Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed

EN 50306-4 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, multicore and multipair cables rated 300 V to earth, of the following types: - unscreened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring (0,5 mm2 to 2,5 mm2, number of cores from 2 to 48); - screened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring (0,5 mm2 to 2,5 mm2, number of cores from 2 to 8); - screened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring (0,5 mm2 to 1,5 mm2, number of pairs of cores from 2 to 7). NOTE 1 Not all conductor sizes/number of cores are specified for every type. All cables have stranded tinned copper conductors, halogen-free, thin wall thickness insulation and standard wall thickness sheath. Cable types are specified for use in exposed situations (Class E), and for protected situations (Class P). They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous operational life at temperatures of 90 °C or 105 °C dependent upon the sheath system type. NOTE 2 In EN 50306-4 the higher temperature rating of 105 °C is only allowed where sheath type S2 is used, and where it has been specifically tested for the higher rating (i.e. by long-term thermal endurance testing to demonstrate a lifetime of at least 20 000 h at 125 °C). The maximum temperature for short-circuit conditions of 160 °C is based on a duration of 5 s. The cables specified in EN 50306-4 which have a sheath of type EM 101, EM 103 or S2 material are suitable for operation at temperatures as low as – 25 °C and those with sheath of type EM 102 or EM 104 material are suitable for operation at temperatures as low as 40 °C. NOTE 3 Where fuel oil is present sheath types EM 101 and EM 102 are not suitable. NOTE 4 S2 material may also be suitable for operational temperatures as low as –40 °C, but if so must be tested accordingly to confirm this. Under fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance characteristics in respect of maximum permissible flame propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of smoke and toxic gases. These requirements are specified to permit the cables to satisfy Hazard Levels 2, 3 or 4 of EN 45545-1 ). NOTE 5 Requirements for the emission of smoke and gases are not specified for cables used for Hazard Level 1 of EN 45545-1. NOTE 6 EN 45545-1 is still under development and should be consulted. EN 50306-4 should be used in conjunction with EN 50306-1, General requirements, EN 50306-2, Single core cables, and EN 50306-3, Single core and multicore cables.

Bahnanwendungen - Kabel und Leitungen für Schienenfahrzeuge mit verbessertem Verhalten im Brandfall - Reduzierte Isolierwanddicken - Teil 4: Mehradrige und mehrpaarige Leitungen mit Standardmantelwanddicken

Teil 4 der EN 50306 legt Anforderungen, Aufbau und Maße von mehradrigen und mehrpaari¬gen Kabeln und Leitungen mit einer Nennspannung von 300 V gegen Erde für folgende Bau¬arten fest: - Ungeschirmt, ummantelt für ungeschützte und geschützte Verlegung (0,5 mm2 bis 2,5 mm2, Anzahl der Adern: 2 bis 48) - Geschirmt, ummantelt entweder für ungeschützte oder geschützte Verlegung (0,5 mm2 bis 2,5 mm2, Anzahl der Adern: 2 bis 8) - Geschirmt, ummantelt entweder für ungeschützte oder geschützte Verlegung (0,5 mm2 bis 1,5 mm2, Anzahl der Paare: 2 bis 7) ANMERKUNG 1 Nicht für jede Bauart sind alle Leiternennquerschnitte/ Aderanzahlen festgelegt. Alle Kabel und Leitungen haben verzinnte Kupferlitzenleiter und halogenfreie Isolierhüllen mit reduzierten Wanddicken und Standard- Mantelwanddicken. Die Kabel und Leitungen sind für die ungeschützte Verlegung (Klasse E) und für geschützte Verlegung (Klasse P) vorgesehen. Sie sind für die feste Verlegung in Schienenfahrzeugen oder für eine Verlegung bestimmt, bei der im Betrieb eine begrenzte Wechselbiegebeanspruchung auftritt. Die Anforderungen sehen einen fortlaufenden Dauerbetrieb bei 90 °C oder 105 °C vor, abhängig von dem System der Ummantelung. ANMERKUNG 2 In EN 50306-4 ist die höhere Nenntemperatur von 105° C nur zulässig, wenn ein Mantel des Typs S2 verwendet wird und er für die höhere Temperaturklasse geprüft worden ist (d. h. Langzeitalterung bei 125 °C, um eine Lebensdauer von min. 20 000 h zu beweisen). Die höchstzulässige Temperatur im Kurzschlußfall von 160° C gilt für eine Dauer von 5 s. Die Kabel und Leitungen in diesem Teil 4, die Mäntel der Typen EM 101, EM 103 oder S2 Werkstoffe haben, sind für Betriebstemperaturen bis 25 °C geeignet und diejenigen mit Manteltypen EM 102 oder EM 104, sind für Betriebstemperaturen bis 40 °C geeignet. ANMERKUNG 3 Bei Anwesenheit von Treibstoff sind nur die Manteltypen EM 101 und EM 102 nicht ge¬eignet. ANMERKUNG 4 S2 Werkstoff kann auch für tiefe Temperaturen bis –40 °C eingesetzt werden, muß dann aber entsprechend geprüft werden um die Eignung nachzuweisen. Diese Kabel und Leitungen zeigen im Brandfall besondere Leistungsmerkmale hinsichtlich der zulässigen Flammenfortleitung (Flammenausbreitung) und der höchstzulässigen. Entwicklung von Rauch und toxischen Gasen. Diese Anforderungen sind festgelegt, um zu zeigen, daß die Leitungen die Gefahrenniveaus 2, 3 oder 4 der EN 45545-1 erfüllen. ANMERKUNG 5 Für Leitungen, für das Gefahrenniveau 1 der EN 45545-1 eingesetzt werden, sind keine Anforderungen an die Emission von Rauch und Gas festgelegt. ANMERKUNG 6 EN 45545-1 befindet sich noch Entwurf-Status, sollte jedoch in Betracht ge¬zogen werden. Teil 4 der EN 50306 sollte in Verbindung mit Teil 1 “Allgemeine Anforderungen ”, Teil 2 “Einadrige Kabel und Leitungen" und Teil 3 “Ein- und vieladrige Kabel und Leitungen” verwendet werden.

Applications ferroviaires - Câbles pour matériel roulant ferroviaire ayant des performances particulières de comportement au feu - Isolation mince - Partie 4: Câbles multiconducteurs et multipaires avec gaine d'épaisseur normale

La EN 50306-4 définit les prescriptions et les dispositions constructives et dimensionnelles des câbles multiconducteurs et multipaires, de tension assignée 300 V entre âme et terre, des types suivants: - câbles non blindés sous gaine pour filerie exposée ou protégée - (section de 0,5 mm2 à 2,5 mm2, nombre de conducteurs de 2 à 48); - câbles blindés pour filerie exposée ou protégée - ( section de 0,5 mm2 à 2,5 mm2, nombre de conducteurs de 2 à 8); - câbles blindés sous gaine pour filerie exposée ou protégée - (section de 0,5 mm2 à 1,5 mm2, nombre de conducteurs de 2 à 7). NOTE 1 Le nombre et la section des conducteurs ne sont pas tous spécifiés pour chaque type. Tous les câbles sont constitués d'âmes toronnées en cuivre étamé, d'une enveloppe isolante d'épaisseur mince et d'une gaine d'épaisseur normale, toutes deux sans halogènes. Ces types de câbles sont spécifiés pour les situations exposées (classe E) et pour les situations protégées (classe P). Ils sont destinés aux fileries fixes, ou aux fileries dont les flexions en service sont limitées, dans le matériel roulant ferroviaire. Les spécifications prévoient une température de régime permanent de 90 °C ou de 105 °C selon le type de gaine utilisé. NOTE 2 Dans la EN 50306-4, la température assignée la plus élevée (105 °C) est seulement admise avec la gaine de type S2 et si les essais sur câbles correspondent à la valeur nominale supérieure (par exemple en contrôlant l'endurance thermique pour démontrer une durée de vie d’au moins 20 000 h à 125 °C). La température maximale en cas de court-circuit est de 160 °C pour une durée de 5 s. Les câbles de la EN 50306-4 qui comportent une gaine du type EM 101, EM 103 ou S2 conviennent aux températures de service descendant jusqu'à – 25 °C et ceux qui comportent une gaine du type EM 102 ou EM 104 conviennent aux températures de service descendant jusqu'à – 40 °C. NOTE 3 En présence de fioul, les gaines du type EM 101 et EM 102 ne conviennent pas. NOTE 4 Le matériau de type S2 peut être aussi utilisé pour des températures aussi basses que – 40°C, mais il doit être essayé en relation avec la température pour confirmation. Lorsqu'ils sont soumis au feu, les câbles respectent les limites maximales spécifiées concernant la propagation de la flamme et l'émission de fumées et de gaz toxiques. Ces prescriptions permettent aux câbles de satisfaire aux niveaux de risque 2, 3 ou 4 de la EN 45545-1 ). NOTE 5 Les prescriptions relatives aux émissions de fumées et de gaz ne sont pas imposées pour les câbles du niveau de risque 1 de la EN 45545-1. NOTE 6 La EN 45545-1, en cours de mise au point, doit être consultée. La EN 50306-4 doit être utilisée conjointement avec la EN 50306-1, Prescriptions générales, la EN 50306-2, Câbles monoconducteurs, et la EN 50306-3, Conducteurs et câbles blindés.

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed

General Information

Publication Date
Withdrawal Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
Parallel Committee
Current Stage
9960 - Withdrawal effective - Withdrawal
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date


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EN 50306-4:2003
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Standards Content (Sample)

Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance
- Thin wall - Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed
Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin
wall -- Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed
Bahnanwendungen - Kabel und Leitungen für Schienenfahrzeuge mit verbessertem
Verhalten im Brandfall - Reduzierte Isolierwanddicken -- Teil 4: Mehradrige und
mehrpaarige Leitungen mit Standardmantelwanddicken
Applications ferroviaires - Câbles pour matériel roulant ferroviaire ayant des
performances particulières de comportement au feu - Isolation mince -- Partie 4: Câbles
multiconducteurs et multipaires avec gaine d'épaisseur normale
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50306-4:2002
13.220.40 Sposobnost vžiga in Ignitability and burning
obnašanje materialov in behaviour of materials and
proizvodov pri gorenju products
29.060.20 Kabli Cables
45.060.01 Železniška vozila na splošno Railway rolling stock in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 13.220.40; 45.060.01
English version
Railway applications -
Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance -
Thin wall
Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed

Applications ferroviaires -  Bahnanwendungen -
Câbles pour matériel roulant ferroviaire Kabel und Leitungen für
ayant des performances particulières Schienenfahrzeuge mit verbessertem
de comportement au feu - Verhalten im Brandfall -
Isolation mince Reduzierte Isolierwanddicken
Partie 4: Câbles multiconducteurs Teil 4: Mehradrige und mehrpaarige
et multipaires avec gaine d'épaisseur Leitungen mit Standardmantelwanddicken
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-06-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and
notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2002 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. EN 50306-4:2002 E
This European Standard was prepared by Working Group 12, Railway cables, of Technical
Committee CENELEC TC 20, Electric cables, as part of the overall programme of work in
CENELEC TC 9X, Electrical and electronic applications for railways.

The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved
by CENELEC as EN 50306-4 on 2002-06-01.

The following dates were fixed:

- latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2003-07-01

- latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2008-07-01

Annexes designated “informative” are given for information only.
In this standard, annexes A and B are informative.
- 3 - EN 50306-4:2002
Introduction. 4
1 Scope. 4
2 Normative references. 5
3 Multicore cables - sheathed . 6
4 Tests. 9
5 Multicore cables - screened and sheathed. 14
6 Tests. 17
7 Multipair cables - individually screened and sheathed and with an overall sheath. 22
8 Tests. 24
Annex A (informative) Guidance on selection of cables for type approval . 26
Annex B (informative) Bibliography . 26
Table 1 - Requirements for construction of multicore cables - sheathed . 8
Table 2 - Schedule of tests for multicore cables - sheathed . 13
Table 3 - Requirements for the construction of multicore cables - screened and sheathed . 16
Table 4 - Schedule of tests for multicore cables - screened and sheathed. 21
Table 5 - Requirements for the construction of multipair cables - individually screened
and sheathed and with an overall sheath . 24
Table 6 - Schedule of tests for multipair cables - individually screened and
sheathed and with an overall sheath . 25

EN 50306 covers a range of sheathed and unsheathed cables with thin wall thickness
insulation, based on halogen free materials, for use in railway rolling stock. It is divided into
four parts:
Part 1: General requirements;
Part 2 : Single core cables;
Part 3: Single core and multicore cables (pairs, triples and quads) screened and thin wall
Part 4: Multicore and multipair cables, standard wall sheathed.

Special test methods referred to in EN 50306 are given in EN 50305. A Guide to Use is
given in EN 50355 .
EN 50306-1, General requirements, contains a more extensive introduction to EN 50306,
and should be read in conjunction with this European Standard.
1 Scope
EN 50306-4 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, multicore and
multipair cables rated 300 V to earth, of the following types:
- unscreened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring
2 2
(0,5 mm to 2,5 mm , number of cores from 2 to 48);
- screened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring
2 2
to 2,5 mm , number of cores from 2 to 8);
(0,5 mm
- screened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring
2 2
(0,5 mm to 1,5 mm , number of pairs of cores from 2 to 7).

NOTE 1  Not all conductor sizes/number of cores are specified for every type.

All cables have stranded tinned copper conductors, halogen-free, thin wall thickness
insulation and standard wall thickness sheath. Cable types are specified for use in exposed
situations (Class E), and for protected situations (Class P). They are for use in railway rolling
stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is encountered. The
requirements provide for a continuous operational life at temperatures of 90 °C or 105 °C
dependent upon the sheath system type.

NOTE 2  In EN 50306-4 the higher temperature rating of 105 °C is only allowed where sheath type S2 is used,
and where it has been specifically tested for the higher rating (i.e. by long-term thermal endurance testing to
demonstrate a lifetime of at least 20 000 h at 125 °C).

The maximum temperature for short-circuit conditions of 160 °C is based on a duration of
5 s.
The cables specified in EN 50306-4 which have a sheath of type EM 101, EM 103 or S2
material are suitable for operation at temperatures as low as – 25 °C and those with sheath
of type EM 102 or EM 104 material are suitable for operation at temperatures as low as
- 40 °C.
NOTE 3  Where fuel oil is present sheath types EM 101 and EM 102 are not suitable.

NOTE 4  S2 material may also be suitable for operational temperatures as low as –40 °C, but if so must be
tested accordingly to confirm this.

At draft stage.
- 5 - EN 50306-4:2002
Under fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance characteristics in respect of
maximum permissible flame propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission
of smoke and toxic gases. These requirements are specified to permit the cables to satisfy
Hazard Levels 2, 3 or 4 of EN 45545-1 .

NOTE 5  Requirements for the emission of smoke and gases are not specified for cables used for Hazard
Level 1 of EN 45545-1.
NOTE 6  EN 45545-1 is still under development and should be consulted.

EN 50306-4 should be used in conjunction with EN 50306-1, General requirements,
EN 50306-2, Single core cables, and EN 50306-3, Single core and multicore cables.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and
the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or
revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when
incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 45545-1 Railway applications - Fire protection of railway vehicles
Part 1: General
EN 50265-2-1 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for
resistance to vertical flame propagation for a single insulated
conductor or cable - Part 2-1: Procedures - 1 kW pre-mixed flame
EN 50267-2-1 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on
gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables
Part 2-1: Procedures - Determination of the amount of halogen acid
EN 50267-2-2 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on
gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables
Part 2-2: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for
materials by measuring pH and conductivity
EN 50268-2 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Measurement
of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions
Part 2: Procedure
EN 50305 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire
performance - Test methods
EN 50306-1 Railway applications-Railway rolling stock cables having special fire
performance - Thin wall - Part 1: General requirements
EN 50306-2 Railway applications-Railway rolling stock cables having special fire
performance - Thin wall - Part 2: Single core cables
EN 60684-2 Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 2: Methods of test
EN 60811-1-1 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables -
Common test methods - Part 1-1: General application - Measurement
of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the
mechanical properties (IEC 60811-1-1)

At draft stage.
EN 60811-1-3 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables -
Common test methods - Part 1-3: General application - Methods for
determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test
(IEC 60811-1-3)
EN 60811-1-4 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables -
Common test methods - Part 1-4: General application - Test at low
temperature (IEC 60811-1-4)
EN 60811-2-1 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables -
Common test methods - Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric
compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion
tests (IEC 60811-2-1)
3 Multicore cables - sheathed
3.1 General
The completed cables shall conform to the applicable general requirements given in
EN 50306-1 and to the specific requirements of clause 3 and clause 4.

Conformity with the requirements shall be checked by inspection and by the tests given in
Table 2.
3.2 Designation, marking and coding
3.2.1 Code designation
For the purpose of supplying cables to this clause of the standard, the following code
designation shall be used:
- EN reference;
- table number;
- cable class (P or E);
- number of cores and conductor size;
- identifier for the particular Hazard Level (see 3.2.2);
- temperature rating.
For example:
EN 50306-4  1P  4x2,5  CC  90
3.2.2 Code identities for cables suitable for use in particular hazard levels

The following letters shall be used as a code to identify the suitability of a particular cable for
use under one of the Hazard Levels of EN 45545-1, and to indicate performance levels
relating to low temperature and to oil and fuel resistance:

NOTE  For sheathed cables two letters are required, one for the insulation and one for the sheath.

- 7 - EN 50306-4:2002
Hazard Level EN 45545-1

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