This clause of Part 1 is completely replaced by the following: This part of IEC 60669 applies to electronic control devices, a general term to cover electronic switches, home and building electronic systems (HBES) / building automation and control systems (BACS) switches and electronic extension units. It applies to electronic switches and to HBES/BACS switches, for alternating current (AC) only with a rated switching voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. It also applies to electronic extension units with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V AC and 120 V DC, such as sensors and push buttons. This document also applies to electronic remote control switches (RCS) and electronic time delay switches (TDS). Particular requirements are given in Annex FF. Switches including only passive components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) components, varistors, printed wiring boards and connectors are not considered as electronic control devices. This document also applies to electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches for the operation of lighting equipment circuits and the control of the brightness of lighting equipment (dimmers) as well as the control of the speed of motors (for example, those used in ventilating fans) and for other purposes (for example, heating controls). The operation and/or control as mentioned above can be transmitted by an electronic signal via several media, for example, powerline (mains), twisted pair, optical fibre, radio frequency, infrared, etc. and are performed: - intentionally by a person via an actuating member, a key, a card, etc., via a sensing surface or a sensing unit, by means of touch, proximity, turn, optical, acoustic, thermal; - by physical means, for example, light, temperature, humidity, time, wind velocity, presence of people; - by any other influence. This document also applies to electronic control devices which include integrated radio receivers and transmitters. This document covers only those requirements for mounting boxes which are necessary for the tests on the electronic control devices. Requirements for general purpose mounting boxes are given in the relevant part, if any, of IEC 60670. This document is not intended to cover devices falling within the scope of IEC 60730 (all parts). Electronic control devices complying with this document are suitable for use at ambient temperature not normally exceeding 25 °C but occasionally reaching 35 °C with a lower limit of the ambient air temperature of −5 °C. NOTE 1 For lower temperatures, see Annex E. Functional safety aspects are not covered by this document. Functional safety requirements are covered by the standards of the controlled devices. In locations where special conditions prevail, such as in ships, vehicles and the like and in hazardous locations, for example where explosions are liable to occur, special construction and/or additional requirements may be required. This document is not intended to cover devices which are designed to be incorporated in appliances or are intended to be delivered together with a specific appliance and which are within the scope of IEC 60730 (all parts) or IEC 61058-1. Examples of designs of electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches and functions are shown in Annex AA. Additional requirements for electronic control devices using DLT-technology in accordance with IEC 62756-1 are given in Annex CC. Electrical interface specification for phase-cut dimmer used in phase-cut dimmed lighting systems are given for information only in Annex EE. NOTE 2 Electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches without a mechanical switch in the main circuit do not provide a "full off-state". Therefore, the circuit on the load side are to be considered to be live.

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To give requirements and tests for electronic control devices, a general term to cover electronic switches, HBES/BACS switches and electronic extension units. It applies to electronic switches and to HBES/BACS switches, for alternating current (AC) only with a rated switching voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. It also applies to electronic extension units with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V AC and 120 V DC. This Part of IEC 60669 also applies to electronic control devices which include integrated radio receivers and transmitters.

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To complete the text of EN 61995-1:2008/A1:2017 (PR=60113) with common modification for Europe and Annex ZZ for LVD.

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2021-02-05: BT decision for introduction of SNCs needed.
To be launched for vote and published with prEN IEC=66754.

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To cover requirements and tests for Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations

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NEW!IEC 60669-1:2017 is available as IEC 60669-1:2017 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.This part of IEC 60669 applies to manually operated general purpose functional switches, for alternating current (AC) only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V with a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. For switches provided with screwless terminals, the rated current is limited to 16 A. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1998, Amendment 1:1999 and Amendment 2:2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) change of the scope for motor load switches; b) deletion of some dated normative references; c) changes to the definitions; d) in Clause 5 the number of specimens to be used for the tests are clearly given in Table 1 (Corresponding Annex A of IEC 60669-1:1998 was therefore deleted); e) in Clause 5 it was clarified on which switches the tests of Clause 19 shall be carried out; f) requirements concerning 13 A switches have been included; g) mandatory indication that a terminal is suitable for rigid conductor only; h) requirements and test conditions for flexible conductors have been included in Clause 12; i) requirements for pilot light units have been included; j) new test for self-ballasted lamp loads in 19.3; k) Table 20 has been completely redrawn to cover normal, mini and micro-gap switches and renumbered Table 21; l) new informative Annex B including changes planned for the future in order to align IEC 60669-1 with the requirements of IEC 60998 (all parts), IEC 60999 (all parts) and IEC 60228; m) new informative Annex C about the circuit development for 19.3; n) new informative Annex D including additional requirements for insulation-piercing terminals; o) new informative Annex E including additional requirements and tests for switches intended to be used at a temperature lower than −5 °C. Key words: Home switches, fixed electrical installation

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IEC 63180:2020 provides a methodology and test procedures to be able to declare and verify the detection area for motion detectors using passive infrared technology in electronic control devices and appliance switches, whether stand-alone (direct control of one or more applications) or as part of home and building electronic systems or building automation control systems (HBES/BACS) or similar.

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2017-05-02: D156/C084 - Ratified standards not being made available.
2017-03-28: BT decided to have this standard published (D156/C084)
2016-11-23: includes common modifications from 63999

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2020-10-02: EC formal rejection from citation LVD 2014/35/EU
2019-09-24 PeC: unflagged for LVD citation after EC feedback
D156/C038 - BT approved the British NC request for modification of an SNC in EN 61242:1997 and invited CCMC to issue the corresponding amendment.
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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IEC 61995-2:2009 which is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61995-1, applies to devices for the connection of luminaires (DCL) 250 V, 6 A a.c. intended for household and similar purposes, for the electrical connection to final circuits rated not more than 16 A, without providing mechanical support for the luminaire. This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61995-1:2005.

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2016-01-12: no BT decision available about extension of DOW = DOR + 60 months
2015-04-17: Extension of DOW = DOR + 60 Months to be requested to CLC/BT.

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2019-09-24 PeC: unflagged for LVD citation after EC feedback
TC - BT decision to modify DOW

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2020-10-02: EC formal rejection from citation LVD 2014/35/EU
2019-09-26 PeC: cannot be cited for LVD, Annex ZZ is not in the right format
2017-05-02: D156/C084 - Ratified standards not being made available.

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IEC 60669-2-5:2013 applies to HBES switches with a working voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c. and a rated current up to and including 16 A for household and similar fixed electrical installations either indoors or outdoors and to associated electronic extension units.

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IEC 60669-2-6:2012 is applicable to fireman's switches used for the breaking of the low-voltage circuits for exterior and interior signs and luminaires e.g. neon signs for a.c. only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 125 A. This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60669-1:1998.

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This standard applies to electronic switches and to associated electronic extension units for household and similar fixed electrical installations either indoors or outdoors. It applies to electronic switches for a.c. only, for the operation of lamp circuits and the control of the brightness of lamps (dimmers) as well as the control of the speed of motors (for example, those used in ventilating fans) and for other purposes (for example, heating controls), with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A. The operation and control as mentioned above are performed by a person via an actuating member, a sensing surface or a sensing unit, by means of touch, proximity, turn, optical, acoustic, thermal or any other influence. This standard also applies to electronic switches where the operation or control is made by physical means, for example, light, wind velocity, presence of persons, etc. This standard also applies to boxes for electronic switches, with the exception of mounting boxes for flush-type electronic switches. Electronic switches complying with this standard are suitable for use at ambient temperature not normally exceeding 25 °C but occasionally reaching 35 °C. In locations where special conditions prevail, such as in ships, vehicles and the like and in hazardous locations, for example, where explosions are liable to occur, special constructions may be required. NOTE 1 This standard is not intended to cover devices which are designed to be incorporated in appliances or are intended to be delivered together with a specific appliance and which are within the scope of IEC 60730 or IEC 61058-1. Examples of designs of electronic switches and functions are shown in annex AA. NOTE 2 Electronic switches without a mechanical switch in the main circuit do not provide a “full off-state”. Therefore, the circuit on the load side should be considered to be live.

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IEC 60670-24:2011 applies to enclosures and parts of them for housing protective devices and other power dissipating electrical equipment intended to be used with a rated voltage not exceeding 400 V and a total incoming load current not exceeding 125 A for household and similar fixed electrical installations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005 and constitutes a technical revision. The following major changes from the first edition are introduced: - new definition for basic, general purpose enclosures (GP enclosure) and enclosures for pre-determined equipment (PD enclosure); - new classification and marking for general purpose enclosure (GP enclosure) and enclosure for pre-determined equipment (PD enclosure); - required data for instruction sheet and/or documentation according to the type of enclosure; - adequate space to allow mounting and connection of the accessories (fully equipped) as declared by the manufacturer; - requirements for general purpose enclosure (GP enclosure) as in Clause 101; - requirements for enclosure for pre-determined equipment (PD enclosure) as in Clause 102; - instructions to be given by the manufacturer of the GP enclosure to the installer how to integrate accessories and example of calculation given in Annex AA; - instructions to be given by the manufacturer of the PD enclosure to the installer how to integrate accessories given in Annex BB. This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60670-1:2002.

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This part of EN 61995-1 applies to devices for the connection of luminaires (DCL) intended for household and similar purposes, for the electrical connection of fixed luminaires to final circuits rated at not more than 16 A without providing mechanical support for the luminaire. DCLs are intended for use according to their IP rating per EN 60529.

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This standard applies to boxes and enclosures intended to be installed in any kind of floor, and to protect accessories against load up to and including 1 000 N.

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Will supersede EN 61242:1997/A11:2004 and EN 61242:1997/A12:2006

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This part of IEC 60669 applies to electromagnetic remote-control switches (hereinafter referred to as RCS) with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.

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This part of IEC 60669 applies to time-delay switches (hereinafter referred to as TDS) with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors, operated by hand and/or by remote control.

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Applies to electronic switches and to associated electronic extension units for household and similar fixed electrical installations either indoors or outdoors.

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This clause of Part 2-1 is replaced by the following: This collateral standard applies to HBES switches with a working voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c. and a rated current up to and including 16 A. for household and similar fixed electrical installations either indoors or outdoors and to associated electronic extension units. It applies – to HBES switches for the operation of lamp circuits and the control of the brightness of lamps (dimmers) as well as the control of the speed of motors (e.g. those used in ventilating fans) and for other purposes (e.g. heating installations ), – to sensors, actuators, switched-socket-outlets, associated electronic extension units, etc In the following document the word " HBES switch " is applied to describe all kind of HBES devices e.g. switches, sensors, actuators, switched-socket-outlets, associated electronic extension units, etc. The operation and control are performed – intentionally by a person via an actuating member, a key, a card, etc., via a sensing surface or a sensing unit, by means of touch, proximity, turn, optical, acoustic, thermal, – by physical means, e.g. light, temperature, humidity, time, wind velocity, presence of people, – by any other influence; and transmitted – by an electronic signal via several media, e.g. powerline (mains), twisted pair, optical fibre, radio frequency, infra-red, etc… HBES Switches complying with this standard are suitable for use at ambient temperatures not normally exceeding 25 °C, but occasionally reaching 35 °C. Functional safety aspects of HBES switches are not covered by this standard. Functional safety requirements shall be covered by the standards of the devices which are controlled by the HBES. In locations where special conditions prevail, e.g. higher temperature, special constructions may be required.

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This part of EN 60669 applies to manually operated general purpose isolating switches with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 125 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.

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This part of EN 60670 applies to boxes, enclosures and parts of enclosures (hereafter called boxes and enclosures) for electrical accessories with a rated voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. intended for household or similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. This part applies to boxes and enclosures with provision for suspension means.

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This part of EN 60670 applies to boxes, enclosures and parts of enclosures (hereafter called boxes and enclosures) for electrical accessories with a rated voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. intended for household or similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. This standard applies to connecting boxes for junction(s) and/or tapping(s).

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This International Standard applies to stand-alone indicator light units intended to give a visible signal. They are designed for a.c. only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated power not exceeding 10 W, for household and similar fixed-electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.

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Applies to cable reels for a.c. only, provided with a non-detachable flexible cable with a rated voltage above 50V and not exceeding 250 V for single-phase cable reels and above 50 V and not exceeding 440 V for all other cable reels, and a rated current not exceeding 16 A.

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IEC 60669-2-2:2024 is available as IEC 60669-2-2:2024 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60669-2-2:2024 applies to electromagnetic remote control switches (hereinafter referred to as electromagnetic RCS) with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V AC and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. For the control circuit, the rated control voltage does not exceed 440 V AC or 220 V DC. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Revision of the present edition with reference to IEC 60669-1:2017 (Edition 4); b) Introduction of a revision to Annex E "Additional requirements and tests for switches intended to be used at a temperature lower than −5 °C".

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IEC 60669-2-3:2024 is available as IEC 60669-2-3:2024 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60669-2-3:2024 applies to time-delay switches (hereinafter referred to as TDS) with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V AC and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors, operated by hand and/or by remote control. For the control circuit, the rated control voltage does not exceed 440 V AC or 220 V DC. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Revision of the present edition with reference to IEC 60669-1:2017 (Edition 4); b) Introduction of a revision to Annex E "Additional requirements and tests for switches intended to be used at a temperature lower than −5 °C".

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Document supplementary to prEN 60670 * D90/053

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