oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
Environmental management -- Environmental technology verification (ETV)
Environmental management -- Environmental technology verification (ETV)
ISO 14034:2016 specifies principles, procedures and requirements for environmental technology verification (ETV).
Management environnemental -- Vérification des technologies environnementales (ETV)
ISO 14034:2016 sp�cifie les principes, les proc�dures et les exigences relatifs � la v�rification des technologies environnementales (ETV).
Ravnanje z okoljem - Preverjanje okoljske tehnologije (ETV)
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First edition
Environmental management —
Environmental technology
verification (ETV)
Management environnemental — Vérification des technologies
environnementales (ETV)
Reference number
ISO 14034:2016(E)
ISO 2016
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 Terms related to organization. 1
3.2 Terms related to verification . 2
3.3 Terms related to technology . 2
3.4 Terms related to performance . 3
4 General principles and requirements . 4
4.1 Principles . 4
4.1.1 General. 4
4.1.2 Factual approach . 4
4.1.3 Sustainability . 4
4.1.4 Transparency and credibility . 4
4.1.5 Flexibility . 4
4.2 Requirements . 4
5 Environmental technology verification . 4
5.1 General . 4
5.2 Application . 5
5.2.1 Application requirements . 5
5.2.2 Application review . 6
5.3 Pre-verification . 6
5.3.1 Specification of performance to be verified . 6
5.3.2 Verification planning . 6
5.4 Verification . 7
5.4.1 General. 7
5.4.2 Acceptance of existing test data . 7
5.4.3 Generation of additional test data . 7
5.4.4 Confirmation of performance . 7
5.5 Reporting . 8
5.5.1 Verification report . 8
5.5.2 Verification statement . 8
5.6 Post-verification . 9
5.6.1 Publication . 9
5.6.2 Validity of the verification report/verification statement . 9
Annex A (informative) Relationship between ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and this document .10
Annex B (informative) Overview of environmental technology verification process .14
Annex C (informative) Guidance on the use of this document .16
Bibliography .25
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment,
as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.
The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental
management, Subcommittee SC 4, Environmental performance evaluation.
In the development of this document, ISO Guide 82 has been taken into account in addressing
sustainability issues.
iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
The objective of environmental technology verification (ETV) is to provide credible, reliable and
independent verification of the performance of environmental technologies. An environmental
technology is a technology that either results in an environmental added value or measures parameters
that indicate an environmental impact. Such technologies have an increasingly important role in
addressing environmental challenges and achieving sustainable development.
ETV contributes to protection and conservation of the environment by promoting and facilitating
market uptake of innovative environmental technologies, especially those that perform better than
relevant alternatives. ETV is particularly applicable to those environmental technologies whose
innovative features or performance cannot be fully assessed using existing standards. Through
the provision of objective evidence, ETV provides an independent and impartial confirmation of the
performance of an environmental technology based on reliable test data. ETV aims to strengthen the
credibility of new, innovative technologies by supporting informed decision-making among interested
ETV was established in the United States in 1995, and similar programmes were later introduced in
other countries, including Canada, several European Union member states, Japan, South Korea and the
Philippines. The performance of many environmental technologies has since been verified in these
countries under ETV programmes established at either the national or international level. Interest in
joint, mutually recognized verifications performed under different ETV programmes has increased
over the past decade. In 2008, the International Working Group on ETV (IWG-ETV), composed of
international experts representing institutions operating an ETV scheme in Canada, the United States,
Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and the European Union, was established with the aim of exploring
ways to accelerate international harmonization and mutual recognition of ETV programmes. The
IWG-ETV reached a consensus that standardization of the ETV process by means of an International
Standard is an appropriate way to establish the credibility and robustness of ETV world-wide.
© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved v
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Environmental management — Environmental technology
verification (ETV)
1 Scope
This document specifies principles, procedures and requirements for environmental technology
verification (ETV).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 17020:2012, Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies
performing inspection
ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
3.1 Terms related to organization
person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to, sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,
enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private.
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.1.4]
organization (3.1.1) that performs environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
test body
organization (3.1.1) providing an environment for testing, test-implementation and means for
performing and reporting on the testing of an environmental technology (3.3.4)
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
organization (3.1.1) proposing a technology (3.3.1) for which performance (3.4.1) will be verified through
an environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
EXAMPLE Technology developer; manufacturer; provider; legally authorized representative of the
interested party
person or organization (3.1.1) being concerned with, affecting, being affected by, or perceiving itself to
be affected by the results of environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
EXAMPLE Customer; user; community; supplier; developer; manufacturer; investor; regulator; non-
governmental organization.
3.2 Terms related to verification
confirmation through the provision of objective evidence
verification plan
planning document detailing the implementation of environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
verification report
document detailing environmental technology verification (3.3.5) and its results
verification statement
document summarizing the results of environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
test plan
planning document detailing the principles, test methods, conditions, procedures and data quality
(3.2.6) required to carry out testing and to produce test data
data quality
characteristics of data that relate to their ability to satisfy stated requirements
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.19]
test report
document describing conditions and results of testing
3.3 Terms related to technology
application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts or systems in order to solve a problem or to
achieve an objective which can result in a product (3.3.2) or process (3.3.3)
any goods or service
[SOURCE: ISO 14050:2009, 6.2, modified — Notes to entry have been deleted]
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.3.3]
environmental technology
technology (3.3.1) that either results in an environmental added value (3.3.7) or measures parameters
that indicate an environmental impact (3.3.6)
environmental technology verification
verification (3.2.1) of the performance (3.4.1) of an environmental technology (3.3.4) by a verifier (3.1.2)
environmental impact
change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from material
acquisition, design, production, use or end-of-use of a technology (3.3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.2.4, modified — The words “resulting from an organization’s environmental
aspects” have been replaced by “resulting from material acquisition, design, production, use or end-of-
use of a technology”.]
environmental added value
more beneficial or less adverse environmental impact (3.3.6) of a technology (3.3.1) with respect to the
relevant alternative (3.3.8)
relevant alternative
technology (3.3.1) applied currently in a similar situation to the environmental technology (3.3.4) for
which performance (3.4.1) will be verified through environmental technology verification (3.3.5)
3.4 Terms related to performance
measurable result
Note 1 to entry: Performance relates to measurable results supported by numerical quantitative findings.
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.4.10, modified — Note 1 to entry has been modified and Note 2 to entry
has been deleted because the definition refers to specific measurements related to technologies.]
performance claim
statement of performance (3.4.1) of the environmental technology (3.3.4) declared by the applicant (3.1.4)
performance parameter
numerical or other measurable factor of the performance (3.4.1) of a technology (3.3.1)
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
4 General principles and requirements
4.1 Principles
4.1.1 General
The purpose of environmental technology verification is to provide a credible and impartial account
of the performance of environmental technologies. Environmental technology verification is based
on a number of principles to ensure that verifications are performed and reported accurately, clearly,
unambiguously and objectively.
4.1.2 Factual approach
Verification statements are based on factual and relevant evidence confirming objectively the
performance of environmental technologies.
4.1.3 Sustainability
Environmental technology verification is a tool that supports sustainability by providing credible
information on the performance of environmental technologies.
4.1.4 Transparency and credibility
Environmental technology verification is based on reliable test results and robust procedures. The
process is facilitated such that, to the greatest extent possible, methods and data are fully disclosed and
reports are clear, complete, objective and useful to the interested parties.
4.1.5 Flexibility
To maximize the utility of results, environmental technology verification allows for flexibility in the
specification of the performance parameters and test methods. This is achieved through a dialogue
between the applicant, verifier and interested parties.
4.2 Requirements
When verifying the performance of environmental technologies, the requirements of this document
and ISO/IEC 17020:2012 shall be applied and demonstrated.
Annex A shows the relationship between this document and ISO/IEC 17020:2012.
5 Environmental technology verification
5.1 General
This clause outlines key procedures of the environmental technology verification:
— application;
— pre-verification;
— verification;
— reporting;
— post-verification.
Unless specified otherwise, these procedures are performed by the verifier.
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
Annex B shows an overview of the environmental technology verification and Annex C gives guidance
for the use of this document.
5.2 Application
5.2.1 Application requirements
The applicant shall provide to the verifier the following information at a minimum:
a) information about the applicant, including its name and address(es) of its physical location(s)
b) description of the technology:
1) a unique identifier for the technology (e.g. a commercial name, an identification number or
version number);
2) information about the intended application of the technology expressed in terms of:
i) technology purpose,
ii) type of material that the technology is intended for,
iii) measurable property that is affected by the technology and the way in which it is affected;
NOTE 1 More than one technology purpose, type of material and measurable property can be provided.
3) information sufficient to understand the operation and performance of the technology;
4) development status of the technology proposed for verification and its readiness for market;
NOTE 2 Technology proposed for verification needs to be either already available on the market or
available at least at a stage where no substantial change affecting its performance will be implemented
before its market entry.
5) information on relevant alternative of the technology; including its relevant performance and
environmental impacts;
6) information on significant environmental impacts of the technology proposed for verification
and its environmental added value, if applicable.
c) performance claim including a proposed set of performance parameters and their numerical values
to be verified;
d) relevant existing test data and methods for acquiring these data that were applied to support the
performance claim;
e) any relevant legal requirements, or standards related to the technology and its use;
f) if relevant, a statement that the technology adheres to applicable regulatory requirements;
g) supporting information relevant to the interested parties including the following, but not limited to:
1) installation and operating requirements and conditions;
2) service and maintenance requirements;
3) expected length of time for which a technology functions under normal operating
conditions, and;
4) any applicable health and safety requirements and considerations.
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
5.2.2 Application review Administrative review
Administrative review shall ensure that all information requested for the application has been provided
in accordance with the requirements specified in 5.2.1. Technical review
Technical review shall ensure that:
a) the technology fulfils the definition of environmental technology (3.3.4);
b) the performance claim for the intended application of the technology addresses the needs of the
interested parties;
c) the information on the technology is sufficient to review the performance claim.
Any issues related to the acceptance or rejection of the application that may arise from the
administrative or the technical review shall be resolved prior to the verification. Acceptance or
rejection of the application shall be communicated to the applicant with justification.
5.3 Pre-verification
5.3.1 Specification of performance to be verified
Performance to be verified shall be expressed by means of performance parameters in consultation
with the applicant prior to the establishment of a verification plan. These performance parameters
shall be specified considering, at a minimum:
a) they are relevant and sufficient for the verification of the performance of the environmental
technology, and its environmental added value, if applicable;
b) they correspond in full to the needs of the interested parties;
c) they can be quantitatively verified through testing;
d) their numerical values can be verified under set operating conditions;
e) existing verification plans and relevant technical references including standard test methods,
preferably international standards.
5.3.2 Verification planning
The verification plan shall detail the verification procedure specific to the technology and the
performance to be verified. The test conditions specified in the verification plan shall be identical to the
operating conditions of the technology defined in 5.3.1.
The verification plan shall include at a minimum:
a) identification of the verifier;
b) identification of the applicant in accordance with 5.2.1;
c) unique identification of the verification plan and date of issue;
d) a description of the technology in accordance with 5.2.1;
e) a list of performance parameters as defined in 5.3.1, their assigned numerical values and the
description of how they will be verified;
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
f) technical and operational details of the planned verification;
g) specification of the requirements for the test data, including quality and quantity and test
h) a description of methods for the assessment of the test data and their quality.
NOTE 1 Requirements on data and data quality can refer to the quality level (e.g. regarding reproducibility,
repeatability, ranges of confidence, accuracy, uncertainties) generally accepted for the technology by the
scientific community or (by default) in the industrial sector concerned.
NOTE 2 Other existing verification plans, similar relevant technical references, including applicable legislation
and standardized test methods, preferably International Standards, can be used or referred to where available.
5.4 Verification
5.4.1 General
The verification of the performance shall be organized as follows:
a) acceptance of existing test data;
b) generation of additional test data if needed;
c) confirmation of the performance based on the results of the test data assessment.
5.4.2 Acceptance of existing test data
Test data provided by the applicant that were generated prior to verification shall be accepted for the
verification if they meet the following requirements:
a) are relevant for the performance to be verified;
b) are produced and reported according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025;
c) meet the requirements specified in the verification plan.
If the existing test data do not meet the above requirements then additional test data shall be generated.
This shall be communicated to the applicant.
5.4.3 Generation of additional test data
If any additional test data are required, they shall be produced meeting the requirements specified
in 5.4.2.
This shall be communicated to the applicant.
5.4.4 Confirmation of performance
Existing test data, accepted in 5.4.2 and additional test data as generated in 5.4.3, shall be assessed
against the performance specified in the verification plan.
The result of the assessment shall be a confirmation of the performance of the technology, achieved
under the same conditions, constraints and limitations as those specified for the generation of the test
data used for verification.
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ISO 14034:2016(E)
5.5 Reporting
5.5.1 Verification report
A verification report shall be developed. It shall adhere to the verification plan and shall include at a
a) identification of the verifier;
b) identification of the applicant in accordance with 5.2.1;
c) unique identification of the report and date of issue;
d) date of verification;
e) description of the technology in accordance with 5.2.1;
f) test results;
g) verification results including the verified performance, test conditions, constraints and limitations
under which they are met;
h) description on how the requirements for the verification of the performance and for the test data,
as specified in the verification plan, were met, including reporting of any deviations;
i) signature or other indication of approval by verifier.
If it is necessary to include information not verified under the environmental technology verification,
this shall be clearly stated and explained.
The report shall be submitted to the applicant for review and comment. The comments may be
incorporated as deemed appropriate.
5.5.2 Verification statement
A short document summarizing the verification report shall be developed. It shall include at a minimum:
a) identification of the verifier;
b) identification of the applicant;
c) unique identification of the statement and date of issue;
d) a summary description of the technology in accordance with 5.2.1;
e) a summary of the verification results including the verified performance, test conditions,
constraints and limitations u
Première édition
Management environnemental —
Vérification des technologies
environnementales (ETV)
Environmental management — Environmental technology
verification (ETV)
Numéro de référence
ISO 14034:2016(F)
ISO 2016
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
© ISO 2016, Publié en Suisse
Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée
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ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
3.1 Termes relatifs à l’organisme . 1
3.2 Termes relatifs à la vérification . 2
3.3 Termes relatifs à la technologie . 2
3.4 Termes relatifs à la performance . 3
4 Principes généraux et exigences générales . 4
4.1 Principes . 4
4.1.1 Généralités . 4
4.1.2 Approche factuelle. 4
4.1.3 Durabilité . 4
4.1.4 Transparence et crédibilité . 4
4.1.5 Flexibilité . 4
4.2 Exigences . 4
5 Vérification des technologies environnementales . 4
5.1 Généralités . 4
5.2 Demande de vérification. 5
5.2.1 Exigences liées à la demande . 5
5.2.2 Examen de la demande . . . 6
5.3 Pré-vérification . 6
5.3.1 Spécification de la performance à vérifier . 6
5.3.2 Planification de la vérification . 7
5.4 Vérification . 7
5.4.1 Généralités . 7
5.4.2 Acceptation des données d’essai existantes . 7
5.4.3 Génération de données d’essai supplémentaires . 8
5.4.4 Confirmation de la performance . 8
5.5 Rédaction des rapports . 8
5.5.1 Rapport de vérification . 8
5.5.2 Déclaration de vérification . 8
5.6 Post-vérification . 9
5.6.1 Publication . 9
5.6.2 Validité du rapport de vérification/de la déclaration de vérification . 9
Annexe A (informative) Relations entre l’ISO/IEC 17020:2012 et le présent document .10
Annexe B (informative) Récapitulatif du processus de vérification des
technologies environnementales .14
Annexe C (informative) Recommandations concernant l’utilisation du présent document .15
Bibliographie .24
© ISO 2016 – Tous droits réservés iii
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
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L’ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour l’élaboration du présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier, de prendre note des différents
critères d’approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2 (voir www.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de
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Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
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Pour une explication de la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation
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Le comité chargé de l’élaboration du présent document est l’ISO/TC 207, Management environnemental,
sous comité SC 4, Évaluation de la performance environnementale.
Lors du processus d’élaboration du présent document, il a été tenu compte de l’Guide ISO 82 en ce qui
concerne les aspects liés à la durabilité.
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
L’objectif de la vérification des technologies environnementales (ETV) est d’assurer une vérification
crédible, fiable et indépendante de la performance des technologies environnementales. Une technologie
environnementale est une technologie qui soit engendre une valeur ajoutée environnementale, soit
mesure des paramètres qui indiquent un impact environnemental. Ces technologies ont un rôle de plus
en plus important à jouer dans la maîtrise des défis environnementaux et l’atteinte des objectifs de
développement durable.
Le dispositif ETV contribue à la protection et à la préservation de l’environnement en promouvant et en
facilitant l’adoption par le marché des technologies environnementales innovantes, notamment celles
qui s’avèrent plus efficaces que des technologies alternatives. Le dispositif ETV s’applique en particulier
aux technologies environnementales dont les caractéristiques innovantes ou la performance ne
peuvent être pleinement évaluées à l’aide des normes existantes. En fournissant des preuves tangibles,
le dispositif ETV apporte une confirmation indépendante et impartiale de la performance d’une
technologie environnementale, basée sur des données d’essai fiables. Le dispositif ETV a pour objectif
de renforcer la crédibilité des technologies nouvelles et innovantes en aidant les parties intéressées à
prendre des décisions éclairées.
Un dispositif ETV a été lancé aux États-Unis en 1995. Des programmes similaires ont vu le jour, plus tard,
dans d’autres pays, dont le Canada, la Corée du Sud, le Japon, les Philippines et plusieurs États membres
de l’Union européenne. La performance de nombreuses technologies environnementales a depuis été
vérifiée dans ces pays dans le cadre de programmes ETV établis au niveau national ou international.
L’intérêt pour des vérifications conjointes, faisant l’objet d’une reconnaissance mutuelle, réalisées au
titre de différents programmes ETV, s’est accru au cours de la dernière décennie. En 2008, un groupe
de travail international sur le dispositif ETV (International Working Group — IWG-ETV) a été créé.
Ce groupe de travail est composé d’experts internationaux représentant les institutions responsables
d’un programme ETV au Canada, en Corée du Sud, aux États-Unis, au Japon, aux Philippines et dans
l’Union européenne. Il a pour but d’explorer les différentes façons d’accélérer l’harmonisation au niveau
international et la reconnaissance mutuelle des programmes ETV. Il est parvenu à un consensus, à
savoir que la normalisation du processus ETV par le biais d’une Norme internationale est un bon moyen
d’établir la crédibilité et la robustesse du dispositif ETV au niveau mondial.
© ISO 2016 – Tous droits réservés v
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Management environnemental — Vérification des
technologies environnementales (ETV)
1 Domaine d’application
Le présent document spécifie les principes, les procédures et les exigences relatifs à la vérification des
technologies environnementales (ETV).
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l’application du présent document. Pour
les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition
du document de référence s’applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO/IEC 17020:2012, Évaluation de la conformité — Exigences pour le fonctionnement de différents types
d’organismes procédant à l’inspection
ISO/IEC 17025, Exigences générales concernant la compétence des laboratoires d’étalonnages et d’essais
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse http://www.iso.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse http://www.electropedia.org/
3.1 Termes relatifs à l’organisme
personne ou groupe de personnes ayant sa propre structure fonctionnelle avec des responsabilités,
autorités et relations en vue d’atteindre ses objectifs
Note 1 à l’article: Le concept d’organisme comprend, mais n’est pas limité à, travailleur indépendant, compagnie,
société, firme, entreprise, autorité, partenariat, organisation caritative ou institution, ou une partie ou une
combinaison des entités précédentes, à responsabilité limitée ou d’un autre statut, de droit public ou privé.
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.1.4]
organisme (3.1.1) qui procède à une vérification de la technologie environnementale (3.3.5)
structure d’essai
organisme (3.1.1) fournissant un environnement d’essai, assurant la réalisation d’essais et procurant
des moyens d’exécution et de consignation des essais d’une technologie environnementale (3.3.4)
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
organisme (3.1.1) proposant une technologie (3.3.1) dont la performance (3.4.1) sera vérifiée dans le
cadre d’une vérification de la technologie environnementale (3.3.5)
EXEMPLE Développeur de technologies, fabricant, prestataire, représentant légal de l’organisme.
partie intéressée
personne ou organisme (3.1.1) intéressé, concerné ou se considérant comme concerné par les résultats
de la vérification de la technologie environnementale (3.3.5), ou ayant une incidence sur ceux-ci
EXEMPLE Client, utilisateur, communauté, fournisseur, développeur, fabricant, investisseur, régulateur,
organisme non gouvernemental.
3.2 Termes relatifs à la vérification
confirmation par la fourniture de preuves tangibles
plan de vérification
document de planification détaillant la mise en œuvre de la vérification de la technologie
environnementale (3.3.5)
rapport de vérification
document détaillant la vérification de la technologie environnementale (3.3.5) et ses résultats
déclaration de vérification
document synthétisant les résultats de la vérification de la technologie environnementale (3.3.5)
plan d’essai
document de planification détaillant les principes, les méthodes d’essai, les conditions, les procédures
et la qualité des données (3.2.6) requise pour réaliser les essais et obtenir les données d’essai
qualité des données
caractéristiques des données reposant sur leur capacité à répondre aux exigences requises
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.19]
rapport d’essai
document décrivant les conditions et les résultats des essais
3.3 Termes relatifs à la technologie
application de connaissances scientifiques, d’outils, de techniques, de métiers ou de systèmes en vue de
résoudre un problème ou d’atteindre un objectif et qui peut se concrétiser par un produit (3.3.2) ou un
processus (3.3.3)
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
tout bien ou service
[SOURCE: ISO 14050:2009, 6.2, modifié — les Notes à l’article ont été supprimées]
ensemble d’activités corrélées ou interactives qui transforme des intrants en extrants
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.3.3]
technologie environnementale
technologie (3.3.1) qui soit engendre une valeur ajoutée environnementale (3.3.7), soit mesure des
paramètres qui indiquent un impact environnemental (3.3.6)
vérification de la technologie environnementale
vérification (3.2.1) de la performance (3.4.1) d’une technologie environnementale (3.3.4) par un
vérificateur (3.1.2)
impact environnemental
modification de l’environnement, négative ou bénéfique, résultant totalement ou partiellement de
l’acquisition des matières, de la conception, de la production, de l’utilisation ou de la fin d’utilisation
d’une technologie (3.3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.2.4, modifié — Les mots «résultant des aspects environnementaux d’un
organisme» ont été remplacés par «résultant de l’acquisition des matières, de la conception, de la
production, de l’utilisation ou de la fin d’utilisation d’une technologie».]
valeur ajoutée environnementale
impact environnemental (3.3.6) plus bénéfique ou moins négatif d’une technologie (3.3.1) par rapport à
la technologie alternative (3.3.8)
technologie alternative
technologie (3.3.1) en vigueur appliquée dans une situation similaire à celle de la technologie
environnementale (3.3.4) dont la performance (3.4.1) sera vérifiée dans le cadre d’une vérification de la
technologie environnementale (3.3.5)
3.4 Termes relatifs à la performance
résultat mesurable
Note 1 à l’article: Les performances sont liées à des résultats mesurables soutenus par des recherches
[SOURCE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.4.10, modifiée — La Note 1 à l’article a été modifiée et la Note 2 à l’article a
été supprimée parce que la définition fait référence à des mesurages spécifiques liés aux technologies.]
revendication de performance
déclaration de performance (3.4.1) de la technologie environnementale (3.3.4) faite par le demandeur (3.1.4)
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
paramètre de performance
facteur numérique ou autre facteur mesurable de la performance (3.4.1) d’une technologie (3.3.1)
4 Principes généraux et exigences générales
4.1 Principes
4.1.1 Généralités
L’objectif de la vérification des technologies environnementales est de rendre compte de façon crédible
et impartiale de la performance des technologies environnementales. La vérification des technologies
environnementales repose sur un certain nombre de principes apportant l’assurance que les
vérifications sont réalisées et consignées avec précision, clarté, objectivité et sans ambiguïté.
4.1.2 Approche factuelle
Les déclarations de vérification s’appuient sur des éléments de preuve factuels et pertinents confirmant
de façon objective la performance des technologies environnementales.
4.1.3 Durabilité
La vérification des technologies environnementales est un instrument qui contribue à la durabilité en
apportant des informations crédibles sur la performance des technologies environnementales.
4.1.4 Transparence et crédibilité
La vérification des technologies environnementales repose sur des résultats d’essais fiables et des
procédures robustes. Le processus est simplifié de manière à permettre, dans la mesure du possible,
que les méthodes et les données soient communiquées intégralement et que les rapports soient clairs,
complets, objectifs et utiles aux parties intéressées.
4.1.5 Flexibilité
Pour maximiser l’utilité des résultats, la vérification des technologies environnementales offre une
certaine flexibilité dans la spécification des paramètres de performance et des méthodes d’essais. Cela
passe par un dialogue entre le demandeur, le vérificateur et les parties intéressées.
4.2 Exigences
Dans le cadre de la vérification de la performance des technologies environnementales, les exigences du
présent document et de l’ISO/IEC 17020:2012 doivent être appliquées et démontrées.
L’Annexe A présente les relations entre le présent document et l’ISO/IEC 17020:2012.
5 Vérification des technologies environnementales
5.1 Généralités
Le présent article décrit les procédures clés de la vérification des technologies environnementales:
— demande de vérification;
— pré-vérification;
— vérification;
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— émission du rapport;
— post-vérification.
À moins qu’il n’en soit spécifié autrement, ces procédures sont réalisées par le vérificateur.
L’Annexe B présente une vue d’ensemble du processus de vérification des technologies environnementales
et l’Annexe C fournit des recommandations relatives à l’utilisation du présent document.
5.2 Demande de vérification
5.2.1 Exigences liées à la demande
Le demandeur doit fournir au minimum les informations suivantes au vérificateur:
a) des informations sur le demandeur, y compris son nom et l’adresse de son ou de ses sites;
b) une description de la technologie:
1) un identifiant unique pour la technologie concernée (par exemple, un nom commercial, un
numéro d’identification ou le numéro de la version applicable);
2) des informations sur l’application prévue de la technologie du point de vue:
i) de sa finalité,
ii) du type de matière auquel elle est destinée,
iii) de la propriété mesurable qui est affectée par la technologie et de la manière dont elle est
NOTE 1 Il est possible de donner plusieurs finalités, plusieurs types de matières et plusieurs propriétés
3) des informations suffisantes pour comprendre le fonctionnement de la technologie et ses
4) l’état de développement de la technologie candidate à la vérification et de sa commercialisation;
NOTE 2 La technologie candidate à une vérification a besoin d’être déjà disponible sur le marché ou,
au moins, à un stade auquel il ne sera procédé à aucun changement substantiel ayant une incidence sur sa
performance avant son introduction sur le marché.
5) des informations sur les technologies alternatives, y compris leurs performances pertinentes
et leurs impacts environnementaux;
6) des informations sur les impacts environnementaux significatifs de la technologie candidate à
la vérification et sur sa valeur ajoutée environnementale, le cas échéant.
c) la revendication de performance, y compris la proposition d’un ensemble de paramètres de
performance et de valeurs numériques correspondantes à vérifier;
d) des données d’essai existantes pertinentes à l’appui de la revendication de performance, ainsi que
les méthodes appliquées pour l’acquisition de ces données;
e) les exigences légales correspondantes ou les normes relatives à la technologie et à son utilisation;
f) le cas échéant, une déclaration spécifiant que la technologie répond aux exigences réglementaires
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
g) toute information présentant un intérêt pour les parties intéressées, comprenant, sans toutefois s’y
1) les exigences et les conditions d’installation et d’exploitation;
2) les exigences d’entretien et de maintenance;
3) la durée prévue durant laquelle une technologie fonctionne dans des conditions normales
d’exploitation, et;
4) les exigences applicables et les considérations liées à la santé et à la sécurité.
5.2.2 Examen de la demande Examen administratif
L’examen administratif doit permettre de s’assurer que toutes les informations exigées pour la demande
de vérification ont été fournies conformément aux spécifications de 5.2.1. Examen technique
L’examen technique doit permettre de s’assurer que:
a) la technologie répond à la définition de technologie environnementale (3.3.4);
b) la revendication de performance pour l’application prévue de la technologie répond aux besoins des
parties intéressées;
c) les informations sur la technologie sont suffisantes pour procéder à l’examen de la revendication de
Tous les problèmes relatifs à l’acceptation ou au rejet de la demande qui peuvent être soulevés par
l’examen administratif ou technique doivent être résolus avant de procéder à la vérification. La
décision d’acceptation ou de rejet de la demande de vérification doit être communiquée au demandeur,
accompagnée de justifications.
5.3 Pré-vérification
5.3.1 Spécification de la performance à vérifier
La performance à vérifier doit être exprimée à l’aide de paramètres de performance en concertation
avec le demandeur avant la définition du plan de vérification Ces paramètres de performance doivent
être précisés en tenant compte au moins des points suivants:
a) ils sont pertinents et suffisent à la vérification de performance de la technologie environnementale
et de sa valeur ajoutée environnementale, le cas échéant;
b) ils correspondent pleinement aux besoins des parties intéressées;
c) ils peuvent être vérifiés quantitativement par des essais;
d) leurs valeurs numériques peuvent être vérifiées dans des conditions d’exploitation définies;
e) des plans de vérification existants et des références techniques pertinentes, y compris des
méthodes d’essai normalisées, de préférence des normes internationales.
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ISO 14034:2016(F)
5.3.2 Planification de la vérification
Le plan de vérification doit détailler la procédure de vérification spécifique à la technologie et la
performance à vérifier. Les conditions d’essai précisées dans le plan de vérification doivent être
identiques aux conditions d’exploitation de la technologie définies en 5.3.1.
Le plan de vérification doit comporter au minimum les informations suivantes:
a) l’identification du vérificateur;
b) l’identification du demandeur conformément à 5.2.1;
c) une identification unique du plan de vérification et sa date d’émission;
d) une description de la technologie conformément à 5.2.1;
e) une liste des paramètres de performance tels que définis en 5.3.1, les valeurs numériques qui leur
sont assignées et la description de la façon dont ils seront vérifiés;
f) les détails techniques et opérationnels concernant la réalisation de la vérification planifiée;
g) la spécification des exigences relatives aux données d’essai, incluant leur qualité et leur quantité
ainsi que les conditions d’essai;
h) une description des méthodes d’évaluation des données d’essai et de leur qualité.
NOTE 1 Les exigences relatives aux données et à la qualité des données peuvent porter sur le niveau de qualité
(par exemple, en ce qui concerne la reproductibilité, la répétabilité, les intervalles de confiance, l’exactitude,
les incertitudes) généralement accepté pour cette technologie par la communauté scientifique ou (à défaut) le
secteur industriel concerné.
NOTE 2 Pour autant qu’ils soient disponibles, il est possible d’utiliser ou de se reporter à d’autres plans de
vérification existants et à des références techniques similaires pertinentes, incluant la législation applicable et
les méthodes d’essai normalisées, de préférence les normes internationales.
5.4 Vérification
5.4.1 Généralités
La vérification de la performance doit être organisée comme suit:
a) acceptation des données d’essai existantes;
b) génération, si nécessaire, de données d’e
Traducción oficial
Primera edición
Official translation
Traduction officielle
Gestión ambiental —
Verificación de tecnologías
ambientales (ETV)
Environmental management. Environmental technology verification
Management environnemental. Vérification des technologies
environnementales (ETV)
Publicado por la Secretaría Central de ISO en Ginebra, Suiza, como
traducción oficial en español avalada por el Translation
Management Group, que ha certificado la conformidad en relación
con las versiones inglesa y francesa.
Número de referencia
ISO 14034:2016
(traducción oficial)
ISO 2016
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
© ISO 2016. Publicado en Suiza
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Versión española publicada en 2017
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
Índice Página
Prólogo . iv
Prólogo de la versión en español . v
Introducción . vi
1 Objeto y campo de aplicación .1
2 Referencias normativas.1
3 Términos y definiciones .1
3.1 Términos relacionados con la organización . 1
3.2 Términos relacionados con la verificación . 2
3.3 Términos relacionados con la tecnología . 3
3.4 Términos relacionados con el desempeño . 4
4 Principios y requisitos generales .4
4.1 Principios . 4
4.1.1 Generalidades . 4
4.1.2 Enfoque basado en hechos . 4
4.1.3 Sostenibilidad . 4
4.1.4 Transparencia y credibilidad . 4
4.1.5 Flexibilidad . 5
4.2 Requisitos . 5
5 Verificación de la tecnología ambiental .5
5.1 Generalidades . 5
5.2 Solicitud . 5
5.2.1 Requisitos de la solicitud . 5
5.2.2 Revisión de la solicitud . 6
5.3 Pre-verificación. 7
5.3.1 Especificación del desempeño a verificar . 7
5.3.2 Planificación de la verificación . 7
5.4 Verificación . 8
5.4.1 Generalidades . 8
5.4.2 Aceptación de los datos de ensayo existentes . 8
5.4.3 Generación de datos de ensayo adicionales . 8
5.4.4 Confirmación del desempeño . 8
5.5 Elaboración del informe . 9
5.5.1 Informe de verificación . 9
5.5.2 Declaración de verificación . 9
5.6 Post-verificación . 10
5.6.1 Publicación . 10
5.6.2 Validez del informe/declaración de la verificación . 10
Anexo A (informativo) Relación entre la Norma ISO/IEC 17020:2012 y este documento . 11
Anexo B (informativo) Visión general del proceso de la verificación de una tecnología
ambiental . 16
Anexo C (informativo) Directrices sobre el uso de este documento . 18
Bibliografía . 27
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
ISO (Organización Internacional de Normalización) es una federación mundial de organismos
nacionales de normalización (organismos miembros de ISO). El trabajo de preparación de las normas
internacionales normalmente se realiza a través de los comités técnicos de ISO. Cada organismo
miembro interesado en una materia para la cual se haya establecido un comité técnico, tiene el derecho
de estar representado en dicho comité. Las organizaciones internacionales, públicas y privadas, en
coordinación con ISO, también participan en el trabajo. ISO colabora estrechamente con la Comisión
Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC) en todas las materias de normalización electrotécnica.
En la parte 1 de las Directivas ISO/IEC se describen los procedimientos utilizados para desarrollar este
documento y para su mantenimiento posterior. En particular debería tomarse nota de los diferentes
criterios de aprobación necesarios para los distintos tipos de documentos ISO. Este documento se
redactó de acuerdo a las reglas editoriales de la parte 2 de las Directivas ISO/IEC.
Se llama la atención sobre la posibilidad de que algunos de los elementos de este documento puedan
estar sujetos a derechos de patente. ISO no asume la responsabilidad por la identificación de cualquiera
o todos los derechos de patente. Los detalles sobre cualquier derecho de patente identificado durante el
desarrollo de esta norma se indican en la introducción y/o en la lista ISO de declaraciones de patente
recibidas. www.iso.org/patents.
Cualquier nombre comercial utilizado en este documento es información que se proporciona para
comodidad del usuario y no constituye una recomendación.
Para obtener una explicación sobre el significado de los términos específicos de ISO y expresiones
relacionadas con la evaluación de la conformidad, así como información de la adhesión de ISO a los
principios de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) respecto a los Obstáculos Técnicos al
Comercio (OTC), véase la siguiente dirección: http://www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.
El comité responsable de este documento es el ISO/TC 207, Gestión ambiental, Subcomité SC 4,
Evaluación del desempeño ambiental.
En el desarrollo de este documento, se ha tenido en cuenta la Guía ISO 82 para abordar cuestiones de
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
Prólogo de la versión en español
Esta Norma Internacional ha sido traducida por el Grupo de Trabajo Spanish Translation Task Force
(STTF) del Comité Técnico ISO/TC 207, Gestión ambiental, en el que participan representantes de los
organismos nacionales de normalización y representantes del sector empresarial de los siguientes
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, España, Ecuador, Estados Unidos de América,
México, Perú y Uruguay.
Igualmente, en el citado Grupo de Trabajo participan representantes de COPANT (Comisión Pana-
mericana de Normas Técnicas) e INLAC (Instituto Latinoamericano de la Calidad).
Esta traducción es parte del resultado del trabajo que el Grupo ISO/TC 207 viene desarrollando desde
su creación en el año 1999 para lograr la unificación de la terminología en lengua española en el ámbito
de la gestión ambiental.
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
El objetivo de la verificación de tecnologías ambientales (ETV, environmental technology verification) es
el de verificar de manera creíble, fiable e independiente el desempeño de las tecnologías ambientales.
Una tecnología ambiental es una tecnología que puede tanto resultar en un valor añadido ambiental
como medir parámetros que indiquen impacto ambiental. Dichas tecnologías desempeñan un rol cada
vez más importante a la hora de abordar retos ambientales y conseguir un desarrollo sostenible.
El programa ETV contribuye a la protección y conservación del medio ambiente promoviendo y
facilitando la aceptación comercial de tecnologías ambientales innovadoras, especialmente aquellas que
resultan más eficaces que otras tecnologías alternativas. El programa ETV puede aplicarse especial-
mente a aquellas tecnologías ambientales cuyas características o desempeño innovadores no se pueden
evaluar en su totalidad con los estándares existentes. Mediante la presentación de pruebas objetivas, el
programa ETV ofrece una confirmación independiente e imparcial del desempeño de una tecnología
ambiental basada en datos de ensayo fiables. El objetivo del programa ETV es el de fortalecer la credibi-
lidad de tecnologías nuevas e innovadoras apoyando la toma de decisiones fundamentadas entre las
partes interesadas.
El programa ETV se adoptó por primera vez en Estados Unidos en 1995 y más adelante se introdujeron
programas similares en otros países, incluyendo Canadá, Corea del Sur, Filipinas, Japón y varios Estados
Miembros de la Unión Europea. Desde entonces, se lleva verificando el desempeño de muchas
tecnologías ambientales en estos países por medio de programas ETV tanto a nivel nacional como
internacional. En la última década, ha crecido el interés por las verificaciones conjuntas y mutuamente
reconocidas efectuadas en el marco de diferentes programas de ETV. En 2008, se creó el Grupo
internacional de trabajo de ETV (IWG-ETV, International Working Group on ETV), compuesto por
expertos internacionales representando instituciones que operan un programa ETV en Canadá, Corea
del Sur, la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos, Filipinas y Japón con el objetivo de explorar formas de
acelerar la armonización internacional y el mutuo reconocimiento de los programas de ETV. El
IWG-ETV llegó al consenso de que la normalización del proceso de ETV por medio de una norma
internacional es una forma adecuada de establecer la credibilidad y robustez del programa ETV a nivel
Traducción oficial/Official translation/Traduction officielle
vi © ISO 2016 — Todos los derechos reservados
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NORMA INTERNACIONAL ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
Gestión ambiental — Verificación de tecnologías ambientales
1 Objeto y campo de aplicación
Este documento especifica los principios, procedimientos y requisitos para la verificación de tecno-
logías ambientales (ETV).
2 Referencias normativas
Los siguientes documentos se referencian en el texto de tal forma que parte o la totalidad de su
contenido constituyen requisitos de este documento. Para las referencias con fecha, sólo aplica la
edición citada. Para las referencias sin fecha se aplica la última edición del documento de referencia
(incluyendo cualquier modificación).
ISO/IEC 17020:2012, Evaluación de la conformidad — Requisitos para el funcionamiento de diferentes
tipos de organismos que realizan la inspección
ISO/IEC 17025, Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y de calibración
3 Términos y definiciones
Para los fines de este documento, se aplican los términos y definiciones siguientes.
ISO e IEC mantienen bases de datos terminológicas para su utilización en normalización en las siguien-
tes direcciones:
— Plataforma de búsqueda Online de ISO: disponible en http://www.iso.org/obp
— Electropedia de IEC: disponible en http://www.electropedia.org/
3.1 Términos relacionados con la organización
persona o grupo de personas que tienen sus propias funciones y responsabilidades, autoridades y
relaciones para el logro de sus objetivos
Nota 1 a la entrada: El concepto de organización incluye, entre otros, un trabajador independiente, compañía,
corporación, firma, empresa, autoridad, sociedad, organización benéfica o institución, o una parte o combinación
de éstas, ya estén constituidas o no, públicas o privadas.
[FUENTE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.1.4]
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
organización (3.1.1) que realiza una verificación de la tecnología ambiental (3.3.5)
organismo de ensayo
organización (3.1.1) que aporta un contexto para los ensayos, ejecución de los ensayos y medios para
realizar e informar sobre los ensayos de una tecnología ambiental (3.3.4)
organización (3.1.1) que propone una tecnología (3.3.1) para la que se verificará el desempeño (3.4.1)
por medio de una verificación de tecnología ambiental (3.3.5)
EJEMPLO Desarrollador de tecnologías, fabricante, proveedor, representante de la organización legalmente
parte interesada
persona u organización (3.1.1) que está relacionada con, que puede afectar, verse afectada o percibirse
como afectada por los resultados de una verificación de tecnologías ambientales (3.3.5)
EJEMPLOS Cliente, usuario, comunidad, proveedor, promotor, fabricante, inversor, regulador, organización
no gubernamental.
3.2 Términos relacionados con la verificación
confirmación mediante la aportación de evidencias objetivas
plan de verificación
documento de planificación que detalla la implantación de la verificación de tecnología ambiental (3.3.5)
informe de verificación
documento que detalla la verificación de tecnología ambiental (3.3.5) y sus resultados
declaración de verificación
documento que resume los resultados de la verificación de tecnología ambiental (3.3.5)
plan de ensayo
documento de planificación que detalla los principios, métodos de ensayo, condiciones, procedimientos
y calidad de los datos (3.2.6) necesarios para llevar a cabo la evaluación y producir datos de ensayo
calidad de los datos
características de los datos que se relacionan con su capacidad de satisfacer los requisitos establecidos
[FUENTE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.19]
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
informe del ensayo
documento que describe las condiciones y resultados de los ensayos
3.3 Términos relacionados con la tecnología
aplicación del conocimiento científico, herramientas, técnicas, oficios o sistemas con el fin de solucionar
un problema o conseguir un objetivo que pueda resultar en un producto (3.3.2) o en un proceso (3.3.3)
cualquier bien o servicio
[FUENTE: ISO 14050:2009, 6.2, modificado — Se han eliminado las notas a la entrada]
conjunto de actividades interrelacionadas o que interactúan, que transforman las entradas en salidas
[FUENTE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.3.3]
tecnología ambiental
tecnología (3.3.1) que puede dar lugar a un valor añadido ambiental (3.3.7) o medir parámetros
indicativos de un impacto ambiental (3.3.6)
verificación de la tecnología ambiental
verificación (3.2.1) del desempeño (3.4.1) de una tecnología ambiental (3.3.4) por parte de un verificador
impacto ambiental
cambio en el medio ambiente, ya sea adverso o beneficioso, como resultado total o parcial de una
adquisición material, diseño, producción, uso o final de uso de una tecnología (3.3.1)
[FUENTE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.2.4, modificado — La parte «como resultado de los aspectos ambientales»
se ha reemplazado por «como resultado de una adquisición material, diseño, producción, uso o fin de
uso de una tecnología».]
valor agregado ambiental
impacto ambiental (3.3.6) más beneficioso o menos adverso de una tecnología (3.3.1) en comparación
con la tecnología alternativa (3.3.8)
tecnología alternativa
tecnología (3.3.1) actualmente utilizada en una situación similar a la tecnología ambiental (3.3.4) en la
que el desempeño (3.4.1) se verificará por medio de la verificación de tecnología ambiental (3.3.5)
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
3.4 Términos relacionados con el desempeño
resultado medible
Nota 1 a la entrada: El desempeño se puede relacionar con hallazgos cuantitativos o cualitativos.
[FUENTE: ISO 14001:2015, 3.4.10, modificada — La nota 1 a la entrada se ha modificado y la nota 2 a la
entrada se ha eliminado dado que la definición se refiere a mediciones específicas relacionadas con las
declaración de desempeño
expresión de desempeño (3.4.1) de la tecnología ambiental (3.3.4) declarada por el solicitante (3.1.4)
parámetro de desempeño
factor numérico o cualquier otro factor medible del desempeño (3.4.1) de una tecnología (3.3.1)
4 Principios y requisitos generales
4.1 Principios
4.1.1 Generalidades
El objetivo de la verificación de tecnología ambiental es el de informar de forma creíble e imparcial
sobre el desempeño de las tecnologías ambientales. La verificación de una tecnología ambiental se basa
en una serie de principios para asegurar que las verificaciones se llevan a cabo y se comunican de
manera apropiada, clara, inequívoca y objetiva.
4.1.2 Enfoque basado en hechos
Las declaraciones de verificación están fundamentadas en evidencias basadas en hechos y evidencias
pertinentes que confirman, de manera objetiva, el desempeño de las tecnologías ambientales.
4.1.3 Sostenibilidad
La verificación de la tecnología ambiental es una herramienta que apoya la sostenibilidad por medio de
información creíble sobre el desempeño de las tecnologías ambientales.
4.1.4 Transparencia y credibilidad
La verificación de la tecnología ambiental se basa en resultados de ensayo fiables y procedimientos
sólidos. El proceso se facilita de tal forma que, en la medida de lo posible, los métodos y datos se
difunden en su totalidad y los informes son claros, completos, objetivos y útiles para las partes
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
4.1.5 Flexibilidad
Con el fin de maximizar la utilidad de los resultados, la verificación de tecnologías ambientales permite
flexibilidad a la hora de especificar los parámetros de desempeño y los métodos de ensayo. Esto se
consigue a través del diálogo entre el solicitante, el verificador y las partes interesadas.
4.2 Requisitos
A la hora de verificar el desempeño de las tecnologías ambientales deben aplicarse y demostrarse los
requisitos de este documento y de la Norma ISO/IEC 17020:2012.
El Anexo A muestra la relación entre este documento y la Norma ISO/IEC 17020:2012.
5 Verificación de la tecnología ambiental
5.1 Generalidades
Este capítulo describe los procedimientos clave de la verificación de la tecnología ambiental:
— solicitud;
— pre-verificación;
— verificación;
— elaboración del informe;
— post-verificación.
Todos los procedimientos anteriores los realiza un verificador a menos que se indique lo contrario.
El Anexo B describe el proceso de la verificación de tecnologías ambientales y el Anexo C aporta las
directrices para el uso de este documento.
5.2 Solicitud
5.2.1 Requisitos de la solicitud
El solicitante debe aportar, como mínimo, la información siguiente al verificador:
a) información del solicitante, incluyendo su nombre y direcciones de sus ubicaciones físicas;
b) descripción de la tecnología:
1) un único identificador para la tecnología (por ejemplo, el nombre comercial, un número de
identificación o un número de versión);
2) información sobre el uso previsto de la tecnología expresada en términos de:
i) su finalidad,
ii) tipo de material para el que la tecnología está prevista,
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
iii) propiedad cuantificable que se ve afectada por la tecnología y la forma en la que ésta se ve
NOTA 1 Se puede aportar más de una finalidad, tipo de material y propiedad cuantificable.
3) información suficiente para entender el funcionamiento y desempeño de la tecnología;
4) estado de desarrollo de la tecnología propuesta para la verificación y su viabilidad comercial;
NOTA 2 La tecnología propuesta para la verificación necesita estar disponible en el mercado, o al menos,
en una etapa en la que no vaya a aplicarse ningún cambio sustancial que afecte a su desempeño antes de la
entrada al mercado.
5) información sobre la tecnología alternativa, incluyendo su desempeño e impactos ambientales
6) información sobre impactos ambientales significativos de la tecnología propuesta para la
verificación y sobre su valor añadido ambiental, cuando sea aplicable.
c) declaración de desempeño que incluya un conjunto de parámetros de desempeño y sus valores
numéricos que tengan que verificarse;
d) datos de ensayo pertinentes y métodos ya existentes para la adquisición de los datos empleados
para apoyar la declaración de desempeño;
e) cualquier requisito legal pertinente, o normas relacionadas con la tecnología y su uso;
f) una mención de que la tecnología se adhiere a los requisitos reglamentarios aplicables, si es
g) información de apoyo pertinente para las partes interesadas incluyendo, entre otras, las siguientes:
1) requisitos y condiciones de instalación y operación;
2) requisitos de servicio y mantenimiento;
3) tiempo estimado para que la tecnología funcione bajo condiciones de operación normales, y;
4) cualquier requisito y consideraciones aplicables de salud y seguridad.
5.2.2 Revisión de la solicitud Revisión administrativa
La revisión administrativa debe asegurar que toda la información requerida para la solicitud de
verificación haya sido aportada de acuerdo con los requisitos especificados en el apartado 5.2.1. Revisión técnica
La revisión técnica debe asegurar que:
a) la tecnología cumple con la definición de tecnología ambiental (3.3.4);
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
b) la declaración de desempeño para la aplicación esperada de la tecnología aborda las necesidades de
las partes interesadas;
c) la información sobre la tecnología es suficiente para evaluar la declaración de desempeño.
Cualquier cuestión relacionada con la aprobación o rechazo de la solicitud que pudiera surgir de la
evaluación administrativa o técnica debe resolverse antes de la verificación. Se debe comunicar de
manera justificada tanto la aprobación como el rechazo de la solicitud al solicitante.
5.3 Pre-verificación
5.3.1 Especificación del desempeño a verificar
El desempeño a verificar debe expresarse por medio de parámetros de desempeño en consulta con el
solicitante antes de la adopción de un plan de verificación. Estos parámetros de desempeño deben
especificarse teniendo en cuenta, como mínimo:
a) que sean pertinentes y suficientes para la verificación del desempeño de la tecnología ambiental,
así como de su valor añadido ambiental, si es aplicable;
b) que correspondan totalmente a las necesidades de las partes interesadas;
c) que se puedan verificar cuantitativamente por medio de los ensayos;
d) que sus valores numéricos se puedan verificar bajo las condiciones operativas establecidas;
e) los planes de verificación existentes y las referencias técnicas pertinentes incluyendo los métodos
de ensayo normalizados, preferiblemente normas internacionales.
5.3.2 Planificación de la verificación
El plan de verificación debe detallar el procedimiento de verificación específico de la tecnología y el
desempeño que tiene que verificarse. Las condiciones de ensayo especificadas en el plan de verificación
deben ser idénticas a las condiciones de operación de la tecnología definidas en el apartado 5.3.1.
El plan de verificación debe incluir, como mínimo:
a) la identificación del verificador;
b) la identificación del solicitante de acuerdo con el apartado 5.2.1;
c) la identificación única del plan de verificación y la fecha de expedición;
d) una descripción de la tecnología de acuerdo con el apartado 5.2.1;
e) una lista de parámetros de desempeño tal y como se define en el apartado 5.3.1, sus valores
numéricos asignados y una descripción de cómo se van a verificar;
f) los detalles técnicos y operativos de la verificación planificada;
g) la especificación de los requisitos para los datos de ensayo, incluyendo calidad y cantidad y las
condiciones de ensayo;
h) una descripción de los métodos para la evaluación de los datos de ensayo y su calidad.
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ISO 14034:2016 (traducción oficial)
NOTA 1 Los requisitos sobre los datos y la calidad de los mismos se pueden referir al nivel de calidad (por
ejemplo, respecto a la reproducibilidad, repetibilidad, intervalos de confianza, exactitud, incertidumbres) general-
mente aceptado para la tecnología por la comunidad científica o (por defecto)
oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
Ravnanje z okoljem - Preverjanje okoljske tehnologije (ETV)
Environmental management -- Environmental technology verification (ETV)
Management environnemental -- Vérification des technologies environnementales (ETV)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/DIS 14034
13.020.10 Ravnanje z okoljem Environmental management
oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
ISO/DIS 14034
ISO/TC 207/SC 4 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2015-06-08 2015-09-08
Environmental management — Environmental technology
verification (ETV)
Management environnemental — Vérification des technologies environnementales (ETV)
ICS: 13.020.10
Reference number
ISO/DIS 14034:2015(E)
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oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
ISO/DIS 14034:2015(E)
© ISO 2015
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
14 Contents Page
15 1 Scope . 4
16 2 Normative references . 4
17 3 Terms and definitions . 4
18 4 General principles and requirements . 7
19 4.1 Principles . 7
20 4.2 Requirements . 8
21 5 Environmental Technology Verification procedure (ETV procedure) . 8
22 5.1 Application for verification . 8
23 5.2 Pre-verification (planning) . 9
5.3 Verification . 10
25 5.4 Reporting . 11
26 5.5 Post-verification . 12
27 Annex A (normative) Outline of the verification plan . 13
28 Annex B(informative)Relationship between ISO 14034 and ISO/IEC 17020 . 14
29 Annex C (informative) Overview of the ETV standard procedure (flow-chart) . 20
30 Annex D(informative)Guidance for the use of the standard . 21
31 Bibliography . 30
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oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
33 Foreword
34 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
35 bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
36 through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
37 committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
38 organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
39 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
40 electrotechnical standardization.
41 International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives,
42 Part 2.
43 The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
44 Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
45 Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
46 casting a vote.
47 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
48 patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
49 ISO 14034 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental Management,
50 Subcommittee SC 4, Environmental performance evaluation.
51 ISO Guide 82 has been taken into account in the development process of this International Standard.
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52 Introduction
53 The objective of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) is to provide credible, reliable and
54 independent verification of the performance of environmental technologies. An “Environmental
55 technology” is a technology that brings an environmental added value and/or measures
56 environmental parameters. Such technologies will have an increasingly important role in dealing
57 with environmental challenges and achieving the sustainable development goals.
58 ETV contributes to protecting and conserving the environment by developing, promoting and
59 facilitating market uptake of innovative environmental technologies, especially those performing
60 better than established relevant alternatives. ETV is particularly applicable for those
61 environmental technologies whose innovative features or performance cannot be fully reflected
62 in product standards. Through the provision of objective evidence, ETV provides an independent
63 and impartial confirmation that specified environmental and technical performance is fulfilled by
64 an environmental technology. ETV strengthens the market viability of new, innovative
65 technologies by supporting informed decision‐making among technology users.
ETV was established in the United States of America in 1995. Later, similar activities were
67 introduced in other countries, among them: Canada, some European Union Member‐States,
68 Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The environmental performance of many technologies
69 has been verified in these countries under their own ETV programmes. Since 2008, interest in
70 verifications, carried out together by different ETV schemes for the purpose of mutual
71 recognition of ETV programmes, has increased. With the aim of exploring ways to accelerate
72 international harmonization and mutual recognition of ETV programmes, the International
73 Working Group on ETV (IWG‐ETV) composed of international experts having in charge an ETV
74 scheme: Canada, USA, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and the European Commission, was
established in 2008. It reached a consensus that standardization of the ETV process by means of
76 an ISO/ETV standard is an appropriate way to establish the credibility and robustness of ETV
77 world‐wide.
78 1 Scope
79 This International Standard specifies principles, procedures and requirements for environmental
80 technology verification.
81 2 Normative references
82 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
83 dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
84 referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
85 ISO/IEC 17020, Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
86 ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
87 3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
89 3.1 Terms related to organisation
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90 3.1.1
91 organisation
92 person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and
93 relationships to achieve its objectives
94 NOTE to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole‐trader, company,
95 corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof,
96 whether incorporated or not, public or private. For organisations with more than one operating unit, a
97 single operating unit may be defined as an organization.
99 [SOURCE: ISO 14001]
102 verifier
103 organisation (3.1.1) that performs environmental technology verification (
105 test body
106 organisation (3.1.1) providing a test‐environment, test‐implementation and means for
107 performing and reporting on the testing of an environmental technology (
109 applicant
110 organisation (3.1.1), submitting a technology (3.3.1) that will be verified through an
111 environmental technology verification ( procedure
112 NOTE to entry: Applicant can be a technology developer, manufacturer or provider or a legally authorised
113 representative of the organisation.
116 interested party
117 person or organisation (3.1.1) being concerned with, affecting, being affected by, or perceiving
118 itself to be affected by the results of environmental technology verification (
119 NOTE to entry: Interested parties can include customers, users, communities, suppliers, developers, manufacturers,
120 investors, regulators, nongovernment organisations.
122 3.2 Terms related to verification
123 3.2.1
124 verification
125 confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified performance
126 requirements have been fulfilled
127 [SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006]
129 3.2.2
130 verification plan
131 detailed planning document for implementation of the verification (3.2.1) procedure
132 3.2.3
133 verification report
134 document detailing the environmental technology verification ( process and its results
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135 3.2.4
136 verification statement
137 document provided by a verifier ( summarizing the results and confirming the
138 verification of an environmental technology (
139 3.2.5
140 test plan
141 detailed planning document specifying the principles, testing methods, conditions and
142 procedures, required to produce test data
143 3.2.6
144 data quality
145 characteristics of data that relate to their ability to satisfy stated requirements
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006]
147 3.2.7
148 test report
149 document describing results and conditions of testing
150 3.3 Terms related to technology
151 3.3.1
152 technology
153 application of scientific knowledge, tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of structuring in
154 order to solve a problem or achieve an objective which can result in a product (3.3.2), process
155 (3.3.3) or service
156 3.3.2
157 product
158 any goods or service
159 [SOURCE: ISO 14050:2009]
160 3.3.3
161 process
162 set of interrelated or interacting activities that transforms inputs into outputs
163 [SOURCE: ISO 14050:2009]
166 environmental technology
167 technology (3.3.1) that either results in an environmental added value ( or measures
168 parameters that indicate an environmental impact (
170 environmental technology verification
171 verification (3.2.1) of the performance (3.4.1) of an environmental technology ( by a
172 verifier (
174 environmental impact
175 change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from
176 material acquisition, design, production, use or end‐of‐use of a technology (3.3.1)
177 [SOURCE: adapted from ISO 14001:2004]
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oSIST ISO/DIS 14034:2016
180 environmental added value
181 more beneficial or less adverse environmental impact ( of a technology (3.3.1) with
182 respect to the relevant alternative (
184 relevant alternative
185 technology (3.3.1) fulfilling a similar or identical function as the environmental technology
186 ( undergoing verification (3.2.1)
187 3.4 Terms related to performance
188 3.4.1
189 performance
190 measurable result
191 NOTE to entry: Performance relates to quantitative findings.
193 [SOURCE: adapted from ISO WD4 14001]
196 environmental performance
197 performance (3.4.1) of a technology (3.3.1) related to the environmental impact (
199 technical performance
200 performance (3.4.1) of a technology (3.3.1) in relation to its intended application
201 3.4.2
202 performance claim
203 initial statement on the performance of the environmental technology ( declared by the
204 applicant
205 3.4.3
206 parameter
207 numerical or other measurable factor used as a measure of the performance (3.4.1) of a
208 technology (3.3.1)
209 4 General principles and requirements
210 4.1 Principles
211 ETV is based on a number of principles to ensure that the data is reported accurately, clearly,
212 unambiguously and objectively. ETV provides a credible and balanced account that can be
213 depended on by the intended users and other interested parties.
214 4.1.1 Factual approach to decision making
215 Verification statements are based on factual and relevant evidence collected through an objective
216 verification of the performance.
217 4.1.2 Sustainability
218 The environmental technology verification process is used as a tool to distinguish environmental
219 technologies that meet relevant performance criteria in support of sustainability.
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220 4.1.3 Transparency and credibility
221 The environmental technology verification process is based on reliable test results and robust
222 procedures. The process is facilitated such that, to the greatest extent feasible, methods and data
223 are fully disclosed and reports are clear, complete, objective and useful to the interested parties.
224 4.1.4 Flexibility
225 Environmental technology verification is a dynamic process that allows for a dialogue between
226 the applicant, verifier, and interested parties, to ensure completeness and maximize utility of
227 verifications.
228 4.2 Requirements
229 When verifying performance of environmental technologies, this International Standard and the
230 current version of ISO/IEC 17020 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of
231 various types of bodies performing inspection shall be applied and demonstrated.
233 5 Environmental Technology Verification procedure (ETV procedure)
234 This section outlines the five key processes that constitute the environmental technology
235 verification procedure. The key processes are: Application , Pre‐verification , Verification ,
236 Reporting and verification statement and Post‐verification. Unless specified otherwise, those
237 processes are performed by the verifier.
238 5.1 Application for verification
239 5.1.1 Application requirements
240 The applicant shall provide to the verifier the following information at a minimum:
241 1) information about applicant, including its name and address(es) of its physical location(s);
242 2) description of the technology:
243 a) a unique identifier for the technology (e.g. a commercial name, an identification number
or applicable revision);
245 b) detailed information in order to understand the operation and performance of the
246 technology including benefits, operational constraints, limitations and system boundary;
247 c) status of the technology development process and its readiness for market;
248 d) if applicable, information on relevant alternative(s) of the technology;
249 e) information about the intended application of the technology expressed in terms of
250 technology purpose, the type of material (for example, soil, drinking water, ground
251 water, etc.) that the technology is intended for and the measurable property that is
252 affected by the technology and how it is affected;
253 NOTE to entry: more than one type of material and measurable property can be provided.
254 f) information on significant environmental impacts and environmental added value
255 related to the technology;
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257 3) performance claim;
258 4) relevant existing data and the methods for acquiring these data that were applied to support
259 the performance claim of the technology;
260 5) any relevant legal requirements, or standards related to the technology and its use;
261 6) if relevant, a statement that the technology adheres to applicable regulatory requirements;
262 7) supportive information relevant for the interested parties including the following, but not
263 limited to:
264 a) description of user needs;
265 b) expected time of service of the technology as per the performance claim, if relevant,
266 and;
267 c) any applicable health and safety requirements and considerations.
268 5.1.2 Application review
269 Step 1 Preliminary review
270 A review of the application and supplementary information shall be made to ensure that all
271 requested application information has been provided in accordance with the requirements in
272 Clause 5.1.1.
273 Step 2 Technical review
274 a) A technical review of the application shall be made to ensure that:
275 i. information about the applicant technology for the conduct of the verification is
276 sufficient;
277 ii. the performance claim for the intended technology application and the user needs are
278 relevant;
279 iii. the environmental added value of the technology is relevant.
280 b) Following the preliminary and technical reviews, any differences in understanding shall be
281 resolved prior to acceptance or decline of the application for verification.
282 c) Acceptance or decline of the application for verification shall be communicated to the
283 applicant with justification.
285 5.2 Pre-verification (planning)
286 5.2.1 Specification of parameters for verification
287 Parameters for verification shall be specified in consultation with the applicant and interested
288 parties prior to the establishment of the verification plan. These parameters shall be specified
289 considering the following, as a minimum:
291 a) they provide data relevant to the technical and environmental performance of the
technology, and the claimed environmental added value, if applicable;
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293 b) they can be quantitatively verified by measurement and testing;
294 c) they can be measured under relevant operating conditions;
295 d) they are necessary and sufficient to verify the performance claim;
296 e) existing verification procedures and similar relevant technical references including
297 standardized methods, preferably international standards;
298 f) data and information needs of interested parties;
299 g) the specified parameters and their numerical values shall be appropriate to the
300 performance claim;
302 5.2.2 Verification Plan
303 The verification plan shall include the requirements found in Annex A and shall:
304 a) be adapted to the technology being verified;
305 b) describe how the verification parameters defined in 5.2.1 will be verified;
306 c) include all the necessary technical and operational details of the planned verification;
307 d) specify the requirements of the test design;
308 e) specify the requirements for the data, including type, quality and quantity;
f) describe the means and methods for verifying the data and its quality.
310 NOTE 1 to entry: Requirements on data and data quality should refer to the quality level (for example
311 regarding reproducibility, repeatability, ranges of confidence, accuracy, uncertainties,) generally accepted
312 by the scientific community for the technology or (by default) in the industrial sector concerned.
313 NOTE 2 to entry: Other existing verification plans and similar relevant technical references including
314 applicable legislation and standardized methods, preferably international standards, should be used or
315 referred to wherever available.
316 5.3 Verification
317 The verification process is organized in three stages : Stage 1 ‐ assessment of existing data; Stage
318 2 ‐ testing, and Stage 3 ‐ assessment of all data including any testing data produced in Stage 2 and
319 verification of parameters.
320 5.3.1 Assessment of existing data (Stage 1)
321 a) The quality and reliability of the data existing prior to verification provided by the applicant
322 shall be assessed against the requirements specified in the verification plan.
324 b) Existing data may be accepted in the verification process if they were produced by an
325 organisation meeting the relevant requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.
327 c) If (a) and (b) apply then testing as discussed in Clause 5.3.2 of the verification phase may be
328 omitted.
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330 5.3.2 Testing (Stage 2)
331 If additional or new testing is required:
332 a) this shall be communicated to the applicant and documented in the verification plan as per
333 Clause 5.2.2.
334 b) a test plan shall be developed in accordance with the requirements specified in the
335 verification plan
336 c) the data shall be produced and reported according to the requirements found in ISO/IEC
337 17025.
339 5.3.3 Assessment of all data and verification of parameters (Stage 3)
340 Existing data and data produced from tests in Stage 2 shall be analysed and assessed against the
341 requirements specified in the verification plan and shall document the specified verification
342 parameters.
344 5.4 Reporting
345 5.4.1 Verification report
346 a) A verification report shall be developed. It shall adhere to the verification plan and shall
347 include at a minimum:
349 i. identification of the verifier;
350 ii. identification of the applicant;
351 iii. unique identification of the report and date of issue;
352 iv. date(s) of verification;
353 v. a description of the technology verified;
354 vi. the verified technical and environmental performance parameters, including test
355 ns under which the verified parameters are met;
conditions, constraints and limitatio
356 vii. verification plan;
357 viii. test plan;
358 ix. test report according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025;
359 x. reporting of any deviations from the required procedures or changes related to the
360 items listed that were defined in the verification plan;
361 xi. a statement that the report shall only be produced in line with the requirements set
362 out in Clause 5.5.1;
363 xii. signature or other indication of approval, by authorized personnel;
364 xiii. if it is necessary to include in the statement or in the report, information not verified
365 shall be clearly stated and explained.
under the verification procedure, this
367 b) The report shall be submitted to the applicant for review and comment. The comments may be
368 incorporated as deemed appropriate.
371 5.4.2 Verification statement
372 a) A short document summarizing the verification report shall be developed. It shall include as
373 a minimum:
375 i. identification of the verifier;
376 ii. identification of the applicant;
377 iii. unique identification of the statement and date of issue;
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378 iv. purpose and conditions of use;
379 v. a summary description of the technology verified;
380 vi. the verified technical and environmental performance parameters, including test
381 conditions, constraints and limitations under which the verified performance
382 parameters are met;
383 vii. a summary of the verification process performed;
384 viii. a summary of the test results;
385 ix. a statement that the verification plan has been satisfactorily addressed, with a
386 signature or other indication of approval by authorized personnel;
387 x. any other information necessary to understand and use the verification statement;
388 xi. if it is necessary to include in the statement or in the report, information not verified
389 under the verification procedure, this shall be clearly stated and explained.
b) The statement shall be submitted to the applicant for review and comment. The comments
392 may be incorporated as deemed appropriate.
395 5.5 Post-verification
396 5.5.1 Publication
397 The verifier shall ensure that the approved verification report or statement, or both are made
398 publicly available in an open and comprehensive manner to the intended user. As a minimum:
400 a) The verification statement shall be made publicly available.
401 b) Where appropriate or required by legal or other parties, verification report or
402 verification plans and test plans or part of them, may also be published.
403 c) The publication shall be included in a publicly available directory (e.g. website).
406 The applicant shall make the statement available to users in full and shall not use parts of the
statement for any purpose and condition of use of the verification statement.
409 5.5.2 Validity of the verification report/statement
410 The applicant shall:
a) ensure that the verified technology is conforming to the conditions as per its verification
412 and published verification statement;
413 b) inform the verifier, in writing, of any changes that are made to the technology as verified
414 and reported.
415 Based on the information provided by the applicant, the verifier shall determine the validity of
416 the verification statement.
417 An expiration date may be established on the verification statement. After the defined time
418 period, upon demonstration that no changes have occurred in the technology, the validity of the
419 verification statement could be extended under the same conditions.
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420 Annex A
421 (normative)
423 Outline of the verification plan
424 The following elements shall be included in the technology verification plan but not limited to:
425 A.1 Information on the process
All relevant data and information provided by the applicant and the verifier at the application
427 stage necessary to identify the verification process shall be included, but not limited to:
429 I. Introductory section
431 1) Name of technology
432 2) Name and contact of applicant
433 3) Name and contact of verifier
434 4) General overview of the verification process
436 II. Scope of the
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