IEC SRD 63460:2025
(Main)Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions
Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions
IEC SRD 63460:2025 The scope of this document is the assessment of how Electric Vehicles (EVs) may (or must) act as Distributed Energy Resources (DER) when they are interconnected to the electric power system through a charging station. Although clearly the main purpose for EV interconnection to the grid is to charge their batteries, EVs are capable of providing grid support functions while interconnected, and in some situations, may be mandated or incentivized to do so. This document provides Use Cases as examples of how EVs might provide such DER functionality, based on the grid support functions defined in IEC 61850-7-420, IEEE 1547:2018, and EN 50549.
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IEC SRD 63460 ®
Edition 1.0 2025-01
Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions
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IEC SRD 63460 ®
Edition 1.0 2025-01
Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions
ICS 43.120 ISBN 978-2-8327-0138-6
– 2 – IEC SRD 63460:2025 © IEC 2025
0.1Objective . 8
0.2EVs, utilities, and charging . 8
0.3 EV standardisation efforts in the IEC . 9
0.4 EV use cases . 11
0.5 Purpose of this document . 12
1 Scope . 13
2 Normative references . 13
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 13
3.1 Terms and definitions. 13
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 16
4 Overview of the DER environment and functions . 17
4.1 DER Stakeholders . 17
4.2 DERs within a facility or microgrid . 18
4.3 Utility and aggregator interactions with DER facility . 19
4.4 EV interactions within the DER environment . 20
4.5 List of DER functions potentially applicable to EVs . 22
5 Historical overview of different EV architectures applicable to a DER environment . 31
5.1 SGAM interoperability layers as applicable to EVs . 31
5.2 E-mobility systems architectures . 34
5.2.1 Overview . 34
5.2.2 E-mobility in IEC TR 61850-90-8:2016 . 34
5.2.3 EV Integration in IEC SRD 63268:2020 . 35
5.2.4 EV architectures in the IEC 63110 series . 38
5.2.5 EV architecture (IEC 63382 series) . 40
5.2.6 EV architecture from the IEC 63380 series . 41
5.2.7 EVs in buildings architectures from IEC SC 23K . 41
5.2.8 EV architectures in SAE . 42
5.2.9 OCPP updates . 43
5.2.10 ISO 15118-20 updates . 44
5.3 E-mobility roles . 44
5.3.1 E-mobility role definitions from the IEC 63110 series . 44
5.3.2 EV roles for DER use cases. 47
5.4 EV-related standards . 49
5.4.1 EV-related standards organizations . 49
5.4.2 Standards and documents including EV-related information exchange
requirements . 49
5.5 EV as DER architecture using the IEC 61850-7-420 information model . 50
5.6 EV-DC and EV-AC charging and discharging . 51
5.6.1 V2G EV-charging station configurations . 51
5.6.2 Grid code functions in DC charging/discharging . 54
5.6.3 Grid code functions in AC charging/discharging . 54
5.6.4 SAE J3072 for V2G AC discharging . 54
5.6.5 Information exchange requirements for EV-as-DER functions . 54
5.6.6 Issues related to different configurations of charging stations . 55
6 EV-as-DER business cases . 55
6.1 Business cases versus use cases . 55
6.2 Transmission EV-as-DER business cases for balancing authorities and
transmission utilities . 56
6.2.1 General . 56
6.2.2 Business case: fault-induced delayed voltage recovery (FIDVR) . 56
6.2.3 Business case: steady-state consumption control . 56
6.2.4 Business case: power factor management . 56
6.2.5 Business case: frequency response (active power-frequency control) . 57
6.2.6 Business case: underfrequency load shedding. 57
6.2.7 Business case: ride-through performance: remaining connected during
grid disturbances . 57
6.3 Distribution EV-as-DER business cases for MV and LV grid support . 58
6.3.1 General . 58
6.3.2 Business case: manage potential overload situations via EV peak power
limiting . 58
6.3.3 Business case: provide benefits to EV owners via vehicle-to-home
(V2H) . 58
6.3.4 Business case: provide benefits to the grid via vehicle-to-grid (V2G) . 59
6.3.5 Business case: improve grid efficiency through coordinated charge/
discharge of EVs . 59
6.3.6 Business case: provide voltage support via volt-watt response by EVs . 59
6.3.7 Business case: provide reactive power support via watt-var function . 59
6.3.8 Business case: help meet export and/or import limits via the limit active
power export/import function . 59
7 EV-as-DER use cases . 59
7.1 General . 59
7.1.1 Overview . 59
7.1.2 Use case E1: EV peak power limiting on demand . 60
7.1.3 Use case E4: volt-watt response by EVs . 60
7.1.4 Use case E8: coordinated charge/discharge of EVs . 60
7.1.5 Use case E9: V2G EV as DER . 60
7.1.6 Use case E12: watt-var function . 61
7.1.7 Use case E15: limit active power export function . 61
7.2 Use case: limit active power import operational function . 61
7.2.1 Name of use case . 61
7.2.2 Version management . 61
7.2.3 Scope and objectives of use case . 61
7.2.4 Narrative of the use case . 61
7.2.5 Scenario steps . 62
7.2.6 Use case diagrams – Sequence diagram . 62
7.3 Use cases: frequency-active power (frequency-watt) operational functions . 63
7.3.1 Overview of frequency-active power (frequency-watt) operational
functions . 63
7.3.2 Use case: frequency-active power as FSM operational function . 66
7.3.3 Use case: frequency droop or "primary frequency response" operational
function . 68
7.3.4 Use case: secondary frequency response (AGC) operational function . 69
7.3.5 Use case: tertiary or spinning reserve frequency response operational
function . 70
7.3.6 Use case: synthetic Inertia operational function . 70
– 4 – IEC SRD 63460:2025 © IEC 2025
7.4 Use cases: ride-through operational functions for charging stations . 72
7.4.1 Use case: frequency ride-through operational functions for charging
stations. 72
7.4.2 Use case: voltage ride-through operational functions for charging
stations. 73
8 Gaps of EV-as-DER in IEC e-mobility standards . 73
8.1 Overview of EV-as-DER gaps . 73
8.2 EV-as-DER-related standards, inclusion of V2G and/or V1G as controllable
load . 75
8.2.1 EV-as-DER in standards defining DER functional requi
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