ISO/IEC 8613-10:1995
(Main)Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format — Part 10: Formal specifications
Information technology — Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format — Part 10: Formal specifications
Is intended to facilitate the interchange of documents. Documents are considered to be items such as memoranda, letters, invoices, forms ansd reports, which may include pictures and tabular material. The content elements used within the documents may include graphic characters, geometric graphics elements and raster graphics elements. Replaces the first edition and incorporates all published amendments.
Technologies de l'information — Architecture de document ouverte (ODA) et format de transfert — Partie 10: Spécifications formelles
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
1995-1 o-1 5
Information technology - Open
Document Architecture (ODA) and
Interchange Format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
Technologies de I ’informa tion - Architecture de document ouverte (ODA)
et format de transfert -
Partie 7 0: Spkcifica Gons formelles
Reference number
ISO/IEC 8613-10:1995(E)
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ISO/IEC 861340: 1995(E)
.................................... 2
Normative references
....................... 13
4 Syntax and semantics of the specification language
....................................... 13
Basic concepts
.............................. 4
Syntax of the specification language
........................... i
4.3 Predicate Symbols with built-in semantics
........................... 7
Operator Symbols with built-in semantics
....................................... .8
Other terms
3.6 Notational simplifications
............................ 11
Structure of the formal specifications
Commonly used definitions
........................ 21
7 Formal specification of the document structures
7.1 Sets of constituents
7.2 Constituents
................................... SK3
7.4 Subsidiary definitions
1.41 Predicates
........................................ 101
7.42 Functions
7.5 Additional terminological definitions
8 Formal specification of the document Profile
................................... 108
8.1 The Document Profile
............................. 109
8.2 Attributes of the document Profile
Formal specification of the Character content architectures
Interface to t,he Document Profile
9.2 Interface to the Document Architecture
....................... 150
9.13 Attributes of the Character Content Architecture
9.4 Elements of the Character Content Information
10 Formal specification of the raster graphics content architectures
.............................. 185
10.1 Interface to the Document Profile
Interface to t,he Document Architecture
102 Attributes of the Raster Graphits Content Architecture
o ISO/IEC 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH- 1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in S wi tzerland
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ISO/IEC 861340: 1995(E)
11 Formal specification of the geometric graphics content architectures . 198
11.1 Interface to the Document Profile 200
11.2 Interface to the Document Architecture
........................... 201
11.3 Attributes of the Geometrie Graphits Content Architecture
.................. 203
12 Formal specification of the defaulting mechanism for defaultable attributes
............ 228
12.1 General functions
..................................... 228
12.2 Functions for the values of defaultable attributes
....................... 245
12.2.1 Defaultable attributes of ISO/IEC 8613-2
12.2.2 Defaultable attributes of ISO/IEC 8613-6
.......................... 274
12.2.3 Defaultable attributes of ISO/IEC 8613-7 .
12.2.4 Defaultable attributes of ISO/IEC 8613-8 .
13 Index of predicate Symbols, Operator Symbols and attribute names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Annex A: Tutorial on the specification language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 354
A.l Introduction . .354
A.2 Atomic constructs . 354
A.3 Composite constructs
................................... 355
A.4 Spots . .35 6
A.5 Predicat#es . 356
A.6 . .357
A.7 Predicates for the formal specifications of ISO/IEC 8613 . 360
A.8 Further examples . 360
. . .
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ISO/IEC 861340: 1995(E) 0 ISO/rEC
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established
by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity.
ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the
joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication
as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national
bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 8613- 10 was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 18,
Document processing and related communication.
This second edition is a revision of the first edition (ISO/IEC 8613-10:1991). It
also incorporates amendment 1: 199 1, amendment 2: 199 1, amendment 3: 1992,
amendment 4: 1992 and amendment 5: 1993.
ISO/IEC 8613 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information
Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format:
technology -
Part 1: Introduction and general principles
Part 2: Document structures
- Part 3: Abstract inteface for the manipulation of ODA documents
- Part 4: Document Profile
- Part 5: Open Document Interchange Format
- Part 6: Character content architectures
- Part 7: Raster graphics content architectures
- Part 8: Geometrie graphics content architectures
- Part 9: Audio content architectures
- Part IO: Formal specifications
Part 11: Tabular structures and tabular layout
- Part 12: Identification of document fragments
- Part 13: Spreadsheet
- Part 14: Temporal relationships and non-linear structures
Annex A of this part of ISO/IEC 8613 is for information only .
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ISO/IEC 861340: 1995(E)
Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA)
and Interchange Format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
1 Scope
The purpose of ISO/IEC 8613 is to facilitate the interchange of documents.
In the context of ISO/IEC 8613, documents are considered to be items such as memoranda, letters, invoices, forms
and reports, which may include pictures and tabular material. The content elements used within the documents
may include graphic characters, geometric graphics elements and raster graphics elements, all potentially within
one document.
NOTE - ISO/IEC 8613 is designed to allow for extensions, including hypermedia features, Spreadsheets and additional
types of content such as audio and Video.
In addition to the content types defined in this International Standard, ODA also provides for arbitrary content
types to be included in documents.
ISO/IEC 8613 applies to the interchange of documents by means of data communications or the exchange of storage
It provides for the interchange of documents for either or both of the following purposes:
to allow presentation as intended by the originator;
- to allow processing such as editing and reformatting.
The composition of a document in interchange tan take several forms:
- formatted ferm! allowing presentation of the document;
- processable ferm, allowing processing of the document;
- formatted processable ferm, allowing both presentation and processing.
ISO/IEC 8613 also provides for the interchange of ODA information structures used for the processing of inter-
changed documents.
This Part! of ISO/IEC 8613
- specifies a formal description technique appropriate for describing the technical specifications of the doc-
ument structures (ISO/IEC 8613-2), the d ocument Profile (ISO/IEC 8613-4) and the content architectures
(c,urrently ISO/IEC 8613-6, -7 and -8);
- gives formal specifications of the document structures, the document Profile and the content architectures
using this formal description technique.
The aim of the formal specifications of ODA (FODA) is to provide a precise and unambiguous interpretation of the
technical specifications in other Parts of ISO/IEC 8613 (currently Parts 2, 4, 6, 7, and S), using formal Syntax and
formal semantics.
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ISO/IEC 861340: 1995 (E)
FODA tan be used
- as a basis for implernentations of ISO/IEC 8613;
- as a Validation tool for the verification of conforming Systems;
- as a reference Point for examining future extensions and revisions to ISO/IEC 8613.
If an discrepancy between the natura1 language text and the formal specifications should be discovered, the natura,1
language text should be regarded as the valid interpretation of this International Standard until the discrepancv is
2 Normative references
‘I ’he following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this past of
ISO/IEC 8613. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject, t,o revision,
and Parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 8613 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
ISO/IEC 2022: 1994, Information technology - Character Code structure and extension techniques.
ISO/IEC 6429: 1992, Information technology - Controlfunctions for coded Character Sets.
Coded graphic Character set for text communication - Latin alphabet.
ISO/IEC 6937: 1994, Information technology -
ISO 8601: 1988, Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times.
ISO/IEC 86 13- 1: 1994, Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange format:
Introduction and general principles.
Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange format:
ISOIIEC 8613-2: 1995, Information technology -
Document structures.
ISOIIEC 86 13-4: 1994, Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA and Interchange format:
Document Profile.
ISOIIEC 8613-6: 1994, Information technology - and Interchange format:
Open Document Architecture (ODA
Character content architectures.
ISOIIEC 8613-7: 1994, Information technology - Open Document Architecture (ODA and Interchange format:
Raster graphics content architectures.
ISO/IEC 8613-8: 1994, Information technology -
Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange format:
Geometrie graphics content architectures.
ISOIIEC 8632- 1: 1992, Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture
description information - Part 1: Functional specification.
ISOIIEC 8632-3: 1992, Information technology - Computer graphics
- Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture
description information - Part 3: Binar-y encoding.
ISOIIEC 954 l-2: 199 1, Information technology - Font information interchange - Part 2: Interchange format.
3 Definitions
I?or the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 8613, the definitions given in ISO/IEC 8613-1 apply.
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@ ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 861340 : 1995 (E)
4 Syntax and semantics of the specification language
This clause describes the formal description technique used for the formal specifications.
NOTE - A tutorial on this formal description technique is given in annex A.
4.1 Basic concept s
13 describes documentJ structures7 the Profile and
ISO/IEC 86 document the content architectures in terms of abstrac.t
constructs which are drawn from the following
information structural categories:
-- An ODA construct may be an atomic construct: e.g. an attribute name or a natura1 number within an Object
identifier .
~ An OW smstmct may be a composite construct, i.e. may consist of other constructs. With respectl t,o theil
interrelationship, three kinds of composition are distinguished. An ODA construct may be
a) a s&;
b) a function (mapping);
c) a sequence (list, string);
of other ODA constructs.
For example, a specific layout description is a set (of constituents), a constituent is a nomination (see below) which
is at function or mapping (from attribute names onto attribute values), and an attribute value of ‘subordinates’ or
of ‘Object identifier ’ is a sequence (of atomic natura1 numbers).
It’ is these very structures which are captured by the language used for the formal specifications of ISO/IEC 8613.
The language used is called IMCL, Information ModeIEing by Composition Language. The semantics of the specifi-
cation language consist of the following abstract elements:
~ the Universe which is a non-empty set of entities of the following kinds:
az j constructs;
b) spots;
c) Spotsets (i.e. sets of spots);
d) the entity UNDEF ( “undefined ”);
functions from the Universe to the Universe, that is, Operators on entities of the Universe;
--- predicat,es in the Universe, that is, predicates on entities of the Universe.
A construct is an information Object which is one of the following:
an atomic construct or atom, for short;
- a composite construct or compound, for short, which may be
a) a collection, which is an unordered set of component constructs;
b) a nomination, which is a function that tan be regarded as an unordered set of ordered pairs where each
pair consists of a nm-ne and a vaiue;
c) at catenation! which is a sequence of component constructs.
The special terminology for composite constructs is to distinguish them from other Sets, functions or sequences.
In Order to be able to address components in constructs of arbitrary compositional structure, the concept of a
spot is introduced. This concept is an abstract counterpart for the intuitive idea associated with pointing into an
information structure at some Position and saying “here ”. However, in general the “here” is not identified uniquely
by the component construct as such (e.g. in a word, the Same letter may occur several times), but rather by the
context in which it appears. To deal conceptually with the idea of “here” requires a way to identify contexts.
The concept of a spot allows the distinction to be made between a considered construct and its Position within a,
comprising composite construct of which it is a component. For example, the Character string “data” (a catenation)
Whereas ’ d ’ and ‘t ’ appear at one spot each, the ‘a ’ appear>,
has the component constructs ‘d ’ , ’ a ’ and ‘t ’ .
at two spots, namely at the second and at, the fourth Position counted from the front end. So, “data” has four
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1995 (E)
spots, but only three component constructs. If a construct is considered outside any context, it is said
ownspot 0
to be at its
However, a selection criterion need not be unique. Thus, the objects
Spots are usually selected by selection criteria.
most naturally dealt with are not even spots, but rather sets of spots or Spotsets. Consequently, there arc no
for Spotsets with only one spot (see E in 4.3
expressions for Single spots, but for singleton Spotsets! instead, i.e.
and A in 4.4).
It should be noted that the specification language is built on first-Order predicate logic and mathematical set theorv.
4.2 Syntax of the specification language
This subcla,use defines the Syntax of the specification language, i.e., each expression in the formal specificat,ions is
The semantics of the terminal Symbols appearing in the svnt,as
built using the Syntax rules given in this clause. u
rules are specified in 4.3 to 4.5.
Remarks on the meta-language:
and G belong to the meta-language. They
The Symbol pairs { }, [] and -. .- as well as the Symbols : := , 1 J . . . ,
have the following
. .-
separates the meta-variable to be defined (left-hand side) from the meta-language expression which
. .-
defines it (right-hand side)
delimit a syntactical unit
delimit a syntactical unit and indicate that this syntactical unit is optional, i.e. may also be absent
NOTE 1: The meta-language Symbols [ and ] are different from the special-characters [ and 1 used in t)he
production rules for empty-constant, explicit-composition-term and extensional-collection-term.
- -
. . delimit a comment in the meta-language text
separates alternative syntactical units, i.e. indicates a choice of exactly one of the syntact ’ical unitls
e.g. {a 1 nz. 1 P}X means
ax or nz~ or px
NOTE 2: The meta-language Symbol 1 is different from the special-Character 1 used in terms denoting Sets.
. . . is a convenient notation for recursive definitions: the Symbol follows a syntactical unit which may appear
one or more times, i.e. which may be repeated several times
e-g. {yf}. means
Yf or YfYf Or YfYfYf etc*
e.g. i[so]. means
i or iso or isoso etc.
- A space in the language definition requires one or more blanks in the defined language expression. Just1
the reverse is indicated by the Symbol f, which requires an immediate juxtaposition of the neighboring
strings of the specification language. Where syntactical uniqueness is not affected, blanks ma,y he
omitted in expressions of the specification language (e.g. before and after parentheses).
For the sake of readability, the Symbols “(” and “)” are used as meta-variables (instead of word-symbols such as
“left-del” or “right-del ”). All other meta-variables are strings of lower-case letters (with the hyphen for linking the
components of a meta-variable).
Production rules:
expression : : =
formula 1 term
formula : : =
Prime-formula 1
not formula 1 formula { and 1 fl 1 impl 1 ifl 1 xor } formula 1
3 var ( formula ) 1 V var ( formula ) 1
( formula )
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1995 (E)
NOTE 3: The terminal Symbols used in this production rule have the usual semantics of first-oder predicate logic: not is
the logical negation, und, or, xor (exclusive or), impl (implies) and z ’ff ( ‘f
1 and only if) are the usual logical connectors,
V (for all) and 3 (exists) are the logical quantifiers.
Prime-formula : : =
[ parameter-part ] predicate-symbol-part . . .
[ parameter-part predicate-symbol-part . .] . .[ parameter-part ]
predicate-symbol-part : : =
upper-case-letter [E letter I_ digit ]. G lower-case-letter [E letter 1~ digit ]. 1
= IflI~I~I~lwl=l~l- ’ -
NOTE 4: The semantics of the terminal Symbols (=, #, . . . 3) in this production rule are specified in 4.3.
term : : =
var 1
const ant 1
operator-term 1
explicit-composition-term 1
conditional-term 1
extensional-collection-term 1
extensional-spotset-term (
spot-selection-term 1
( term)
var : : =
lower-case-letter [E letter I_ digit ]. [E subscript-digit ].
constant : : =
standard-constant 1
sta,ndard-constant : : =
empty-constant 1
enipt,y-constant : : =
empty collection .- ]
[:] 1. empty nomination .- 1
. empty catenation .- )
C 1
< > -. empty spotset .-
number-atom-constant : : =
-1 digit [S digit ]. [E . E digit [E digit ].]
[+ 31 -
nonstandard-constant : : =
- Character [S Character ]. E * -. restriction on apostrophe occurrence .-
operator-term : : =
[ parameter-part ] operator-symbol-part . . .
[ parameter-part operator-symbol-part . .]. . . [ parameter-part ]
operator-symbol-part : : =
upper-case-letter [E upper-case-letter 1~ digit IE _ ]. 1
- I + I - I * I / I u 1 fl I \ I // I . I l lwr
NOTE 5: The semantics of the terminal Symbols (A, +
. . . t) in this production rule are specified in 4.4.
explicit-composition-term : : =
[term [ ; term]. 1 -. collection .- ]
[term : term [ ; term : term ]. 1 -. nomination .- ]
term [--+ term ]. -+ 1 -. catenation #-- 1
E Character [S Character ]. E ” -. catenation of characters, restriction on quote occurrence .-
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1995 (E)
conditional-term : : =
IF formula THEN term ELSE term
NOTE 6: The semantics of the terminal Symbols (IF , THEN and ELSE ) in this production rule are specified in 4.Fj.
. .-
extension al-collection -term . .-
[var 1 formulal -. col lection of constructs for which the formula holds.-
extensional-spotset-term : .-
< var 1 formula > -. Union of singleton Spotsets for which the formula holds.-
spot-selection-term : : =
term spot-selection-clause ]
spot-selection-clause : : =
-. xs is assumed for var .- ]
elliptic-spot-selection-term : : =
term { l I . IUT~
is ro uc ion rule are specified in 4.5.
NOTE 7: The semantics of the terminal Symbols ( l , l , 1 and t) in th p d t
name-specification : : =
nonstandard-constant 1 var
parametIer-part : : =
term ] ( term [ , term ]. )
. .-
char acter . .-
letter 1 digit 1 subscript-digit 1 speci al-char
letter : : =
upper-case-let ter ] lower-case-letter
upper-case-letter : : =
lower-case-letter : : =
digit : : =
subscript-digit : : =
0 Ill213141516171819
special-Character : : =
. 1 , 1 ; 1 + 1 - 1 -. etc. .-
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 1995 (E)
4.3 Predicate Symbols with built-in semantics
A sequence of predicate-symbol-parts is referred to as a predicate Symbol. For each n-ary predicate Symbol there
an n-ary relation on entities of the Universe.
is an n-ary predicate on the Universe of the specification language, i.e.
Some predicate Symbols have built-in semantics which are introduced by the following.
NOTE - The predicate-symbol-parts are syntactically distinguished from operator-symbol-parts and variables.
True means the valid fact (something stated as being true)
the invalid fact (something stated as being false)
False means
IsAtom (t j means t is an atomic construct or atom, for short
IsNat(t) means t is a natura1 number (1, 2, . . . ; zero excluded)
IsInt (f) means t is an integer number (. . . -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, . . .)
IsReal(t) means t is a real number
IsCol( t) means t is a collection
IsNom(t) means t is a nomination
IsCat(t) means t is a catenation
means t is a spotset
IsSpotset (t j
IsSingle (t) means t is a singleton spotset
tl is equal to t2 (all entities)
= t-2 means
means not tl = t2
fl f t2
means tl is less than t2 (numbers)
t1 < t2
means tl is less than or equal to t2
t-l < t2
Ir1 > t2 means tl is greater than t2
means tl is greater than or equal to t2
t1 2 t2
means t 1 is element of t2 (collections)
t1 E t2
t1 $i! t2 nd tl E t2
tl E t2 means tl is singleton spotset and subset of t2 (Spotsets)
t1 c t2 means tl is subset of t2 (collections or Spotsets)
means tl is subset of or equal to t2 (collections or Spotsets)
t1 c t2
means t2 is subset of tl (collections or Spotsets)
t1 3 t2
means t2 is subset of or equal to tl (collections or Spotsets)
t1 3 t9
- -
The unary predicate Symbols mean predicates for expressing that an entity belongs to a certain class or “type” of
entities, i.e. has a particular property. The binary predicate Symbols refer to predicates which indicate whether or
not a particular relationship holds for two entities.
4.4 Operator Symbols with built-in semantics
A sequence of operator-symbol-parts is referred to as an Operator Symbol. For each n-ary Operator Symbol there
is an n-ary Operator or function from the Universe to the Universe of the specification language, i.e., a mapping
from n-ary tuples of entities onto entities of the Universe. Some Operator Symbols have built-in semantics which are
introduced by the following.
ator-symbol- Parts are syn t actically dis tinguished from predicate-symbol-parts an d variables. For all
NOTE - The oper
at the result is UNDEF, if a Parameter term does not m eet the requirement stated below.
Operators it1 holds th
: If t denotes a singleton spotset, C t denotes the component construct at the spot
given by t.
If t denotes a singleton spotset of a spot that is a component of a nomination
( “immediately inward” of a nomination is the formal term), then N t denotes
the name construct of the component as it is within the nomination.
If t denotes a set of exactly one spot immediately inward of a catenation spot
F t denotes the front part of this catenation up to but excluding the component
given by t (catenation of components with lower Position than t).
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1995 (E)
CARD t If t denotes a collection or a spotset, CARD t denotes its cardinality, i.e., the
number of component constructs or the number of spots.
Rt If t denotes a set of exactly one spot immediately inward of a cat)enation Spot,
R t denotes the rear part of this catenation up to but excluding the component
given by t (catenation of components with higher Position than t).
t1 +t2 t1 42 t& If tl and t2 denote numbers, the terms denote numbers as known from arithmet)ic.
t1 * t2
The usual precedence rules for arithmetical Operators apply.
If tl and t2 denote either collections or Spotsets, the terms denote their setl-
fl ut2 t1 n t2 t1 \t2
theoretic Union, intersection or differente, i.e. either collections or Spotsets.
If tl and t2 denote catenations, tl//tz denotes the catenation obtained by con-
1 2
t Ib
catenating the two catena.tions in the given Order.
If t denotes a construct, then ^t ( “ownspot of t ”) denotes the singlet,on spotlsetl
containing the ownspot of t.
t. If t denotes a spotset containing no atom spots (spots with atoms), then t .
( “next inwards ”) denotes the set of all spots which are immediately inward of
the spots of the spotset t.
If t denotes a spotset, t 1 denotes the set of all terminal spots inward of or -
for atoms and empty constructs - equal to the spots given by t (read ibmost
inward” ).
If t denotes a spotset without ownspots, t l denotes the set of all spot)s which
are immediately outward of the spots given by t (read “next outward ”).
If t denotes a spotset, t 1 denotes the set of all ownspots outward of or - for
ownspots - equal to the spots given by t (read “most outward ”).
t. tJ i!’ tt If t denotes the empty spotset, the operator-terms denote the empty spotset!,
The normal evaluation Order for expressions is from left to right, with the following exceptions:
- If a term is enclosed in opening and closing parentheses this term is evaluated first;
- Operators have precedence over predicates;
- Between Operators the precedence Order is:
1.: cI (ownspot of)
2.: l l J T (next inward, next outward, most inward, most outward)
3.: spot-selection-clause
4.: spot-selection-term
5.: other Operators
4.5 Other terms
Apart from operator-terms there are other compound terms which result in constructs or Spotsets (or UNDEF).
Their built-in semantics are introduced by the following.
If ti denote constructs, the whole term denotes the collection which contains tlhe
Ct1; t2; t31
constructs ti as components. (This is an example for explicit-composition-t+erm)
Denotes the empty collection. (This is an example for empty-constant)
If ni and ci denote constructs, where all ni are distinct, the whole term de-
Cnl : cl;n2 : 91
notes the nomination which contains the constructs ci as components under the
(unique) names ni. (This is an example for explicit-composition-term)
. Denotes the empty nomination. (This is an example for empty-constantj)
c 1
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1995 (E)
-+ ml ---+ m2 - m3 --+ If rni denote constructs, the whole term denotes the catenation which contains
C 1
the constructs rni as components - also referred to as members - in the indi-
cated sequence. (This is an example for explicit-composition-term)
” ODA Part 2” Denotes the catenation [ -+ '0' --+ ‘D’ --+ ‘A’ ---+ ’ ’ + ‘P’ ---+ Ia1 + ‘r’ -
‘t’ -i ’ ’ * ‘2’ -+ 1.
A string of characters enclosed in quotes denotes the
catenation of those characters. A pair of quotes in the string Stands for a Single
one in the catenation.
Questions, Comments and Discussion
Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.