Securities — Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code)

Valeurs mobilières — Classification des instruments financiers (code CFI)

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ISO 10962:1997 - Securities -- Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code)
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First edition
Classification of Financial
Securities -
Instruments (CFI code)
Valeurs mobil@res - Classifica tjon des instruments financiers (code CFI)
Reference number
IS0 10962:1997(E)

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IS0 10962: 1997(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing Inter-
national Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees.
Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take
part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires
approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 10962 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISOITC 68, Banking, securities and otherfinancial services, Subcommittee SC 4,
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
0 IS0 1997
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or util-
ized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Pos tale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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0 IS0 IS0 10962: 1997(E)
The Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) code has been developed to address a number of problems which
have concerned the financial community in the past few years. With the growth of cross-border trading, the
requirement to improve communication of information among market participants has become critical.
The business problems centre around an inability to obtain information on securities due to the lack of a consistent
and uniform approach to grouping financial instruments. With the explosive growth over the past ten years in new
instruments and new features attached to financial instruments, a serious communication problem has developed.
Many market participants are using similar terminology for instruments having significantly different features. The
problem is compounded when market participants look beyond their own national markets. They encounter the
same words to describe instruments in another country that have significantly different features. Where the
terminology is in a different language, the market participant encounters the problem of the same words being
applied to different instruments along with the problems of translation which also can be misleading. In addition,
the customs and practices of local markets vary considerably in the manner in which they structure financial
instruments leaving foreign participants confused and perplexed. On careful analysis, it is often found that the
characteristics and features of these instruments are similar to a domestic instrument. However, most market
participants do not have the time and resources to do this analysis.
The inability to group securities in a consistent manner is another problem encountered by market participants.
Reports of holdings by different sources for similar financial instruments often result in financial instruments
being categorized differently. This not only affects comparability but causes a credibility issue with the reader.
When relative performances are being measured, the ability to properly categorize holdings is essential if true
comparisons are to be made.
The solution envisioned is twofold. One is to establish a series of codes which clearly classifies financial
instruments having similar features. The other is to develop a glossary of terms and provide common definitions
which allow market participants to easily understand terminology being used.
The benefits derived are many.
The CFI code system provides a set of codes which can be used by all market participants in an electronic data
processing environment and permits electronic communication between participants. Readers of portfolio holdings
will see reports from different sources using the same categories. Performance measurement will be more credible
as the groupings for measurement will be the same.
The development of these codes will encourage market participants to take advantage
of other IS0 Standards,
communication process among
IparticuParPy ISINs and Securities Messages to simplify the market participants.
The improved understanding of the characteristics of financial instruments will lead to a better understanding by
investors, giving them more confidence to make investment decisions and leading to more active markets and the
resulting improvement in market liquidity.
It is understood that some users may not, for practical reasons, be in a position to implement this International
Standard immediately. In order for the International Standard to fulfil its objective, users are however
recommended to implement it as soon as possible.
. . .

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Securities - Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI code)
1 Scope
This International Standard is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of securities in
international securities business. In so far as the trading and the administration of securities do not affect other
countries, the application of this International Standard remains at the discretion of the responsible national bodies,
such as stock exchanges, banks, brokers, and other institutions active in the securities field.
This International Standard defines and describes codes for an internationally valid system to classify financial
instruments. The classification system applies to financial instruments negotiated internationally as well as to
domestic instruments. The term ‘financial instruments’ refers not only to classical securities; it also covers the
innovative financial products that have recently emerged in different markets - a trend that is expected to continue
in the future.
In principle, the CFI code reflects characteristics that are defined when a financial instrument is issued and that
remain unchanged during its entire lifetime. However, a few events that may lead to a new CFI code for the same
instrument are anticipated, such as the changing of voting rights or ownership restrictions by a stockholders’
The code has been developed to provide the most comprehensive information possible while at the same time
maintaining the code manageability.
2 Normative reference
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards. .
IS0 6 166: 1994, Securities ~ International securities identijkation numbering system (ISIN).
3 Conventions and principles
The CFI Code consists of six alphabetic characters. The first character indicates the highest level of classification
Equities, Debt instruments, Entitlements (Rights), Options,
and differentiates between six generic categories:
Futures, and Others. The second character indicates specific groups within each category: Equities, for example,
are broken down into Shares, i.e. common/ordinary, Preferred shares, Convertible preferred shares, Units, i.e. unit
trusts/mutual funds/OPCVM/OICVM, and Others. Within the category Debt instruments, the groups are Bonds,
Convertible bonds, Bonds with warrants attached, Medium term notes, Money market instruments, and Others. For
the complete classification breakdown, see 4. ‘Codes and Definitions’.
The four last characters indicate the most important attributes applicable to each group: Whereas voting rights,
restrictions, payment status and form are useful information in Equities, these features do not exist for Options,
which have other attributes (underlying instruments, type of scheme, delivery, standardized/non-standardized).
In Equities, Debt instruments and Entitlements, the sixth (last) character indicates the form of the instrument.
X = not applicable, unknown, not available.* If the information is not available or applicab le at the time of
‘X’ is to be used for the respective element.
assignment, the code
Classification procedure: The order given in 4. ‘Codes and Definitions’ is valid for the classification of ambiguous
instruments. A financial instrument, for which the definitions of more than one category or group are correct,
should be classified under the first possible category or group. For example, a financial instrument that gives the
privilege to receive specific assets and is repaid by the issuer at maturity, thus classifiable both as ‘Debt
instruments’ or ‘Entitlements’, should only be classified as ‘Debt instruments’.

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0 Is0
IS0 10962: 1997(E)
4 Codes and definitions
E = Equities
D = Debt Instruments
R = Entitlements (Rights)
0 = Options
F = Futures
M = Others (Miscellaneous)
EQUITIES -Em*-*-*-*-*-
Financial instruments representing an ownership interest in an entity or pool of assets.
S = Shares, i.e. common/ordinary
P = Preferred shares
C = Convertible shares
U = Units, i.e. unit trusts/mutual funds/OPCVM/OICVM
M = Others (Miscellaneous)
Shares, i.e. common/ordinary -E-S-*-*-*-*-
Holders tveicallv being: entitled to vote and receive dividends. In the event of liauidation, holders of shares usuallv
rank behi% the kntitv’i creditors and holders of preferred shares.
J 1
1 st attribute: Voting right (indicates the kind of voting power conferred to the shareholder):
V = Voting (Each share has one vote)
N = Non-voting (Share has no voting right)
R = Restricted voting (The shareholder may be entitled to less than one vote per share)
E = Enhanced voting (The shareholder is entitled to more than one vote per share)
Ownership/transfer restrictions:
2nd attribute:
T = Restrictions (The ownership or transfer of the security is subject to
special conditions)
U = Free (Unrestricted; the ownership or transfer of the security is not subject
to special conditions)
3rd attribute: Payment status:
0 = Nil paid
P = Partly paid
F = Fully paid
4th attribute:
B = Bearer (The owner is not registered in the books of the issuer
or of the registrar.)
R = Registered (Securities are recorded in the name of the owner on the books
of the issuer or the issuer’s registrar and can only be transferred to another
owner when endorsed by the registered owner.)
N = Bearer/Registered (Securities issued in both bearer and registered
form but with the same identification number.)
Z = Bearer depository receipt (Receipt - in bearerform -for securities issued in
a foreign market to promote trading outside the home country of the underlying
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR; Receipt - in registeredform -for
securities issued in a foreign market to promote trading outside the home
country of the underlying securities.)

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0 IS0 IS0 10962: 1997(E)
Preferred shares -E-P-*-*-*-*-
Payment of dividends to holders normally takes prefererence over the payment of dividends to
other classes of shares. In the event of liquidation, preferred shares normally rank above ordinary
shares but behind creditors of the entity.
1 st attribute: Voting right (see a/so Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
V = Voting
N = Non-voting
R = Restricted voting
E = Enhanced voting
2nd attribute: Ownership/transfer restrictions (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
T = Restrictions
U = Free (Unrestricted)
3rd attribute: Income (indicates the kind of dividend income the shareholders are entitled to):
F = Fixed Rate Income (The shareholder periodically receives a stated income.)
C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate Income (The shareholder periodically receives a
stated amount. Dividends not paid in any year accumulate and must be paid
at a later date before dividends can be paid on the common/ordinary shares.)
P = Participating Income (Preferred shareholders, in addition to receiving their
fixed rate ofprior dividend, share with the common shareholders in further
dividend distributions and in capital distributions.)
Q = Cumulative, Participating Income (Shareholders are entitled todividends in
excess of the stipulated preferential rate under specified conditions. Dividends
not paid in any year accumulate and must be paid at a later date before dividends
can be paid on the common/ordinary shares.)
A = Adjustable Rate Income (The dividend rate is set periodically, usually based on
a certain yield.)
N = Normal Rate Income (Shareholders are entitled to the same dividends as
common/ordinary shareholders but have other privileges, e.g. as regards
distribution of assets upon dissolution.)
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Convertible shares -E-C-*-*-*-*-
Shares (common/ordinary or preferred) that, at the option of the holder, are convertible into other securities,
usually common shares, at a designated rate. The conversion privilege may be perpetual or limited to a specified
number of years.
1 st attribute: Voting right (see a/so Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
V = Voting
N = Non-voting
R = Restricted voting
E = Enhanced voting
Ownership/transfer restrictions (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
2nd attribute:
T = Restrictions
U = Free (Unrestricted)

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IS0 10962: 1997(E)
0 IS0
3rd attribute: Income (see also Equities, Preferred shares):
F = Fixed Rate Income
C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate Income
P = Participating Income
Q = Cumulative, Participating Income
A = Adjustable Rate Income
N = Normal Rate Income
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Units, i.e. unit trusts/mutual funds/OPCVM/OICVM -E-U-*-*-*-*
rtion of assets pooled by investors: run by a management company whose share capital
Securities representing a
remains separate from su ch assets.
1 st attribute: Closed/open-end (indicates whether units are traded or whether funds continually stand ready to sell
new units and to redeem the outstanding units on demand):
C = Closed-end (Units are sold on either an organized exchange or in the
over-the-counter market and are usually not redeemed.)
0 = Open-end (Funds permanently sell new units to the public and redeem
outstanding units on demand, resulting in an increase or decrease of
outstanding capital.)
2nd attribute: Distribution policy (indicates the fund’s normal distribution policy):
I = Income funds (The fund regularly distributes its investment profits.)
G = Growth funds (Th e f un d normally reinvests its investment profits.)
M = Mixed f un d s (I nvestment profits are partly distributed, partly reinvested.)
3rd attribute: Assets (indicates the investment policy/objective of the fund as set forth in its prospectus) :
R = Real estate (Fund invests exclusively in real estate.)
S = Securities (Fund invests in securities/financial instruments.)
M = Mixed-general (Fund invests in different assets.)
C = Commodities (Fund invests exclusively in commodities.)
D = ‘Derivatives’ (Fund invests in derivatives.)
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Others (Miscellaneous) -E-M-X-X-X-*-
Equities which do not fit into any of the above Groups.
1 st attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
2nd attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
X = Not applicable/Undefined
3rd attribute:

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0 IS0 ISO10962:1997(E)
4th attribute:
Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer -E-M-X-X-X-B-
R = Registered -E-M-X-X-X-R-
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt -E-M-X-X-X-Z-
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR) -E-M-X-X-X-A-
** Guidelines for Mixed Units (e.g. consisting of shares, bonds and warrants).
share(s), bond(s) and warrant(s),
Mixed Units consisting of -
- share(s) and bond(s),
- share(s) and warrant(s),
- a number ofshares
are classified under the category ‘Equity: group ‘Other’.
** Guidelinesfor Baskets (consisting of a number of stocks, used in program trading).
Baskets are classified under the category ‘Equity: group ‘Other’.
Financial instruments evidencing moneys owed by the issuer to the holder on terms as specified.
Groups: B = Bonds
C = Convertible bonds
W = Bonds with warrants attached
T = Medium-term notes
Y = Money market instruments
M = Others (Miscellaneous)
Any interest-bearing or discounted security that normally obliges the issuer to pay the bondholder a contracted sum
of money and to repay the principal amount of the debt.
1 st attribute: Type of interest:
F = Fixed rate (All interest payments are known at issuance and remain constant
for the life of the issue.)
Z = Zero rate I Discounted (No periodical interest payments are made; the interest
charge (discount) is the difference between maturity value andproceeds at
time of acquisition.)
V = Variable (The interest rate is subject to atiustment through the lz$? of the issue,
includes graduated, i.e. step-up/step-down, floating and indexed interest rates.)
2nd attribute: Guarantee (indicates, in the case of the issuer’s insolvency, whether the debt issue is additionally
secured) :
T = Government/Treasury guarantee (The debt instrument is guaranteed by a
federal or state government.)
G =‘Guaranteed (The debt instrument is guaranteed by an entity other than the
issuer; not a federal or state government).
S = Secured (A debt issue against which specific assets are pledged to secure the
obligation e.g. mortgage, receivables).
U = Unsecured/ unguaranteed (The direct obhgatzons of the issuer rest solely on its
general credit.)

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0 IS0
IS0 10962:1997(E)
3rd attribute: Redemption/Reimbursement (indicates the retirement provisions made for the debt issue):
F = Fixed maturity (The principal amount is repaid in full at maturity.)
G = Fixed maturity with call feature (The issue may be calledfor redemption prior
to the fixed maturity date.)
A = Amortization plan (Reduction of principal by regular payments.)
B = Amortization plan with call feature (The redemption ofprincipal may occur as
the result of the outstanding portion of the bond being called.)
P = Perpetual (The debt instrument has nofixed maturity date and is only due for
redemption in the case of the issuer’s liquidation.)
Q = Perpetual with call feature (The issue may be calledfor redemption at some
time in the future.)
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Convertible bonds
A bond that c an be converted into other securities.
1 st attribute: Type of interest (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed rate
Z = Zero rate / Discounted
V = Variable
2nd attribute: Guarantee (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
T = Gov’t/Treasury guarantee
G = Guaranteed
S = Secured
U = Unsecured / unguaranteed
3rd attribute: Redemption/Reimbursement (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed maturity
G = Fixed maturity with call feature
A = Amortization plan
B = Amortization plan with call feature
P = Perpetual
Q = Perpetual with call feature
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Bonds with warrants attached -D-W-*-*-*-*-
A bond that is issued together with one or more warrant(s) attached as part cf the offer, the warrant(s) granting the
holder the right to purchase a designated security, often the common stock of the issuer of the debt, at a specified

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0 IS0 IS0 10962:1997(E)
1 st attribute:
Type of interest (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed rate
Z = Zero rate / Discounted
V = Variable
2nd attribute: Guarantee (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
T = Gov’t/Treasury guarantee
G = Guaranteed
S = Secured
U = Unsecured / unguaranteed
3rd attribute: Redemption/Reimbursement (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed maturity
G = Fixed maturity with call feature -D-W-*-*-G-*-
A = Amortization plan
B = Amortization plan with call feature
P = Perpetual
Q = Perpetual with call feature
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Medium-term notes -D-T-*-*-*-*-
Negotiable debt instruments offered under a program agreement through one or more dealers upon request of the
issuer. The program defines the terms and conditions of the notes.
1 st attribute: Type of interest (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed rate
Z = Zero rate / Discounted
V = Variable
2nd attribute: Guarantee (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
T = Gov’t/Treasury guarantee
G = Guaranteed
S = Secured
U = Unsecured / unguaranteed
3rd attribute: Redemption/Reimbursement (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed maturity
G = Fixed maturity with call feature
A = Amortization plan
B = Amortization plan with call feature
P = Perpetual
Q = Perpetual with call feature -D-T-*-*-Q-*-
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinap+
B = Bearer -D-J-‘-*-*-*-B-
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)

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IS0 10962: 1997(E) 0 IS0
Money market instruments
Financial instruments designated at issuance as such with a short-term life, usually twelve months or less, e.g.
treasury bills, commercial paper.
1 st attribute: Type of interest (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed rate
Z = Zero rate / Discounted
V = Variable
2nd attribute: Guarantee (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
T = Gov’t/Treasury guarantee
G = Guaranteed
S = Secured
U = Unsecured / unguaranteed
3rd attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinary):
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Others (Miscellaneous) -D-M-*-*-*-*-
Debt instruments which do not fit into any of above Groups.
1 st attribute: Type of interest (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed rate
Z = Zero rate / Discounted
V = Variable
2nd attribute: Guarantee (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
T = Gov’t/Treasury guarantee
G = Guaranteed
S = Secured
U = Unsecured / unguaranteed
3rd attribute: Redemption/Reimbursement (see also Debt Instruments, Bonds):
F = Fixed maturity
G = Fixed maturity with call feature
A = Amortization plan
B = Amortization plan with call feature
P = Perpetual
Q = Perpetual with call feature
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i.e. common/ordinaryl:
B = Bearer
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)

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0 IS0
IS0 10962:1997(E)
** Guidelines for Mixed Units (e.g. consisting of a number of debt instruments).
Whereas mixed units consisting of shares and debt instruments are class$ed under the category ‘Equity’, group
‘Other’ and bond with warrants attached build their own group within the category ‘Debt instruments: mixed units
consisting of - a number of debt instruments and
- debl instrument(s) and other (e.g. insurance policies)
are classified under the category ‘Debt instruments’, group ‘Other’.
Financial instruments providing the holder the privilege to subscribe to or to receive specific assets on terms
Groups: A = Allotment rights
S = Subscription rights
W = Warrants
M = Others (Miscellaneous)
Allotment (Bonus) rights
Privileges allotted to existing security holders, entitling them to receive new securities free of charge.
1 st attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
2nd attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
3rd attribute: X = Not applicable/Undefined
4th attribute: Form (see aIso Equities, Shares, i. e. common/ordinary) :
B = Bearer -R-A-X-X-X-B-
R = Registered
N = Bearer/Registered
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)
Subscription rights -R-S-X-X-X-*-
Privileges allotted to existing security holders, entitling them to subscribe to new securities at a price normally
lower than the prevailing market price.
B st attribute:
X = Not applicable/Undefined
2nd attribute:
X = Not applicable/Undefined
3rd attribute:
X = Not applicable/Undefined
4th attribute: Form (see also Equities, Shares, i. e. common/ordinary) :
B = Bearer -R-S-X-X-X-B-
R = Registered -R-S-X-X-X-R-
N = Bearer/Registered -R-S-X-X-X-N-
Z = Bearer depository receipt
A = Registered depository receipt (e.g. ADR)

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0 IS0
IS0 10962:1997(E)
Financial instruments which permit the holder to purchase a specified amount of a financial instrument,
commoditv. currency or other during a specified period at a specified price.
J /
1 st attribute: Underlying assets (indicates the type of underlying assets that the warrant holder is entitled to acquire):
B = Basket (The warrant hol

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