SIST EN 60061-4:1999
(Main)Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 4: Guidelines and general information
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 4: Guidelines and general information
A coding system is in existence that can be used to assign designations to lamp caps and lampholders. Meaningful assignment can be made to the letters, numbers and symbols that make up this designation. The system has gained international acceptance and should be used as much as possible. It is self-evident that there is a relationship between a certain lamp cap and the lampholder to be used with it. This relation is reflected in the relevant designation, part of which is used in common for the two products. As a consequence of this sysem it is possible to compare caps and holders from various manufacturers and, where they are interchangeable, the same designation can be assigned to them. This system is also a powerful instrument for controlling proliferation of designs. Assignment of designations to new types of cap and holder is the prerogative of the experts group EPC of IEC Sub-Committee 34B. It is an objective of this system that each assigned designation shouldbe short and as easily pronounceable as possible to stimulate its use in practice. This system is based on several sub-parts made up of letters, numbers and symbols, each part having its own characteristics. Only one designation shall be assigned to a particular cap and holder. This system does not attempt to identify materials. Parts of a designation are joined directly together with no spaces for other separator marks.
Lampensockel und -fassungen sowie Lehren zur Kontrolle der Austauschbarkeit und Sicherheit -- Teil 4: Leitfaden und allgemeine Informationen
Culots de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibres pour le contrôle de l'interchangeabilité et de la sécurité -- Partie 4: Guide et information générale
Edition consolidée incorporant les feuilles de la première édition et ses compléments A, B, C et D en vigueur au 31 décembre 1996.
Vznožki in okovi žarnic in sijalk skupaj s kalibri za kontrolo medsebojne zamenljivosti in varnosti - 4. del: Smernice in splošne informacije (IEC 60061-4:1990)
Na voljo je sistem kodiranja, ki se lahko uporablja za dodeljevanje oznak vznožkom in okovom žarnic. Črke, številke in simbole, ki sestavljajo te oznake, se lahko smiselno dodeljujejo. Sistem je mednarodno prepoznaven in ga je treba čim pogosteje uporabljati. Očitno je, da obstaja razmerje med vznožkom in okovom žarnice, ki spada zraven. To razmerje se odraža v ustrezni oznaki, ki je delno uporabljena za oba izdelka. Posledično ta sistem omogoča primerjavo vznožkov in okovov različnih proizvajalcev in, kjer so ti zamenljivi, dodelitev iste oznake. Ta sistem je odličen tudi za nadzor širjenja oblikovnih zasnov. Dodeljevanje oznak novim tipom vznožkov in okovov je naloga strokovnjakov skupine EPC za IEC pododbora 34B. Cilj tega sistem je ustvariti kratke in lahko izgovorljive dodeljene oznake, kar bo olajšalo uporabo v praksi. Ta sistem temelji na več poddelih, ki jih sestavljajo črke, številke in simboli, od katerih ima vsak del svoje značilnosti. Posameznemu vznožku in okovu se dodeli samo ena oznaka. Ta sistem ne vsebuje oznak materialov. Deli oznake so združeni neposredno skupaj brez presledkov za druge ločitvene oznake.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SLOVENSKI SIST EN 60061-4:1999
prva izdaja
julij 1999
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability
and safety -- Part 4: Guidelines and general information (IEC 60061-4:1990)
ICS 29.140.10 Refere
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