SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
(Main)Geographic information -- Imagery sensor models for geopositioning -- Part 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
Geographic information -- Imagery sensor models for geopositioning -- Part 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
This Technical Specification supports exploitation of remotely sensed images. It specifies the sensor models and metadata for geopositioning images remotely sensed by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar), and Sound Navigation And Ranging (sonar) sensors. The specification also defines the metadata needed for the aerial triangulation of airborne and spaceborne images. This Technical Specification specifies the detailed information that shall be provided for a sensor description of SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar sensors with the associated physical and geometric information necessary to rigorously construct a Physical Sensor Model. For the case where precise geoposition information is needed, this Technical Specification identifies the mathematical formulae for rigorously constructing Physical Sensor Models that relate two-dimensional image space to threedimensional ground space and the calculation of the associated propagated error. This Technical Specification does not specify either how users derive geoposition data or the format or content of the data the users generate.
Information géographique -- Modèles de capteurs d'images de géopositionnement -- Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
L'ISO/TS 19130-2:2014 prend en charge l'exploitation des images de t�l�d�tection. Elle sp�cifie les mod�les de capteurs et les m�tadonn�es pour la g�olocalisation des images de t�l�d�tection des capteurs radar � synth�se d'ouverture (SAR), radar interf�rom�trique � synth�se d'ouverture (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar - InSAR), t�l�d�tection par laser (lidar) et sonar. Elle d�finit �galement les m�tadonn�es n�cessaires � l'a�rotriangulation des images a�roport�es et spatioport�es.
L'ISO/TS 19130-2:2014 donne les informations d�taill�es qui doivent �tre fournies pour la description des capteurs de SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar, ainsi que les informations physiques et g�om�triques associ�es n�cessaires � la construction rigoureuse d'un mod�le physique de capteur. Pour les cas o� des informations de g�olocalisation pr�cises sont n�cessaires, la pr�sente Sp�cification technique identifie les formules math�matiques permettant la construction rigoureuse de mod�les physiques de capteurs qui mettent en relation l'espace-image en deux dimensions et l'espace-sol en trois dimensions en int�grant le calcul de l'erreur de propagation associ�e.
L'ISO/TS 19130-2:2014 ne pr�cise ni comment les utilisateurs d�rivent les donn�es de g�olocalisation, ni le format ou le contenu des donn�es qu'ils g�n�rent.
Geografske informacije - Modeli zaznavanja podob za geopozicioniranje - 2. del: SAR, InSAR, lidar in sonar
Ta tehnična specifikacija podpira uporabo podob, zaznanih na daljavo. Določa modele zaznavanja in metapodatke za slike geopozicioniranja, ki jih na daljavo zaznavajo senzorji radarja s sintetično odprtino (SAR), interferometričnega radarja s sintetično odprtino (InSAR), svetlobnega zaznavanja in merjenja (lidar) ter naprave za navigacijo in določanje razdalje s pomočjo zvoka (sonar). Specifikacija določa tudi metapodatke, ki so potrebni za zračno triangulacijo slik iz zraka in vesolja. Ta tehnična specifikacija določa podrobne informacije, ki jih je treba zagotoviti za opis senzorjev naprav SAR, InSAR, lidar in sonar, skupaj s povezanimi fizičnimi in geometrijskimi informacijami, potrebnimi za natančno konstruiranje modela fizičnega senzorja. V primeru, ko so potrebne natančne informacije o geopoziciji, ta tehnična specifikacija navaja matematične formule za natančno konstruiranje modelov fizičnih senzorjev, ki povezujejo dvodimenzionalni slikovni prostor s tridimenzionalnim zemeljskim prostorom, in izračun pripadajoče razširjene napake. Ta tehnična specifikacija ne določa natančno, kako uporabniki pridobivajo podatke o geopoziciji, niti ne določa oblike ali vsebine podatkov, ki jih uporabniki ustvarijo.
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images de
géopositionnement —
Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Reference number
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO 2014
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance . 1
3 Normative references . 1
4 Terms and definitions . 2
5 Symbols and abbreviations .12
5.1 Symbols .12
5.2 Abbreviated terms .17
5.3 Notation .18
6 Sensor Model Extensions .19
6.1 Introduction .19
6.2 SE_SensorModel .19
6.3 SE_Dynamics .19
6.4 SE_PlatformDynamics .20
7 Refinement of SAR physical sensor model .20
7.1 Introduction .20
7.2 SE_SAROperation .21
8 Interferometric SAR .22
8.1 Introduction .22
8.2 InSAR geometry .22
8.3 Interferometric SAR operation.24
9 Lidar physical sensor model .26
9.1 Description of sensor .26
9.2 Information required for geolocating .27
10 Sonar physical sensor model .28
10.1 Description of sensor .28
10.2 Information required for geolocating .32
11 Aerial triangulation .36
11.1 Introduction .36
11.2 SE_AerialTriangulation .37
11.3 SE_ATObservations .37
11.4 SE_ATOtherResults .38
11.5 SE_ATUnknowns .39
Annex A (normative) Conformance and testing .40
Annex B (normative) Data dictionary .42
Annex C (informative) Synthetic aperture radar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .74
Annex D (informative) Lidar sensor model metadata profile supporting precise geopositioning .98
Annex E (informative) Sonar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .129
Bibliography .151
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
the ISO list of patent declarations received.
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
ISO/TS 19130 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning:
— Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
— Part 2: Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning — Part 2: SAR, InSAR,
lidar and sonar
iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
The purpose of this Technical Specification is to specify the geolocation information that an imagery data
provider shall supply in order for the user to be able to find the earth location of the data using a detailed
physical sensor model for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Light Detection And Ranging (lidar) and
Sound Navigation And Ranging (sonar). The intent is to standardize sensor descriptions and specify the
minimum geolocation metadata requirements for data providers and geopositioning imagery systems.
Observations in this document are the generic meaning of the word; observations are not in the meaning
of ISO 19156 observations.
Vast amounts of data from imaging systems have been collected, processed and distributed by government
mapping and remote sensing agencies and by commercial data vendors. In order for this data to be useful
in extraction of geographic information, further processing of the data are needed. Geopositioning, which
determines the ground coordinates of an object from image coordinates, is a fundamental processing
step. Because of the diversity of sensor types and the lack of a common sensor model standard, data
from different producers may contain different parametric information, lack parameters required to
describe the sensor that produces the data, or lack ancillary information necessary for geopositioning
and analysing the data. Often, a separate software package must be developed to deal with data from
each individual sensor or data producer. Standard sensor models and geolocation metadata allow
agencies or vendors to develop generalized software products that are applicable to data from multiple
data producers or from multiple sensors. With such standards, different producers can describe the
geolocation information of their data in the same way, thus promoting interoperability of data between
application systems and facilitating data exchange.
Part 1 provided a location model and metadata relevant to all sensors. It also included metadata specific
to whiskbroom, pushbroom, and frame sensors, and some metadata for Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) sensors. In addition, it provided metadata for functional fit geopositioning, whether the function
was part of a correspondence model or a true replacement model. It also provided a schema for these
metadata elements. Comments on Part 1 stated that metadata needed to be specified for additional
sensors. The technology of such sensors has now become sufficiently mature that standardization is
now possible. This Technical Specification extends the specification of the set of metadata elements
required for geolocation by providing physical sensor models for LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar)
and SOund Navigation And Ranging (sonar), and it presents a more detailed set of elements for SAR.
This Technical Specification also defines the metadata needed for the aerial triangulation of airborne
and spaceborne images. This Technical Specification also provides a schema for all of these metadata
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved v
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Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for
geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
1 Scope
This Technical Specification supports exploitation of remotely sensed images. It specifies the sensor
models and metadata for geopositioning images remotely sensed by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR),
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar), and SOund
Navigation And Ranging (sonar) sensors. The specification also defines the metadata needed for the
aerial triangulation of airborne and spaceborne images.
This Technical Specification specifies the detailed information that shall be provided for a sensor
description of SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar sensors with the associated physical and geometric
information necessary to rigorously construct a Physical Sensor Model. For the case where precise
geoposition information is needed, this Technical Specification identifies the mathematical formulae
for rigorously constructing Physical Sensor Models that relate two-dimensional image space to three-
dimensional ground space and the calculation of the associated propagated error.
This Technical Specification does not specify either how users derive geoposition data or the format or
content of the data the users generate.
2 Conformance
This Technical Specification specifies 5 conformance classes. There is one conformance class for
each type of sensor. Any set of geopositioning information claiming conformance to this Technical
Specification shall satisfy the requirements for at least one conformance class as specified in Table 1.
The requirements for each class are shown by the presence of an X in the boxes for all clauses in the
application test suite (ATS) required for that class. If the requirement is conditional, the box contains a
C. The conditions are defined in the corresponding UML models.
Table 1 — Conformance classes
Section of this part of ISO 19130
A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6
Lidar X X X X
Sonar X X X X
Aerial triangulation X C X
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO/TS 19103:2005, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information — Spatial schema
ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information — Temporal schema
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
ISO 19123:2005, Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions
ISO 19157:2013, Geographic information — Data quality
ISO/TS 19130:2010, Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
active sensor
sensor (4.66) that generates the energy that it uses to perform the sensing
active sonar
type of active sensor (4.1) that transmits sound waves into the water and receives the returned waves
echoed from objects in the water
adjustable model parameters
model parameters that can be refined using available additional information, such as ground control
points, to improve or enhance modeling corrections
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.2]
aperture reference point
3D location of the centre of the synthetic aperture
Note 1 to entry: It is usually expressed in ECEF coordinates in metres.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.4]
area recording
instantaneously recording an image in a single frame (4.22)
orientation of a body, described by the angles between the axes of that body’s coordinate system and the
axes of an external coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19116:2004, 4.2]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
named property of an entity
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.12]
azimuth resolution
resolution (4.60) in the cross-range direction
Note 1 to entry: This is usually measured in terms of the impulse response of the SAR sensor (4.66) and processing
system. It is a function of the size of the synthetic aperture, or alternatively the dwell time (e.g. larger aperture -
> longer dwell time - > better resolution).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.7]
beam width
useful angular width of the beam of electromagnetic energy
Note 1 to entry: For SAR, beam width is usually measured in radians and is the angular width between two points
that have 1/2 of the power (3 dB below) of the centre of the beam. It is a property of the antenna. Power emitted
outside of this angle is too little to provide a usable return (4.62).
Note 2 to entry: Angle, measured in a horizontal plane, between the directions on either side of the axis at which
the intensity (4.37) of a beam of energy drops to a specified fraction of the value it has on the axis.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.8, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
direction orthogonal to the velocity vector (4.81) and parallel to the plane tangent to the Earth’s
ellipsoid at the nadir point of the ARP (4.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.9]
complex image
first-level product produced by processing SAR Phase History Data (4.48)
parameter or set of parameters that define the position of the origin, the scale, and the orientation of a
coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.14]
depression angle
vertical angle from the platform horizontal plane to the slant range direction (4.56), usually measured
at the ARP (4.4)
Note 1 to entry: Approximately the complement of the look angle (4.42).
Differential Global Navigational Satellite System
enhancement to Global Positioning System that uses GNSS and DGNSS to broadcast the difference
between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Doppler angle
angle between the velocity vector (4.81) and the range vector (4.58)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.19]
Doppler shift
wavelength change resulting from relative motion of source and detector
Note 1 to entry: In the SAR context, it is the frequency shift imposed on a radar signal due to relative motion
between the transmitter (4.79) and the object being illuminated.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.20]
vertical distance, at any section of a vessel from the surface of the water to the bottom of the keel
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
distance in a coordinate system, eastwards (positive) or westwards (negative) from a north-south
reference line
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.16]
field of regard
total angular extent over which the field of view (FOV) (4.20) may be positioned
Note 1 to entry: The field of regard is the area that is potentially able to be viewed by a system at an instant in
time. It is determined by the system’s FOV and the range (4.54) of directions in which the system is able to point.
[SOURCE: Adapted from the Manual of Photogrammetry]
field of view
instantaneous region seen by a sensor (4.66), provided in angular measure
Note 1 to entry: In the airborne case, this would be swath (4.75) width for a linear array, ground footprint for an
area array, and for a whiskbroom scanner it refers to the swath width.
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
first return
first reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time of flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from STM E2544]
data collected by the receiver (4.59) as a result of all returns (4.62) from a single emitted pulse
Note 1 to entry: A complete 3D data sample of the world produced by a lidar (4.40) taken at a certain time, place,
and orientation. A single lidar frame is also referred to as a range (4.54) image.
[SOURCE: Adapted from NISTIR 7117]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
geiger mode
photon counting mode for lidar (4.40) systems, where the detector is biased and becomes sensitive to
individual photons
Note 1 to entry: These detectors exist in the form of arrays and are bonded with electronic circuitry. The electronic
circuitry produces a measurement corresponding to the time at which the current was generated; resulting in a
direct time-of-flight measurement. A lidar that employs this detector technology typically illuminates a large scene
with a single pulse. The direct time-of-flight measurements are then combined with platform location/attitude
(4.6) data along with pointing information to produce a three-dimensional product of the illuminated scene of
interest. Additional processing is applied which removes existing noise present in the data to produce a visually
exploitable data set.
[SOURCE: Adapted from Albota 2002]
geodetic coordinate system
coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude and (in the
three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.18]
geodetic datum
datum (4.12) describing the relationship of a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system to the Earth
Note 1 to entry: In most cases, the geodetic datum includes an ellipsoid description (ISO/TS 19130:2010)
Note 2 to entry: The term and this Technical Specification may be applicable to some other celestial bodies.
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.24, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
geographic coordinates
longitude, latitude and height of a ground or elevated point
Note 1 to entry: Geographic coordinates are related to a coordinate reference system or compound coordinate
reference system. Depth equals negative height.
geographic information
information concerning phenomena implicitly or explicitly associated with a location relative to the
[SOURCE: ISO 19101:2002, 4.16]
geopositioning an object using a Physical Sensor Model (4.68) or a True Replacement Model
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.34]
grazing angle
vertical angle from the local surface tangent plane to the slant range direction (4.56)
Note 1 to entry: It is usually measured at the GRP and approximately the complement of the incident angle (4.35)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.39, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
component of the sonar system which receives the sound echo and converts it to an electric
oscillatory rise and fall of a ship due to the entire hull being lifted by the force of the sea
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
hydrographic swath
strip or lane on the ground scanned by a multi-beam sounder when the survey vessel proceeds
along its course
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
image coordinates
coordinates with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system of an image
Note 1 to entry: The image coordinates can be in pixels or in a measure of length (linear measure).
image formation
process by which an image is generated from collected Phase History Data (4.48) in a SAR system
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.51]
incident angle
vertical angle between the line from the detected element to the sensor (4.66) and the local surface
normal (tangent plane normal)
Note 1 to entry: It is approximately the complement of the grazing angle (4.29).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.57, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
instantaneous field of view
instantaneous region seen by a single detector element, measured in angular space
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
power per unit solid angle from a point source into a particular direction
Note 1 to entry: Typically for lidar (4.40), sufficient calibration has not been done to calculate absolute intensity, so
relative intensity is usually reported. In linear mode (4.41) systems, this value is typically provided as an integer,
resulting from a mapping of the return’s (4.62) signal power to an integer value via a lookup table.
last return
last reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time-of-flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from ASTM E2544]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
visual effect in SAR images of ambiguity among returns (4.62) from scatterers at different heights that
fall into the same range-Doppler-time bin
Note 1 to entry: The effect makes buildings “lay over” onto the ground toward the sensor (4.66)velocity vector
(4.81), akin to perspective views in projective imagery.
light detection and ranging
system consisting of 1) a photon source (frequently, but not necessarily, a laser), 2) a photon detection
system, 3) a timing circuit, and 4) optics for both the source and the receiver (4.59) that uses emitted
laser light to measure ranges (4.54) to and/or properties of solid objects, gases, or particulates in the
Note 1 to entry: Time of flight (TOF) lidars use short laser pulses and precisely record the time each laser pulse
was emitted and the time each reflected return(s) (4.62) is received in order to calculate the distance(s) to the
scatterer(s) encountered by the emitted pulse. For topographic lidar (4.80), these time-of-flight measurements
are then combined with precise platform location/attitude (4.6) data along with pointing data to produce a three-
dimensional product of the illuminated scene of interest.
linear mode
lidar (4.40) system in which output photocurrent is proportional to the input optical incident intensity
Note 1 to entry: A lidar system which employs this technology typically uses processing techniques to develop the
time-of-flight measurements from the full waveform that is reflected from the targets in the illuminated scene of
interest. These time-of-flight measurements are then combined with precise platform location/attitude (4.6) data
along with pointing data to produce a three-dimensional product of the illuminated scene of interest.
[SOURCE: Adapted from Aull et al., 2002]
look angle
vertical angle from the platform down
SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
Geografske informacije - Modeli zaznavanja podob za geopozicioniranje - 2. del:
SAR, InSAR, lidar in sonar
Geographic information -- Imagery sensor models for geopositioning -- Part 2: SAR,
InSAR, lidar and sonar
Information géographique -- Modèles de capteurs d'images de géopositionnement --
Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TS 19130-2:2014
07.040 Astronomija. Geodezija. Astronomy. Geodesy.
Geografija Geography
35.240.70 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in science
SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
First edition
Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images de
géopositionnement —
Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Reference number
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO 2014
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance . 1
3 Normative references . 1
4 Terms and definitions . 2
5 Symbols and abbreviations .12
5.1 Symbols .12
5.2 Abbreviated terms .17
5.3 Notation .18
6 Sensor Model Extensions .19
6.1 Introduction .19
6.2 SE_SensorModel .19
6.3 SE_Dynamics .19
6.4 SE_PlatformDynamics .20
7 Refinement of SAR physical sensor model .20
7.1 Introduction .20
7.2 SE_SAROperation .21
8 Interferometric SAR .22
8.1 Introduction .22
8.2 InSAR geometry .22
8.3 Interferometric SAR operation.24
9 Lidar physical sensor model .26
9.1 Description of sensor .26
9.2 Information required for geolocating .27
10 Sonar physical sensor model .28
10.1 Description of sensor .28
10.2 Information required for geolocating .32
11 Aerial triangulation .36
11.1 Introduction .36
11.2 SE_AerialTriangulation .37
11.3 SE_ATObservations .37
11.4 SE_ATOtherResults .38
11.5 SE_ATUnknowns .39
Annex A (normative) Conformance and testing .40
Annex B (normative) Data dictionary .42
Annex C (informative) Synthetic aperture radar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .74
Annex D (informative) Lidar sensor model metadata profile supporting precise geopositioning .98
Annex E (informative) Sonar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .129
Bibliography .151
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved iii
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
ISO/TS 19130 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning:
— Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
— Part 2: Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning — Part 2: SAR, InSAR,
lidar and sonar
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
The purpose of this Technical Specification is to specify the geolocation information that an imagery data
provider shall supply in order for the user to be able to find the earth location of the data using a detailed
physical sensor model for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Light Detection And Ranging (lidar) and
Sound Navigation And Ranging (sonar). The intent is to standardize sensor descriptions and specify the
minimum geolocation metadata requirements for data providers and geopositioning imagery systems.
Observations in this document are the generic meaning of the word; observations are not in the meaning
of ISO 19156 observations.
Vast amounts of data from imaging systems have been collected, processed and distributed by government
mapping and remote sensing agencies and by commercial data vendors. In order for this data to be useful
in extraction of geographic information, further processing of the data are needed. Geopositioning, which
determines the ground coordinates of an object from image coordinates, is a fundamental processing
step. Because of the diversity of sensor types and the lack of a common sensor model standard, data
from different producers may contain different parametric information, lack parameters required to
describe the sensor that produces the data, or lack ancillary information necessary for geopositioning
and analysing the data. Often, a separate software package must be developed to deal with data from
each individual sensor or data producer. Standard sensor models and geolocation metadata allow
agencies or vendors to develop generalized software products that are applicable to data from multiple
data producers or from multiple sensors. With such standards, different producers can describe the
geolocation information of their data in the same way, thus promoting interoperability of data between
application systems and facilitating data exchange.
Part 1 provided a location model and metadata relevant to all sensors. It also included metadata specific
to whiskbroom, pushbroom, and frame sensors, and some metadata for Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) sensors. In addition, it provided metadata for functional fit geopositioning, whether the function
was part of a correspondence model or a true replacement model. It also provided a schema for these
metadata elements. Comments on Part 1 stated that metadata needed to be specified for additional
sensors. The technology of such sensors has now become sufficiently mature that standardization is
now possible. This Technical Specification extends the specification of the set of metadata elements
required for geolocation by providing physical sensor models for LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar)
and SOund Navigation And Ranging (sonar), and it presents a more detailed set of elements for SAR.
This Technical Specification also defines the metadata needed for the aerial triangulation of airborne
and spaceborne images. This Technical Specification also provides a schema for all of these metadata
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Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for
geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
1 Scope
This Technical Specification supports exploitation of remotely sensed images. It specifies the sensor
models and metadata for geopositioning images remotely sensed by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR),
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar), and SOund
Navigation And Ranging (sonar) sensors. The specification also defines the metadata needed for the
aerial triangulation of airborne and spaceborne images.
This Technical Specification specifies the detailed information that shall be provided for a sensor
description of SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar sensors with the associated physical and geometric
information necessary to rigorously construct a Physical Sensor Model. For the case where precise
geoposition information is needed, this Technical Specification identifies the mathematical formulae
for rigorously constructing Physical Sensor Models that relate two-dimensional image space to three-
dimensional ground space and the calculation of the associated propagated error.
This Technical Specification does not specify either how users derive geoposition data or the format or
content of the data the users generate.
2 Conformance
This Technical Specification specifies 5 conformance classes. There is one conformance class for
each type of sensor. Any set of geopositioning information claiming conformance to this Technical
Specification shall satisfy the requirements for at least one conformance class as specified in Table 1.
The requirements for each class are shown by the presence of an X in the boxes for all clauses in the
application test suite (ATS) required for that class. If the requirement is conditional, the box contains a
C. The conditions are defined in the corresponding UML models.
Table 1 — Conformance classes
Section of this part of ISO 19130
A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6
Lidar X X X X
Sonar X X X X
Aerial triangulation X C X
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
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SIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2020
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO/TS 19103:2005, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information — Spatial schema
ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information — Temporal schema
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
ISO 19123:2005, Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions
ISO 19157:2013, Geographic information — Data quality
ISO/TS 19130:2010, Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
active sensor
sensor (4.66) that generates the energy that it uses to perform the sensing
active sonar
type of active sensor (4.1) that transmits sound waves into the water and receives the returned waves
echoed from objects in the water
adjustable model parameters
model parameters that can be refined using available additional information, such as ground control
points, to improve or enhance modeling corrections
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.2]
aperture reference point
3D location of the centre of the synthetic aperture
Note 1 to entry: It is usually expressed in ECEF coordinates in metres.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.4]
area recording
instantaneously recording an image in a single frame (4.22)
orientation of a body, described by the angles between the axes of that body’s coordinate system and the
axes of an external coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19116:2004, 4.2]
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named property of an entity
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.12]
azimuth resolution
resolution (4.60) in the cross-range direction
Note 1 to entry: This is usually measured in terms of the impulse response of the SAR sensor (4.66) and processing
system. It is a function of the size of the synthetic aperture, or alternatively the dwell time (e.g. larger aperture -
> longer dwell time - > better resolution).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.7]
beam width
useful angular width of the beam of electromagnetic energy
Note 1 to entry: For SAR, beam width is usually measured in radians and is the angular width between two points
that have 1/2 of the power (3 dB below) of the centre of the beam. It is a property of the antenna. Power emitted
outside of this angle is too little to provide a usable return (4.62).
Note 2 to entry: Angle, measured in a horizontal plane, between the directions on either side of the axis at which
the intensity (4.37) of a beam of energy drops to a specified fraction of the value it has on the axis.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.8, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
direction orthogonal to the velocity vector (4.81) and parallel to the plane tangent to the Earth’s
ellipsoid at the nadir point of the ARP (4.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.9]
complex image
first-level product produced by processing SAR Phase History Data (4.48)
parameter or set of parameters that define the position of the origin, the scale, and the orientation of a
coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.14]
depression angle
vertical angle from the platform horizontal plane to the slant range direction (4.56), usually measured
at the ARP (4.4)
Note 1 to entry: Approximately the complement of the look angle (4.42).
Differential Global Navigational Satellite System
enhancement to Global Positioning System that uses GNSS and DGNSS to broadcast the difference
between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Doppler angle
angle between the velocity vector (4.81) and the range vector (4.58)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.19]
Doppler shift
wavelength change resulting from relative motion of source and detector
Note 1 to entry: In the SAR context, it is the frequency shift imposed on a radar signal due to relative motion
between the transmitter (4.79) and the object being illuminated.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.20]
vertical distance, at any section of a vessel from the surface of the water to the bottom of the keel
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
distance in a coordinate system, eastwards (positive) or westwards (negative) from a north-south
reference line
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.16]
field of regard
total angular extent over which the field of view (FOV) (4.20) may be positioned
Note 1 to entry: The field of regard is the area that is potentially able to be viewed by a system at an instant in
time. It is determined by the system’s FOV and the range (4.54) of directions in which the system is able to point.
[SOURCE: Adapted from the Manual of Photogrammetry]
field of view
instantaneous region seen by a sensor (4.66), provided in angular measure
Note 1 to entry: In the airborne case, this would be swath (4.75) width for a linear array, ground footprint for an
area array, and for a whiskbroom scanner it refers to the swath width.
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
first return
first reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time of flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from STM E2544]
data collected by the receiver (4.59) as a result of all returns (4.62) from a single emitted pulse
Note 1 to entry: A complete 3D data sample of the world produced by a lidar (4.40) taken at a certain time, place,
and orientation. A single lidar frame is also referred to as a range (4.54) image.
[SOURCE: Adapted from NISTIR 7117]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
geiger mode
photon counting mode for lidar (4.40) systems, where the detector is biased and becomes sensitive to
individual photons
Note 1 to entry: These detectors exist in the form of arrays and are bonded with electronic circuitry. The electronic
circuitry produces a measurement corresponding to the time at which the current was generated; resulting in a
direct time-of-flight measurement. A lidar that employs this detector technology typically illuminates a large scene
with a single pulse. The direct time-of-flight measurements are then combined with platform location/attitude
(4.6) data along with pointing information to produce a three-dimensional product of the illuminated scene of
interest. Additional processing is applied which removes existing noise present in the data to produce a visually
exploitable data set.
[SOURCE: Adapted from Albota 2002]
geodetic coordinate system
coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude and (in the
three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.18]
geodetic datum
datum (4.12) describing the relationship of a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system to the Earth
Note 1 to entry: In most cases, the geodetic datum includes an ellipsoid description (ISO/TS 19130:2010)
Note 2 to entry: The term and this Technical Specification may be applicable to some other celestial bodies.
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.24, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
geographic coordinates
longitude, latitude and height of a ground or elevated point
Note 1 to entry: Geographic coordinates are related to a coordinate reference system or compound coordinate
reference system. Depth equals negative height.
geographic information
information concerning phenomena implicitly or explicitly associated with a location relative to the
[SOURCE: ISO 19101:2002, 4.16]
geopositioning an object using a Physical Sensor Model (4.68) or a True Replacement Model
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.34]
grazing angle
vertical angle from the local surface tangent plane to the slant range direction (4.56)
Note 1 to entry: It is usually measured at the GRP and approximately the complement of the incident angle (4.35)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.39, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
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component of the sonar system which receives the sound echo and converts it to an electric
oscillatory rise and fall of a ship due to the entire hull being lifted by the force of the sea
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
hydrographic swath
strip or lane on the ground scanned by a multi-beam sounder when the survey vessel proceeds
along its course
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
image coordinates
coordinates with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system of an image
Note 1 to entry: The image coordinates can be in pixels or in a measure of length (linear measure).
image formation
process by which an image is generated from collected Phase History Data (4.48) in a SAR system
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.51]
incident angle
vertical angle between the line from the detected element to the sensor (4.66) and the local surface
normal (tangent plane normal)
Note 1 to entry: It is approximately the complement of the grazing angle (4.29).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.57, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
instantaneous field of view
instantaneous region seen by a single detector element, measured in angular space
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
power per unit solid angle from a point source into a particular direction
Note 1 to entry: Typically for lidar (4.40), sufficient calibration has not been done to calculate absolute intensity, so
relative intensity is usually reported. In linear mode (4.41) systems, this value is typically provided as an integer,
resulting from a mapping of the return’s (4.62) signal power to an integer value via a lookup table.
last return
last reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time-of-flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from ASTM E2544]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
visual effect in SAR images of ambiguity among returns (4.62) from scatterers at different heights that
fall into the same range-Doppler-time bin
Note 1 to entry: The effect makes buildings “lay over” onto the ground toward the sensor (4.66)velocity vector
(4.81), akin to perspective views in projective imagery.
light detection and ranging
system consisting of 1) a photon source (frequently, but not necessarily, a laser), 2) a photon detection
system, 3) a timing circuit, and 4) optics for both the source and the receiver (4.59) that
Première édition
Information géographique —
Modèles de capteurs d’images de
géopositionnement —
Partie 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for
geopositioning —
Part 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
Numéro de référence
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
ISO 2014
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Conformité . 1
3 Références normatives . 1
4 Termes et définitions . 2
5 Symboles et abréviations .12
5.1 Symboles .12
5.2 Abréviations .17
5.3 Notation .18
6 Extensions de modèle de capteur .19
6.1 Introduction .19
6.2 SE_SensorModel .19
6.3 SE_Dynamics .20
6.4 SE_PlatformDynamics .20
7 Affinement du modèle physique de capteur SAR .21
7.1 Introduction .21
7.2 SE_SAROperation .22
8 SAR Interférométrique .22
8.1 Introduction .22
8.2 Géométrie InSAR .23
8.3 Fonctionnement du SAR interférométrique .25
9 Modèle physique de capteur lidar .26
9.1 Description du capteur .26
9.2 Informations requises pour géolocalisation.27
10 Modèle physique de capteur sonar .28
10.1 Description du capteur .28
10.2 Informations requises pour géolocalisation.32
11 Aérotriangulation .36
11.1 Introduction .36
11.2 SE_AerialTriangulation .37
11.3 SE_ATObservations .37
11.4 SE_ATOtherResults .38
11.5 SE_ATUnknowns .39
Annexe A (normative) Conformité et test .40
Annexe B (normative) Dictionnaire de données .42
Annexe C (informative) Profil de métadonnées de modèle de capteur de radar à synthèse
d’ouverture prenant en charge une géolocalisation précis .73
Annexe D (informative) Profil de métadonnées de modèle de capteur lidar prenant en charge une
géolocalisation précis .98
Annexe E (informative) Profil de métadonnées de modèle de capteur sonar prenant en charge une
géolocalisation précise .129
Bibliographie .151
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l’ISO). L’élaboration des Normes internationales est
en général confiée aux comités techniques de l’ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude
a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l’ISO participent également aux travaux.
L’ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui concerne
la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier de prendre note des différents
critères d’approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2 (voir www.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de
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références aux droits de propriété intellectuelle ou autres droits analogues identifiés lors de l’élaboration
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Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
pour information, par souci de commodité, à l’intention des utilisateurs et ne sauraient constituer un
Pour une explication de la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation de
la conformité, ou pour toute information au sujet de l’adhésion de l’ISO aux principes de l’OMC concernant
les obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant: Avant-propos — Informations
Le comité chargé de l’élaboration du présent document est l’ISO/TC 211, Information
L’ISO/TS 19130 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Information
géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images pour la géolocalisation:
— Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images pour la géolocalisation
— Partie 2: Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images pour la géolocalisation — Partie 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
La présente Spécification technique a pour but de spécifier les informations de géolocalisation qu’un
fournisseur de données d’imagerie doit fournir pour permettre à l’utilisateur de trouver la position
terrestre des données au moyen d’un modèle physique de capteur détaillé pour radar à synthèse
d’ouverture (Synthetic Aperture Radar - SAR), télédétection par laser (LIght Detection And Ranging -
lidar) et sonar (SOund Navigation And Ranging). L’objectif est de normaliser les descriptions des capteurs
et de spécifier les exigences minimales de métadonnées de géolocalisation pour les fournisseurs de
données et les systèmes de géolocalisation d’imagerie. Le terme «observation» dans ce document
s’entend au sens générique du mot, et non au sens donné dans l’ISO 19156.
De grandes quantités de données provenant de systèmes d’imagerie ont été acquises, traitées
et distribuées par des agences gouvernementales de cartographie et de télédétection et par des
fournisseurs de données commerciales. Afin que ces données soient utiles pour l’extraction d’information
géographique, un traitement supplémentaire des données est nécessaire. La géolocalisation, qui
détermine les coordonnées au sol d’un objet à partir des coordonnées d’image, constitue une étape
fondamentale du traitement. En raison de la diversité des types de capteur et de l’absence de modèle
commun de capteur standard, des données de producteurs différents peuvent contenir des informations
paramétriques différentes, ou être dépourvues des paramètres nécessaires à la description du capteur
qui génère les données ou des informations accessoires requises pour la géolocalisation et l’analyse des
données. Il arrive fréquemment qu’il faille élaborer un logiciel spécifique pour traiter les données en
provenance de chaque capteur ou producteur de données. Les standards de modèles de capteurs et de
métadonnées de géolocalisation permettent aux agences ou aux fournisseurs de développer des logiciels
globaux applicables aux données de plusieurs producteurs de données ou de plusieurs capteurs. Sur la
base de ces standards, des producteurs différents peuvent décrire les informations de géolocalisation
de leurs données de la même manière, favorisant ainsi l’interopérabilité des données entre les systèmes
d’application et facilitant l’échange de données.
La Partie 1 fournit un modèle de localisation et des métadonnées concernant tous les capteurs. Elle
comprend également des métadonnées spécifiques aux capteurs à balayage transversal, aux capteurs
en peigne et aux capteurs à trame, et certaines métadonnées pour les capteurs de radar à synthèse
d’ouverture (SAR). De plus, elle fournit les métadonnées de la fonction de géolocalisation par ajustement
fonctionnel, que cette fonction fasse partie d’un modèle de correspondance ou d’un modèle de
remplacement vrai. Elle fournit également un schéma pour ces éléments de métadonnées. Il était stipulé
dans les commentaires sur la Partie 1 que des métadonnées devaient être spécifiées pour d’autres
types de capteurs. La technologie de ces capteurs a maintenant atteint un stade de maturité suffisant
pour que la normalisation soit possible. La présente Spécification technique élargit la spécification de
l’ensemble d’éléments de métadonnées requis pour la géolocalisation en fournissant des modèles de
capteurs physiques pour le lidar et le sonar, et présente un ensemble plus détaillé d’éléments pour le SAR.
Elle définit également les métadonnées nécessaires à l’aérotriangulation des images de télédétection
aériennes et spatiales aéroportées et spatioportées. La présente Spécification technique fournit en
outre un schéma pour tous ces éléments de métadonnées.
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Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs
d’images de géopositionnement —
Partie 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
1 Domaine d’application
La présente Spécification technique prend en charge l’exploitation des images de télédétection. Elle
spécifie les modèles de capteurs et les métadonnées pour la géolocalisation des images de télédétection
des capteurs radar à synthèse d’ouverture (SAR), radar interférométrique à synthèse d’ouverture
(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar - InSAR), télédétection par laser (lidar) et sonar. Elle définit
également les métadonnées nécessaires à l’aérotriangulation des images aéroportées et spatioportées.
La présente Spécification technique donne les informations détaillées qui doivent être fournies pour
la description des capteurs de SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar, ainsi que les informations physiques et
géométriques associées nécessaires à la construction rigoureuse d’un modèle physique de capteur.
Pour les cas où des informations de géolocalisation précises sont nécessaires, la présente Spécification
technique identifie les formules mathématiques permettant la construction rigoureuse de modèles
physiques de capteurs qui mettent en relation l’espace-image en deux dimensions et l’espace-sol en trois
dimensions en intégrant le calcul de l’erreur de propagation associée.
La présente Spécification technique ne précise ni comment les utilisateurs dérivent les données de
géolocalisation, ni le format ou le contenu des données qu’ils génèrent.
2 Conformité
La présente Spécification technique spécifie cinq classes de conformité. Il existe une classe de conformité
pour chaque type de capteur. Chaque ensemble d’informations de géolocalisation revendiquant une
conformité à la présente Spécification technique doit satisfaire aux exigences d’au moins une classe
de conformité comme spécifié dans le Tableau 1. Les exigences de chaque classe sont indiquées par la
présence d’un X dans les cases correspondant à tous les paragraphes de la suite de tests d’application
(application test suite - ATS) requise pour cette classe. Si l’exigence est conditionnelle, un C est inscrit
dans la case. Les conditions sont définies dans le modèle UML correspondant.
Tableau 1 — Classes de conformité
Paragraphe de la présente partie de l’ISO 19130
A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6
Classe de
Lidar X X X X
Sonar X X X X
Aérotriangulation X C X
3 Références normatives
Les documents ci-après, dans leur intégralité ou non, sont des références normatives indispensables à
l’application du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique. Pour les
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s’applique (y compris les éventuels
ISO/TS 19103:2005, Information géographique — Langage de schéma conceptuel
ISO 19107:2003, Information géographique — Schéma spatial
ISO 19108:2002, Information géographique — Schéma temporel
ISO 19111:2007, Information géographique — Système de références spatiales par coordonnées
ISO 19115-1:2014, Information géographique — Métadonnées — Partie 1: Principes de base
ISO 19115-2:2009, Information géographique — Métadonnées — Partie 2: Extensions pour les images et les
ISO 19123:2005, Information géographique — Schéma de la géométrie et des fonctions de couverture
ISO 19157:2013, Information géographique — Qualité des données
ISO/TS 19130:2010, Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images de géolocalisation
4 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
capteur actif
capteur (4.66) qui génère l’énergie qu’il utilise pour la détection
sonar actif
type de capteur actif (4.1) qui transmet des ondes sonores dans l’eau et reçoit les ondes renvoyées par
des objets se trouvant dans l’eau
paramètres ajustables du modèle
paramètres du modèle qui peuvent être affinés à l’aide d’informations supplémentaires disponibles,
telles que les points de contrôle au sol, en vue d’améliorer ou de renforcer les corrections de modélisation
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.2]
point de référence d’ouverture
centre d’intégration
localisation en 3D du centre de l’antenne synthétique ou de l’intégration
Note 1 à l’article: Est généralement exprimée en coordonnées géocentriques à axes fixes (ECEF) en mètres.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.4]
enregistrement de zone
enregistrement instantané d’une image dans une trame (4.22) unique
orientation d’un corps, décrite par les angles entre les axes du système de coordonnées de ce corps et les
axes d’un système de coordonnées externe
[SOURCE: ISO 19116:2004, 4.2]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
propriété dénommée d’une entité
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.12]
résolution azimutale
limite derésolution (4.60) dans le sens transversal
Note 1 à l’article: Est généralement mesurée en termes de réponse impulsionnelle du capteur (4.66) SAR et du
système de traitement. Est fonction de la taille de l’ouverture synthétique, ou à défaut du temps d’observation
(par exemple: ouverture plus grande - > temps d’observation plus long - > meilleure résolution).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.7]
largeur de faisceau
largeur angulaire utile du faisceau d’énergie électromagnétique
Note 1 à l’article: Pour le SAR, la largeur de faisceau est généralement mesurée en radians, et correspond à la
dimension angulaire entre les deux directions pour lesquelles la puissance est divisée par deux par rapport au
centre du faisceau (en dessous de 3 dB). Il s’agit d’une propriété de l’antenne. La puissance émise en dehors de cet
angle est trop faible pour donner un retour (4.62) utilisable.
Note 2 à l’article: Angle, mesuré dans un plan horizontal, entre les directions des deux côtés de l’axe auquel
l’intensité (4.37) d’un faisceau d’énergie décroît à une fraction spécifiée de sa valeur sur l’axe.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.8, modifié – Les notes 1 et 2 ont été ajoutées.]
rayonnement transversal
direction orthogonale au vecteur de vitesse (4.81) et parallèle au plan tangent à l’ellipsoïde
terrestre au point nadir de l’ARP (4.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.9]
image complexe
produit de premier niveau du traitement des données brutes (4.48) SAR «Phase History Data»
paramètre ou ensemble de paramètres qui définit la position de l’origine, l’échelle et l’orientation d’un
système de coordonnées
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.14]
angle de dépression
angle vertical entre le plan horizontal de la plate-forme et la direction de visée oblique (4.56), généralement
mesuré à l’ARP (4.4)
Note 1 à l’article: Approximativement le complément de l’angle de prise de vue (4.42).
système mondial différentiel de navigation par satellite
amélioration du système mondial de localisation qui utilise le GNSS et le DGNSS pour diffuser la différence
entre les positions indiquées par les systèmes à satellites et les positions fixes connues
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
angle Doppler
angle entre le vecteur vitesse (4.81) et le vecteur distance (4.58)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.19]
décalage Doppler
changement de longueur d’onde dû au mouvement relatif de l’objet détecté et le détecteur
Note 1 à l’article: Dans le contexte du SAR, il s’agit du décalage de fréquence du signal radar dû au mouvement
relatif entre l’émetteur (4.79) et l’objet éclairé.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.20]
tirant d’eau
distance verticale dans chaque section d’un navire, entre la surface de l’eau et le bas de la quille
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
distance dans un système de coordonnées, vers l’est (positif) ou vers l’ouest (négatif) à partir d’une ligne
de référence Nord-Sud
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.16]
champ de vision
étendue angulaire totale sur laquelle le champ observé (FOV) (4.20) peut être positionné
Note 1 à l’article: Le champ de vision est la zone potentiellement visible par un système à un moment donné. Il
est déterminé par le FOV du système et par la gamme (4.54) de directions sur lesquelles le système peut s’aligner.
[SOURCE: Adapté de Manual of Photogrammetry]
champ de visée
région instantanée vue par un capteur (4.66), donné en mesure angulaire
Note 1 à l’article: Dans le cas aéroporté, il s’agirait d’une largeur de fauchée (4.75) pour un réseau linéaire, d’une
empreinte au sol pour un réseau zonal, et d’une largeur de fauchée pour un analyseur à balayage transversal.
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
premier retour
premier signal réfléchi détecté par un système d’imagerie 3D du type temps de vol (TOF), pour une
position d’échantillonnage donnée et impulsion émise donnée
[SOURCE: Adapté de ASTM E2544]
données recueillies par le récepteur (4.59) suite à tous les retours (4.62) d’une seule impulsion
Note 1 à l’article: Un échantillonnage complet de données 3D du monde produit par un lidar (4.40) prélevé à un
moment donné, à un endroit donné, et à une orientation donnée. Une trame lidar simple est également appelée
image-distance (4.54).
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
[SOURCE: Adapté de NISTIR 7117]
mode Geiger
mode de comptage de photons pour systèmes lidar (4.40), dans lequel le détecteur est configuré et
devient sensible aux photons individuels
Note 1 à l’article: Ces détecteurs existent sous forme de réseau et sont reliés avec des circuits électroniques.
Les circuits électroniques donnent une mesure qui correspond à l’instant auquel le courant a été produit, avec
pour résultat une mesure directe de temps de vol. Un lidar qui utilise cette technologie de détecteur éclaire en
règle générale une zone importante avec une seule impulsion. Les mesures directes de temps de vol sont ensuite
combinées aux données de localisation de plate-forme/attitude (4.6), avec les informations de pointage, afin de
produire un produit à trois dimensions de la zone d’intérêt éclairée. Un traitement supplémentaire est appliqué
afin d’éliminer le bruit présent dans les données pour produire un lot de données visuellement exploitable.
[SOURCE: Adapté d’Albota 2002]
système de coordonnées géodésique
système de coordonnées dans lequel la position est spécifiée par la latitude géodésique, la longitude
géodésique et (dans le cas tridimensionnel) la hauteur ellipsoïdale
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.18]
référentiel géodésique
référentiel (4.12) décrivant la relation entre un système de coordonnées à deux ou trois dimensions et
la Terre
Note 1 à l’article: Dans la plupart des cas, la référence géodésique comprend une description de l’ellipsoïde
(ISO/TS 19130:2010).
Note 2 à l’article: Ce terme et cette Spécification technique peuvent être applicables à d’autres corps célestes.
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.24, modifié – Les notes 1 et 2 ont été ajoutées.]
coordonnées géographiques
longitude, latitude et hauteur d’un point du terrain ou surélevé
Note 1 à l’article: Les coordonnées géographiques sont liées à un système de coordonnées de référence simple ou
composé. La profondeur («depth») est comptée positivement vers le bas par convention par rapport au zéro des
cartes marines (et non l’inverse pour la hauteur).
information géographique
information concernant un phénomène implicitement ou explicitement associé à une localisation relative
à la Terre
[SOURCE: ISO 19101:2002, 4.16]
géolocalisation d’un objet à l’aide d’un modèle de capteur (4.68) physique ou d’un modèle de remplacement
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.34]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(F)
angle de dépression
angle mesuré dans le plan vertical entre le plan tangent à la surface locale et la direction de visée
oblique (4.56)
Note 1 à l’article: Ceci est généralement mesuré au GRP et est le complément de l’angle d’incidence (4.35).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.39, modifié – La Note 1 à l’article a été ajoutée.]
composant du système sonar qui reçoit l’écho sonore et le convertit en signal électrique
montée et descente oscillatoire d’un navire dues au soulèvement de l’ensemble de la coque par la mer
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
fauchée hydrographique
bande ou couloir de fond balayé par la sonde multi-faisceau pendant que le navire hydrographique
poursuit sa route.
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
coordonnées d’image
coordonnées par rapport au système de coordonnées cartésiennes d’une image
Note 1 à l’article: Les coordonnées d’image peuvent être en pixels ou dans une mesure de longueur (mesure
formation d’image
processus par lequel une image est générée à partir des données brutes (4.48) ou démodulées
recueillies dans un système SAR
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.51]
angle d’incidence
angle mesuré dans le plan vertical entre le vecteur distance pour l’élément détecté par le capteur (4.66)
et la normale à la surface locale (normale au plan tangent)
Note 1 à l’article: C’est le complément de l’angle de dépression (4.29).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.57, modifié – La Note 1 à l’article a été ajoutée.]
champ de visée in
oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
Geografske informacije - Modeli zaznavanja podob za geopozicioniranje - 2. del:
SAR, InSAR, lidar in sonar
Geographic information -- Imagery sensor models for geopositioning -- Part 2: SAR,
InSAR, lidar and sonar
Information géographique -- Modèles de capteurs d'images de géopositionnement --
Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TS 19130-2:2014
07.040 Astronomija. Geodezija. Astronomy. Geodesy.
Geografija Geography
35.240.70 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in science
oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
First edition
Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
Information géographique — Modèles de capteurs d’images de
géopositionnement —
Partie 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar et sonar
Reference number
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO 2014
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Published in Switzerland
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance . 1
3 Normative references . 1
4 Terms and definitions . 2
5 Symbols and abbreviations .12
5.1 Symbols .12
5.2 Abbreviated terms .17
5.3 Notation .18
6 Sensor Model Extensions .19
6.1 Introduction .19
6.2 SE_SensorModel .19
6.3 SE_Dynamics .19
6.4 SE_PlatformDynamics .20
7 Refinement of SAR physical sensor model .20
7.1 Introduction .20
7.2 SE_SAROperation .21
8 Interferometric SAR .22
8.1 Introduction .22
8.2 InSAR geometry .22
8.3 Interferometric SAR operation.24
9 Lidar physical sensor model .26
9.1 Description of sensor .26
9.2 Information required for geolocating .27
10 Sonar physical sensor model .28
10.1 Description of sensor .28
10.2 Information required for geolocating .32
11 Aerial triangulation .36
11.1 Introduction .36
11.2 SE_AerialTriangulation .37
11.3 SE_ATObservations .37
11.4 SE_ATOtherResults .38
11.5 SE_ATUnknowns .39
Annex A (normative) Conformance and testing .40
Annex B (normative) Data dictionary .42
Annex C (informative) Synthetic aperture radar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .74
Annex D (informative) Lidar sensor model metadata profile supporting precise geopositioning .98
Annex E (informative) Sonar sensor model metadata profile supporting
precise geopositioning .129
Bibliography .151
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved iii
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
the ISO list of patent declarations received.
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
ISO/TS 19130 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geographic information — Imagery
sensor models for geopositioning:
— Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
— Part 2: Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning — Part 2: SAR, InSAR,
lidar and sonar
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
The purpose of this Technical Specification is to specify the geolocation information that an imagery data
provider shall supply in order for the user to be able to find the earth location of the data using a detailed
physical sensor model for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Light Detection And Ranging (lidar) and
Sound Navigation And Ranging (sonar). The intent is to standardize sensor descriptions and specify the
minimum geolocation metadata requirements for data providers and geopositioning imagery systems.
Observations in this document are the generic meaning of the word; observations are not in the meaning
of ISO 19156 observations.
Vast amounts of data from imaging systems have been collected, processed and distributed by government
mapping and remote sensing agencies and by commercial data vendors. In order for this data to be useful
in extraction of geographic information, further processing of the data are needed. Geopositioning, which
determines the ground coordinates of an object from image coordinates, is a fundamental processing
step. Because of the diversity of sensor types and the lack of a common sensor model standard, data
from different producers may contain different parametric information, lack parameters required to
describe the sensor that produces the data, or lack ancillary information necessary for geopositioning
and analysing the data. Often, a separate software package must be developed to deal with data from
each individual sensor or data producer. Standard sensor models and geolocation metadata allow
agencies or vendors to develop generalized software products that are applicable to data from multiple
data producers or from multiple sensors. With such standards, different producers can describe the
geolocation information of their data in the same way, thus promoting interoperability of data between
application systems and facilitating data exchange.
Part 1 provided a location model and metadata relevant to all sensors. It also included metadata specific
to whiskbroom, pushbroom, and frame sensors, and some metadata for Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) sensors. In addition, it provided metadata for functional fit geopositioning, whether the function
was part of a correspondence model or a true replacement model. It also provided a schema for these
metadata elements. Comments on Part 1 stated that metadata needed to be specified for additional
sensors. The technology of such sensors has now become sufficiently mature that standardization is
now possible. This Technical Specification extends the specification of the set of metadata elements
required for geolocation by providing physical sensor models for LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar)
and SOund Navigation And Ranging (sonar), and it presents a more detailed set of elements for SAR.
This Technical Specification also defines the metadata needed for the aerial triangulation of airborne
and spaceborne images. This Technical Specification also provides a schema for all of these metadata
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for
geopositioning —
Part 2:
SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar
1 Scope
This Technical Specification supports exploitation of remotely sensed images. It specifies the sensor
models and metadata for geopositioning images remotely sensed by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR),
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar), and SOund
Navigation And Ranging (sonar) sensors. The specification also defines the metadata needed for the
aerial triangulation of airborne and spaceborne images.
This Technical Specification specifies the detailed information that shall be provided for a sensor
description of SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar sensors with the associated physical and geometric
information necessary to rigorously construct a Physical Sensor Model. For the case where precise
geoposition information is needed, this Technical Specification identifies the mathematical formulae
for rigorously constructing Physical Sensor Models that relate two-dimensional image space to three-
dimensional ground space and the calculation of the associated propagated error.
This Technical Specification does not specify either how users derive geoposition data or the format or
content of the data the users generate.
2 Conformance
This Technical Specification specifies 5 conformance classes. There is one conformance class for
each type of sensor. Any set of geopositioning information claiming conformance to this Technical
Specification shall satisfy the requirements for at least one conformance class as specified in Table 1.
The requirements for each class are shown by the presence of an X in the boxes for all clauses in the
application test suite (ATS) required for that class. If the requirement is conditional, the box contains a
C. The conditions are defined in the corresponding UML models.
Table 1 — Conformance classes
Section of this part of ISO 19130
A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6
Lidar X X X X
Sonar X X X X
Aerial triangulation X C X
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
ISO/TS 19103:2005, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
ISO 19107:2003, Geographic information — Spatial schema
ISO 19108:2002, Geographic information — Temporal schema
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19115-2:2009, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
ISO 19123:2005, Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions
ISO 19157:2013, Geographic information — Data quality
ISO/TS 19130:2010, Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
active sensor
sensor (4.66) that generates the energy that it uses to perform the sensing
active sonar
type of active sensor (4.1) that transmits sound waves into the water and receives the returned waves
echoed from objects in the water
adjustable model parameters
model parameters that can be refined using available additional information, such as ground control
points, to improve or enhance modeling corrections
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.2]
aperture reference point
3D location of the centre of the synthetic aperture
Note 1 to entry: It is usually expressed in ECEF coordinates in metres.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.4]
area recording
instantaneously recording an image in a single frame (4.22)
orientation of a body, described by the angles between the axes of that body’s coordinate system and the
axes of an external coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19116:2004, 4.2]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
named property of an entity
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.12]
azimuth resolution
resolution (4.60) in the cross-range direction
Note 1 to entry: This is usually measured in terms of the impulse response of the SAR sensor (4.66) and processing
system. It is a function of the size of the synthetic aperture, or alternatively the dwell time (e.g. larger aperture -
> longer dwell time - > better resolution).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.7]
beam width
useful angular width of the beam of electromagnetic energy
Note 1 to entry: For SAR, beam width is usually measured in radians and is the angular width between two points
that have 1/2 of the power (3 dB below) of the centre of the beam. It is a property of the antenna. Power emitted
outside of this angle is too little to provide a usable return (4.62).
Note 2 to entry: Angle, measured in a horizontal plane, between the directions on either side of the axis at which
the intensity (4.37) of a beam of energy drops to a specified fraction of the value it has on the axis.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.8, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
direction orthogonal to the velocity vector (4.81) and parallel to the plane tangent to the Earth’s
ellipsoid at the nadir point of the ARP (4.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.9]
complex image
first-level product produced by processing SAR Phase History Data (4.48)
parameter or set of parameters that define the position of the origin, the scale, and the orientation of a
coordinate system
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.14]
depression angle
vertical angle from the platform horizontal plane to the slant range direction (4.56), usually measured
at the ARP (4.4)
Note 1 to entry: Approximately the complement of the look angle (4.42).
Differential Global Navigational Satellite System
enhancement to Global Positioning System that uses GNSS and DGNSS to broadcast the difference
between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions
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oSIST-TS ISO/TS 19130-2:2019
ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
Doppler angle
angle between the velocity vector (4.81) and the range vector (4.58)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.19]
Doppler shift
wavelength change resulting from relative motion of source and detector
Note 1 to entry: In the SAR context, it is the frequency shift imposed on a radar signal due to relative motion
between the transmitter (4.79) and the object being illuminated.
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.20]
vertical distance, at any section of a vessel from the surface of the water to the bottom of the keel
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, S-32, Fifth Edition]
distance in a coordinate system, eastwards (positive) or westwards (negative) from a north-south
reference line
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.16]
field of regard
total angular extent over which the field of view (FOV) (4.20) may be positioned
Note 1 to entry: The field of regard is the area that is potentially able to be viewed by a system at an instant in
time. It is determined by the system’s FOV and the range (4.54) of directions in which the system is able to point.
[SOURCE: Adapted from the Manual of Photogrammetry]
field of view
instantaneous region seen by a sensor (4.66), provided in angular measure
Note 1 to entry: In the airborne case, this would be swath (4.75) width for a linear array, ground footprint for an
area array, and for a whiskbroom scanner it refers to the swath width.
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
first return
first reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time of flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from STM E2544]
data collected by the receiver (4.59) as a result of all returns (4.62) from a single emitted pulse
Note 1 to entry: A complete 3D data sample of the world produced by a lidar (4.40) taken at a certain time, place,
and orientation. A single lidar frame is also referred to as a range (4.54) image.
[SOURCE: Adapted from NISTIR 7117]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
geiger mode
photon counting mode for lidar (4.40) systems, where the detector is biased and becomes sensitive to
individual photons
Note 1 to entry: These detectors exist in the form of arrays and are bonded with electronic circuitry. The electronic
circuitry produces a measurement corresponding to the time at which the current was generated; resulting in a
direct time-of-flight measurement. A lidar that employs this detector technology typically illuminates a large scene
with a single pulse. The direct time-of-flight measurements are then combined with platform location/attitude
(4.6) data along with pointing information to produce a three-dimensional product of the illuminated scene of
interest. Additional processing is applied which removes existing noise present in the data to produce a visually
exploitable data set.
[SOURCE: Adapted from Albota 2002]
geodetic coordinate system
coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude and (in the
three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.18]
geodetic datum
datum (4.12) describing the relationship of a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system to the Earth
Note 1 to entry: In most cases, the geodetic datum includes an ellipsoid description (ISO/TS 19130:2010)
Note 2 to entry: The term and this Technical Specification may be applicable to some other celestial bodies.
[SOURCE: ISO 19111:2007, 4.24, modified — Notes 1 and 2 have been added.]
geographic coordinates
longitude, latitude and height of a ground or elevated point
Note 1 to entry: Geographic coordinates are related to a coordinate reference system or compound coordinate
reference system. Depth equals negative height.
geographic information
information concerning phenomena implicitly or explicitly associated with a location relative to the
[SOURCE: ISO 19101:2002, 4.16]
geopositioning an object using a Physical Sensor Model (4.68) or a True Replacement Model
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.34]
grazing angle
vertical angle from the local surface tangent plane to the slant range direction (4.56)
Note 1 to entry: It is usually measured at the GRP and approximately the complement of the incident angle (4.35)
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.39, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
component of the sonar system which receives the sound echo and converts it to an electric
oscillatory rise and fall of a ship due to the entire hull being lifted by the force of the sea
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
hydrographic swath
strip or lane on the ground scanned by a multi-beam sounder when the survey vessel proceeds
along its course
[SOURCE: IHO Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, Fifth Edition]
image coordinates
coordinates with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system of an image
Note 1 to entry: The image coordinates can be in pixels or in a measure of length (linear measure).
image formation
process by which an image is generated from collected Phase History Data (4.48) in a SAR system
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.51]
incident angle
vertical angle between the line from the detected element to the sensor (4.66) and the local surface
normal (tangent plane normal)
Note 1 to entry: It is approximately the complement of the grazing angle (4.29).
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 19130:2010, 4.57, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
instantaneous field of view
instantaneous region seen by a single detector element, measured in angular space
[SOURCE: Manual of Photogrammetry]
power per unit solid angle from a point source into a particular direction
Note 1 to entry: Typically for lidar (4.40), sufficient calibration has not been done to calculate absolute intensity, so
relative intensity is usually reported. In linear mode (4.41) systems, this value is typically provided as an integer,
resulting from a mapping of the return’s (4.62) signal power to an integer value via a lookup table.
last return
last reflected signal that is detected by a 3D imaging system, time-of-flight (TOF) type, for a given
sampling position and a given emitted pulse
[SOURCE: Adapted from ASTM E2544]
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ISO/TS 19130-2:2014(E)
visual effect in SAR images of ambiguity among returns (4.62) from scatterers at different heights that
fall into the same range-Doppler-time bin
Note 1 to entry: The effect makes buildings “lay over” onto the ground toward the sensor (4.66)velocity vector
(4.81), akin to perspective views in projective imagery.
light detection and ranging
system consisting of 1) a photon source (frequently, but not necessarily, a laser), 2) a photon detection
system, 3) a timing circuit, and 4) optics for both the source and the re
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