IEC 62427:2024
(Main)Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems
Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems
IEC 62427:2024 describes a process to demonstrate compatibility between rolling stock (RST) and train detection systems (TDS). It describes the characterization of train detection systems, rolling stock and traction power supply systems.
It is worth noting that the demonstration of technical compatibility between the rolling stock and infrastructure with respect to physical dimensions is not detailed in this document.
This document is not generally applicable to those combinations of rolling stock, traction power supply and train detection system which were accepted as compatible prior to the publication of this document. However, as far as is reasonably practicable, this document can be applied to modifications of rolling stock, traction power supply or train detection systems which can affect compatibility. The detailed process can be used where no rules and processes for compatibility are established.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) generic compatibility process, which is broken into a two-stage process depending on whether there are established compatibility limits or not;
b) rules for characterization of train detection systems;
c) rules for characterization of rolling stock;
d) rules for characterization of the power system;
e) informative references are provided in notes to established CENELEC standards for compatibility;
f) terminology is updated.
Applications ferroviaires - Compatibilité entre matériel roulant et systèmes de détection de train
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IEC 62427 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-12
Railway applications – Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection
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IEC 62427 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-12
Railway applications – Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection
ICS 45.060.01 ISBN 978-2-8327-0024-2
– 2 – IEC 62427:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 9
3.1 Terms and definitions . 9
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 10
4 Compatibility process . 10
4.1 Overview. 10
4.2 Detailed compatibility process . 10
4.3 Building the compatibility argument . 11
4.4 Quality management . 12
4.5 Route identification for introduction of RST (new or changed) . 12
4.6 Introduction of infrastructure elements (new or changed) . 12
4.7 Characterization. 13
4.8 Compatibility analyses . 13
4.8.1 General terms . 13
4.8.2 Transfer function . 14
5 Characterization of train detection systems . 15
5.1 Objective of procedure . 15
5.2 Track circuit systems – Standards, regulations and technical specifications . 16
5.3 Axle counter systems – Standards, regulations and technical specifications . 16
5.4 Wheel detectors (treadle applications) . 16
5.4.1 General . 16
5.4.2 Wheel detectors based on inductive technology . 16
5.5 Loops. 17
5.5.1 General aspects . 17
5.5.2 Interfering mechanisms. 17
5.5.3 Characterization . 18
6 Characterization of rolling stock . 18
6.1 Objective . 18
6.2 General procedure . 18
7 Characterization of traction power supply systems . 19
7.1 Objective . 19
7.2 DC traction power supplies . 19
7.3 AC traction power supplies . 19
7.4 Test procedures . 20
8 Test report . 20
8.1 General . 20
8.2 Introduction to the report . 20
8.3 Test organization . 20
8.4 Configuration . 20
8.5 Reference documents . 20
8.6 Application of the test plan . 21
8.7 Test results . 21
8.8 Comments . 21
8.9 Archive of test results . 21
Annex A (informative) Guidelines for the determination of susceptibility of train
detection systems . 22
A.1 Examples of system configurations . 22
A.2 "Normal" configuration . 22
A.3 Interference mechanism with broken signal rail . 22
A.4 Interference mechanism with broken return rail . 23
A.5 Double rail track circuits . 24
A.6 Voltage between axles of rolling stock . 25
A.7 Effect of resistance between coupled vehicles . 26
A.8 Radiated interference . 28
A.9 Sensitive zone of wheel detector . 28
A.10 Factor of safety . 29
A.11 Multiple interference sources . 29
Annex B (informative) General characterization of rolling stock . 30
B.1 Objective of procedure . 30
B.2 Description of rolling stock and factors affecting its characteristics . 30
B.3 Configuration (design status) . 30
B.4 Test plan . 30
B.4.1 General . 30
B.4.2 Test site . 31
B.4.3 Instrumentation . 31
B.4.4 Test procedure . 31
Annex C (informative) Factors affecting rolling stock characteristics and compatibility . 33
Annex D (informative) DC traction power supplies . 36
D.1 General . 36
D.2 Interference currents generated by the rolling stock . 36
D.3 Interference currents generated by the traction power supply system . 36
Annex E (informative) Compatibility parameters for loops (European example) . 39
E.1 General . 39
E.2 Principles of operation – Electrical background . 39
E.3 Vehicle metal construction . 39
Bibliography . 42
Figure 1 – Sources of electromagnetic interference . 7
Figure 2 – The compatibility process . 11
Figure 3 – Relationship between compatibility limits and permissible interference . 15
Figure A.1 – Interference mechanism with rails intact . 22
Figure A.2 – Interference mechanism with self-revealing broken rail . 23
Figure A.3 – Interference mechanism with unrevealed broken rail . 23
Figure A.4 – Double rail track circuit . 24
Figure A.5 – Double rail track circuit with broken rail . 24
Figure A.6 – Interference mechanism due to voltage between axles – Case 1 . 25
Figure A.7 – Interference mechanism due to voltage between axles – Case 2 . 25
Figure A.8 – Effect of inter-vehicle current . 26
Figure A.9 – Equivalent circuit for Figure A.8 . 26
Figure A.10 – Example of radiated interference . 28
– 4 – IEC 62427:2024 © IEC 2024
Figure C.1 – Electrical bonding . 34
Figure D.1 – Rolling stock with DC supply . 37
Figure D.2 – Circulation of interference current generated by rolling stock . 37
Figure D.3 – Circulation of interference current generated by the substation . 38
Figure E.1 – Example of
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