IEC 63453: 2025 specifies functional requirements for the validation of simulation techniques and tools used to assess the dynamic interaction between overhead contact lines and pantographs, as part of the prediction of current collection quality, to ensure confidence in, and mutual acceptance of the results of the simulations.
This document deals with:
- input and output parameters of the simulation;
- comparison with line test measurements, and the characteristics of those line tests;
- validation of pantograph models;
- comparison between different simulation tools;
- limits of application of validated methods to assessments of pantographs and overhead contact lines.
This document applies to the current collection from an overhead contact line by pantographs mounted on railway vehicles. It does not apply to trolley bus systems.

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    82 pages
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IEC 63438:2024 applies to the electrical protection system, provided for AC and DC electric traction power supply systems. It:
– establishes railway specific protection principles;
– describes the railway specific protection system functionality;
– specifies minimum functional requirements and informative examples of their application;
– establishes limitations of the protection system and the acceptability of residual risks;
– specifies principles for design verification.
This document is applicable to:
– railways;
– guided mass transport systems, such as tramways, elevated and underground railways, mountain railways, trolleybus systems, and magnetically levitated systems which use a contact line system.
This document can also be applied to electrified road traffic with a contact line, such as truck-trolley systems.
This document applies to new electric traction power supply systems and can be applied to changes of existing systems.
This document does not apply to:
– underground mine traction systems;
– cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the traction power supply system;
– suspended cable cars;
– funicular railways;
– magnetic levitated systems (without a contact line system);
– railways with an inductive power supply without contact system;
– railways with a buried contact system that is required to be energized only below the train to ensure safety.
This document does not cover:
– technical requirements for products, e.g. protection devices;
– rules for maintenance of protection systems.

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    50 pages
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IEC 62427:2024 describes a process to demonstrate compatibility between rolling stock (RST) and train detection systems (TDS). It describes the characterization of train detection systems, rolling stock and traction power supply systems.
It is worth noting that the demonstration of technical compatibility between the rolling stock and infrastructure with respect to physical dimensions is not detailed in this document.
This document is not generally applicable to those combinations of rolling stock, traction power supply and train detection system which were accepted as compatible prior to the publication of this document. However, as far as is reasonably practicable, this document can be applied to modifications of rolling stock, traction power supply or train detection systems which can affect compatibility. The detailed process can be used where no rules and processes for compatibility are established.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) generic compatibility process, which is broken into a two-stage process depending on whether there are established compatibility limits or not;
b) rules for characterization of train detection systems;
c) rules for characterization of rolling stock;
d) rules for characterization of the power system;
e) informative references are provided in notes to established CENELEC standards for compatibility;
f) terminology is updated.

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    42 pages
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IEC 62973-3:2024 establishes the framework for the selection and operation of lead acid batteries of the VRLA type for auxiliary power supply systems on rolling stock of railways and complements IEC 62973-1, unless otherwise specified. This document provides guidance and links to standards for the required battery qualification tests procedures and safety measures to be implemented. In this document, the most appropriate clauses of these cited standards have been selected and adapted as needed to reflect the intended use of these batteries as auxiliary power sources on rolling stock of railways.
The battery-specific requirements for subcomponents of battery systems such as containers, charging controls, temperature probes, nameplates and similar are covered in this document as needed.
Charging systems are excluded from the scope of this document.

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    31 pages
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IEC 60913:2024 specifies the requirements and tests for the design of overhead contact line systems, requirements for structures and their structural calculations and verifications as well as the requirements and tests for the design of assemblies and individual parts. This document is applicable to electric traction overhead contact line systems in heavy railways, light railways, for trolley bus lines, electric road systems (Annex E) and industrial railways of public and private operators. This document is applicable to new installations of overhead contact line systems and for the complete renewal of existing overhead contact line systems. The European standard EN 50119 has served as a basis for the elaboration of this document. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) title modified;
b) requirements for urban rail systems are included;
c) requirements for rigid overhead contact line (ROCL) are included;
d) additional definitions for new terms are included (Clause 3);
e) clearances and geometry of overhead contact line are improved (Clause 5);
f) urban aspects are added, for example wall anchors (Clause 6);
g) requirements for monitoring devices, automatic earthing and short-circuiting equipment are included (Clause 7);
h) requirements for overhead contact line for electric vehicles with pantograph on electrified roads are added (Annex E)
i) improvements on the basis of EN 50119:2020 and the questionnaire 9/2619A/Q

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    138 pages
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  • Standard
    297 pages
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IEC 63190:2023 specifies the characteristics of copper and copper alloy catenary wires for use on overhead contact lines. This document also covers auxiliary catenary wires. It establishes the product characteristics, the test methods, checking procedures to be used with the catenary wires, together with packing, ordering and delivery conditions.

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    70 pages
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IEC 62973-5:2023 applies to lithium-ion batteries for auxiliary power supply systems used on rolling stock. This document specifies the requirements of the characteristics and tests for the lithium-ion cells, and supplements IEC 62973-1 which is applied to any rolling stock types (e.g. light rail vehicles, tramways, streetcars, metros, commuter trains, regional trains, high speed trains, locomotives, etc.). This document specifies the requirements of the interface between battery system including BMS and the converter. This document is used in conjunction with generic IEC 62619 (safety requirements) and IEC 62620 (performance requirements) of lithium-ion cells and batteries used in industrial applications. This document specifies the requirements for railway rolling stock applications.

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    69 pages
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IEC 63076:2019 applies to electrical systems aboard vehicles of the trolley bus type, as defined in 3.1, fed with a nominal line voltage (Un) between 600 V DC and 750 V DC. This document defines the requirements and constructional advice, especially to avoid electrical danger to the public and to staff. Where special requirements exist for trolley buses, advice is given for mechanical and functional safety, as well as for protection against fire. This publication is based on EN 50502:2015. This document covers vehicles intended for public transportation. This document applies to:
- trolley buses without on-board isolation interface from the contact line,
- buses with a current rail for guidance in the road surface,
- guided buses with bipolar roof current collectors.

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    100 pages
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  • Standard
    206 pages
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IEC 62590-3-1:2022 specifies the requirements and test methods for electronic power compensators for 1AC traction systems. This equipment is used to improve electric power quality inside the electric traction system and/or at the interface to the 3AC power network, applying power electronics technology.
This document applies to equipment which is installed to achieve one or more of the following objectives as its function(s):
- to mitigate voltage fluctuation;
- to improve power factor;
- to reduce imbalance at the interface to the 3AC power network.
This document applies to equipment with all possible configurations to implement different technical solutions for compensation, but equipment consisting of only passive components is excluded.

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    99 pages
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IEC 62499:2021 gives rules for testing methods for newly manufactured pantographs contact strips. Not all tests may be relevant to some designs of contact strips. This document excludes tests using a particular pantograph. Additional supplementary tests, out of the scope of this document, may be necessary to determine suitability for a particular application and are by prior agreement between customer and manufacturer.
It is based on EN 50405:2015. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title modified;
b. The scope of this standard is changed from carbon contact strips to contact strips;
c. Replacement of several reference standards;
d. Several terms and abbreviated terms are introduced;
- The definitions of metalized contact strip and metal contact strip are introduced according to the metal or carbon content by weight;
- The definitions of contact strip structures and types are introduced;
e. Requirements for data sheets are introduced;
f. Table 1: Schedule of tests and Table 2: Sequence of tests are introduced;
g. the requirements for certain test methods and test acceptance criteria are updated;
h. Test of metal content for metalized contact strip, test of the coefficient of friction, optional test of the impact resistance of the carbon material and optional test of wear properties are added;
- Annex A and Annex B are introduced.

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    77 pages
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IEC 61375-2-8:2021 applies to all equipment and devices implemented according to IEC 61375-2-3:2015, IEC 61375-2-5:2014 and IEC 61375-3-4:2014, i.e. it covers the procedures to be applied to such equipment and devices when the conformance should be proven. The applicability of this document to a TCN implementation allows for individual conformance checking of the implementation itself, and is a pre-requisite for further interoperability checking between different TCN implementations.

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    356 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    736 pages
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IEC 62973-4:2021 applies to secondary sealed nickel-metal hydride battery technologies for auxiliary power supply systems used on rolling stock.
This document specifies the requirements of the characteristics and tests for the sealed nickel-metal hydride cells and supplements IEC 62973-1 which applies to any rolling stock types (e.g. light rail vehicles, tramways, streetcars, metros, commuter trains, regional trains, high speed trains, locomotives, etc.). Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of IEC 62973-1 apply. This document also specifies the requirements of the interface between the batteries and the battery chargers. This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 62675, IEC 63115-1 and IEC 63115-2.

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    55 pages
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IEC 62973-2:2020 applies to NiCd rechargeable batteries for auxiliary power supply systems used on railway vehicles. It is an extension of IEC 62973-1:2018 which specifies common requirements for all battery technologies of other parts of IEC 62973. Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of IEC 62973-1:2018 apply.
Battery systems described in this document are used in conjunction with charging systems onboard rolling stock, as described in IEC 62973-1:2018. Charging systems (e.g. LVPS, converters, etc.) are excluded from the scope of this document.
This document also specifies the design, operation parameters, safety recommendations, routine and type tests, as well as marking and designation. This document is used in addition to IEC 60623:2017 or IEC 62259:2003 for NiCd Cells.

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    34 pages
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Covers d.c. metal-enclosed and non-metallic enclosed switchgear assemblies used in indoor stationary installations of traction systems, with nominal voltage not exceeding 3 000 V.

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    71 pages
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  • Standard
    55 pages
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  • Standard
    107 pages
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IEC 62505-3-1:2020 is applicable to new low voltage devices for measurement, control and protection which are:
- for indoor or outdoor fixed installations in traction systems, and
- operated in conjunction with high voltage equipment with an AC line voltage and frequency as specified in IEC 60850.
This document also applies to measurement, control and protective devices other than low voltage devices and not covered by a specific railway product standard as far as reasonably possible. Requirements of this document prevail.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009.  This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- distinguish between requirements and application guides
- include requirements on devices for example control and protection relays not included before;
- remove parts already included in other standards, for example EN 50633 for protection principles, which is intended to become an IEC standard.

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    21 pages
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IEC 62505-3-2:2020 is applicable to new current transformers which are:
- intended for use in indoor or outdoor fixed installations in traction systems, and
- operated with an AC line voltage and frequency as specified in IEC 60850.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition :
- this standard was revised to reflect the latest versions of standards referenced and to remove text already included in the IEC 61869 series.
- the structure of the document was adapted to that of IEC 62505‑1 and IEC 62505‑2.
- ratings have been added to provide designations in line with other railway standards, for example IEC 62497.
- test requirements have been detailed to meet operating conditions of railway applications.
- partial discharge voltages have been specified.

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    14 pages
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IEC 62505-3-3:2020 is applicable to new voltage transformers which are:
- intended for use in indoor or outdoor fixed installations in tractions systems, and
- operated with an AC line voltage and frequency as specified in IEC 60850.
This document also applies to voltage transformers other than inductive types as far as reasonably possible. Requirements of this document have priority.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
This standard was revised to reflect the latest versions of standards referenced and to remove text already included in the IEC 61869 series.
The structure of the document was adapted to that of IEC 62505‑1 and IEC 62505‑2.
Ratings have been added to provide designations in line with other railway standards, for example IEC 62497.
Tests requirements have been detailed to meet operating conditions of railway applications.
Partial discharge voltages have been specified

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    15 pages
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IEC 60077-5:2019 give additional or amended rules for high voltage (HV) fuses as a supplement to those given by IEC 60077-2. The high voltage fuses concerned are those connected into power and/or auxiliary circuits. The nominal voltage of these circuits lies between 600 V DC and 3 000 V DC, according to IEC 60850. These fuses can also be used in auxiliary AC circuits up to a nominal voltage of 1 500 V. This document together with IEC 60077-2 states specifically:
a) the characteristics of the fuses;
b) the service conditions with which the fuses comply with reference to:
- operation and behaviour in normal service;
- operation and behaviour in case of short circuit;
- dielectric properties.
c) the tests intended for confirming the compliance of the fuse with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods adopted for these tests;
d) the information marked on, or given with, the fuse.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2003. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
a) test method of test duty III for verification of breaking capacity is reviewed.

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    88 pages
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  • Standard
    58 pages
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IEC 60077-4:2019 gives rules for AC circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which are connected to AC overhead contact lines; the nominal voltage of these circuits being in accordance with IEC 60850. This document, together with IEC 60077-2, states specifically:
a) the characteristics of the circuit-breakers;
b) the service conditions with which circuit-breakers comply with reference to:
- operation and behaviour in normal service;
- operation and behaviour in short-circuit;
- dielectric properties;
c) the tests for confirming the compliance of the components with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods to be adopted for these tests
d). the information to be marked on, or given with the circuit-breaker.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2003. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
a) standard values of transient recovery voltages and test procedure are reviewed;
b) procedure of verification of temperature rise is changed;
c) air-tightness test as type test, insulation resistance measurement are added

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    93 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    60 pages
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IEC 60077-3:2019 gives the rules for circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which are connected to DC power and/or auxiliary circuits. The nominal voltage of these circuits does not exceed 3 000 V DC according to IEC 60850. This part of IEC 60077, together with IEC 60077-2, states specifically:
a) the characteristics of the circuit-breakers;
b) the service conditions with which circuit-breakers complies with reference to:
- operation and behaviour in normal service;
- operation and behaviour in the case of short circuit
- dielectric properties;
c) the tests for confirming the compliance of the components with the characteristics under the service conditions and the methods to be adopted for these tests;
d) the information to be marked on, or given with, the circuit breaker.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, issued in 2001. This edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
- procedure of verification of temperature rise is changed;
- air-tightness test as type test, insulation resistance measurement are added.

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    89 pages
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  • Standard
    58 pages
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IEC 62290-3:2019 specifies the system architecture for Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control systems (UGTMS) as defined in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2, and the allocation of functions and requirements defined in IEC 62290-2 to the different UGTMS subsystems (designated as system constituents in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2), for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and networks. This document is applicable for new lines or for upgrading existing signalling and command control systems.
This document is applicable to applications using:
- continuous data transmission
- continuous supervision of train movements by train protection profile
- localisation by reporting trains, and optionally by external wayside equipment for non-reporting ones (e.g. in case of mixed operation or degraded operation)
This document is applicable as a basis to define FIS and FFFIS. For specific applications, some elements may be added to meet the requirements coming from additional functions or equipment.
The contents of the corrigendum 1 of June 2020 have been included in this copy.

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    543 pages
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IEC 62590:2019 specifies the requirements for the performance of all fixed installations electronic power converters, using controllable and/or non-controllable electronic valves, intended for traction power supply. The devices can be controlled by means of current, voltage or light. Non-bistable devices are assumed to be operated in the switched mode.
This document applies to fixed installations of the following electric traction systems:
- railways,
- guided mass transport systems such as: tramways, light rail systems, elevated and underground railways, mountain railways, trolleybuses.
This standard is based on EN 50328. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Incorporation of DC converters.
b) Correction of the clearances and withstand voltages due to erroneous use of PD in former edition.
c) adaption of structure, adaption of vocabulary, removal of unused term and abbreviations.

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    59 pages
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  • Standard
    123 pages
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IEC 62912-2:2019 gives requirements for direct current relays intended for safety-related applications in railway signalling installations.
This document is applicable to non-proved signalling monostable relays of the spring type, whose return force is generated by elasticity of spring.
The return force can be provided either from a separate spring and/or from the contact springs themselves.

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    24 pages
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IEC 62597:2019 is limited to apparatus, systems and fixed installations which are intended for use in the railway environment. The frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
Technical considerations and measurements are specified for frequencies up to 20 kHz because no relevant field strengths are expected above due to the physical nature of EMF‑sources in the railway environment.
The object of this document is to provide measurement and calculation procedures of electric and magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure.
The regulations regarding the protection of human beings during exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields in the railway environment are different within the countries worldwide. This document offers a procedure regarding measurement, simulation/calculation and evaluation.
The measurement procedures and points of measurement cover also the aspect of persons bearing active implantable medical devices. This document does not apply to the risk assessment for persons bearing active implants in magnetic field generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment.
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62597 published in 2011. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the Technical Specification:
a) Clause 3.1: The extent of “Terms and definitions” has been updated
b) Clause 3 was expanded by clause 3.2 “abbreviated terms”
c) Clause 4.2: The “surface method” for Rolling Stock measuement was deleted. Mandatory measurement method is former “volume method” with slightly modified measurement heghts.
d) Clause 4.3: Japanese set of measurement heghts for fixed installations was deleted.
e) Clause 5.2 and new Annex B: Measurement technique for lower frequency range up to 5 Hz.
f) New Annex C: Consistency to IEC 62110 in some countries
g) Several editorial improvements have been included in the entire document

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    25 pages
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IEC 62848-2:2019 applies to Voltage Limiting Devices (VLDs) to be applied in DC traction systems in order to comply with protective provisions against electric shock from DC, and combined AC – DC voltages, in accordance with the IEC 62128 series, taking into account stray current provisions.
VLDs operate in such a way as to connect the track return circuit of DC railway systems to the earthing system or to conductive parts within the overhead contact line zone or current collector zone.

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    34 pages
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IEC 61991:2019 defines requirements applied in the design and manufacture of electrical installations and equipment to be used on rolling stock to protect persons from electric shocks. This document is applicable to rolling stock of rail transport systems, road transport systems if they are powered by an external supply (e.g. trolley buses), magnetically levitated transport systems, and to the electrical equipment installed in these systems. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2000. It is based on EN 50153:2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) replacement of several reference standards.
b) several terms and abbreviated terms are introduced;
c) special national conditions are included in annex

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    94 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    61 pages
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IEC 62888-6:2019 specifies the specific requirements for EMS to be used for benchmarking, daily energy consumption monitoring, technical research and development.
This document provides the requirements for monitoring consumed energy on board in daily services in an easy way and the measured data are applicable for general purposes in industry such as energy management, energy saving, etc. However, this document is not applicable for billing purposes.
The practical purposes in industrial fields are, e.g.:
a) monitoring daily energy consumption of vehicles
b) obtaining data on influential factors, such as operational commands and surrounding conditions, in order to analyse relations between operations and energy;
c) energy management of power flow between vehicles and fixed installations;
d) implementing investigation tests of research and development for vehicle systems;
e) energy cost forecasting for analysing overall efficiency and consumption.
The requirements specified in this document supplement and/or amend the requirements specified in IEC 62888-1 to IEC 62888-5.

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    149 pages
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IEC 62888-5:2018 specifies the conformance test arrangements for newly manufactured EMS (Energy management system) installed on a traction unit. This includes the integration conformance test and installation conformance test. In addition, this document also specifies the conformance test procedures for device and ancillary component replacement (e.g. due to damage in service), and periodic check to verify the EMS conformance test remains valid.

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    46 pages
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IEC 61375-2-6:2018 establishes the specification for the communication between the on-board subsystems and the ground subsystems. The communication system, interfaces and protocols are specified as a mobile communication function, using any available wireless technology. This document provides requirements in order to:
a) select the wireless network on the basis of QoS parameters requested by the application;
b) allow TCMS and;or OMTS applications, installed on-board and communicating on the on-board communication network, to have a remote access to applications running on ground installations;
c) allow applications running on ground installations to have a remote access to the TCMS and;or OMTS applications installed on-board.

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    242 pages
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IEC 62995:2018 specifies requirements for the installation of cabling on railway vehicles and within electrical enclosures on railway vehicles, including magnetic levitation trains and trolley buses. This document covers cabling for making electrical connections between items of electrical equipment, including cables, busbars, terminals and plug/socket devices. The material selection criteria given herein are applicable to cables with copper conductors.

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    141 pages
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IEC 62973-1:2018 applies to various rechargeable battery technologies for auxiliary power supply systems used on rolling stock (e.g. light rail vehicles, tramways, streetcars, metros, commuter trains, regional trains, high speed trains, locomotives, etc.).
This document focuses on:
- the description of electrical interfaces for the following battery nominal voltages: 24 V, 32 V, 36 V, 48 V, 64 V, 72 V, 87 V, 96 V, 110 V;
- the description of electrical interfaces: considering battery load profile and battery capacity sizing parameters (e.g. operating voltage range and charging characteristics).
The main objective of this document is to achieve standardization of the electrical interfaces by considering various battery parameters in order to allow for calculating the battery capacity required for a specific load profile for the various battery technologies as detailed in the other parts of the standard.

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    72 pages
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IEC 62236-4:2018 specifies limits for emission and immunity and provides performance criteria for signalling and telecommunications (S&T) apparatus (including power supply systems belonging to S&T) which may interfere with other apparatus inside the railway environment, or increase the total emissions for the railway environment and so risk causing electromagnetic interference to apparatus outside the railway system. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clarification of certain parts of the standard; extension of emission and immunity requirements.

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    56 pages
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  • Standard
    36 pages
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IEC 62236-3-1:2018 specifies the emission and immunity requirements for all types of rolling stock. It covers traction stock, hauled stock and trainsets including urban vehicles for use in city streets. This document specifies the emission limits of the rolling stock to the outside world. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clarification of certain parts of the standard.

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    63 pages
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  • Standard
    40 pages
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IEC 62236-3-2:2018 applies to emission and immunity aspects of EMC for electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use on railway rolling stock. IEC 62236‑3‑2 applies for the integration of apparatus on rolling stock. The objective of this document is to define limits and test methods for electromagnetic emissions and immunity test requirements in relation to conducted and radiated disturbances. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clarification of certain parts of the standard; extension of emission and immunity requirements.

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    69 pages
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  • Standard
    43 pages
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IEC 62236-5:2018 applies to emission and immunity aspects of EMC for electrical and electronic apparatus and systems intended for use in railway fixed installations for power supply. This includes the power feed to the apparatus, the apparatus itself with its protective control circuits, trackside items such as switching stations, power autotransformers, booster transformers, substation power switchgear and power switchgear to other longitudinal and local supplies. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clarification of certain parts of the standard; extension of emission and immunity requirements.

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    67 pages
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  • Standard
    42 pages
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IEC 62236-1:2018 outlines the structure and the content of the whole series. It specifies the performance criteria applicable to the whole standards series. This new edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: management of EMC now based on IEC 61000 series.

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    44 pages
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  • Standard
    29 pages
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IEC 62236-2:2018 defines the electromagnetic environment of the whole railway system including urban mass transit and light rail system. It describes the measurement method to verify the emissions, and gives the cartography values of the fields most frequently encountered. This document specifies the emission limits of the whole railway system to the outside world. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: clarification of certain parts of the standard.

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    86 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    54 pages
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IEC 62888-4:2018 applies to the on board and on board to ground communication services, i.e. it covers the data communication using digital interfaces:
a) between functions implemented within the EMS;
b) between EMS function and other on board subsystems;
c) between EMS and ground communication services.

  • Standard
    101 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62888-1:2018 describes the primary purpose of the Energy Measurement System (EMS), which measures energy consumption on board for applications such as energy management, energy saving, billing and others. It gives requirements for the complete EMS and also requirements for all devices implementing one or more functions of the EMS; applies to newly manufactured EMSs for use on board traction units, powered by AC and/or DC supply voltages as listed in IEC 60850.

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    48 pages
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IEC 62888-2:2018 specifies the requirements applicable to the Energy Measurement Function (EMF) of an Energy Measurement System (EMS) for use on board traction units for measurement of energy supplied directly from/to the Contact Line system. This document also gives requirements for the Current Measurement Function (e.g. current sensor), the Voltage Measurement Function (e.g. voltage sensor) and the Energy Calculation Function (e.g. energy meter).

  • Standard
    196 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62888-3:2018 covers the requirements applicable to the Data Handling System (DHS) of an Energy Measurement System. This document also includes the basic requirements for the Data Collection Service on ground, relating to the acquisition and storage of Compiled Energy Measurement Data.

  • Standard
    58 pages
    English and French language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day
  • Standard
    69 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard – translation
    24 pages
    Slovenian, English, German and French language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day

IEC 62928:2017 specifies the design, operation parameters, safety recommendations, data exchange, routine and type tests, as well as marking and designation for onboard lithium-ion traction batteries for railway applications. Battery systems described in this document are used for the energy storage system (ESS) for the traction power of railway vehicles such as hybrid vehicles as defined in IEC 62864-1:2016.

  • Standard
    102 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62486:2017 specifies requirements for the interaction between pantographs and overhead contact lines, to achieve interoperability. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- the upper line properties for both AC and DC power systems as well as the current collector characteristics have been clarified;
- the requirements for pantograph with individually spring parts of the pantograph head were taken;
- national conditions have been included in formative annexes.

  • Standard
    105 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60077-1:2017 specifies the general service conditions and requirements for all electric equipment installed in power circuits, auxiliary circuits, control and indicating circuits etc., on railway rolling stock. The purpose of this document is to harmonize as far as practicable all rules and requirements of a general nature applicable to electric equipment for rolling stock. This new edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
- descriptions regarding insulation coordination, environmental conditions and those of current return and protective bonding are deleted and replaced by references to IEC 62497‑1, IEC 62498-1 and IEC 61991;
- classification of equipment type is introduced;
- temperature limits and temperature rise tests are reviewed.

  • Standard
    182 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    105 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60077-2:2017 provides general rules for all electrotechnical components installed in power circuits, auxiliary circuits, control and indicating circuits, etc., on railway rolling stock. The purpose of this document is to adapt the general rules given in IEC 60077-1 to all electrotechnical components for rolling stock, in order to obtain uniformity of requirements and tests for the corresponding range of components. This new edition includes the following main technical changes with regard to the previous edition:
- short circuit breaking capacity;
- rated short-time withstand current;
- critical currents range;
- specification of climatic conditions.
This standard is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60077-1:2017.

  • Standard
    108 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    71 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TS 61375-2-4:2017(E) applies to the applications in trains, i.e. it covers the application profile for functions belonging to the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS). The application profile is based on the TCN communication system for the data communication between consists of the said trains. This document provides for a data interface with parameters and addressing of TCMS functions based on the communication profile laid out in IEC 61375-2-3. This document is applicable in rolling stock requiring interoperable coupling and uncoupling. This part of IEC 61375 may be additionally applicable to closed trains and multiple unit trains when so agreed between purchaser and supplier.

  • Technical specification
    88 pages
    English language
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