oSIST prEN IEC 62683-2-2:2024
(Main)Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Product data and properties for information exchange - Engineering data - Part 2-2: Switchgear and controlgear assembly objects for building information modelling
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Product data and properties for information exchange - Engineering data - Part 2-2: Switchgear and controlgear assembly objects for building information modelling
Niederspannungsschaltgeräte - Produktdaten und -eigenschaften für den Informationsaustausch - Engineering Daten - Teil 2-2: Schaltgerätekombinationen für die Gebäudedatenmodellierung (BIM)
Appareillage à basse tension - Données et propriétés de produits pour l’échange d’informations - Données d'ingénierie - Partie 2-2: Objets d’ensembles d’appareillage pour la modélisation des informations de la construction
Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav - Podatki o izdelku in njegovih lastnostih za izmenjavo informacij - Tehnični podatki - 2-2. del: Sestavni deli stikalne in krmilne opreme za informacijsko modeliranje stavb
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav - Podatki o izdelku in
njegovih lastnostih za izmenjavo informacij - Tehnični podatki - 2-2. del: Sestavni
deli stikalne in krmilne opreme za informacijsko modeliranje stavb
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Product data and properties for information
exchange - Engineering data - Part 2-2: Switchgear and controlgear assembly objects for
building information modelling
Appareillage à basse tension - Données et propriétés de produits pour l’échange
d’informations - Données d'ingénierie - Partie 2-2: Objets d’ensembles d’appareillage
pour la modélisation des informations de la construction
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 62683-2-2:2024
29.130.20 Nizkonapetostne stikalne in Low voltage switchgear and
krmilne naprave controlgear
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
IEC 62683-2-2 ED1
2024-08-09 2024-11-01
121/152/CD, 121/159A/CC
France Mr Michaël LAHEURTE
TC 3, SC 3D, SC 22G, SC 22H, SC 23E, SC 121A, SC
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if any, in this
CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of CENELEC,
is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) is
submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the CENELEC
online voting system.
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Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Product data and properties for information exchange – Engineering
data – Part 2-2: Switchgear and controlgear assembly objects for building information modelling
TC121 Officers support circulation of CDV for project IEC 62683-2-2 ED1
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121/169/CDV – 2 – IEC CDV 62683-2-2 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Object models . 7
4.1 Electrical assemblies and their building related aspects . 7
4.2 Object attributes . 7
4.3 Decomposition of the building information models . 7
4.4 Assembly building information model . 9
4.5 Busbar trunking unit building information model . 13
5 Library of properties . 13
6 How to create a BIM object . 23
6.1 General . 23
6.2 Create a new electrical family . 23
6.3 Create a Geometry . 23
6.4 Create Properties . 23
6.5 Create connectors. 24
Annex A (informative) Typical use case . 25
Bibliography . 26
Figure 1 – BIM and the building lifecycle . 3
Figure 2 – BIM data standard overview . 4
Figure 3 – Drawing of property ACE911 . 20
Figure 4 – Drawing of property ACE912 . 20
Figure 5 – Drawing of property ACE913 . 20
Figure 6 – Drawing of property ACE914 and ACE921 . 21
Figure 7 – Drawing of properties ACE915, ACE916, ACE919and ACE922 . 21
Figure 8 – Drawing of properties ACE917, ACE918, ACE920 and ACE923 . 21
Figure 9 – Drawing of properties ACE890, ACE891, ACE892, ACE895, ACE896 and
ACE898 . 22
Figure 10 – Example of creation of properties . 24
Figure A.1 – Typical use case . 25
Table 1 – Building information models . 8
Table 2 – Building information models . 10
Table 3 - Library of properties used in the device classes . 20
Table 4 – Value lists of properties . 22
IEC CDV 62683-2-2 © IEC 2024 – 3 – 121/169/CDV
2 Building Information Modelling (BIM) is as an optimizing design process for construction and
3 operation of the building. The information in the model remains coordinated and consistent
4 throughout the lifecycle of the project in order to better optimise its construction schedule and
5 operation. BIM is a digital process enabled by a set of software, dictionaries, objects and data
6 which aims to increase efficiency around the building lifecycle, though design, operation,
7 maintenance and destruction phase. The use of BIM was initially mainly at design stage to avoid
8 collisions between the different elements of the construction. However, BIM offers many other
9 possible use cases to be investigated such as extracting electrical load demands, simulating
10 photovoltaic production capacity, simulating thermal and energy behaviour of the building etc …
12 Figure 1 – BIM and the building lifecycle
13 The main intended benefits of BIM are:
14 – Increasing design dependability and process transparency;
15 – Improving project communication and project marketing;
16 – Shortening construction periods;
17 – Minimizing risks in execution and reducing construction costs;
18 – Increasing the degree of prefabrication;
19 – Use information for building operation purposes.
20 Governments, worldwide, are recommending or requiring the use of digitalised information for
21 public construction projects, recognizing its value for helping to deliver projects successfully.
22 BIM is a standardised process by ISO TC 59/SC 13 and includes a 3D representation and an
23 optimised set of data, which can be enhanced by adding further information, such as technical
24 features.
25 BuildingSMART is a global community committed to creating and developing open digital ways
26 of working for built asset environment. BuildingSMART promotes international consensus
27 among stakeholders on specific standards to accelerate implementation and uptake and
28 propose standard to ISO TC59.
29 ISO 19650 standard defines the information management process.
30 Other standards are more specifically addressing the exchange format such as ISO 16739 and
31 dictionaries such as ISO 12006. An overview is shown in Figure 2.
121/169/CDV – 4 – IEC CDV 62683-2-2 © IEC 2024
33 Figure 2 – BIM data standard overview
35 The main elements of the BIM process and are:
36 – Industry foundation class (IFC - ISO 16739-1:2018)
37 IFC is a standardized, digital description of the built asset industry. It is an open,
38 international standard (ISO 16739-1:2018) and promotes vendor-neutral, or agnostic, and
39 usable capabilities across a wide range of hardware devices, software platforms, and
40 interfaces for many different use cases
41 – Information Delivery Specifications (IDS)
42 An Information Delivery Specification (IDS) is a computer interpretable document that defines the
43 Exchange Requirements of model-based exchange. It defines how objects, classifications,
44 materials, properties, and even values need to be delivered and exchanged. This is often done
45 based on Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and additional classifications, materials and properties
46 (national agreements or company specific ones; either stored in bSDD or somewhere else). This is
47 the standard to use to define your Level of Information Needs (CEN term), your Exchange
48 Information Requirements (ISO 19650 term) or even to exchange Product Data Templates with
49 some more details.
50 – Building smart data dictionary (bSDD ISO 12006-3, ISO 23386)
51 The buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) is a library of classes, properties, relations and units.
52 It is an online service that hosts classifications and their properties, allowed values, units and
53 translations. The bSDD allows linking between all the content inside the database. It provides a
54 standardized workflow to guarantee data quality and information consistency.
55 – BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)
56 The BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) allows different BIM applications to communicate model-based
57 issues with each other by leveraging IFC data that have been previously shared among project
58 collaborators. BCF was created for facilitating open communications and improving IFC-based
59 processes to more readily identify and exchange model-based issues between BIM software tools,
60 bypassing proprietary formats and workflows.
61 – Information Delivery Manual (IDM, ISO 29481-1)
62 The built asset industry (including buildings and civil infrastructure) is characterized by bringing
63 many different companies and authorities together in a project specific organisation. In order to work
64 efficiently, it is necessary for all participants in the organisation to know which and when different
65 kind of information has to communicated. The issue is even more important when digital tools are
66 applied, since most industry tools have a very low threshold of tolerance when it comes to the ability
67 to interpret digital data. The “Building information modelling – Information delivery manual” standard
IEC CDV 62683-2-2 © IEC 2024 – 5 – 121/169/CDV
68 has been developed by buildingSMART in order to have a methodology to capture and specify
69 processes and information flow during the lifecycle of a facility.
70 Up to now, electrical engineering has not been adequately represented in BIM (IFC, IDS, BSDD)
71 although electrical engineering is an essential trade within every property.
72 Particularly in electrical systems engineering, the expectation is to cover from planning,
73 execution, operation, to demolition and improve ease of exchange and interoperability between,
74 different phases, electrical personas and electrical CAD and CAE software’s.
75 BIM is the right approach as a working method in the electrotechnical trade of a building (low
76 voltage + medium voltage). But objects of electrical assemblies need to be further detailed and
77 standardised.
78 BIM design software need to be supplied with objects. The properties of these objects, for
79 example, the functional description of an electrical distribution panel, will be easier to be
80 handled by a building designer if this description is based on a common ontology defined by
81 recognised electrical standards.
82 This part of IEC 62683-2 series is intended to be used in combination with the following part:
83 – IEC 62683-1, Catalogue data
85 The described data models including in this part is intended to be hosted within IEC CDD in the
86 class tree dedicated
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