ISO/IEC 24756:2009
(Main)Information technology — Framework for specifying a common access profile (CAP) of needs and capabilities of users, systems, and their environments
Information technology — Framework for specifying a common access profile (CAP) of needs and capabilities of users, systems, and their environments
ISO/IEC 24756:2009 defines a framework for specifying a common access profile (CAP) of needs and capabilities of users, computing systems, and their environments, including access supported by assistive technologies. It provides a basis for identifying and dealing with accessibility issues in a standardized manner across multiple platforms. It can be used to evaluate the accessibility of existing systems in particular environments for particular users. Users of various systems in various environments can experience temporary or permanent accessibility difficulties. Potential users of systems need to evaluate whether the systems will be accessible to them in the intended environments in which they will be used. Where accessibility can be insufficient, either due to environmental barriers or poor design, these users can wish to resort to assistive technologies (ATs) to provide the required level of accessibility. Currently, there is no common framework for describing accessibility needs or abilities. This requires each potential user to develop their own evaluation method, and then to investigate and evaluate various systems and ATs using this method. However, due to the lack of an existing method, there might also be a lack of suitable information on the abilities of different systems and ATs, leading to inefficiency, confusion, frustration and a general lack of satisfaction by the user. ISO/IEC 24756:2009 introduces a model of accessibility as a basis for understanding access issues with the interactions between users and systems in various environments. It further describes logical operators used along CAPs to qualify and combine them. It then specifies methods to apply a CAP.
Technologies de l'information — Cadre de définition d'un profil d'accès commun (CAP) des besoins et capacités des utilisateurs, des systèmes et de leurs environnements
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information technology — Framework
for specifying a common access profile
(CAP) of needs and capabilities of users,
systems, and their environments
Technologies de l'information — Cadre de définition d'un profil d'accès
commun (CAP) des besoins et capacités des utilisateurs, des systèmes
et de leurs environnements
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2009
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ii © ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword. v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance. 1
3 Normative references . 1
4 Terms and definitions. 1
5 A model of accessibility. 2
6 A format for identifying access potential. 5
6.1 Introduction to the Common Access Profile . 5
6.2 Common Access Profile . 6
6.3 Describing Overall CAPs . 7
6.4 Describing Interacting Components. 8
6.5 Describing IC Component Features. 8
6.6 Modality-specific information. 10
6.7 Capability-specific information . 12
6.8 Processing-specific information. 16
6.9 Expanding the CAP. 18
7 Operations on CAPs. 19
7.1 CAP operators. 19
7.2 Unary operations . 19
7.2.1 Required (SHALL). 19
7.2.2 Optional (MAY) . 19
7.2.3 Exclusion (NOT). 20
7.3 Binary operations . 20
7.3.1 Included (AND) . 20
7.3.2 Substitutable (OR) . 21
7.3.3 Mutually exclusive (XOR). 21
8 Applying the CAP. 22
8.1 Introduction to applying the CAP. 22
8.2 Applying the CAP to identifying handicaps. 22
8.3 Applying the CAP to selecting ATs. 23
8.4 Applying the CAP to managing ATs . 23
8.4.1 Developing a base configuration . 23
8.4.2 Developing alternate configurations . 24
8.4.3 Reconfiguring current configurations. 24
Annex A (informative) Example Common Access Profile. 25
A.1 Introduction . 25
A.2 Users . 25
A.2.1 Introduction to User CAPs. 25
A.2.2 Description of Johann. 26
A.2.3 A note on hearing . 27
A.2.4 Johann’s CAP. 28
A.3 Systems . 35
A.3.1 Introduction to System CAPs . 35
A.3.2 The CAP approach to Systems . 36
A.3.3 Description of Example System . 36
A.3.4 Example system’s CAP . 37
© ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved iii
A.4 For more information. 50
Annex B (informative) Developers of this International Standard. 51
Bibliography . 52
iv © ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
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ISO/IEC 24756 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 35, User interfaces.
© ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved v
Users of various systems in various environments can experience temporary or permanent accessibility
difficulties. Potential users of systems need to evaluate whether the systems will be accessible to them in the
intended environments in which they will be used. Where accessibility can be insufficient, either due to
environmental barriers or poor design, these users can wish to resort to assistive technologies (ATs) to
provide the required level of accessibility. Currently, there is no common framework for describing accessibility
needs or abilities. This requires each potential user to develop their own evaluation method, and then to
investigate and evaluate various systems and ATs using this method. However, due to the lack of an existing
method, there might also be a lack of suitable information on the abilities of different systems and ATs, leading
to inefficiency, confusion, frustration and a general lack of satisfaction by the user.
A variety of difficulties can be encountered when trying to identify suitable ATs to improve accessibility.
Accessibility issues being encountered by potential users can inhibit them from obtaining the required
information to identify possible ATs that could help improve their accessibility. Lack of experience with ATs
can also affect information technology support staff who attempt to assist these potential users.
The need for accessibility extends to all systems that a proposed user can access. The ability for information
gathered regarding accessibility issues and solutions for individual users to be portable across systems and
environments is essential. This International Standard introduces a model of accessibility as a basis for
understanding access issues with the interactions between users and systems in various environments.
Accessibility is multi-dimensional; existing at multiple levels. The model shows that users and systems must
share capabilities of communicating. This International Standard provides a framework to specify a profile of
common access capabilities (the CAP) of interactive systems, users, and their environment that are necessary
for accessibility to be possible.
The CAP is specified in a top-down manner that provides extensibility to be able to include capabilities at
increasingly detailed levels.
vi © ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved
Information technology — Framework for specifying a common
access profile (CAP) of needs and capabilities of users,
systems, and their environments
1 Scope
This International Standard defines a framework for specifying a common access profile (CAP) of needs and
capabilities of users, computing systems, and their environments, including access that is supported by
assistive technologies. It provides a basis for identifying and dealing with accessibility issues in a standardised
manner across multiple platforms. It can be used to evaluate the accessibility of existing systems in particular
environments for particular users.
2 Conformance
Specifications for systems and/or system components, including assistive technologies, conform to
ISO/IEC 24756 if they conform to Clauses 6 and 7 of this International Standard.
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
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