Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specifications

This document specifies the construction and characteristics of fibre main cores for steel wire ropes using two types of fibre: a) natural fibre; b) man-made fibre. This document is not applicable to ropes for mine hoisting purposes. NOTE Fibre cores are adversely affected by high ambient temperatures. When selecting fibre cores, the limitation of specific fibres, in this respect, must be recognized.

Câbles en acier — Âmes centrales textiles — Spécifications

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ISO 4345:2025 - Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specifications Released:4. 02. 2025
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ISO 4345
Third edition
Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores
— Specifications
Câbles en acier — Âmes centrales textiles — Spécifications
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Material. 2
4.1 Natural fibre cores .2
4.2 Man-made fibre cores .2
5 Construction . 2
6 Core designation . 2
7 Tolerances . 2
7.1 Tolerance on length .2
7.2 Tolerance on nominal diameter .2
7.3 Tolerance on nominal linear density.3
8 Core lubricants . . 3
9 Moisture regain . 3
10 Water soluble acids . 3
11 Salt . 4
12 Packaging and marking . 4
Annex A (normative) Determination of core diameter . 5
Annex B (normative) Determination of core linear density . 6
Annex C (normative) Determination of moisture regain and core lubricant content . 7
Annex D (normative) Determination of water-soluble acids .11
Annex E (normative) Determination of salt content .12

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 105, Steel wire ropes.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 4345:1988), which has been technically
The main changes are as follows:
— the tolerances for length and nominal diameter have been modified;
— the technical indicator and test method of moisture regain have been added;
— the test method and formula of water solution acid have been modified;
— the formula for calculating salt content has been added;
— the term "runnage" has been replaced by "linear density".
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International Standard ISO 4345:2025(en)
Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specifications
1 Scope
This document specifies the construction and characteristics of fibre main cores for steel wire ropes using
two types of fibre:
a) natural fibre;
b) man-made fibre.
This document is not applicable to ropes for mine hoisting purposes.
NOTE Fibre cores are adversely affected by high ambient temperatures. When selecting fibre cores, the limitation
of specific fibres, in this respect, must be recognized.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 139, Textiles — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
ISO 1968, Fibre ropes and cordage — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 1968 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
water soluble acid
amount of soluble acid in water that can be adequately extracted from the fibre cores, expressed as the
volume of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide solution (with a concentration of 0,1 mol/L) that is
used to neutralize the soluble acid extracted from a sample of 100 g
moisture regain
mass of water in any form in the fibre core material, determined using prescribed methods and expressed as
a percentage of the mass of water to the absolute dry mass of the fibre core material
lubricant content
mass of lubricant absorbed in the fibre core material, expressed as a percentage of the mass of lubricant to
the absolute dry mass of the fibre core material

4 Material
4.1 Natural fibre cores
Natural fibre cores shall be made from new hard fibres or some specific soft fibres of the following types:
a) Sisal (Agave sisalana);
b) Abaca; Manila hemp (Musa textilis);
c) Jute.
4.2 Man-made fibre cores
Man-made fibre cores shall be made entirely from new fibres of the following types:
a) fibre-forming polyolefines (i.e. monofilament, film or fibrillated film of polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.);
b) any suitable alternative materials agreed between core purchaser and core supplier.
NOTE Mixed fibre cores are produced by mixing natural fibre and man-made fibre agreed between core purchaser
and core manufacturer.
5 Construction
Main cores conforming to this document shall be laid up from at least three strands. Each coil shall be
continuous throughout its length without core splices.
6 Core designation
The core shall be designated by its nominal diameter, nominal linear density, type of fibre main cores,
construction and direction of twist. These shall be agreed between the core manufacturer and the steel wire
rope manufacturer. The core manufacturer shall state whether the linear density is based on the lubricated
or unlubricated core.
7 Tolerances
7.1 Tolerance on length
The length of core supplied shall be equivalent to the specified length subject to the following tolerances as
given in Table 1.
Table 1 — Tolerance on length
Length, L Tolerance
+5 %
L≤400 m
+20 m
400 m< L≤1 000 m
+2 %
L>1 000 m
7.2 Tolerance on nominal diameter
The tolerance on nominal diameter shall be as given in Table 2. Diameter shall be measured in accordance
with the method specified in Annex A.

Table 2 — Tolerance on nominal diameter
Tolerance on nominal diameter
Type of fibre
≤7 mm >7 mm
Hard fibre +5 %
(Sisal or Abaca) 0
Natural fibre
Soft fibre +5 % +4 %
(Jute) 0 0
+4 % +3 %
Man-made fibre
0 0
7.3 Tolerance on nominal linear density
The tolerance on nominal linear density shall be as given in Table 3. Linear density shall be measured in
accordance with the method specified in Annex B.
Table 3 — Tolerance on nominal linear density
Tolerance on nominal linear density
Type of fibre
≤7 mm >7 mm
+5 %
Natural fibre
+4 % +3 %
Man-made fibre
0 0
8 Core lubricants
Lubricants used for cores shall be acid-free and shall not contain moisture.
The lubricant content of pre-lubricated cores shall be agreed between the core purchaser and the core
manufacturer. It shall be measured in accordance with the method specified in Annex C.
9 Moisture regain
The moisture regain of natural fibre cores shall meet the requirements given in Table 4. It shall be measured
in accordance with the method specified in Annex C.
Table 4 — Moisture regain of natural fibre cores
Type of fibre Moisture regain
Hard fibre (Sisal or Abaca) ≤14,0 %
Soft fibre (Jute) ≤13,0 %
Moisture regain is normally associated only with natural fibre cores and may not be applicable to man-made
fibre cores.
10 Water soluble acids
The acidity of the core shall be not more than 2,0 mL of 0,1 mol/L acid solution per 100 g of core when tested
in accordance with the method specified in Annex D.
Acidity is normally associated only with natural fibre cores and may not be applicable to man-made fibre cores.

11 Salt
The salt content (expressed as a percentage of sodium chloride) shall be not more than 0,3 % when tested in
accordance with the method specified in Annex E.
Salt is normally associated only with natural fibre cores and may not be applicable to man-made fibre cores.
12 Packaging and marking
The cores shall be supplied unspliced in continuous length in coils

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