements of the National Normative Aspects (NNA) applicable to that country. The specific definition as to the meaning and extent of a “new overhead line” is to be identified by each National Committee (NC) within their own NNA. At the least, it shall mean a totally new line between two points, A and B. Field of application This European Standard also applies to covered conductor overhead lines and overhead insulated cable systems with nominal system voltage exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 45 kV and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz. Additional requirements and simplifications are specified that apply only for this voltage range. Design and construction of overhead lines with insulated conductors, where internal and external clearances can be smaller than specified in the standard, are not included for lines exceeding 45 kV. Other requirements of the Standard may be applicable, and where necessary NNAs should be consulted. This European Standard is applicable for optical Ground Wires (OPGWs) and optical Conductors (OPCONs). However the standard is not applicable to telecommunication systems which are used on overhead transmission lines either attached to the transmission line conductor/earth wire system (for example wraparound,...) or as separate cables supported by the transmission supports for example All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) or for telecommunication equipment mounted on individual transmission line structures. When such cases are necessary, requirements can be given in the NNAs. This European Standard does not apply to:  overhead electric lines inside closed electrical areas as defined in EN 61936-1;  catenary systems of electrified railways, unless explicitly required by another standard. Structure of the European Standard EN 50341-1 Normative references, definitions and symbols with their significations are listed in Clause 2 below. In Clause 3, the basis of design according to this standard is given. The standard specifies in Clauses 4 to 6 the general requirements that shall be met for the structural and electrical design of overhead lines to ensure that the line is suitable for its purpose with due consideration given to safety of public, construction, operation, maintenance and environmental issues. Clauses 7 to 11 of this standard consider the structural and electrical requirements that shall be met for the design, installation and testing of overhead line components including supports, foundations, conductors, insulator strings and hardware as determined by the relevant design parameters of the line. Finally, Clause 12 considers the quality assurance requirements during design, manufacturing and construction. Flowchart 1.1 summarises the structure of the European Standard EN 50341-1 and its Clauses 1 to 12.

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  • Standard – translation
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1.1 General (ncpt) FI.1 Application of the standard in Finland In Finland the standard EN 50341-1 (Part 1) can only be applied using this NNA (EN 50341-2-7) containing National Normative Aspects for Finland. The requirements of the standard are applied also for low voltage (below 1 kV AC) overhead lines. The requirements of the structural design are applicable also for DC overhead lines, where the electrical requirements are given in the Project Specification. This standard is applicable for new overhead lines only. (ncpt) FI.2 Application for existing overhead lines Overhead lines complying with the mechanical and electrical requirements of its original date of construction can be operated and maintained, if they do not cause obvious danger. The reparation and overhaul of lines can be done according to the previous requirements. Reparation means that a component which has been damaged is substituted with a similar new one. Overhaul means a wider improvement of the line for extending its lifetime. The basic structure remains same as before. This standard should be used for all modification works on existing lines. In modification works earlier norms and standards may also be used. In that case it shall especially be verified that changes in actions do not have significant impact on the loads of lines. Modification work means e.g. relocation of some supports or an extension to a line when this supplement has been taken into account in the original design, e.g. addition of a circuit or changing of the conductors to existing supports. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) FI.1 Application to covered conductors and aerial cables The standard includes requirements for the design and construction of overhead lines equipped with covered conductors and aerial cables. Additionally, the requirements of the equipment standards and manufacturers’ instructions shall be followed. (ncpt) FI.2 Application to cables for telecommunication The standard includes requirements for the application of telecommunication cables installed on common supports with electrical lines. (ncpt) FI.3 Installation of other equipment Only equipment belonging to the line (electric or telecommunication line) can be installed on the overhead lines. However, equipment serving communal services or environmental protection like telecommunication equipment, road signs, warning signs or warning balls may also be installed with the permission of the owner of the line. Other equipment than those mentioned above can also be installed on supports equipped with aerial cables with the permission of the owner of the line. If other equipment is installed on the supports, the requirements of safe working practices shall be taken into account. The installation height of equipment meant to be installed and maintained by an ordinary person shall be such that the work can be done without climbing the support and the distances of safe electrical work can be followed (see standard SFS 6002). The additional loads due to other equipment on the line supports shall be taken into account.

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Applies to fittings for overhead lines of nominal voltage above 45 kV. It may also be applied to fittings for overhead lines of lower nominal voltage and to similar fittings for substations.

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Is applicable to the testing procedures for foundations of overhead line structures.

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This NNA determines the requirements which shall be fulfilled while designing and constructing of new overhead lines with nominal system voltages exceeding 1 kV AC. The scope of use of this NNA for temporary lines shall be determined by the Project Specification. For modernisations, reconstructions and refurbishments of the existing lines, the scope and the requirement to comply with PN-EN-50341-1, together with this NNA, shall be determined by the Project Specification. 1.2 Field of application (ncpt) PL.1 Overhead lines with covered conductors This NNA applies to overhead lines with covered conductors and overhead insulated cable system with nominal voltage exceeding 1 kV up to 45 kV AC. Additional requirements and simplifications, which apply only to this range of voltages, have been determined. This NNA does not contain requirements applicable for designing and constructing overhead lines with nominal voltage exceeding 45 kV AC, with covered conductors, where internal and external clearances can be smaller than specified in the NNA. (ncpt) PL.2 Optical conductors/wires This NNA also applies to optical phase conductors (OPCON) and optical ground wires (OPGW), containing optical fibre telecommunication circuits, installed on overhead line supports. (ncpt) PL.3 All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) cables This NNA applies to all dielectric cables (ADSS) only within the scope of their influence on the load of the support and the requirements of the insulator clearances. (ncpt) PL.4 Installation of telecommunication fittings The NNA also applies to the installation of telecommunication equipment mounted on the new line structures with their primary function as of overhead line supports.

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This EN applies for planning and design of overhead lines with nominal voltages above AC 1 kV. This EN needs not to be adopted for existing installations. Installations in the planning and construction stage may be completed adopting the standard edition valid at the beginning of planning. In Germany this EN is applicable for all types of conductors (according to the information in clause 1.2) which contain components for telecommunication. In Germany this EN is applicable for the installation of telecommunication equipment on supports. Reference is made to 4.11.1/DE.1 "Extension of utilization"

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This NNA is only applicable to all new overhead lines above A.C. 1kV. This Euronorm is only applicable to new overhead lines and shall not be applied to maintenance, reconductoring, tee-offs, extensions or diversions to existing overhead lines unless specifically required by the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard for overhead lines constructed with covered conductor refer to the Project Specification. For details of the application of this standard to telecommunication systems involving optical fibres either incorporated in or wrapped around earthwires or conductors or suspended from overhead line supports, reference should be made to the Project Specification.

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1.1 General (NCPT) EE.1 Application to new lines This Part 2-20 applies to all new overhead electric lines with nominal system voltages exceeding AC 1 kV and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz. This standard also applies to D.C. overhead lines in structural aspects. (NCPT) EE.2 “New overhead line” A “new overhead line” means a completely new line between two points, A and B. A new branch line of the existing power line should be considered as a new power line including the junction support, for which specific requirements should be defined in the Project Specification. 1.2 Field of application (A-dev) EE.1 Application to mounting of telecommunication equipment The Standard EVS-EN 50341:2012 is applicable to fixing of structural elements for tele-communication (antennas, satellite dishes, All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) equipment, etc.), if mounted on power line supports (towers), especially regarding wind forces and ice loads on such fixed elements. The design and installation should be done under the due control of the line owner and/or the competent authority. Mounting of telecommunication equipment on power line supports must be coordinated with line owner and stated in the Project Specification. If telecommunication equipment (antennas, dishes, etc.) will be installed in the transmission line supports, and their size, location or mounting will have major effects on the loads or design of the structures, the requirements of EVS-EN 1993-3 will also have to be taken into account. If such structures include conductive parts, the requirements on clearances in Section 5.8 should be applied. (NCPT) EE.2 Application to existing overhead lines The Standard EVS-EN 50341:2012 shall not be applied to maintenance, reconductoring, tee-offs, extensions or diversions to existing overhead lines in Estonia, unless specifically required in the Project Specification. In cases of major revisions of existing lines the degree of application of the Standard EVS-EN 50341:2012 should be agreed upon by the parties concerned and specified in the Project Specification. (NCPT) EE.3 Application to installations under construction or design Installations in the design and construction stage may be completed by using the standard valid at the beginning of planning unless otherwise agreed with the line owner and/or any other competent authority. It must also be determined in the Project Specification which previous National Standard and to what extent should be applied to the project in question.

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Superseded by EN 50341-1:2012

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This standard applies to bare and covered conductor overhead lines and overhead insulated cable systems with nominal voltage exceeding AC 1 kV up to and including AC 45 kV and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz. In general the requirements in EN 50341-1 apply. This standard specifies additional requirements and simplifications that apply only for this voltage range. In connection with EN 50341-1, this standard specifies the general requirements that shall be met for the design and construction of new overhead lines to ensure that the line is suitable for its purpose with regard to safety of persons, maintenance, operation and environmental considerations. This standard does not apply to: – overhead electric lines inside closed electrical areas as defined in HD 637 S1; – catenary systems of electrified railways unless explicitly required by another standard.

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  • Standard – translation
    30 pages
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Applicable to testing of towers and structures of overhead lines for voltages above 45 kV. Codifies methods of tests.

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Notes 1, 2 and 3 are normative in Austria: NOTE 2 The construction of lines with covered conductors (KUF) and reduced internal or external clearance is permitted in Austria. NOTE 4 This NNA applies to overhead lines with nominal voltage exceeding AC 1kV up to and including AC 45 kV and a maximum operating voltage of 52 kV according to ÖVE EN 60071-1. Hereinafter the latter will be described as high voltage overhead lines, group I.

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EN 50423-2:2005 superseded by EN 50341-1:2012 (PR=22540) and each of the EN 50341-2-X series (NNAs)

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Field of application: AT.1 Notes 1, 2 and 3 are normative in Austria: NOTE 1 The extent of the application of this standard is defined in Austrian „Elektrizitätsverordnung – ETV“. NOTE 2 The construction of lines with covered conductors (KUF) and reduced internal or external clearance is not permitted in Austria. For KUF-lines the prescriptions for clearances as from apply. NOTE 3 In addition to the text from Part 1 the following applies: These regulations also cover telecommunication lines which are carried on supports of OH high voltage lines. These regulations are not valid for constructions of conductors or cables with integrated optical fibres independent from their function which do not have simultaneously the function of a conductor or an earth wire. For such constructions the normal additional load as from 4.3.3 and the exceptional additional loads with minimum 12 N/m are to be considered. For such constructions with metallic materials internal clearances as defined in apply.

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This standard applies to overhead electric lines with rated voltages exceeding 45 kV AC and with rated frequencies below 100 Hz. This standard specifies the general requirements that shall be met for the design and construction of new overhead lines to ensure that the line is suitable for its purpose with regard to safety of persons, maintenance, operation and environmental considerations. NOTE 1 The extent of the application of this standard by each country in respect of existing overhead lines is subject to the requirements of the National Normative Aspects (NNA) applicable to that country. NOTE 2 Design and construction of overhead lines with insulated conductors, where internal and external clearances can be smaller than specified in the standard are not included. All other requirements of the standard may be applied to overhead lines with insulated conductors. When necessary, requirements for clearances can be given in the NNAs. NOTE 3 This part of the standard is applicable for optical Ground Wires (OPGWs) and optical Conductors (OPCONs). However the standard is not applicable to telecommunication systems which are used on overhead transmission lines either attached to the transmission line conductor/earth wire system (for example wraparound,...) or as separate cables supported by the transmission supports for example All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) or for telecommunication equipment mounted on individual transmission line structures. When necessary, requirements can be given in the NNAs. This standard does not apply to : - overhead electric lines inside closed electrical areas as defined in HD 637; - catenary systems of electrified railways.

  • Standard
    234 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    210 pages
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EN 50341-2:2001 superseded by EN 50341-1:2012 (PR=22540) and each of the EN 50341-2-X series (NNAs)
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

  • Standard
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Applies to Stockbridge type aeolian vibration dampers intended for single conductors or earth wires or conductor bundles where dampers are direclty attached to each subconductor.

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Applies to spacers for conductor bundles of overhead lines. It covers rigid spacers, flexible spacers and spacer dampers. It does not apply to interphase spacers, hoop spacers and bonding spacers.

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