SIST EN ISO 4064-2:2017
(Main)Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods (ISO 4064-2:2014)
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods (ISO 4064-2:2014)
This part of ISO 4064|OIML R 49 is applicable to the type evaluation and initial verification testing of
water meters for cold potable water and hot water as defined in ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49‑1:2013.
OIML Certificates of Conformity can be issued for water meters under the scope of the OIML Certificate
System, provided that this part of ISO 4064|OIML R 49, ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49‑1:2013 and
ISO 4064-3:2014|OIML R 49‑3:2013 are used in accordance with the rules of the System.
This part of ISO 4064|OIML R 49 sets out details of the test programme, principles, equipment and
procedures to be used for the type evaluation, and initial verification of a meter type.
The provisions of this part of ISO 4064|OIML R 49 also apply to ancillary devices, if required by national
The provisions include requirements for testing the complete water meter and for testing the
measurement transducer (including the flow or volume sensor) and the calculator (including the
indicating device) of a water meter as separate units.
Wasserzähler zum Messen von kaltem Trinkwasser und heißem Wasser - Teil 2: Prüfverfahren (ISO 4064-2:2014)
Compteurs d'eau potable froide et d'eau chaude - Partie 2: Méthodes d'essai (ISO 4064-2:2014)
L'ISO 4064-2:2014|OIML R 49-2:2013 est applicable aux essais d'évaluation de type et de vérification primitive des compteurs d'eau potable froide et d'eau chaude tels que définis dans l'ISO 4064‑1:2014|OIML R 49-1. Des certificats de conformité OIML peuvent être délivrés pour les compteurs d'eau couverts par le domaine d'application du système de certificats OIML, à condition que l'ISO 4064‑1:2014|OIML R 49‑1, l'ISO 4064-2:2014|OIML R 49-2:2013, et l'ISO 4064‑3:2014|OIML R 49‑3 soient utilisées conformément aux règles du système.
L'ISO 4064-2:2014|OIML R 49-2:2013 donne des détails sur le programme d'essai, les principes, l'équipement et les modes opératoires à utiliser pour les essais d'évaluation de type et de vérification primitive d'un type de compteur.
Les dispositions de l'ISO 4064-2:2014|OIML R 49-2:2013 s'appliquent également aux dispositifs auxiliaires, si les réglementations nationales l'exigent.
Les dispositions incluent les exigences d'essai du compteur d'eau complet et des exigences d'essai du transducteur de mesure (incluant le capteur de débit ou de volume) et du calculateur (incluant le dispositif indicateur) d'un compteur d'eau en tant qu'unités séparées.
Vodomeri za merjenje hladne pitne vode in vroče vode - 2. del: Preskusne metode (ISO 4064-2:2014)
Ta del standarda ISO 4064|OIML R 49 se uporablja za vrednotenje vrste vodomerov in začetno preverjanje vodomerov za hladno pitno vodo in vročo vodo, kot je določeno v standardih ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49 1:2013.
Certifikat o skladnosti OIML se lahko izda za vodomere, ki jih zajema sistem certificiranja OIML, če se ta del standardov ISO 4064|OIML R 49, ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49 1:2013 in ISO 4064-3:2014|OIML R 49 3:2013 uporablja v skladu s predpisi sistema.
Ta del standarda ISO 4064|OIML R 49 navaja podrobnosti preskusnega programa, načel, opreme in
postopkov za vrednotenje vrste in začetnega preverjanja vodomera.
Določila tega dela standarda ISO 4064|OIML R 49 se uporabljajo tudi za pomožne naprave, če to zahtevajo nacionalni predpisi.
Ta določila vključujejo zahteve za preskušanje celotnega vodomera in za preskušanje merilnega pretvornika (vključno s senzorjem pretoka) ter kalkulatorja vodomera (vključno s
prikazovalno napravo) kot ločenih enot.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST EN ISO 4064-2:2014
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods (ISO 4064-
Wasserzähler zum Messen von kaltem Trinkwasser und heißem Wasser - Teil 2:
Prüfverfahren (ISO 4064-2:2014)
Compteurs d'eau potable froide et d'eau chaude - Partie 2: Méthodes d'essai (ISO 4064-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 4064-2:2017
17.120.10 Pretok v zaprtih vodih Flow in closed conduits
91.140.60 Sistemi za oskrbo z vodo Water supply systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
EN ISO 4064-2
May 2017
ICS 91.140.60 Supersedes EN ISO 4064-2:2014
English Version
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part
2: Test methods (ISO 4064-2:2014)
Compteurs d'eau potable froide et d'eau chaude - Wasserzähler zum Messen von kaltem Trinkwasser
Partie 2: Méthodes d'essai (ISO 4064-2:2014) und heißem Wasser - Teil 2: Prüfverfahren (ISO 4064-
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 11 May 2017.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 4064-2:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/32/EU aimed to be covered . 4
European foreword
The text of ISO 4064-2:2014 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 30 “Measurement of
fluid flow in closed conduits” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been
taken over as EN ISO 4064-2:2017 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 92 “Water meters” the secretariat
of which is held by SNV.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2017, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 2017.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
This document supersedes EN ISO 4064-2:2014.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directives, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 4064-2:2014 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 4064-2:2017 without any
Annex ZA
Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/32/EU aimed to be covered
This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request Mandate to
CEN and CENELEC for standardisation in the field of measuring instruments “M/374 EN” to provide one
voluntary means of conforming to essential requirements of Directive 2014/32/EC EU of the European
Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2014 on measuring instruments (Text with EEA relevance).
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive
2014/32/EU, compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers,
within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding
essential requirements of that Directive 2014/32/EU, and associated EFTA regulations.
The column “Comment” the term "Addressed" indicates the compliance between EN ISO 4064-2:2014
and the relevant requirement in Directive 2014/32/EU. The term "Not (fully) addressed" indicates that
compliance may not (fully) be realised, whilst "Addressed" may also be qualified in other ways. In the
case the requirement is "Not fully addressed", a short statement may explain what is covered. The
indication “Not applicable” means that the requirement in Annex I of Directive 2014/32/EU is not
relevant for Water Meters
The original Directive 2004/22/EU had been amended by Directive 137/2009/EC. These have been
fully replaced by Directive 2014/32/EU. This latest directive has already been amended by Directive
The numbering in the first column will reflects the structure of the new Directive 2014/32/EU.
For purpose of cross-reference the second column indicates the structure of the original Directive
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Annex I of Directive
Essential Requirements Essential Requirements Clause(s)/subclause( Qualifying
(ERs) of Directive (ERs) of Directive s) of this EN remarks/Notes
32/2014/EU 22/2004/EC
Annex I Essential Annex I Essential
Requirements Requirements
Note: Amended by Directive Note: Amended by Directive
2015/13/EU 2009/137
I.1.1 and 1.2 Allowable errors, 7.4 Reference conditions
I.1.1 and 1.2 Allowable errors,
Rated operating conditions
Rated operating conditions
I.1.3.1 Climatic environments, 8.2 Addressed
I.1.3.1 Climatic environments,
temperature limits
temperature limits
I.1.3.2 Mechanical 8.6 Addressed
I.1.3.2 Mechanical
I.1.3.3 Electromagnetic 8.5 Addressed
I.1.3.3 Electromagnetic
7.4.4 Addressed
I.1.3.4 Other influences I.1.3.4 Other influences 8.5.3
7.2.2 Addressed
I.1.4.1 Basic rules for testing I.1.4.1 Basic rules for testing 7.4.3
6.4 / 8.4 Addressed, damp
I.1.4.2 Ambient humidity I.1.4.2 Ambient humidity
heat cyclic only
I.2 Reproducibility I.2 Reproducibility EN ISO 4064-1, Addressed
I.3 Repeatability 7.4.4 Addressed via
I.3 Repeatability
acceptance criteria
Covered by
of tests
performance tests
I.4 Discrimination and I.4 Discrimination and Addressed via
sensitivity sensitivity acceptance criteria
Covered by
of tests
performance tests
I.5 Durability 7.11 Addressed via
I.5 Durability acceptance criteria
of tests
I.6 Reliability 7.11 Addressed via
I.6 Reliability acceptance criteria
of tests
I.7 Suitability
I.7.1 Fraudulent use 6.2 Addressed (sealing
I.7.1 Fraudulent use
is addressed in
4064-1, 6.8)
I.7.2 Suitable for use 6.4.3 Addressed
I.7.2 Suitable for use
I.7.3 Unduly biasing I.7.3 Unduly biasing 7.4 Addressed (test at
Q4 in 7.4)
I.7.4 Insensitivity to 8.17 Typically not
I.7.4 Insensitivity to
measurand fluctuations applicable however,
measurand fluctuations
absence of flow
addresses in of EN
ISO 4064-2, 8.17
I.7.5 Robustness and I.7.5 Robustness and Addressed by 7.11 and Also addressed in EN
suitability of materials suitability of materials other parts sections 7 ISO 4064-1, 6.1
and 8
I.7.6 Allow for control after Also addressed in EN
I.7.6 Allow for control after
placing on the market. ISO 4064-1, 6.8
placing on the market
Annex A
I.8.1 Not to be influenced in I.8.1 Not to be influenced in Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
any admissible way any admissible way ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1, 5.1.1
and 6.3
I.8.2 Securing of hardware I.8.2 Securing of hardware Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
components components ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1, 6.8
I.8.3 Securing and I.8.3 Securing and Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
identification of software identification of software ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1, 6.8
I.8.4 Measurement data I.8.4 Measurement data Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
adequately protected against adequately protected against ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064, 1, 6.8
corruption corruption
I.8.5 Total quantity supplied I.8.5 Total quantity supplied Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
not to be reset not to be reset ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1, 6.8
I.9.1 Inscriptions I.9.1 Inscriptions 6.4.2 Addressed
I.9.2 Marking of packaging and I.9.2 Marking of packaging and Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
documents documents ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1, 6.6
I.9.3 Information on operation Not addressed in EN Addressed EN
I.9.3 Information on operation
ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-5, 4.2
I.9.4 Necessity of instruction I.9.4 Necessity of instruction Not addressed in EN Addressed EN
manual manual ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-5, 4.2
I.9.5 Scale interval for the I.9.5 Scale interval for the Addressed
measurand measurand
I.9.6 Material measure I.9.6 Unit of measurement Addressed
Not addressed in EN Addressed in EN
I.9.7 Unit of measurement I.9.7 Unit of measurement
ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-1,
I.9.8 Marking properties I.9.8 Marking properties 6.4.2 Addressed
I.10.1 Display or hard copy I.10.1 Display or hard copy 6.4.3 Addressed
I.10.2 Reading properties I.10.2 Reading properties Addressed
I.10.3 Hard-copy or print I.10.3 Hard-copy or print - Not applicable
properties properties
I.10.4 Direct sales trading I.10.4 Direct sales trading - Not applicable
transactions transactions
I.10.5 Properties of display for I.10.5 Properties of display for 6.4.3 Addressed
remote reading remote reading
I.11.1 Recording properties of I.11.1 Recording properties of - Not applicable
non-utility measuring non-utility measuring
instrument instrument
I.11.2 Availability of durable I.11.2 Availability of durable - Not applicable
proof of measurement result proof of measurement result
I.12 Conformity evaluation 10 Addressed also in EN
I.12 Conformity evaluation ISO 4064-1, 3.6 and
Specific Requirements of Specific Requirements of Clause(s)/subclause( Qualifying
Annex III for WATER Annex MI-001 for WATER s) of this European remarks/Notes
METERS (MI-001) METERS Standard
Rated Operating Conditions 4 Reference conditions
Rated Operating Conditions
MI.1 Values of flow rate range MI.1 Values of flow rate range 7.4 Addressed
Note: addresses amendment of Note: addresses amendment of
Directive 2015/13/EU Directive 2015/13/EU
MI.2 Temperature range of the 7.5 Addressed
MI.2 Temperature range of the
MI.3 Relative pressure of the 7.3 Addressed
MI.3 Relative pressure of the
water water 7.7
MI.4 Nominal value of AC MI.4 Nominal value of AC Not addressed in EN But addressen in EN
voltage supply and limits of DC voltage supply and limits of DC ISO 4064-2 ISO 4064-5, 4.1
supply supply
MI.5 MPE ± 2 % for water MI.5 MPE ± 2 % for water 7.4.5 Addressed
temperature ≤ 30 °C for flow temperature ≤ 30 °C for flow
rate between Q2 (included) rate between Q2 (included)
and Q4 and Q4
MI.5 MPE ±3% for water MI.5 MPE ±3% for water 7.4.5 Addressed
temperature > 30 °C for flow temperature > 30 °C for flow
rate between Q2 (included) rate between Q2 (included)
and Q4 and Q4
MI.6 MPE ± 5 % for any water MI.6 MPE ± 5 % for any water 7.4.5 Addressed
temperature for flow rate temperature for flow rate
between Q1 and Q2 (excluded) between Q1 and Q2 (excluded)
(see: Directive 137/2009/EC
MI.6 Non exploitation of MPE
Requirements below)
MI.7.1.1 Electromagnetic 8.1.3 Addressed
MI.7.1.1 Electromagnetic
MI.7.1.2 Condition after 8.1.3 Addressed
MI.7.1.2 Condition after
electromagnetic disturbance
electromagnetic disturbance
MI 7.1.3 Critical change value 8.1.3 Addressed
MI 7.1.3 Critical change value
MI 7.2.1 Variation of MI 7.2.1 Variation of 7.11 Addressed
measurement after durability measurement after durability
MI 7.2.2 Error of indication MI 7.2.2 Error of indication 7.11 Addressed
after durability after durability
MI.8.1 Meter able to be MI.8.1 Meter able to be 7.4 Addressed
installed in defined
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