Nanotechnologies — Requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands that characterise nano-objects and materials that contain them

This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands to characterize nano-objects and their agglomerates and aggregates, and to assess specific properties relevant to the performance of materials that contain them. It provides recommendations for relevant measurement.

Nanotechnologies – Exigences et recommandations pour l’identification des mesurandes qui caractérisent les nano-objets et les matériaux les contenant

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ISO/TS 23302:2021 - Nanotechnologies — Requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands that characterise nano-objects and materials that contain them Released:11/30/2021
English language
68 pages
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Technical specification
ISO/TS 23302:2021 - Nanotechnologies -- Requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands that characterise nano-objects and materials that contain them
English language
68 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Nanotechnologies — Requirements
and recommendations for the
identification of measurands that
characterise nano-objects and
materials that contain them
Nanotechnologies – Exigences et recommandations pour
l’identification des mesurandes qui caractérisent les nano-objets et les
matériaux les contenant
Reference number
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vii
Introduction .viii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 General core terms . 1
3.2 Measurand related terms. 3
4 Abbreviated terms . 6
5 Approaches to identify measurands to characterize nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates, and materials containing nano-objects .9
5.1 Procedure . 9
5.2 Types of measurands . 10
5.3 State of nano-objects . 10
6 Measurands related to size and shape measurement of nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates .11
6.1 General . 11
6.2 Measurands related to size and shape measurement. 11
6.2.1 Overview . 11
6.2.2 General relevant standards .12
6.3 Measurands related to size and shape measurement in aerosols .12
6.3.1 Overview . 12
6.3.2 General relevant standards . 13
6.3.3 Electrical low-pressure impaction . 13
6.3.4 Cascade impactors . 14
6.3.5 Differential mobility analysing system . 14
6.3.6 Relevant standards . 15
6.3.7 Optical particle counter .15
6.3.8 Relevant standards .15
6.3.9 Aerodynamic particle sizing . 15
6.3.10 TEM combined with TEM grid samplers . 15
6.3.11 Relevant standards . 16
6.3.12 Scanning electron microscopy . 16
6.3.13 Relevant standards . 17
6.4 Measurands related to size and shape measurement in powders . 17
6.4.1 Overview . 17
6.4.2 Relevant standards . 17
6.4.3 Scanning electron microscopy . 18
6.4.4 Relevant standards . 18
6.4.5 Gas adsorption, the BET method. 18
6.4.6 Relevant standard . 18
6.4.7 Laser diffraction . 18
6.4.8 Relevant standard . 19
6.4.9 X-ray diffraction . 19
6.4.10 Relevant standards . 19
6.4.11 Raman spectroscopy . 19
6.5 Measurands related to size and shape measurements of nano-objects in liquid
dispersions . 20
6.5.1 Overview . 20
6.5.2 Centrifugal liquid sedimentation . 21
6.5.3 Relevant standards . 21
6.5.4 Dynamic light scattering . 21
6.5.5 Relevant standards . 22
6.5.6 Laser diffraction . 22
6.5.7 Relevant standard . 22
6.5.8 Small angle X-ray scattering . 22
6.5.9 Relevant standard .22
6.5.10 Particle tracking analysis . 22
6.5.11 Relevant standards .23
6.5.12 Electron microscopy .23
6.5.13 Field flow fractionation .23
6.5.14 Relevant standard . 24
6.5.15 Single particle ICP-MS . 24
6.5.16 Relevant standard .25
6.6 Measurands related to size and shape measurement on surfaces (microscopy
techniques) . 25
6.6.1 Overview . 25
6.6.2 Scanning electron microscopy . 25
6.6.3 Atomic force microscopy . 25
6.6.4 Relevant standards . 26
7 Measurands related to chemical analysis of nano-objects and their agglomerates
and aggregates .26
7.1 General . 26
7.2 Measurands related to surface chemical analysis of nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates. 27
7.2.1 Measurands . 27
7.2.2 Auger electron spectroscopy .28
7.2.3 Relevant standards .28
7.2.4 Electron energy loss spectroscopy .28
7.2.5 Relevant standard .

First edition
Nanotechnologies — Requirements
and recommendations for the
identification of measurands that
characterise nano-objects and
materials that contain them
Nanotechnologies – Exigences et recommandations pour
l’identification des mesurandes qui caractérisent les nano-objets et les
matériaux les contenant
Reference number
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vii
Introduction .viii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 General core terms . 1
3.2 Measurand related terms. 3
4 Abbreviated terms . 6
5 Approaches to identify measurands to characterize nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates, and materials containing nano-objects .9
5.1 Procedure . 9
5.2 Types of measurands . 10
5.3 State of nano-objects . 10
6 Measurands related to size and shape measurement of nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates .11
6.1 General . 11
6.2 Measurands related to size and shape measurement. 11
6.2.1 Overview . 11
6.2.2 General relevant standards .12
6.3 Measurands related to size and shape measurement in aerosols .12
6.3.1 Overview . 12
6.3.2 General relevant standards . 13
6.3.3 Electrical low-pressure impaction . 13
6.3.4 Cascade impactors . 14
6.3.5 Differential mobility analysing system . 14
6.3.6 Relevant standards . 15
6.3.7 Optical particle counter .15
6.3.8 Relevant standards .15
6.3.9 Aerodynamic particle sizing . 15
6.3.10 TEM combined with TEM grid samplers . 15
6.3.11 Relevant standards . 16
6.3.12 Scanning electron microscopy . 16
6.3.13 Relevant standards . 17
6.4 Measurands related to size and shape measurement in powders . 17
6.4.1 Overview . 17
6.4.2 Relevant standards . 17
6.4.3 Scanning electron microscopy . 18
6.4.4 Relevant standards . 18
6.4.5 Gas adsorption, the BET method. 18
6.4.6 Relevant standard . 18
6.4.7 Laser diffraction . 18
6.4.8 Relevant standard . 19
6.4.9 X-ray diffraction . 19
6.4.10 Relevant standards . 19
6.4.11 Raman spectroscopy . 19
6.5 Measurands related to size and shape measurements of nano-objects in liquid
dispersions . 20
6.5.1 Overview . 20
6.5.2 Centrifugal liquid sedimentation . 21
6.5.3 Relevant standards . 21
6.5.4 Dynamic light scattering . 21
6.5.5 Relevant standards . 22
6.5.6 Laser diffraction . 22
6.5.7 Relevant standard . 22
6.5.8 Small angle X-ray scattering . 22
6.5.9 Relevant standard .22
6.5.10 Particle tracking analysis . 22
6.5.11 Relevant standards .23
6.5.12 Electron microscopy .23
6.5.13 Field flow fractionation .23
6.5.14 Relevant standard . 24
6.5.15 Single particle ICP-MS . 24
6.5.16 Relevant standard .25
6.6 Measurands related to size and shape measurement on surfaces (microscopy
techniques) . 25
6.6.1 Overview . 25
6.6.2 Scanning electron microscopy . 25
6.6.3 Atomic force microscopy . 25
6.6.4 Relevant standards . 26
7 Measurands related to chemical analysis of nano-objects and their agglomerates
and aggregates .26
7.1 General . 26
7.2 Measurands related to surface chemical analysis of nano-objects and their
agglomerates and aggregates. 27
7.2.1 Measurands . 27
7.2.2 Auger electron spectroscopy .28
7.2.3 Relevant standards .28
7.2.4 Electron energy loss spectroscopy .28
7.2.5 Relevant standard .

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