Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-1: Installed cable plant - Multimode attenuation measurement

IEC 61280-4-1:2009(E) is applicable to the measurement of attenuation of installed fibre-optic cabling using multimode fibre, typically in lengths of up to 2 000 m. This cabling can include multimode fibres, connectors, adapters and splices. Cabling design standards such as ISO/IEC 11801, ISO/IEC 24702 and ISO/IEC 24764 contain specifications for this type of cabling. ISO/IEC 14763-3, which supports these design standards, makes reference to the test methods of this standard. In this standard, the fibre types that are addressed include category A1a (50/125 um) and A1b (62,5/125 um) multimode fibres, as specified in IEC 60793-2-10. The attenuation measurements of the other multimode categories can be made, using the approaches of this standard, but the source conditions for the other categories have not been defined. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are: - An additional measurement method based on optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) is documented, with guidance on best practice in using the OTDR and interpreting OTDR traces. - The requirement for the sources used to measure multimode fibres is changed from one based on coupled power ratio (CPR) and mandrel requirement to one based on measurements of the near field at the output of the launching test cord.

Prüfverfahren für Lichtwellenleiter-Kommunikationsuntersysteme - Teil 4-1: Lichtwellenleiter-Kabelanlagen - Mehrmoden-Dämpfungsmessungen

Procédures d'essai des sous-systèmes de télécommunication à fibres optiques - Partie 4-1: Installation câblée - Mesure de l'affaiblissement en multimodal

La CEI 61280-4-1:2009 s'applique à la mesure de l'affaiblissement d'une installation de câblage en fibre optique utilisant des fibres multimodes, généralement sur des longueurs allant jusqu'à 2 000 m. Cette installation de câblage peut inclure des fibres multimodes, des connecteurs, des raccords et des épissures. Dans la présente norme, les types de fibres abordées comportent les fibres multimodes de catégorie A1a (50/125 µm) et A1b (62,5/125 µm) spécifiées dans la CEI 60793-2-10. Les mesures d'affaiblissement des autres catégories multimodales peuvent être effectuées en utilisant les approches de la présente norme, mais les conditions de source des autres catégories n'ont pas été définies. Les principales modifications portant sur cette précédente édition sont: - Une méthode de mesure supplémentaire basée sur la réflectométrie optique dans le domaine temporel (OTDR) est rapportée, avec des indications sur les meilleures pratiques d'utilisation de l'OTDR et d'interprétation des tracés de l'OTDR. - L'exigence concernant les sources utilisées pour mesurer les fibres multimodes passe d'une exigence basée sur le taux de puissance couplée (CPR) et l'exigence relative au mandrin à une exigence basée sur des mesures en champ proche à la sortie du cordon d'essai d'amorce. - La mise en valeur de l'importance et la fourniture de directives sur de bonnes pratiques de mesure incluant le nettoyage et l'examen des faces d'extrémité des connecteurs.

Postopki preskušanja optičnega komunikacijskega podsistema - 4-1. del: Vgrajene žične oblike - Meritev slabljenja večpredstavnosti (IEC 61280-4-1:2009)

Ta del IEC 61280-4 velja za meritve slabljenja vgrajenih žic iz optičnih vlaken z uporabo večpredstavnostnih optičnih vlaken, praviloma z dolžinami do 2.000 m. Te žice lahko vključujejo večpredstavnostna optična vlakna, konektorje, adapterje in spoje. Specifikacije za tovrstne žice vsebujejo standardi za zasnovo žic, kot so ISO/IEC 11801, ISO/IEC 24702 in ISO/IEC 24764. ISO/IEC 14763-3, ki podpira standarde za zasnovo, se sklicuje na preskusne metode tega standarda. V tem standardu vrste obravnavanih optičnih vlaken vključujejo večpredstavnostna optična vlakna kategorije A1a (50/125 μm) in A1b (62,5/125 μm), kot je določeno v IEC 60793-2-10. Z uporabo pristopov tega standarda se lahko opravijo meritve slabljenja drugih večpredstavnostnih kategorij, vendar izvorni pogoji za druge kategorije niso opredeljeni.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-1: Installed cable plant -
Multimode attenuation measurement (IEC 61280-4-1:2009)
Prüfverfahren für Lichtwellenleiter-Kommunikationsuntersysteme - Teil 4-1:
Lichtwellenleiter-Kabelanlagen - Mehrmoden-Dämpfungsmessungen (IEC 61280-4-
Procédures d'essai des sous-systèmes de télécommunication à fibres optiques - Partie 4
-1: Installation câblée - Mesure de l'affaiblissement en multimodal (CEI 61280-4-1:2009)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61280-4-1:2009
33.180.01 6LVWHPL]RSWLþQLPLYODNQLQD Fibre optic systems in
VSORãQR general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 61280-4-1
December 2009
ICS 33.180.01 Supersedes EN 61280-4-1:2004

English version
Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures -
Part 4-1: Installed cable plant -
Multimode attenuation measurement
(IEC 61280-4-1:2009)
Procédures d'essai des sous-systèmes  Prüfverfahren für Lichtwellenleiter-
de télécommunication à fibres optiques - Kommunikationsuntersysteme -
Partie 4-1: Installation câblée - Teil 4-1: Lichtwellenleiter-Kabelanlagen -
Mesure de l'affaiblissement en multimodal Mehrmoden-Dämpfungsmessungen
(CEI 61280-4-1:2009) (IEC 61280-4-1:2009)

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2009-10-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2009 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 61280-4-1:2009 E
The text of document 86C/879/FDIS, future edition 2 of IEC 61280-4-1, prepared by SC 86C, Fibre optic
systems and active devices, of IEC TC 86, Fibre optics, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote
and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61280-4-1 on 2009-10-01.
This European Standard supersedes EN 61280-4-1:2004.
The main changes with respect to EN 61280-4-1:2004 are listed below:
– an additional measurement method based on optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) is
documented, with guidance on best practice in using the OTDR and interpreting OTDR traces;
– the requirement for the sources used to measure multimode fibres is changed from one based on
coupled power ratio (CPR) and mandrel requirement to one based on measurements of the near field
at the output of the launching test cord;
– highlighting the importance of, and giving guidance on, good measurement practices including
cleaning and inspection of connector end faces.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2010-07-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2012-10-01
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61280-4-1:2009 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
IEC 60793-1-40 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 60793-1-40:2003 (modified).
IEC 60793-2 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 60793-2:2008 (not modified).
IEC 60793-2-10 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 60793-2-10:2007 (not modified).
IEC 60793-2-50 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 60793-2-50:2008 (not modified).
IEC 61300-3-6 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61300-3-6:2009 (not modified).
- 3 - EN 61280-4-1:2009
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE  When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

1) 2)
IEC 60825-2 - Safety of laser products - EN 60825-2 2004
Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication
systems (OFCS)
3) 3)
IEC 61280-1-3 - Fibre optic communication subsystem test EN 61280-1-3 -
procedures -
Part 1-3: General communication
subsystems - Central wavelength and
spectral width measurement
1) 4)
IEC 61280-1-4 - Fibre optic communication subsystem test EN 61280-1-4 200X
procedures -
Part 1-4: General communication
subsystems - Light source encircled flux
measurement method
IEC/PAS 61300-3-35 - Fibre optic interconnecting devices and - -
passive components - Basic test and
measurement procedures -
Part 3-35: Examinations and measurements -
Fibre optic cylindrical connector endface
visual inspection
1) 2)
IEC 61315 - Calibration of fibre-optic power meters EN 61315 2006

IEC 61745 - End-face image analysis procedure for the - -
calibration of optical fibre geometry test sets

1) 2)
IEC 61746 - Calibration of optical time-domain EN 61746 2005
reflectometers (OTDR)
Undated reference.
Valid edition at date of issue.
At draft stage.
To be ratified.
IEC 61280-4-1 ®
Edition 2.0 2009-06
Fibre-optic communication subsystem test procedures –
Part 4-1: Installed cable plant – Multimode attenuation measurement

ICS 33.180.01 ISBN 2-8318-1045-4
– 2 – 61280-4-1 © IEC:2009(E)
1 Scope.7
2 Normative references .7
3 Terms, definitions, graphical symbols and acronyms .8
3.1 Terms and definitions .8
3.2 Graphical symbols.9
3.3 Acronyms .11
4 Measurement methods .11
4.1 General .11
4.2 Cabling configurations and applicable test methods .12
4.3 Overview of uncertainties .12
4.3.1 General .12
4.3.2 Test cords .13
4.3.3 Launch conditions at the connection to the cabling under test .13
4.3.4 Optical source .13
4.3.5 Output power reference .13
4.3.6 Received power reference .14
5 Apparatus.14
5.1 General .14
5.2 Light source .14
5.2.1 Stability .14
5.2.2 Spectral characteristics .14
5.2.3 Launch cord .14
5.3 Receive or tail cord .15
5.4 Substitution/dummy cord .15
5.5 Power meter – LSPM methods only .15
5.6 OTDR apparatus .15
5.7 Connector end-face cleaning and inspection equipment .16
5.8 Adapters .16
6 Procedures.16
6.1 General .16
6.2 Common procedures .17
6.2.1 Care of the test cords .17
6.2.2 Make reference measurements (LSPM methods only) .17
6.2.3 Inspect and clean the ends of the fibres in the cabling.17
6.2.4 Make the measurements.17
6.2.5 Make the calculations .17
6.3 Calibration.17
6.4 Safety .17
7 Calculations .17
8 Documentation .18
8.1 Information for each test.18
8.2 Information to be available .18
Annex A (normative) One-cord reference method.19
Annex B (normative) Three-cord reference method .21

61280-4-1 © IEC:2009(E) – 3 –
Annex C (normative) Two-cord reference method .23
Annex D (normative) Optical time domain reflectometer.26
Annex E (normative) Requirements for the source characteristics for multimode
Annex F (informative) Measurement uncertainty examples.35
Annex G (informative) OTDR configuration information .44
Annex H (informative) Test cord insertion loss verification .53

Figure 1a – Socket and plug assembly.10
Figure 1b – Connector set (plug, adapter, plug) .10
Figure 1c – Light source .10
Figure 1d – Power meter.10
Figure 1 – Connector symbols .10
Figure 2 – Symbol for cabling under test.

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