Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV

This European Standard details the performance requirements and the test methods for type testing of cable accessories for use with power distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV as defined in HD 603 or other relevant cable standards. Cable accessories covered by this European Standard include joints, stop ends and outdoor terminations for extruded solid dielectric insulated cables and transition joints between extruded solid dielectric insulated and impregnated paper insulated cables. Joints, stop ends and outdoor terminations for impregnated paper insulated cables are not included. The service operating conditions of accessories should be compatible with the service operating conditions of cables on which they are to be installed. Accessories for special applications such as submarine, shipboard, explosive or seismic environments, or where specified fire performance characteristics are required, are not included. NOTE 1 This European Standard does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However, products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this European standard. NOTE 2 It may be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant conformity assessment body, to demonstrate that conformity to the earlier standard can be used to claim conformity to this European Standard, provided an assessment is made of any additional type testing that may need to be carried out. Any such additional testing that is part of a sequence of testing cannot be done separately.

Prüfverfahren und Prüfanforderungen für die Garnituren von Verteilerkabeln mit einer Nennspannung von 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV

Diese Europäische Norm beschreibt Prüfverfahren und Mindestanforderungen für die Typprüfungen an Kabelgarnituren für Energieverteilungskabel mit Nennspannungen 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV, wie in HD 603 bzw. anderen Normen für entsprechende Kabel festgelegt. Die in dieser Europäischen Norm behandelten Kabelgarnituren umfassen Muffen, Endmuffen und Freiluft-Endverschlüsse für extrudierte, kunststoffisolierte Kabel und Übergangsmuffen zwischen extrudierten, kunststoffisolierten Kabeln und Kabeln mit massegetränkter Papierisolierung. Nicht enthalten sind Muffen, Endmuffen und Freiluft-Endverschlüsse für Kabel mit massegetränkter Papierisolierung. Die Betriebsbedingungen für Garnituren sollten denen der Kabel angepasst sein, auf denen sie installiert werden. Diese Norm gilt nicht für Garnituren für spezielle Anwendungsbereiche, z.B. für Seekabel, Schiffskabel oder für den Einsatz in explosiver bzw. erdbebengefährdeter Umgebung oder einer Umgebung, in der besondere Leistungsparameter bezüglich der Feuerbeständigkeit erforderlich sind. ANMERKUNG 1 Durch diese Europäische Norm werden bestehende Zulassungen von Produkten nicht ungültig, die auf der Grundlage nationaler Normen und Spezifikationen und/oder des Nachweises der Funktionssicherheit erlangt wurden. Jedoch können nach nationalen Normen oder Spezifikationen zugelassene Garnituren nicht automatisch beanspruchen, als nach dieser Europäischen Norm zugelassen zu gelten. ANMERKUNG 2 Sofern eine Bewertung aller notwendigen Typprüfungen, die zusätzlich durchgeführt werden müssen, vorliegt, ist durch eine Vereinbarung zwischen Lieferant und Kunde und/oder der entsprechenden Konformitätsbewertungsstelle das Erbringen eines Nachweises der Konformität zu der früheren Norm möglich, um als nach dieser Europäischen Norm zugelassen zu gelten. Zusätzliche Prüfungen, die Teil einer Prüffolge sind, dürfen nicht als gesonderte Prüfung durchgeführt werden.

Méthodes et prescriptions d'essai pour les accessoires de câbles de distribution de tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV

La présente Norme Européenne définit les exigences de performance et les méthodes d’essai de type pour les accessoires utilisés sur les câbles de distribution d’énergie de tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV définis par le HD 603 ou d'autres normes de câbles applicables. Les accessoires de câbles couverts par la présente Norme Européenne incluent les jonctions et dérivations, les bouts perdus et les extrémités extérieures pour câbles à isolant synthétique extrudé et les jonctions de transition entre câbles à isolant synthétique extrudé et câbles isolés au papier imprégné. Elle ne concerne pas les jonctions et les dérivations, les bouts perdus et les extrémités extérieures pour câbles isolés au papier imprégné. Il convient que les conditions d'exploitation des accessoires soient compatibles avec celles des câbles sur lesquels ils sont à installer. Les accessoires pour des applications spécifiques telles que les applications sous-marines, à bord des navires, ou bien des environnements présentant des risques d'explosions ou sismiques, ou dans le cas d'exigences de tenue au feu spécifiées ne sont pas inclus. NOTE 1 La présente Norme Européenne ne remet pas en cause les agréments existants des produits obtenus selon des normes et spécifications nationales et/ou la démonstration d’un comportement satisfaisant en service. Toutefois, les produits approuvés selon lesdites normes ou spécifications nationales ne peuvent prétendre directement à l'agrément selon la présente Norme Européenne. NOTE 2 Il peut être possible, selon accord entre le fournisseur et l'acheteur, et/ou l'organisme d'évaluation de la conformité correspondant, de démontrer que la conformité avec la norme antérieure peut être utilisée pour prétendre à la conformité à la présente Norme Européenne, à condition que soit réalisée une évaluation de tout essai de type supplémentaire pouvant être nécessaire. Tout essai supplémentaire de cet ordre faisant partie d'une séquence d'essais ne peut être effectué séparément.

Preskusne metode in zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na distribucijskih kablih za naznačeno napetost 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV

Ta evropski standard podrobno opisuje zahteve glede zmogljivosti in preskusne metode za tipsko preskušanje dodatkov kablov, ki se uporabljajo z distribucijskimi kabli naznačene napetosti 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV, kot je opredeljeno v standardu HD 603 ali drugih ustreznih standardih za kable.
Med dodatke kablov, ki jih zajema ta evropski standard, spadajo spojke, slepi končniki in zunanji priključki za kable, izolirane z ekstrudiranim trdnim dielektrikom in prehodne spojke med kabli, izoliranimi z ekstrudiranim trdnim dielektrikom in kabli, izoliranimi z impregniranim papirjem. Spojke, slepi končniki in zunanji priključki za kable, izolirane z impregniranim papirjem, niso vključeni.
Pogoji uporabe dodatkov morajo biti v skladu s pogoji uporabe kablov, na katere bodo nameščeni.
Dodatki, namenjeni posebni uporabi, na primer pod vodo, na ladji ali v eksplozivnih ali potresnih okoljih, ali uporabi, pri kateri so potrebne določene posebne lastnosti ob požaru, niso vključeni. OPOMBA 1 Ta evropski standard ne izniči obstoječih odobritev izdelkov, prejetih na podalgi nacionalnih standardov in specifikacij in/ali prikazu zadovoljivega delovanja. Vendar izdelki, odobreni na podlagi omenjenih nacionalnih standardov ali specifikacij, se ne morejo neposredno sklicevati na odobritev tega evropskega standarda.
OPOMBA 2 Odvisno od dogovora med dobaviteljem in kupcem in/ali ustreznim telesom za ocenjevanje skladnosti, je mogoče prikazati, da se lahko skladnost s prejšnjimi standardi uporabi za sklicevanje na skladnost s tem evropskim standardom, če se predhodno oceni, ali je potrebno izvesti dodatne tipske preskuse. Dodatnih preskusov, ki so del zaporedja preskusov, ni mogoče izvesti posebej.

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Technical Committee
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9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
Due Date
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 50393:2006
Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on distribution cables of rated
voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Prüfverfahren und Prüfanforderungen für die Garnituren von Verteilerkabeln mit einer
Nennspannung von 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Méthodes et prescriptions d'essai pour les accessoires de câbles de distribution de
tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50393:2015
29.120.20 Spojni elementi Connecting devices
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

February 2015
ICS 29.120.20 Supersedes EN 50393:2006
English Version
Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on
distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Méthodes et prescriptions d'essai pour les accessoires de Prüfverfahren und Prüfanforderungen für die Garnituren von
câbles de distribution de tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV Verteilerkabeln mit einer Nennspannung von 0,6/1,0 (1,2)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2014-12-08. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50393:2015 E
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .7
4 Components .8
4.1 Connectors . 8
4.2 Materials . 9
5 Electrical characteristics . 9
5.1 Rated voltage . 9
5.2 Current rating . 9
6 Range of compliance . 9
6.1 General . 9
6.2 Cables . 9
6.3 Connectors for joints . 10
6.4 Water immersion depth. 11
6.5 Transition joints . 11
7 Type tests . 11
7.1 General . 11
7.2 Test samples . 12
7.3 Sequence of tests . 12
8 Test methods . 15
8.1 General . 15
8.2 Impulse voltage withstand test at ambient temperature. 16
8.3 AC voltage withstand test . 16
8.4 Insulation resistance test . 17
8.5 Impact test at ambient temperature . 17
8.6 Heating cycle test . 18
8.7 Immersion test – test installation . 19
8.8 Examination . 19
8.9 Metallic screen short-circuit current withstand test . 20
Annex A (informative) Determination of cable conductor temperature . 29
Annex B (informative) Identification of test cable . 34
Annex C (informative) Identification of accessory test samples . 35
Annex D (informative) Identification of connector . 36
Bibliography . 37
Figure 1 – Example of envelope diameter . 11
Figure 2 – Typical arrangement for the impact test for joints at ambient temperature. 21
Figure 3 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle for joints in air . 22
Figure 4 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle test for joints in water . 22
Figure 5 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle test for outdoor terminations in water . 23
Figure 6 – Method of connection of three-phase cables for the heating cycle test on a straight
joint . 24

– 3 – EN 50393:2015
Figure 7 – Method of connection of three-phase cables for the heating cycle test on a branch joint
where the main cable conductor cross-section is greater than 50 mm² and the branch cable
conductor cross-section is less than or equal to 50 mm² . 25
Figure 8 – Method of connection of three-phase main and branch cables of equal conductor
cross-section for the heating cycle test on a branch joint . 26
Figure 9 – Method of connection of three-phase main and branch cables of unequal conductor
cross-section for the heating cycle test on a branch joint . 27
Figure 10 – Typical heating cycle . 28
Figure 11 – Arrangement for the screen short-circuit test . 28
Figure A.1 – Arrangement for the cable calibration test . 30
Figure A.2 – Variation of θ with θ for various heating currents . 33
c st
Table 1 – Summary of compliance with different cable insulations. 10
Table 2 – Compliance extension for conductor connectors in joints . 10
Table 3 – Test sequence for joints for solid extruded dielectric insulated cables and for transition
joints between solid extruded dielectric insulated cables and impregnated paper insulated
cables . 12
Table 4 – Test sequence for stop ends on solid extruded dielectric insulated cables . 13
Table 5 – Test sequence for outdoor terminations on solid extruded dielectric insulated cables . 13
Table 6 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: straight joints . 14
Table 7 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: branch joints . 14
Table 8 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: stop ends . 15
Table 9 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: outdoor terminations . 15

This document (EN 50393:2015) has been prepared by CLC/TC 20 “Electric cables”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2015-12-08
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2017-12-08
conflicting with this document have to
be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 50393:2006.
– in Clause 1 'Scope', the revised statement referring to 'existing approvals' has been inserted;
– in Clause 3 'Definitions', definitions of stop end types have been revised to align with those of
joints, and definitions of 'rigid' and 'non-rigid' joints have been removed;
– in Clause 6 'Range of compliance', the numbers of joint and termination test samples have been
increased (see also Table 6), compliance restriction and extension with regard to different cable
designs have been clarified, and compliance restrictions and extensions relating to conductor
connectors have been inserted and shown in a new Table 2;
– in 7.3, Table 3, joints of Type II are subject to a new test involving 9 heating cycles in water
without oversheath damage (see also 8.6.2);
– in 7.3, Tables 3, 4 and 5, the footnotes referring to examination of tested accessories have been
– in Clause 8 'Test methods', the AC voltage withstand test procedure has been simplified and
clarified, references to 'rigid' and 'non-rigid' joints have been removed, reference to the 9 cycle
test for Type II joints (Table 3) has been inserted, and requirements relating to examination of
tested joints have been simplified and references to specific technologies or materials have been
– Annexes B, C and D have been added to assist in full and accurate identification of test cable,
accessories and connectors for inclusion in test reports.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
– 5 – EN 50393:2015
1 Scope
This European Standard details the performance requirements and the test methods for type testing of
cable accessories for use with power distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV as defined in
HD 603 or other relevant cable standards.
Cable accessories covered by this European Standard include joints, stop ends and outdoor
terminations for extruded solid dielectric insulated cables and transition joints between extruded solid
dielectric insulated and impregnated paper insulated cables. Joints, stop ends and outdoor
terminations for impregnated paper insulated cables are not included.
The service operating conditions of accessories should be compatible with the service operating
conditions of cables on which they are to be installed.
Accessories for special applications such as submarine, shipboard, explosive or seismic
environments, or where specified fire performance characteristics are required, are not included.
NOTE 1 This European Standard does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of
national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However,
products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this
European standard.
NOTE 2 It may be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant

SIST EN 50393:2006
Preskusne metode in zahteve za pribor, ki se uporablja na distribucijskih kablih za
naznačeno napetost 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on distribution cables of rated
voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Prüfverfahren und Prüfanforderungen für die Garnituren von Verteilerkabeln mit einer
Nennspannung von 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Méthodes et prescriptions d'essai pour les accessoires de câbles de distribution de
tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50393:2015
29.120.20 Spojni elementi Connecting devices
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

February 2015
ICS 29.120.20 Supersedes EN 50393:2006
English Version
Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on
distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV
Méthodes et prescriptions d'essai pour les accessoires de Prüfverfahren und Prüfanforderungen für die Garnituren von
câbles de distribution de tension assignée 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV Verteilerkabeln mit einer Nennspannung von 0,6/1,0 (1,2)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2014-12-08. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50393:2015 E
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .7
4 Components .8
4.1 Connectors . 8
4.2 Materials . 9
5 Electrical characteristics . 9
5.1 Rated voltage . 9
5.2 Current rating . 9
6 Range of compliance . 9
6.1 General . 9
6.2 Cables . 9
6.3 Connectors for joints . 10
6.4 Water immersion depth. 11
6.5 Transition joints . 11
7 Type tests . 11
7.1 General . 11
7.2 Test samples . 12
7.3 Sequence of tests . 12
8 Test methods . 15
8.1 General . 15
8.2 Impulse voltage withstand test at ambient temperature. 16
8.3 AC voltage withstand test . 16
8.4 Insulation resistance test . 17
8.5 Impact test at ambient temperature . 17
8.6 Heating cycle test . 18
8.7 Immersion test – test installation . 19
8.8 Examination . 19
8.9 Metallic screen short-circuit current withstand test . 20
Annex A (informative) Determination of cable conductor temperature . 29
Annex B (informative) Identification of test cable . 34
Annex C (informative) Identification of accessory test samples . 35
Annex D (informative) Identification of connector . 36
Bibliography . 37
Figure 1 – Example of envelope diameter . 11
Figure 2 – Typical arrangement for the impact test for joints at ambient temperature. 21
Figure 3 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle for joints in air . 22
Figure 4 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle test for joints in water . 22
Figure 5 – Typical arrangement for the heating cycle test for outdoor terminations in water . 23
Figure 6 – Method of connection of three-phase cables for the heating cycle test on a straight
joint . 24

– 3 – EN 50393:2015
Figure 7 – Method of connection of three-phase cables for the heating cycle test on a branch joint
where the main cable conductor cross-section is greater than 50 mm² and the branch cable
conductor cross-section is less than or equal to 50 mm² . 25
Figure 8 – Method of connection of three-phase main and branch cables of equal conductor
cross-section for the heating cycle test on a branch joint . 26
Figure 9 – Method of connection of three-phase main and branch cables of unequal conductor
cross-section for the heating cycle test on a branch joint . 27
Figure 10 – Typical heating cycle . 28
Figure 11 – Arrangement for the screen short-circuit test . 28
Figure A.1 – Arrangement for the cable calibration test . 30
Figure A.2 – Variation of θ with θ for various heating currents . 33
c st
Table 1 – Summary of compliance with different cable insulations. 10
Table 2 – Compliance extension for conductor connectors in joints . 10
Table 3 – Test sequence for joints for solid extruded dielectric insulated cables and for transition
joints between solid extruded dielectric insulated cables and impregnated paper insulated
cables . 12
Table 4 – Test sequence for stop ends on solid extruded dielectric insulated cables . 13
Table 5 – Test sequence for outdoor terminations on solid extruded dielectric insulated cables . 13
Table 6 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: straight joints . 14
Table 7 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: branch joints . 14
Table 8 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: stop ends . 15
Table 9 – Number of test samples and conductor cross-section: outdoor terminations . 15

This document (EN 50393:2015) has been prepared by CLC/TC 20 “Electric cables”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2015-12-08
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2017-12-08
conflicting with this document have to
be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 50393:2006.
– in Clause 1 'Scope', the revised statement referring to 'existing approvals' has been inserted;
– in Clause 3 'Definitions', definitions of stop end types have been revised to align with those of
joints, and definitions of 'rigid' and 'non-rigid' joints have been removed;
– in Clause 6 'Range of compliance', the numbers of joint and termination test samples have been
increased (see also Table 6), compliance restriction and extension with regard to different cable
designs have been clarified, and compliance restrictions and extensions relating to conductor
connectors have been inserted and shown in a new Table 2;
– in 7.3, Table 3, joints of Type II are subject to a new test involving 9 heating cycles in water
without oversheath damage (see also 8.6.2);
– in 7.3, Tables 3, 4 and 5, the footnotes referring to examination of tested accessories have been
– in Clause 8 'Test methods', the AC voltage withstand test procedure has been simplified and
clarified, references to 'rigid' and 'non-rigid' joints have been removed, reference to the 9 cycle
test for Type II joints (Table 3) has been inserted, and requirements relating to examination of
tested joints have been simplified and references to specific technologies or materials have been
– Annexes B, C and D have been added to assist in full and accurate identification of test cable,
accessories and connectors for inclusion in test reports.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
– 5 – EN 50393:2015
1 Scope
This European Standard details the performance requirements and the test methods for type testing of
cable accessories for use with power distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV as defined in
HD 603 or other relevant cable standards.
Cable accessories covered by this European Standard include joints, stop ends and outdoor
terminations for extruded solid dielectric insulated cables and transition joints between extruded solid
dielectric insulated and impregnated paper insulated cables. Joints, stop ends and outdoor
terminations for impregnated paper insulated cables are not included.
The service operating conditions of accessories should be compatible with the service operating
conditions of cables on which they are to be installed.
Accessories for special applications such as submarine, shipboard, explosive or seismic
environments, or where specified fire performance characteristics are required, are not included.
NOTE 1 This European Standard does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of
national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However,
products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this
European standard.
NOTE 2 It may be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant
conformity assessmen

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