SIST EN 4474:2016
(Main)Aerospace series - Aluminium pigmented coatings - Coating methods
Aerospace series - Aluminium pigmented coatings - Coating methods
This European Standard defines the coating methods and characteristics of aluminium pigmented coatings to EN 4473 which may be applied to fasteners in titanium, titanium alloys, heat resisting nickel base or cobalt base alloys and corrosion resisting steels.
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Aluminium pigmenttete Beschichtungen - Beschichtungsverfahren
Série aérospatiale - Revêtements alumino-organiques - Méthode d'application
Aeronavtika - Premazi, pigmentirani z aluminijem - Premazna metoda
Ta evropski standard določa premazne metode in lastnosti premazov, pigmentiranih z aluminijem, v skladu s standardom EN 4473, ki se lahko nanesejo na vezna sredstva iz titana, titanove zlitine, toplotnoodporne zlitine na nikljevi ali kobaltovi osnovi in korozijsko odpornega jekla.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Aeronavtika - Premazi, pigmentirani z aluminijem - Premazna metodaLuft- und Raumfahrt - Aluminium pigmenttete Beschichtungen - BeschichtungsverfahrenSérie aérospatiale - Revêtements alumino-organiques - Méthode d'applicationAerospace series - Aluminium pigmented coatings - Coating methods49.040Prevleke in z njimi povezani postopki, ki se uporabljajo v letalski in vesoljski industrijiCoatings and related processes used in aerospace industry49.025.20AluminijAluminiumICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 4474:2016SIST EN 4474:2016en,fr,de01-oktober-2016SIST EN 4474:2016SLOVENSKI
EN 4474
t r s x ICS
v {ä r v r Supersedes EN
v v y vã t r r {English Version
Aerospace series æ Aluminium pigmented coatings æ Coating methods Série aérospatiale æ Revêtements aluminoæorganiques æMéthode d 5application
Luftæ und Raumfahrt æ Aluminiumpigmentierte Beschichtungen æ Beschichtungsverfahren This European Standard was approved by CEN on
v March
t r s xä
egulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alterationä Upætoædate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN memberä
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CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austriaá Belgiumá Bulgariaá Croatiaá Cyprusá Czech Republicá Denmarká Estoniaá Finlandá Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniaá Franceá Germanyá Greeceá Hungaryá Icelandá Irelandá Italyá Latviaá Lithuaniaá Luxembourgá Maltaá Netherlandsá Norwayá Polandá Portugalá Romaniaá Slovakiaá Sloveniaá Spainá Swedená Switzerlandá Turkey and United Kingdomä
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t r s x CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Membersä Refä Noä EN
v v y vã t r s x ESIST EN 4474:2016
EN 2516, Aerospace series — Passivation of corrosion resisting steels and decontamination of nickel base alloys EN 3032, Aerospace series — Test method for dry film lubricants — Thickness measurement EN 4473, Aerospace series — Aluminium pigmented coatings — Technical specification EN 9100, Quality Management Systems — Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defence Organizations EN ISO 1463, Metallic and oxide coatings — Measurement
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