IWA 46:2024
(Main)Ethics and integrity in sport — Guidelines
Ethics and integrity in sport — Guidelines
This document provides principles and guidelines on ethics and integrity for sports organizations to enable integration into policies, procedures and activities. These principles have three main pillars: — ethics and integrity of sports organizations; — ethics and integrity of sports competitions; — ethics and integrity of individuals. This document is applicable to all types of sports organizations, including federations, professional leagues, decentralized bodies, sports associations, sports clubs and competition organizers (private or otherwise), regardless of their size or location.
Éthique et intégrité dans le sport — Lignes directrices
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
IWA 46
First edition
Ethics and integrity in sport —
Éthique et intégrité dans le sport — Lignes directrices
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Integration of ethics and integrity principles . 6
4.1 General .6
4.2 Governance and chain of responsibility .7
4.3 Strategy and planning .8
4.3.1 General .8
4.3.2 Existing situation and assessment of risk .8
4.3.3 Strategy, objectives and action plan .8
4.4 E valuation and continual improvement .9
5 Ethics and integrity in sports organizations . 10
5.1 General .10
5.2 Field of action 1: Democratic principles .11
5.2.1 General .11
5.2.2 Democratic principles at governance level .11
5.2.3 Democratic principles in the election process . 12
5.2.4 Democratic principles in the exercise of power . 13
5.2.5 Monitoring, measuring and corrective actions .14
5.3 Field of action 2: Financial transparency .14
5.3.1 General .14
5.3.2 Financial transparency at governance level . 15
5.3.3 Preventive measures to promote financial transparency .16
5.3.4 Monitoring, checking and corrective measures .17
5.4 Field of action 3: Anti-corruption .18
5.4.1 General .18
5.4.2 Prevention, detection and management of attempted or proven acts of
corruption .18
5.5 Field of action 4: Prevention of conflicts of interest . 22
5.5.1 General . 22
5.5.2 Prevention, detection and management of conflicts of interest at governance
level . 23
5.6 Field of action 5: Whistleblowing . 25
5.6.1 General . 25
5.6.2 Whistleblowing principles at governance level . 26
5.6.3 Actions to facilitate and encourage whistleblowing .27
5.6.4 Monitoring, detection and corrective action . 28
6 Ethics and integrity in sports competitions .28
6.1 General . 28
6.2 Field of action 6: Manipulation of sports competitions . 29
6.2.1 General . 29
6.2.2 Managing risks at governance level . 29
6.2.3 Preventive measures . 30
6.2.4 Monitoring, detecting and addressing risks .31
6.3 Field of action 7: Anti-doping .32
6.3.1 General .32
6.3.2 Anti-doping principles at governance level . 33
6.3.3 Preventive measures . 33
6.3.4 Anti-doping controls . 35
6.3.5 Monitoring, reporting and corrective action . 35
6.4 Field of action 8: Mechanical and technological fraud . 36
6.4.1 General . 36
6.4.2 Governance principles . 36
6.4.3 Preventive measures to address mechanical and technological fraud. 36
6.4.4 Facilitation of technical checks on sports equipment . 38
6.4.5 Monitoring, reporting and corrective action . 38
7 Guidelines for ethics and integrity of individuals .39
7.1 General . 39
7.2 Field of action 9: Violence, discrimination and incivility. 39
7.2.1 General . 39
7.2.2 Governance principles .41
7.2.3 Prevention of violence, discrimination and incivility .42
7.2.4 Monitoring, checking and corrective action .45
7.3 Field of action 10: Violence in sports arenas .45
7.3.1 General .45
7.3.2 Governance principles . 46
7.3.3 Prevention of violence in sports arenas . 46
7.3.4 Monitoring, checking and corrective action . 48
7.4 Field of action 11: Safeguarding registered and professional athletes . 49
7.4.1 General . 49
7.4.2 Governance principles . 49
7.4.3 Preventive measures to safeguard athletes. 50
7.4.4 M onitoring, checking and corrective action .51
8 Communication .52
8.1 General .
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