Information and documentation -- International library statistics

This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the collection and reporting of statistics: - for the purposes of international reporting; - to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by library managers, but do not qualify for international reporting; - to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information services.

Information et documentation -- Statistiques internationales de bibliothèques

L'ISO 2789:2013 fournit des r�gles � la communaut� des biblioth�ques et des services d'information pour la collecte et la pr�sentation de statistiques:  
en vue de l'�tablissement de synth�ses sur le plan international;
pour assurer la conformit� entre pays de mesures statistiques fr�quemment utilis�es par les gestionnaires de biblioth�ques sans pour autant servir � l'�tablissement de synth�ses internationales;
pour encourager une bonne pratique des statistiques dans la gestion des biblioth�ques et des services d'information.

Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice

Ta mednarodni standard določa pravila za skupnost knjižnic in informacijskih storitev za zbiranje in poročanje statistike: – za namene mednarodnega poročanja; – za zagotavljanje skladnosti med državami za tiste statistične ukrepe, ki jih pogosto uporabljajo vodje knjižnic in ki ne ustrezajo mednarodnemu poročanju; – za spodbujanje dobre prakse pri uporabi statistike za vodenje knjižnic in informacijskih storitev.

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9900 - Withdrawal (Adopted Project)
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SIST ISO 2789:2013
Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice
Information and documentation -- International library statistics
Information et documentation -- Statistiques internationales de bibliothèques
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SIST ISO 2789:2013

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
Fifth edition
Information and documentation —
International library statistics
Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de
Reference number
ISO 2789:2013(E)
ISO 2013

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

© ISO 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
2.1 Libraries . 1
2.2 Library services and use . 4
2.3 Collections .10
2.4 Access and facilities .17
2.5 Management .19
2.6 Funding and expenditure .20
2.7 Library staff .21
3 Current tasks of libraries .22
3.1 General .22
3.2 Types of libraries.22
3.3 Changes in user activities .23
4 Uses and benefits of statistics .24
4.1 Background .24
4.2 Developments in library practice .24
4.3 Selection of statistics for the library . .25
4.4 Use of statistics .25
4.5 Presenting statistics to stakeholders .26
5 Reporting statistical data .26
5.1 General .26
5.2 Time period to which data refer .27
5.3 Data estimated by sample .27
6 Collecting statistical data .27
6.1 Libraries .27
6.2 Services and use .29
6.3 Collection .39
6.4 Access and facilities .46
6.5 Management .48
6.6 Funding and expenditure (during the reporting period) .49
6.7 Library staff (at the end of the reporting period) .51
Annex A (informative) Recommended categories for further statistical analysis .55
Annex B (informative) Grossing up .62
Annex C (informative) Alphabetical index .64
Bibliography .71
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 2789:2006), which has been technically
revised to overcome problems in the practical application of ISO 2789:2006 and to take account of the
new developments in library services.
iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

This International Standard provides guidance to the library and information services community on
the collection and reporting of statistics.
Clauses 2 and 6 form the core of this International Standard. Clause 2 provides definitions for most
of the elements which constitute a library service; these are for statistical purposes only. Clause 6
recommends how each of these elements should be counted. Users will need to consult both clauses for
the complete picture.
This International Standard includes definitions and counting procedures for all types of resources and
services that libraries offer to their users. The former Annex A, including definitions and procedures
for electronic resources and services, has been integrated into the main part of the standard, as these
resources and services have become a normal part of library activities.
In order to explain the reasons for incorporating a number of new library services into this International
Standard, Clause 3 has been added to describe the current tasks of libraries.
It is recognized that not all measures specified in this International Standard can be collected by libraries
of different types and sizes. To give greater completeness, several additional measures (important for
some sectors only) are described in Annex A. The aim is to ensure that, where a particular statistic is
collected, the same definitions and methods are used.
Annex B is important for the compilation and publication of national statistics so that they can be truly
comparable between countries and over time.
The strong requirement to describe and publicize library activities can only be satisfied if data collection
in libraries follows the lines of this International Standard. As far as possible, it is advisable that libraries
collect all data named in this International Standard that concern their activities.
Developments in relation to this International Standard will be monitored and additional statistical
measures will be incorporated as needed.
An alphabetical index is given in Annex C.
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved v

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SIST ISO 2789:2013

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
Information and documentation — International library
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the
collection and reporting of statistics:
— for the purposes of international reporting;
— to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by
library managers, but do not qualify for international reporting;
— to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
2.1 Libraries
academic library
library whose primary function is to cover the information needs of learning and research
Note 1 to entry: This includes libraries of institutions of higher education and general research libraries.
administrative unit
any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single directorate or a single administration
Note 1 to entry: The term “independent” does not imply legal or financial independence but only that the library
is a recognizably separate unit, typically within a larger organization.
Note 2 to entry: The administrative unit can be a single library or a larger organization, typically containing a
central/main library, branch libraries and administrative functions. See the Example in 6.1.1.
branch library
part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate quarters, a service for a particular user group
(e.g. children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
Note 1 to entry: Institute, departmental and other affiliated libraries are included. Mobile libraries and external
service points are excluded.
central library
main library
usually that part or those parts of an administrative unit where the main administrative functions and
the important parts of the library collection and services are located
Note 1 to entry: An administrative unit comprising several branch libraries does not necessarily include a
central library.
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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

external service point
point away from library premises at which a certain service is regularly offered to users
Note 1 to entry: This includes places within a locality at which library material is deposited for informal circulation
to a restricted group of users but without other library services, for example, old people’s homes, community
centres, collections for hospital patients.
Note 2 to entry: This includes service points that offer electronic services, but no print collections.
Note 3 to entry: Mobile libraries and their stops are not counted as external service points.
Note 4 to entry: A simple computer connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students’ residence hall) is
not counted as an external service point.
organization, or part of an organization, the main aim of which is to facilitate the use of such information
resources, services and facilities as are required to meet the informational, research, educational,
cultural or recreational needs of its users
Note 1 to entry: The supply of the required information resources can be accomplished by building and maintaining
a collection and/or by organizing access to information resources.
Note 2 to entry: These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and
services incidental to its main purpose.
library of an institution of higher education
library whose primary function is to serve students, academic and professional staff in universities and
other institutions of education at the third (tertiary) level and above
Note 1 to entry: It may also serve the general public.
mobile library
library, sometimes a division of a public library, using transport means to provide documents and
services directly to users as an alternative to access on library premises
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO 5127:2001.
national library
library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents published in
the country in which the library is located
Note 1 to entry: A national library will also normally perform some or all of the following functions: produce
the national bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature
including documents about the country; act as a national bibliographic information centre; compile union
catalogues; supervise the administration of other libraries and/or promote collaboration; coordinate a research
and development service; etc.
Note 2 to entry: The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.
2 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

public library
general library that is open to the public and that serves the whole population of a local or regional
community and is usually financed, in whole or in part, from public funds
Note 1 to entry: A public library is defined as open to the public, even if its services are primarily intended for a
particular part of the population to be served, such as children, visually impaired persons, or hospital patients.
Its basic services are free of charge or available for a subsidized fee. This definition includes services provided
to schools by a public library organization and services provided to public libraries in a region by a regional
school library
library attached to all types of schools below the third (tertiary) level of education whose primary
function is to serve the pupils and teachers of such a school
Note 1 to entry: A school library may also serve the general public.
Note 2 to entry: This includes libraries and resource collections in all educational institutions below the third
level, which may be described as “Colleges”, “Colleges of Further Education”, “Vocational Institutes”, etc.
special library
independent library covering one discipline or particular field of knowledge or a special regional interest
Note 1 to entry: The term “special library” includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or
primarily devoted to a specific form of document, and libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own
work-related objectives.
Note 2 to entry: The statistics of special libraries should be collected and presented separately for those in the
areas given in to (differentiated according to funding institutions).
government library
library maintained to serve any government service, department or agency, or parliament, including
both international, national and local (regional) government organizations
health-service library
medical library
library which serves health-service professionals in hospitals or elsewhere, whether in the private or
public sector
Note 1 to entry: Pharmaceutical company libraries should be included under
Note 2 to entry: These libraries may also include materials for patients.
library of professional and learned institutions and associations
library maintained by professional or trade associations, learned societies, trade unions and other
similar bodies, whose primary objective is to provide services to the members and practitioners of a
specific trade or profession
industrial and commercial library
library in any industrial enterprise or business firm, maintained by the parent organization to serve the
information needs of its staff
Note 1 to entry: The term “industrial and commercial library” includes libraries maintained by information and
management consultants, manufacturing and service industries and libraries of commercial legal practices.
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 3

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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)
media library
library serving media and publishing firms and organizations, including newspapers, publishers,
broadcasting, film and television
regional library
major library serving a particular region whose primary function cannot be described as that of a public,
school or academic library nor as part of a national library network
other special library
any library not included elsewhere
EXAMPLE Library within voluntary organizations, museums, religious institutions.
storage library
library whose primary function is to store less-used material from other administrative units
Note 1 to entry: Storage libraries that are part of or administrated by another library (e.g. national or regional
library) are excluded.
Note 2 to entry: Libraries whose stock remains the possession of the storing libraries are excluded. The collections
and their use are counted with the proprietary libraries.
2.2 Library services and use
successful request of a library-provided online service
Note 1 to entry: An access is one cycle of user activities that typically starts when a user connects to a library-
provided online service and ends by a terminating activity that is either explicit (by leaving the database through
log-out or exit) or implicit (timeout due to user inactivity).
Note 2 to entry: Accesses to the library website are counted as virtual visits.
Note 3 to entry: Requests of a general entrance or gateway page should be excluded.
Note 4 to entry: If possible, requests by search engines should be excluded.
active borrower
registered user who has borrowed at least one item during the reporting period
Note 1 to entry: This count underrates the number of active users, but is still for many libraries the only
manageable measure.
active user
registered user who has visited or made use of library facilities or services during the reporting period
Note 1 to entry: This includes active borrowers.
Note 2 to entry: This may include the use of electronic library services, if it is possible to identify electronic use
and virtual visits of the individual user, or if data can be obtained by means of surveys.
Note 3 to entry: If a library identifies non-registered active users, e. g. by surveys, these should be counted separately.
4 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

web page that provides frequent continuing publication of web links and/or comments on a particular
topic or subject (broad or narrow in scope), often in the form of short entries arranged in reverse
chronological order, the most recently added piece of information appearing first
Note 1 to entry: The information can be written or collected by the site owner or contributed by users.
blog post
entry in a blog
successful request of a content unit from a library-provided online service or other internet service
electronic document delivery, mediated
electronic transmission of a document or part of a document from the library collection to a user,
mediated by library staff, not necessarily via another library
Note 1 to entry: Electronic transmission of documents to members of the population to be served is included. Fax
transmission is excluded.
Note 2 to entry: May be split up as to transmission with or without charge to the user.
Note 3 to entry: Unmediated downloading by users from the electronic collection of the library is excluded.
Note 4 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 — Forms of lending and delivery services
Supplier Library Document supplier
Recipient User Other library User (via library)
Original Loan ILL EDS
Print copy Loan ILL EDS
Time-limited: EDD EDS
No time limit:
ILL: Interlibrary lending.
EDD: Electronic document delivery (mediated).
EDS: External document supply.
electronic service
library service delivered via electronic means, whether from local servers or provided via networks
Note 1 to entry: Electronic library services include the online catalogue, the library website, the electronic
collection, electronic lending, electronic document delivery (mediated), electronic reference service, user
training by electronic means, services for mobile devices, services for interactive use (including services on social
networks), and Internet access offered via the library.
Note 2 to entry: This does not include booking physical services (e.g. rooms or library tours) by electronic means.
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ISO 2789:2013(E)

pre-arranged activity with cultural, educational, social, political, scholarly, or other intent
EXAMPLE Exhibitions, author visits, literary discussions, workshops.
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO/TR 28118:2009
Note 2 to entry: Only events arranged by the library on its own or in partnership with other institutions are
included, whether inside or outside the library premises. Events inside the library premises organized by
institutions outside the library without the library’s cooperation are excluded.
Note 3 to entry: User training lessons and library tours are excluded.
Note 4 to entry: Ongoing programs are included. Each session of a program is counted as one event.
Note 5 to entry: Virtual events are included.
time-limited display of objects, organized or co-organized by the library
Note 1 to entry: Exhibitions can take place inside or outside the library premises.
external document supply
document or part of it, in print or electronic form, delivered from outside the library collection by non-
library suppliers (not through interlibrary lending) with the library being involved in the transaction
and/or the payment
Note 1 to entry: It is irrelevant whether a number of individual transactions are paid per view or a certain number
of transactions have been prepaid.
Note 2 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown in Table 1.
external user
user of a library who does not belong to that library’s population to be served
informational question
directional and/or administrative inquiry delivered to library staff
Note 1 to entry: This includes e.g. questions for locating staff or facilities, questions regarding opening times and
registering procedures and questions about handling equipment such as printers or computer terminals.
Note 2 to entry: The question can be delivered personally or by means of telephone, regular mail, fax or electronic
media (via email, the library website or other networked communication mechanisms).
Note 3 to entry: For reference questions, see 2.2.26
in-house use
use of documents on the premises having been taken by a user from open access stock
Note 1 to entry: In-house use includes browsing at the shelves in the sense of a short investigation of the contents,
but excludes looking at the side or spine titles only for selecting material.
interactive library service
online library service with social software that facilitates a bidirectional exchange of information among
users or between users and the library
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SIST ISO 2789:2013
ISO 2789:2013(E)

interlibrary loan
loan of a document in its physical form or delivery of a document, or part of it, in copied form, from one
library to another which is not under the same administration
Note 1 to entry: Mediated transmission of documents in electronic form is counted as electronic document delivery.
Note 2 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown i

Fifth edition
Information and documentation —
International library statistics
Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de
Reference number
ISO 2789:2013(E)
ISO 2013

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

© ISO 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
2.1 Libraries . 1
2.2 Library services and use . 4
2.3 Collections .10
2.4 Access and facilities .17
2.5 Management .19
2.6 Funding and expenditure .20
2.7 Library staff .21
3 Current tasks of libraries .22
3.1 General .22
3.2 Types of libraries.22
3.3 Changes in user activities .23
4 Uses and benefits of statistics .24
4.1 Background .24
4.2 Developments in library practice .24
4.3 Selection of statistics for the library . .25
4.4 Use of statistics .25
4.5 Presenting statistics to stakeholders .26
5 Reporting statistical data .26
5.1 General .26
5.2 Time period to which data refer .27
5.3 Data estimated by sample .27
6 Collecting statistical data .27
6.1 Libraries .27
6.2 Services and use .29
6.3 Collection .39
6.4 Access and facilities .46
6.5 Management .48
6.6 Funding and expenditure (during the reporting period) .49
6.7 Library staff (at the end of the reporting period) .51
Annex A (informative) Recommended categories for further statistical analysis .55
Annex B (informative) Grossing up .62
Annex C (informative) Alphabetical index .64
Bibliography .71
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 2789:2006), which has been technically
revised to overcome problems in the practical application of ISO 2789:2006 and to take account of the
new developments in library services.
iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

This International Standard provides guidance to the library and information services community on
the collection and reporting of statistics.
Clauses 2 and 6 form the core of this International Standard. Clause 2 provides definitions for most
of the elements which constitute a library service; these are for statistical purposes only. Clause 6
recommends how each of these elements should be counted. Users will need to consult both clauses for
the complete picture.
This International Standard includes definitions and counting procedures for all types of resources and
services that libraries offer to their users. The former Annex A, including definitions and procedures
for electronic resources and services, has been integrated into the main part of the standard, as these
resources and services have become a normal part of library activities.
In order to explain the reasons for incorporating a number of new library services into this International
Standard, Clause 3 has been added to describe the current tasks of libraries.
It is recognized that not all measures specified in this International Standard can be collected by libraries
of different types and sizes. To give greater completeness, several additional measures (important for
some sectors only) are described in Annex A. The aim is to ensure that, where a particular statistic is
collected, the same definitions and methods are used.
Annex B is important for the compilation and publication of national statistics so that they can be truly
comparable between countries and over time.
The strong requirement to describe and publicize library activities can only be satisfied if data collection
in libraries follows the lines of this International Standard. As far as possible, it is advisable that libraries
collect all data named in this International Standard that concern their activities.
Developments in relation to this International Standard will be monitored and additional statistical
measures will be incorporated as needed.
An alphabetical index is given in Annex C.
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved v

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Information and documentation — International library
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the
collection and reporting of statistics:
— for the purposes of international reporting;
— to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by
library managers, but do not qualify for international reporting;
— to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
2.1 Libraries
academic library
library whose primary function is to cover the information needs of learning and research
Note 1 to entry: This includes libraries of institutions of higher education and general research libraries.
administrative unit
any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single directorate or a single administration
Note 1 to entry: The term “independent” does not imply legal or financial independence but only that the library
is a recognizably separate unit, typically within a larger organization.
Note 2 to entry: The administrative unit can be a single library or a larger organization, typically containing a
central/main library, branch libraries and administrative functions. See the Example in 6.1.1.
branch library
part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate quarters, a service for a particular user group
(e.g. children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
Note 1 to entry: Institute, departmental and other affiliated libraries are included. Mobile libraries and external
service points are excluded.
central library
main library
usually that part or those parts of an administrative unit where the main administrative functions and
the important parts of the library collection and services are located
Note 1 to entry: An administrative unit comprising several branch libraries does not necessarily include a
central library.
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO 2789:2013(E)

external service point
point away from library premises at which a certain service is regularly offered to users
Note 1 to entry: This includes places within a locality at which library material is deposited for informal circulation
to a restricted group of users but without other library services, for example, old people’s homes, community
centres, collections for hospital patients.
Note 2 to entry: This includes service points that offer electronic services, but no print collections.
Note 3 to entry: Mobile libraries and their stops are not counted as external service points.
Note 4 to entry: A simple computer connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students’ residence hall) is
not counted as an external service point.
organization, or part of an organization, the main aim of which is to facilitate the use of such information
resources, services and facilities as are required to meet the informational, research, educational,
cultural or recreational needs of its users
Note 1 to entry: The supply of the required information resources can be accomplished by building and maintaining
a collection and/or by organizing access to information resources.
Note 2 to entry: These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and
services incidental to its main purpose.
library of an institution of higher education
library whose primary function is to serve students, academic and professional staff in universities and
other institutions of education at the third (tertiary) level and above
Note 1 to entry: It may also serve the general public.
mobile library
library, sometimes a division of a public library, using transport means to provide documents and
services directly to users as an alternative to access on library premises
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO 5127:2001.
national library
library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents published in
the country in which the library is located
Note 1 to entry: A national library will also normally perform some or all of the following functions: produce
the national bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature
including documents about the country; act as a national bibliographic information centre; compile union
catalogues; supervise the administration of other libraries and/or promote collaboration; coordinate a research
and development service; etc.
Note 2 to entry: The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.
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ISO 2789:2013(E)

public library
general library that is open to the public and that serves the whole population of a local or regional
community and is usually financed, in whole or in part, from public funds
Note 1 to entry: A public library is defined as open to the public, even if its services are primarily intended for a
particular part of the population to be served, such as children, visually impaired persons, or hospital patients.
Its basic services are free of charge or available for a subsidized fee. This definition includes services provided
to schools by a public library organization and services provided to public libraries in a region by a regional
school library
library attached to all types of schools below the third (tertiary) level of education whose primary
function is to serve the pupils and teachers of such a school
Note 1 to entry: A school library may also serve the general public.
Note 2 to entry: This includes libraries and resource collections in all educational institutions below the third
level, which may be described as “Colleges”, “Colleges of Further Education”, “Vocational Institutes”, etc.
special library
independent library covering one discipline or particular field of knowledge or a special regional interest
Note 1 to entry: The term “special library” includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or
primarily devoted to a specific form of document, and libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own
work-related objectives.
Note 2 to entry: The statistics of special libraries should be collected and presented separately for those in the
areas given in to (differentiated according to funding institutions).
government library
library maintained to serve any government service, department or agency, or parliament, including
both international, national and local (regional) government organizations
health-service library
medical library
library which serves health-service professionals in hospitals or elsewhere, whether in the private or
public sector
Note 1 to entry: Pharmaceutical company libraries should be included under
Note 2 to entry: These libraries may also include materials for patients.
library of professional and learned institutions and associations
library maintained by professional or trade associations, learned societies, trade unions and other
similar bodies, whose primary objective is to provide services to the members and practitioners of a
specific trade or profession
industrial and commercial library
library in any industrial enterprise or business firm, maintained by the parent organization to serve the
information needs of its staff
Note 1 to entry: The term “industrial and commercial library” includes libraries maintained by information and
management consultants, manufacturing and service industries and libraries of commercial legal practices.
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ISO 2789:2013(E)
media library
library serving media and publishing firms and organizations, including newspapers, publishers,
broadcasting, film and television
regional library
major library serving a particular region whose primary function cannot be described as that of a public,
school or academic library nor as part of a national library network
other special library
any library not included elsewhere
EXAMPLE Library within voluntary organizations, museums, religious institutions.
storage library
library whose primary function is to store less-used material from other administrative units
Note 1 to entry: Storage libraries that are part of or administrated by another library (e.g. national or regional
library) are excluded.
Note 2 to entry: Libraries whose stock remains the possession of the storing libraries are excluded. The collections
and their use are counted with the proprietary libraries.
2.2 Library services and use
successful request of a library-provided online service
Note 1 to entry: An access is one cycle of user activities that typically starts when a user connects to a library-
provided online service and ends by a terminating activity that is either explicit (by leaving the database through
log-out or exit) or implicit (timeout due to user inactivity).
Note 2 to entry: Accesses to the library website are counted as virtual visits.
Note 3 to entry: Requests of a general entrance or gateway page should be excluded.
Note 4 to entry: If possible, requests by search engines should be excluded.
active borrower
registered user who has borrowed at least one item during the reporting period
Note 1 to entry: This count underrates the number of active users, but is still for many libraries the only
manageable measure.
active user
registered user who has visited or made use of library facilities or services during the reporting period
Note 1 to entry: This includes active borrowers.
Note 2 to entry: This may include the use of electronic library services, if it is possible to identify electronic use
and virtual visits of the individual user, or if data can be obtained by means of surveys.
Note 3 to entry: If a library identifies non-registered active users, e. g. by surveys, these should be counted separately.
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ISO 2789:2013(E)

web page that provides frequent continuing publication of web links and/or comments on a particular
topic or subject (broad or narrow in scope), often in the form of short entries arranged in reverse
chronological order, the most recently added piece of information appearing first
Note 1 to entry: The information can be written or collected by the site owner or contributed by users.
blog post
entry in a blog
successful request of a content unit from a library-provided online service or other internet service
electronic document delivery, mediated
electronic transmission of a document or part of a document from the library collection to a user,
mediated by library staff, not necessarily via another library
Note 1 to entry: Electronic transmission of documents to members of the population to be served is included. Fax
transmission is excluded.
Note 2 to entry: May be split up as to transmission with or without charge to the user.
Note 3 to entry: Unmediated downloading by users from the electronic collection of the library is excluded.
Note 4 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 — Forms of lending and delivery services
Supplier Library Document supplier
Recipient User Other library User (via library)
Original Loan ILL EDS
Print copy Loan ILL EDS
Time-limited: EDD EDS
No time limit:
ILL: Interlibrary lending.
EDD: Electronic document delivery (mediated).
EDS: External document supply.
electronic service
library service delivered via electronic means, whether from local servers or provided via networks
Note 1 to entry: Electronic library services include the online catalogue, the library website, the electronic
collection, electronic lending, electronic document delivery (mediated), electronic reference service, user
training by electronic means, services for mobile devices, services for interactive use (including services on social
networks), and Internet access offered via the library.
Note 2 to entry: This does not include booking physical services (e.g. rooms or library tours) by electronic means.
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ISO 2789:2013(E)

pre-arranged activity with cultural, educational, social, political, scholarly, or other intent
EXAMPLE Exhibitions, author visits, literary discussions, workshops.
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO/TR 28118:2009
Note 2 to entry: Only events arranged by the library on its own or in partnership with other institutions are
included, whether inside or outside the library premises. Events inside the library premises organized by
institutions outside the library without the library’s cooperation are excluded.
Note 3 to entry: User training lessons and library tours are excluded.
Note 4 to entry: Ongoing programs are included. Each session of a program is counted as one event.
Note 5 to entry: Virtual events are included.
time-limited display of objects, organized or co-organized by the library
Note 1 to entry: Exhibitions can take place inside or outside the library premises.
external document supply
document or part of it, in print or electronic form, delivered from outside the library collection by non-
library suppliers (not through interlibrary lending) with the library being involved in the transaction
and/or the payment
Note 1 to entry: It is irrelevant whether a number of individual transactions are paid per view or a certain number
of transactions have been prepaid.
Note 2 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown in Table 1.
external user
user of a library who does not belong to that library’s population to be served
informational question
directional and/or administrative inquiry delivered to library staff
Note 1 to entry: This includes e.g. questions for locating staff or facilities, questions regarding opening times and
registering procedures and questions about handling equipment such as printers or computer terminals.
Note 2 to entry: The question can be delivered personally or by means of telephone, regular mail, fax or electronic
media (via email, the library website or other networked communication mechanisms).
Note 3 to entry: For reference questions, see 2.2.26
in-house use
use of documents on the premises having been taken by a user from open access stock
Note 1 to entry: In-house use includes browsing at the shelves in the sense of a short investigation of the contents,
but excludes looking at the side or spine titles only for selecting material.
interactive library service
online library service with social software that facilitates a bidirectional exchange of information among
users or between users and the library
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interlibrary loan
loan of a document in its physical form or delivery of a document, or part of it, in copied form, from one
library to another which is not under the same administration
Note 1 to entry: Mediated transmission of documents in electronic form is counted as electronic document delivery.
Note 2 to entry: The forms of lending and delivery services defined in this International Standard are shown in Table 1.
Internet access
Internet connection by a user from a workstation owned by the library or from a user’s private computer
in the library via the library’s network
Note 1 to entry: Internet accesses can only be counted if users have registered or authenticated themselves when
accessing the Internet.
Note 2 to entry: Internet access via a user’s private computer (e.g. laptop or handheld) via the library’s wireless
network inside the library should be counted and reported separately.
library website
unique domain on the Internet consisting of a collection of web pages that is published by a library to
provide access to the library’s services and resources
Note 1 to entry: The pages of a website are usually interconnected by the use of hypertext links.
Note 2 to entry: Excludes documents that fit the definitions of electronic collection and free Internet resources
that may be linked from the library website.
Note 3 to entry: Excludes web ser

Cinquième édition
Information et documentation —
Statistiques internationales de
Information and documentation — International library statistics
Numéro de référence
ISO 2789:2013(F)
ISO 2013

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ISO 2789:2013(F)

© ISO 2013
Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée
sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie, l’affichage sur
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ISO copyright office
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Version française parue en 2014
Publié en Suisse
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ISO 2789:2013(F)

Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Termes et définitions . 1
2.1 Bibliothèques . 1
2.2 Usage et services de bibliothèque . 5
2.3 Collections .12
2.4 Accès et installations .20
2.5 Gestion .21
2.6 Financement et dépenses .23
2.7 Personnel de la bibliothèque .23
3 Missions actuelles des bibliothèques .24
3.1 Généralités .24
3.2 Types de bibliothèques .25
3.3 Évolutions des pratiques des usagers .25
4 Utilisation et avantages des statistiques .26
4.1 Contexte .26
4.2 Progrès de la bibliothéconomie .27
4.3 Sélection de statistiques pour la bibliothèque .28
4.4 Usage des statistiques .28
4.5 Présentation des statistiques aux parties intéressées .29
5 Présentation des données statistiques .30
5.1 Généralités .30
5.2 Période de référence des données .30
5.3 Données estimées par échantillon .30
6 Recueil des données statistiques .30
6.1 Bibliothèques .30
6.2 Services et usage .33
6.3 Collection .43
6.4 Accès et installations .50
6.5 Gestion .52
6.6 Financement et dépenses (au cours de la période de référence) .54
6.7 Personnel de la bibliothèque (à la fin de la période de référence) .56
Annexe A (informative) Catégories recommandées pour des analyses
statistiques complémentaires .60
Annexe B (informative) Extrapolations .67
Annexe C (informative) Index .70
Bibliographie .77
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ISO 2789:2013(F)

L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l’ISO). L’élaboration des Normes internationales est
en général confiée aux comités techniques de l’ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude
a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l’ISO participent également aux travaux.
L’ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne
la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier, de prendre note des différents
critères d’approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 2 (voir www.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de
ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence. Les détails concernant les
références aux droits de propriété intellectuelle ou autres droits analogues identifiés lors de l’élaboration
du document sont indiqués dans l’Introduction et/ou dans la liste des déclarations de brevets reçues par
l’ISO (voir
Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
pour information, par souci de commodité, à l’intention des utilisateurs et ne sauraient constituer un
Pour une explication de la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation
de la conformité, ou pour toute information au sujet de l’adhésion de l’ISO aux principes de l’OMC
concernant les obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant: Foreword - Supplementary
Le comité chargé de l’élaboration du présent document est l’ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation,
Sous-comité SC 8, Qualité - Statistiques et évaluation de la performance.
Cette cinquième édition annule et remplace la quatrième édition (ISO 2789:2006), qui a fait l’objet d’une
révision technique pour pallier les problèmes d’application practique de l’ISO 2789:2006 et tenir compte
des nouveaux développements en matière de services de bibliothèque.
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ISO 2789:2013(F)

La présente Norme internationale fournit des règles à la communauté des bibliothèques et des services
d’information pour la collecte et la présentation de statistiques.
Les Articles 2 et 6 forment le cœur de la présente Norme internationale. L’Article 2 fournit les définitions
de la plupart des éléments composant le service d’une bibliothèque; ces définitions ne s’appliquent que
dans une perspective statistique. L’Article 6 indique comment compter chacun des éléments définis. Il
est nécessaire que les utilisateurs consultent les deux articles pour disposer d’une vue complète.
La présente Norme internationale comprend les définitions et les procédures de comptage pour tous les
types de ressources et de services que les bibliothèques proposent à leurs usagers. L’ancienne Annexe A,
comprenant les définitions et les procédures relatives aux ressources et services électroniques, a
été incorporée dans le corps du texte de la norme dans la mesure où ces ressources et services font
désormais partie intégrante des activités de bibliothèque.
Afin d’expliciter les raisons de l’insertion d’un certain nombre de nouveaux services de bibliothèque
dans la présente Norme internationale, l’Article 3 a été ajouté pour décrire les missions actuelles des
Il va sans dire que l’ensemble des données définies dans la présente Norme internationale ne peuvent
être collectées par des bibliothèques de types ou de tailles différents. À titre de complément, l’Annexe A
décrit des données supplémentaires (qui n’ont d’importance que dans certains cas uniquement). L’objectif
visé est de garantir que lorsque l’on collecte une donnée statistique particulière, on utilise toujours les
mêmes définitions et les mêmes méthodes.
L’Annexe B est importante pour recueillir et publier des statistiques nationales qui soient véritablement
comparables entre les pays et dans le temps.
On ne peut satisfaire la forte demande de description et de diffusion de l’activité des bibliothèques que si
la collecte des données dans les bibliothèques suit les lignes de la présente Norme internationale. Autant
que possible, il est recommandé que les bibliothèques collectent toutes les données de leur activité citées
dans la présente Norme internationale.
Les développements en rapport avec la présente Norme internationale seront supervisés et de nouvelles
mesures statistiques seront incorporées en fonction des besoins.
Un index est donné à l’Annexe C.
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Information et documentation — Statistiques
internationales de bibliothèques
1 Domaine d’application
La présente Norme internationale fournit des règles à la communauté des bibliothèques et des services
d’information pour la collecte et la présentation de statistiques:
— en vue de l’établissement de synthèses sur le plan international;
— pour assurer la conformité entre pays de mesures statistiques fréquemment utilisées par les
gestionnaires de bibliothèques sans pour autant servir à l’établissement de synthèses internationales;
— pour encourager une bonne pratique des statistiques dans la gestion des bibliothèques et des
services d’information.
2 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
2.1 Bibliothèques
bibliothèque universitaire et de recherche
bibliothèque dont la fonction principale est de répondre aux besoins documentaires pour la formation
et la recherche
Note 1 à l’article: Cela comprend les bibliothèques d’établissement d’enseignement supérieur et les bibliothèques
de recherche en général.
unité administrative
bibliothèque indépendante ou groupe de bibliothèques relevant d’une direction ou d’une administration
Note 1 à l’article: Le terme «indépendant» n’implique pas une indépendance juridique ou financière mais seulement
le fait que la bibliothèque est une unité identifiée comme distincte, par exemple au sein d’une organisation plus
Note 2 à l’article: L’unité administrative peut être une bibliothèque unique ou une organisation plus importante
comprenant une bibliothèque centrale/principale, des bibliothèques annexes ou des succursales et des services
administratifs. Voir l’Exemple en 6.1.1.
bibliothèque annexe
partie d’une unité administrative plus grande, offrant dans un local distinct un service de bibliothèque
pour un groupe particulier d’usagers (par exemple une bibliothèque pour la jeunesse, une bibliothèque
de faculté) ou pour un public localement défini
Note 1 à l’article: Les bibliothèques d’instituts, de départements et les autres bibliothèques affiliées sont incluses.
Les bibliothèques mobiles et les points de desserte extérieurs sont exclus.
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ISO 2789:2013(F)

bibliothèque centrale
habituellement, la partie ou les parties d’une unité administrative dans lesquelles se trouvent les
principales fonctions administratives et l’essentiel des collections et des services
Note 1 à l’article: Une unité administrative comprenant plusieurs bibliothèques annexes ne comprend pas
nécessairement de bibliothèque centrale.
point de desserte extérieur
point de desserte à l’extérieur des locaux de la bibliothèque où un service déterminé est régulièrement
offert aux usagers
Note 1 à l’article: Sont compris des lieux, dans un secteur géographique, dans lesquels des documents de la
bibliothèque sont déposés pour un usage informel au sein d’un groupe restreint d’usagers, mais sans autre
prestation de bibliothèque, par exemple des maisons de retraite, des maisons de quartier, des collections pour les
patients des hôpitaux.
Note 2 à l’article: Cela comprend les points de desserte qui offrent des services électroniques, sans collections
Note 3 à l’article: Les points d’arrêt des bibliothèques mobiles ne sont pas comptés comme des points de desserte
Note 4 à l’article: Une simple connexion informatique à la bibliothèque depuis un lieu extérieur (par exemple une
résidence universitaire) n’est pas comptée comme un point de desserte extérieur.
organisation ou partie d’organisation, dont le but principal est de faciliter l’utilisation des ressources
documentaires, des services et des équipements adaptés aux besoins d’information, de recherche,
d’éducation, de culture et de loisirs de ses usagers
Note 1 à l’article: L’offre des ressources documentaires requises peut être assurée par la création et l’entretien
d’une collection et/ou par une organisation de l’accès aux ressources documentaires.
Note 2 à l’article: Ce sont les exigences fondamentales requises d’une bibliothèque qui n’excluent aucune ressource
et aucun service en complément de son objet principal.
bibliothèque d’établissement d’enseignement supérieur
bibliothèque ayant pour fonction principale de desservir les étudiants, le corps enseignant et le personnel
d’une université ou de tout autre établissement d’enseignement supérieur
Note 1 à l’article: Elle peut également desservir le grand public.
bibliothèque mobile
bibliothèque ou parfois service d’une bibliothèque publique, utilisant un véhicule spécialement aménagé
pour mettre directement à la disposition des usagers des documents et des services, comme alternative
à l’accès aux locaux de la bibliothèque
Note 1 à l’article: Adapté de l’ISO 5127:2001.
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ISO 2789:2013(F)

bibliothèque nationale
bibliothèque responsable de l’acquisition et de la conservation d’exemplaires de tous les documents
importants édités dans le pays dans lequel est située la bibliothèque
Note 1 à l’article: En règle générale, une bibliothèque nationale assume tout ou partie des fonctions suivantes:
établir la Bibliographie nationale; conserver et tenir à jour une collection étendue et représentative de la
production étrangère comprenant des documents concernant le pays; tenir le rôle de centre national d’information
bibliographique; établir des catalogues collectifs; superviser l’administration d’autres bibliothèques et/ou
promouvoir la coopération; coordonner un service de recherche et de développement; etc.
Note 2 à l’article: La définition de «bibliothèque nationale» autorise l’acception selon laquelle un pays peut en
compter plusieurs.
bibliothèque publique
bibliothèque générale qui est ouverte au public, qui dessert l’ensemble de la population d’une communauté
locale ou régionale et qui est habituellement financée, en totalité ou en partie, par des fonds publics
Note 1 à l’article: Une bibliothèque publique est définie comme étant ouverte au public même si ses services sont
principalement destinés à desservir une catégorie particulière de la population, telle que des enfants, des personnes
malvoyantes ou des patients hospitalisés. Ses services de base sont gratuits ou disponibles moyennant un droit
d’inscription. Cette définition comprend les services offerts aux écoles par l’organisation d’une bibliothèque
publique ainsi que les services fournis aux bibliothèques publiques d’une région par un organisme régional.
bibliothèque scolaire
bibliothèque dépendant d’établissements d’enseignement de tout type inférieur au niveau de
l’enseignement supérieur, dont la fonction principale est de desservir les élèves et enseignants de tels
Note 1 à l’article: Une bibliothèque scolaire peut également desservir le grand public.
Note 2 à l’article: Cela comprend les bibliothèques et les collections de tout établissement d’enseignement de niveau
inférieur à celui de l’enseignement supérieur, pouvant être qualifié d’«Établissement d’enseignement secondaire»,
de «Centre de formation continue», de «Lycée professionnel», etc.
bibliothèque spécialisée
bibliothèque indépendante couvrant une discipline ou un domaine particulier de la connaissance ou un
intérêt local spécifique
Note 1 à l’article: Ce terme comprend les bibliothèques desservant essentiellement une catégorie particulière
d’usagers ou concernant essentiellement une forme particulière de documents et les bibliothèques parrainées par
un organisme pour servir les besoins propres aux activités de celui-ci.
Note 2 à l’article: Il convient que les statistiques concernant les bibliothèques spécialisées soient recueillies et
présentées séparément selon les domaines définis de à (en fonction des types d’établissements
qui les financent).
bibliothèque d’administration
bibliothèque gérée pour desservir tout service administratif, ministère ou administration dépendant
du gouvernement ou du parlement, y compris les organisations gouvernementales internationales,
nationales ou locales (régionales)
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ISO 2789:2013(F)
bibliothèque de service de santé
bibliothèque médicale
bibliothèque qui dessert les professionnels des services de santé dans les hôpitaux ou ailleurs, que ce
soit dans le secteur privé ou public
Note 1 à l’article: Il convient de compter les bibliothèques des sociétés pharmaceutiques parmi celles spécifiées
Note 2 à l’article: Ces bibliothèques peuvent également contenir des documents à l’intention des patients.
bibliothèque d’associations et d’organismes professionnels et savants
bibliothèque gérée par des associations professionnelles ou corporatives, des sociétés savantes, des
syndicats et d’autres structures similaires, dont la fonction principale est d’offrir des services aux
membres et praticiens d’une profession ou d’un métier particulier
bibliothèque du secteur industriel et commercial
bibliothèque de toute entreprise industrielle ou commerciale, gérée par l’organisme de tutelle pour
répondre aux besoins d’information de son personnel
Note 1 à l’article: Ce terme comprend les bibliothèques gérées par les consultants en information et en gestion,
par les industries des secteurs secondaires et tertiaires et les bibliothèques des professions juridiques libérales
bibliothèque du secteur de la communication
bibliothèque des sociétés et organismes du secteur de la communication et de l’édition, comprenant la
presse, l’édition, la radio, le cinéma et la télévision
bibliothèque régionale
bibliothèque d’importance majeure desservant une région particulière à l’intérieur d’un pays dont la
fonction principale ne peut être décrite comme celle d’une bibliothèque publique, scolaire ou universitaire
ni comme partie d’un réseau national de bibliothèques
autre bibliothèque spécialisée
toute bibliothèque non comprise ailleurs
EXEMPLE Bibliothèque d’organismes bénévoles, de musées, d’institutions religieuses.
silo de stockage
bibliothèque qui a pour fonction principale de stocker les documents les moins utilisés provenant
d’autres unités administratives
Note 1 à l’article: Les silos de stockage qui sont gérés par une autre bibliothèque ou en font partie (par exemple
bibliothèque nationale ou régionale) sont exclus.
Note 2 à l’article: Les bibliothèques dont les fonds restent propriété des bibliothèques déposantes sont exclues.
Dans ce cas, les collections et leur utilisation sont rattachées à la bibliothèque propriétaire.
4 © ISO 2013 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 2789:2013(F)

2.2 Usage et services de bibliothèque
requête réussie d’un service en ligne fourni par la bibliothèque
Note 1 à l’article: Un accès est un cycle d’activité de l’usager qui classiquement débute lorsque celui-ci se connecte
à un service en ligne fourni par la bibliothèque et qui se termine de façon explicite (en quittant la base de données
par une déconnexion ou par le menu quitter) ou implicite (déconnexion automatique après une période de non-
Note 2 à l’article: Les accès au site de la bibliothèque sont comptabilisés comme des visites virtuelles.
Note 3 à l’article: Il convient d’exclure les connexions à une page d’accueil ou à un portail.
Note 4 à l’article: Si possible, il convient d’exclure les recherches effectuées par les moteurs de recherche.
emprunteur actif
usager inscrit ayant emprunté au moins un document au cours de la période de référence
Note 1 à l’article: Ce décompte sous-estime le nombre d’usagers actifs mais il reste la seule mesure gérable pour
de nombreuses bibliothèques.
usager actif
usager inscrit qui est entré à la bibliothèque ou a utilisé ses équipements ou ses services au cours de la
période de référence
Note 1 à l’article: Cela comprend les emprunteurs actifs.
Note 2 à l’article: Cela peut comprendre l’utilisation des services électroniques s’il est possible d’identifier
l’utilisation électronique et les visites virtuelles de chaque usager, ou si des données peuvent être obtenues au
moyen d’enquêtes.
Note 3 à l’article: Si une bibliothèque identifie des usagers actifs non-inscrits, au cours d’enquêtes par exemple, il
convient de les compter séparément.
page sur l’internet utilisée pour la publication périodique et régulière de liens et/ou de commentaires
sur la toile rendant compte d’un thème ou d’un sujet particulier (de portée vaste ou limitée), souvent
constituée de courts articles classés par ordre chronologique inverse (les plus récents apparaissant en
Note 1 à l’article: Les informations peuvent être rédigées ou recueillies par le propriétaire du site ou apportées
par les usagers.
article de blogue
entrée sur un blogue
requête réussie d’une unité de contenu à partir d’un service en ligne fourni par la bibliothèque ou de tout
autre service de l’internet
© ISO 2013 – Tous droits réservés 5

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ISO 2789:2013(F)

fourniture électronique de document (accès indirect)
transmission électronique d’un document ou d’un extrait de document, appartenant à la collection
de la bibliothèque, à un usager, par l’intermédiaire du personnel de la bibliothèque et qui n’est pas
nécessairement effectuée par le biais d’une autre bibliothèque
Note 1 à l’article: La transmission électronique de documents aux membres de la population à desservir est
comprise. La transmission par télécopie est exclue.
Note 2 à l’article: On peut distinguer deux catégories selon que la fourniture est gratuite ou payante pour l’usager.
Note 3 à l’article: Le téléchargement direct par l’usager à partir de la collection électronique de la bibliothèque est
Note 4 à l’article: Les catégories de prêt et de fourniture de documents définies dans la présente Norme
internationale figurent dans le Tableau 1.
Tableau 1 — Catégories de prêt et de fourniture de documents
Fournisseur Bibliothèque Prestataire extérieur
Emprunteur Usager Autre biblio- Usager (via la bibliothèque)
Original Prêt PEB/PIB FDPSI
Copie impri- Prêt PEB/PIB FDPSI
Format de
Durée limitée: FED FDPSI
Durée illimitée:
PEB/PIB PEB: Prêt entre bibliothèques.
PIB: Prêt inter bibliothèques.
FED Fourniture électronique de document (accès indirect).
FDPSI Fourniture de document par un prestataire de service d’informations.
service électronique
service de bibliothèque fourni par voie électronique, par des serveurs locaux ou via les réseaux
Note 1 à l’article: Les services électroniques de bibliothèque comprennent le catalogue en ligne, le site de la
bibliothèque, la collection électronique, le prêt électronique, la fourniture électronique de document (par
l’intermédiaire de la bibliothèque), un service de référence électronique, la formation des usagers par des moyens
électroniques, les services pour les appareils mobiles, les services à usage interactif (y compris les services sur les
réseaux sociaux), et l’accès à l’internet proposé par la bibliothèque.
Note 2 à l’article: Cela ne comprend pas la réservation de services physiques (salles ou visites de la bibliothèque,
par exemple) par des moyens électroniques.
activité pré-organisée à caractère savant, culturel, éducatif, social, politique ou autre
EXEMPLE Expositions, résidences d’auteur, discussions littéraires, ateliers.
Note 1 à l’article: Adapté de l’ISO/TR 28118:2009
6 © ISO 2013 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 2789:2013(F)

Note 2 à l’article: Seules les manifestations organisées par la bibliothèque pour son propre compte ou en


STANDARD november 2013

Informatika in dokumentacija – Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice

Information and documentation – International library statistics

Information et documentation – Statistiques internationales de bibliothèques

Referenčna oznaka

ICS 01.140.20 SIST ISO 2789:2013 (sl)

Nadaljevanje na straneh od 2 do 72

© 2014-11. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013

Standard SIST ISO 2789 (sl), Informatika in dokumentacija – Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice,
2013, ima status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten mednarodnemu standardu ISO 2789:2013
(en), Information and documentation – International library statistics, 2013-08.

Ta standard nadomešča SIST ISO 2789:2010.


Mednarodni standard ISO 2789:2013 je pripravil pododbor tehničnega odbora Mednarodne
organizacije za standardizacijo ISO/TC 46/SC 8 Kakovost – Statistika in vrednotenje, potrdil ga je
odbor Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo ISO/TC 46 Dokumentacija.

Slovenski standard SIST ISO 2789:2013 je prevod mednarodnega standarda ISO 2789:2013. V
primeru spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda je odločilen izvirni mednarodni standard v
angleškem jeziku. Slovenski prevod standarda je pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC IDT Informatika,
dokumentacija in splošna terminologija.

Odločitev za privzem tega standarda je 26. septembra 2013 sprejel tehnični odbor SIST/TC IDT
Informatika, dokumentacija in splošna terminologija.

S privzemom tega mednarodnega standarda veljajo za omejeni namen referenčnih standardov vsi
standardi, navedeni v izvirniku, razen standardov, ki so že sprejeti v nacionalno standardizacijo:
SIST ISO 11620 Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic
SIST ISO/TR 20983 Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti elektronskih knjižničnih
storitev (razveljavljen)
SIST ISO 9707 Informatika in dokumentacija – Statistika proizvodnje in distribucije knjig,
časopisov, periodike in elektronskih publikacij
SIST ISO 5127 Informatika in dokumentacija – Slovar


– privzem standarda ISO 2789:2013


– SIST ISO 2789:2010, Informatika in dokumentacija – Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice


– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz "mednarodni standard", v SIST ISO
2789:2013 to pomeni "slovenski standard".

– Nacionalni uvod, nacionalni predgovor in vsebinsko kazalo niso sestavni del standarda. Definicije
pojmov so povzete po mednarodnih standardih ISO 11620, Informatika in dokumentacija –
Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic, ISO 5127, Informatika in dokumentacija – Slovar, in ISO 9707,
Informatika in dokumentacija – Statistika proizvodnje in distribucije knjig, časopisov, periodike in
elektronskih publikacij.


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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013

Predgovor .4
Uvod .5
1 Področje uporabe .6
2 Izrazi in definicije .6
2.1 Knjižnice .6
2.2 Knjižnične storitve in uporaba .9
2.3 Zbirke.15
2.4 Dostop ter prostori in oprema.22
2.5 Upravljanje.24
2.6 Financiranje in izdatki.25
2.7 Knjižnično osebje.26
3 Trenutne naloge knjižnic .27
3.1 Splošno.27
3.2 Vrste knjižnic .27
3.3 Spremembe v aktivnostih uporabnikov .28
4 Uporabe in prednosti statistik .29
4.1 Ozadje .29
4.2 Razvoj knjižnične prakse.30
4.3 Izbor statistik za knjižnice.30
4.4 Uporaba statistik.30
4.5 Predstavitev statistik deležnikom .31
5 Poročanje o statističnih meritvah.32
5.1 Splošno.32
5.2 Časovno obdobje, na katerega se nanašajo podatki .32
5.3 Podatki, zbrani z vzorčenjem .32
6 Zbiranje statističnih podatkov .32
6.1 Knjižnice .32
6.2 Storitve in uporaba .34
6.3 Knjižnična zbirka.44
6.4 Dostop, prostori in oprema .50
6.5 Uprava .52
6.6 Financiranje in izdatki (v poročevalskem obdobju) .54
6.7 Knjižnično osebje (ob koncu poročevalskega obdobja) .56
Dodatek A (informativni): Priporočene kategorije za nadaljnje statistične analize.60
Dodatek B (informativni): Preračun na celotno populacijo .66
Dodatek C (informativni): Abecedni slovar slovenskih izrazov in abecedni slovar angleških izrazov.68
Literatura .72

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013

ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) je svetovna zveza nacionalnih organov za
standarde (članov ISO). Mednarodne standarde ponavadi pripravljajo tehnični odbori ISO. Vsak član,
ki želi delovati na določenem področju, za katero je bil ustanovljen tehnični odbor, ima pravico biti
zastopan v tem odboru. Pri delu sodelujejo mednarodne vladne in nevladne organizacije, povezane z
ISO. V vseh zadevah, ki so povezane s standardizacijo na področju elektrotehnike, ISO tesno
sodeluje z Mednarodno elektrotehniško komisijo (IEC).

Postopki, uporabljeni pri razvoju tega dokumenta, ter postopki, namenjeni za njegovo nadaljnje
vzdrževanje, so opisani v Direktivah ISO/IEC, 1. del. Upoštevana naj bodo še posebej različna merila
za odobritev, ki se uporabljajo za različne vrste dokumentov ISO. Ta dokument je bil pripravljen v
skladu z uredniškimi pravili v Direktivah ISO/IEC, 2. del (glej tudi

Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega mednarodnega standarda predmet
patentnih pravic. ISO ne prevzema odgovornosti za ugotavljanje katerih koli ali vseh takih patentnih
pravic. Podrobnosti vseh patentnih pravic, ki se pojavijo v tem dokumentu, bodo navedene v Uvodu
in/ali na seznamu patentnih prijav ISO (glej

Vsaka blagovna znamka, uporabljena v tem dokumentu, služi le kot informacija uporabnikom za lažje
razumevanje in ne pomeni njenega promoviranja.

Za razlago pomena določenih terminov in izrazov ISO, povezanih z ocenjevanjem skladnosti, ter za
informacije o ISO-vem upoštevanju načel WTO o tehničnih ovirah pri trgovanju (TBT) (WTO principles
in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)) glej naslednji URL: Foreword - Supplementary information.

Za ta dokument je odgovoren tehnični odbor ISO/TC 46 Informatika in dokumentacija, pododbor SC 8
Kakovost – Statistika in vrednotenje uspešnosti.

Ta peta izdaja preklicuje in nadomešča četrto izdajo (ISO 2789:2006), ki je bila tehnično revidirana, da
bi bile prepoznane in premagane težave, ki so se pojavile pri praktični uporabi ISO 2789:2006, in da bi
bil upoštevan nov razvoj elektronskih storitev knjižnic.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013

Ta mednarodni standard daje napotke za zbiranje in posredovanje statističnih podatkov, ki se
nanašajo na ponudnike knjižničnih in informacijskih storitev.

Točki 2 in 6 predstavljata jedro tega mednarodnega standarda. V točki 2 so opredeljene definicije za
večino elementov, ki sestavljajo knjižnične storitve; te definicije so namenjene izključno za potrebe
statistike. Točka 6 vsebuje priporočila, kako naj se vsak od teh elementov šteje. Da bi si uporabniki
lahko ustvarili celotno sliko, morajo upoštevati obe točki.

Ta mednarodni standard vključuje definicije in postopke za štetje vseh vrst virov in storitev, ki jih
knjižnice nudijo svojim uporabnikom. Nekdanji dodatek A, vključno z vsemi definicijami in postopki za
elektronske vire in storitve, je bil vključen v osrednji del standarda, saj so ti viri in storitve postali
običajen del aktivnosti knjižnice.

Točka 3, ki opisuje trenutne naloge knjižnic, je bila temu dokumentu dodana za pojasnitev razlogov za
vključitev številnih novih knjižničnih storitev v ta mednarodni standard.

Razumljivo je, da knjižnice različnih vrst in velikosti ne morejo izvesti vseh meritev, določenih v tem
mednarodnem standardu. Za zagotovitev večje usklajenosti so v dodatku A opisane nekatere dodatne
meritve (pomembne le za nekatere sektorje). Namen je doseči rabo enakih definicij in metod tudi pri
posebnem načinu zbiranja statističnih podatkov.

Dodatek B ima pomembno vlogo pri zbiranju in objavljanju nacionalnih statistik, da jih je tako dejansko
mogoče primerjati med državami in v daljšem časovnem obdobju.

Stroge zahteve za popisovanje in objavljanje aktivnosti knjižnic je mogoče izpolniti samo, če so pri
zbiranju podatkov v knjižnicah upoštevana določila tega mednarodnega standarda. Če je le mogoče,
je priporočljivo, da knjižnice zbirajo vse podatke, navedene v tem mednarodnem standardu, ki se
nanašajo na njihove aktivnosti.

Razvoj na področju tega mednarodnega standarda bo spremljan in hkrati bodo v standard po potrebi
vključene morebitne dodatne statistične meritve.

Abecedni seznam je podan v dodatku C.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
Informatika in dokumentacija – Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice

1 Področje uporabe

Ta mednarodni standard določa pravila za ponudnike knjižničnih in informacijskih storitev, ki se
nanašajo na zbiranje in posredovanje statističnih podatkov:
– za namen mednarodnega poročanja,
– za zagotovitev skladnosti med državami za tiste statistične meritve, ki jih vodstvo knjižnic pogosto
izvaja, vendar niso ustrezne za mednarodno poročanje,
– za spodbujanje dobre prakse pri uporabi statistike za upravljanje knjižničnih in informacijskih

2 Izrazi in definicije

V tem dokumentu so uporabljeni naslednji izrazi in definicije.

2.1 Knjižnice

visokošolska knjižnica
knjižnica, katere primarna funkcija je pokrivanje informacijskih potreb za izobraževalne in raziskovalne

OPOMBA 1: Vključene so knjižnice visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov in splošne (univerzalne) knjižnice.

administrativna enota
vsaka samostojna knjižnica ali skupina knjižnic z enotnim vodstvom ali pod isto upravo

OPOMBA 1: Izraz ''samostojna'' se ne nanaša na pravno ali finančno neodvisnost, ampak zgolj na dejstvo, da je knjižnica
organizacijsko samostojna enota, navadno znotraj večje organizacije.

OPOMBA 2: Administrativna enota je lahko posamezna knjižnica ali večja organizacija, ki navadno združuje osrednjo/glavno
knjižnico, podružnične knjižnice in administracijo. Glej primer v točki 6.1.1.

podružnična knjižnica
del večje administrativne enote, ki na ločeni lokaciji izvaja storitve za posamezno skupino uporabnikov
(npr. za otroke, za profesorje) ali za lokalne uporabnike

OPOMBA 1: Vključene so knjižnice inštitutov, oddelčne in druge priključene knjižnice. Potujoče knjižnice in izposojevališča
niso vključeni.

osrednja knjižnica
glavna knjižnica
navadno tisti del ali tisti deli administrativne enote, kjer se izvajajo glavne upravne funkcije in kjer se
nahajajo pomembni deli knjižnične zbirke in storitev

OPOMBA 1: Administrativna enota, ki obsega več podružničnih knjižnic, ne vključuje nujno tudi osrednje/glavne knjižnice.

lokacija zunaj knjižničnih prostorov, na kateri se v rednih časovnih presledkih izvajajo določene
storitve za uporabnike

OPOMBA 1: Vključeni so prostori, v katerih je shranjeno knjižnično gradivo, namenjeno neformalni izposoji omejeni
skupini uporabnikov, vendar brez drugih knjižničnih storitev, na primer domovi za ostarele, centri lokalne
skupnosti, zbirke za paciente bolnišnic itd.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
OPOMBA 2 Vključena so izposojevališča, ki nudijo elektronske storitve, ne pa tudi tiskanega gradiva.

OPOMBA 3: Potujoče knjižnice in njihova postajališča se ne štejejo za izposojevališče.

OPOMBA 4: Enostavne povezave računalnika do prostora zunaj knjižnice (na primer v študentskem domu) se ne štejejo
za izposojevališče.

organizacija ali del organizacije, katere osrednji namen je zagotavljati dostop do uporabe
informacijskih virov, storitev in pripomočkov, ki so potrebni za zadovoljevanje informacijskih,
raziskovalnih, izobraževalnih, kulturnih ali rekreacijskih potreb njenih uporabnikov

OPOMBA 1: Zagotavljanje zahtevanih informacijskih virov je mogoče doseči z izgradnjo in vzdrževanjem zbirke in/ali z
organizacijo dostopa do informacijskih virov.

OPOMBA 2: To so osnovne zahteve za knjižnico in ne izključujejo kakšnih dodatnih virov in storitev, ki se pridružujejo
njenemu glavnemu namenu.

knjižnica visokošolske izobraževalne ustanove
knjižnica, katere primarna funkcija je namenjena študentom ter akademskemu in strokovnemu osebju
na univerzah ter drugih institucijah izobraževanja na tretji (terciarni) in višjih ravneh

OPOMBA 1: Knjižnica lahko služi tudi splošni javnosti.
potujoča knjižnica
knjižnica, včasih oddelek splošne knjižnice, ki neposredni dostop uporabnikov do knjižničnega gradiva
in storitev zagotavlja z uporabo prevoznih sredstev kot alternativo dostopanja do knjižničnih prostorov

OPOMBA 1: Prirejeno po ISO 5127:2001.

nacionalna knjižnica
knjižnica, ki je odgovorna za pridobivanje in shranjevanje izvodov vsega pomembnega knjižničnega
gradiva v državi, v kateri je locirana

OPOMBA 1: Nacionalna knjižnica navadno izvaja eno ali vse naslednje funkcije: izdeluje nacionalno bibliografijo; hrani in
posodablja obširno in reprezentativno zbirko tuje literature, vključno z gradivom, ki se nanaša na državo; deluje
kot nacionalni bibliografski informacijski center; vzdržuje vzajemne kataloge; nadzoruje upravljanje drugih
knjižnic in/ali spodbuja sodelovanje med njimi; usmerja raziskovalne in razvojne storitve itd.

OPOMBA 2: Definicija "nacionalna knjižnica" dopušča več kot eno nacionalno knjižnico v eni državi.

splošna knjižnica
splošna knjižnica, ki je javno dostopna in je namenjena celotni populaciji lokalne ali regionalne
skupnosti ter je navadno delno ali v celoti financirana iz javnih sredstev

OPOMBA 1: Splošna knjižnica je definirana kot javno dostopna, čeprav so njene storitve primarno namenjene določeni
skupini potencialnih uporabnikov, kot so otroci, slepi in slabovidni ali pacienti bolnišnice. Njene osnovne
storitve so lahko brezplačne ali dostopne s subvencionirano članarino. Ta definicija vključuje storitve, ki jih
organizacija splošnih knjižnic nudi šolam v regiji, ter storitve, ki jih regionalna organizacija nudi splošnim
knjižnicam v regiji.

šolska knjižnica
knjižnica, ki deluje v vseh vrstah šol pod tretjo (terciarno) ravnjo izobraževanja, katere primarna
funkcija je nuditi storitve učencem in učiteljem na takšni šoli

OPOMBA 1: Šolska knjižnica lahko nudi storitve tudi splošni populaciji.

OPOMBA 2: Vključene so tudi knjižnice in zbirke virov v vseh izobraževalnih institucijah pod terciarno ravnjo, ki jih je mogoče
poimenovati z nazivi, kot so "višja šola", "višja šola za dopolnilno izobraževanje", "ljudska univerza" itd.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
specialna knjižnica
samostojna knjižnica, ki pokriva eno disciplino ali določeno področje znanja oziroma specialni
regionalni interes

OPOMBA 1: Izraz "specialna knjižnica" vključuje knjižnice, ki so primarno namenjene specializirani skupini uporabnikov ali se
primarno posvečajo določeni obliki gradiva, ter knjižnice, ki jih sponzorirajo določene organizacije, da služijo
njenim lastnim potrebam, povezanim z njenim delovanjem.

OPOMBA 2: Statistični podatki o delu specialnih knjižnic naj se zbirajo in prikazujejo ločeno od tistih knjižnic, ki so navedene
v točkah od do (zaradi razlikovanja po viru financiranja ustanov).
vladna knjižnica
knjižnica, namenjena kateri koli vladni službi, oddelku, agenciji ali parlamentu, vključno z
mednarodnimi, nacionalnimi in lokalnimi vladnimi organizacijami
knjižnica s področja zdravstva
medicinska knjižnica
knjižnica, ki je namenjena strokovnemu medicinskemu osebju v bolnišnicah ali drugje, tako v javnem
kot v zasebnem sektorju

OPOMBA 1: Knjižnice farmacevtskih družb so navadno vključene pod točko

OPOMBA 2: Te knjižnice lahko vključujejo tudi gradiva za paciente.
knjižnica strokovnih in znanstvenih institucij in združenj
knjižnica, ki jo upravljajo strokovna ali profesionalna združenja, učne ustanove, sindikati ali podobne
organizacije, katere primarna naloga je zagotavljati storitve članom in sodelavcem določene specifične
panoge ali poklica
knjižnica s področja industrije in trgovine
knjižnica katere koli industrijske ali poslovne družbe, ki služi informacijskim potrebam osebja,
zaposlenega v organizaciji, ki jo je ustanovila

OPOMBA 1: Izraz "knjižnica s področja industrije in trgovine" vključuje knjižnice, ki jih upravljajo informacijski in poslovni
svetovalci, knjižnice na področju proizvodne in storitvene industrije ter knjižnice s področja trgovine.
knjižnica, ki je namenjena medijskim in založniškim podjetjem in organizacijam, vključno s časopisnimi
hišami, založniki, radijskimi programi, filmom in televizijo
regionalna knjižnica
glavna knjižnica, ki služi določeni regiji, vendar njene primarne funkcije ni mogoče opisati niti kot
splošna, šolska ali visokošolska knjižnica niti kot del nacionalne knjižnične mreže
druga specialna knjižnica
katera koli knjižnica, ki ni vključena nikjer drugje

PRIMER: Knjižnice prostovoljnih organizacij, muzejev, religioznih institucij.

depozitna knjižnica
knjižnica, katere primarna funkcija je hraniti manj rabljeno gradivo iz drugih administrativnih enot


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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
OPOMBA 1: Depozitne knjižnice, ki so del ali pod upravo drugih knjižnic (na primer nacionalne ali regionalne knjižnice), niso

OPOMBA 2: Knjižnice, katerih zbirka preide v last depozitne knjižnice, tu niso vključene. Zbirke in njihova uporaba se štejejo
k lastniški knjižnici.

2.2 Knjižnične storitve in uporaba

uspešna zahteva po spletni storitvi, ki jo zagotavlja knjižnica

OPOMBA 1: Dostop je en cikel uporabnikove aktivnosti, ki se navadno začne, ko se uporabnik poveže s spletno storitvijo, ki
jo zagotavlja knjižnica, ter se konča s prekinitvijo aktivnosti, ki je bodisi eksplicitna (z zapustitvijo podatkovne
zbirke preko odjave ali izhoda) bodisi implicitna (pretečen čas zaradi uporabnikove neaktivnosti).

OPOMBA 2: Dostopi do spletnega mesta knjižnice se štejejo za virtualni obisk.

OPOMBA 3: Zahteve po dostopu do splošne vstopne strani ali portala naj se izključijo.

OPOMBA 4: Samodejne zahteve spletnih iskalnikov naj se izključijo, kadar je to mogoče.

aktivni izposojevalec
registrirani uporabnik, ki si je v poročevalskem obdobju izposodil vsaj eno enoto gradiva

OPOMBA 1: Ta način štetja sicer zmanjšuje dejansko število aktivnih uporabnikov, vendar za številne knjižnice še vedno
predstavlja edino obvladljivo meritev.

aktivni uporabnik
registrirani uporabnik, ki je v poročevalskem obdobju obiskal knjižnico ali uporabil knjižnično opremo
ali storitve

OPOMBA 1: Aktivni izposojevalci so vključeni.

OPOMBA 2: Uporaba elektronskih storitev knjižnice je lahko vključena, če je mogoče identificirati elektronsko rabo in
virtualne obiske posameznega uporabnika oziroma če je podatke mogoče pridobiti z raziskavami.

OPOMBA 3: Kadar knjižnica s pomočjo raziskav identificira neregistrirane aktivne uporabnike, naj se štejejo ločeno.

spletni dnevnik
spletna stran, ki zagotavlja pogosto neprekinjeno objavljanje na spletni povezavi in/ali komentiranje
določenih tem ali vsebin (na splošno ali na nekem področju), pogosto v obliki kratkih vpisov,
razvrščenih v obratnem časovnem zaporedju, pri čemer najnovejši del doda informacije k prvotni

OPOMBA 1: Posamezno informacijo lahko napiše ali zbere lastnik spletne strani, lahko pa jo prispevajo uporabniki spletne

objava na blogu
vpis na blog

prevzem podatkov
uspešno izpolnjena zahteva po vsebinski enoti iz spletne storitve, ki jo zagotavlja knjižnica, ali iz druge
internetne storitve


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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
elektronska dostava dokumentov (posredovana)
elektronsko posredovanje dokumenta ali dela dokumenta iz knjižnične zbirke uporabniku, ki ga izvede
knjižnično osebje; ni nujno, da poteka s posredovanjem druge knjižnice

OPOMBA 1: Elektronsko posredovanje dokumentov potencialnim uporabnikom je vključeno. Posredovanje po faksu je

OPOMBA 2: Storitev je lahko za uporabnika brezplačna ali plačljiva.

OPOMBA 3: Prevzem podatkov iz zbirke elektronskih virov knjižnice, ki ga uporabnik izvede brez posredovanja knjižnice, je

OPOMBA 4: Oblike izposoje in storitve dostave, ki so definirane v tem mednarodnem standardu, so prikazane v preglednici 1.

Preglednica 1: Oblike izposoje in storitve dostave

Dobavitelj Knjižnica Dobavitelj
Prejemnik Uporabnik Druga Uporabnik (preko
knjižnica knjižnice)
Original Izposoja ILL EDS

Tiskana kopija Izposoja ILL EDS

Elektronsko Časovno EDD EDS

ILL: medknjižnična izposoja.
EDD: elektronska dostava dokumenta (posredovana).
EDS: zunanja dobava dokumentov.

elektronska storitev
storitev knjižnice, dostavljena na elektronski način z lokalnih strežnikov ali zagotovljena preko omrežij

OPOMBA 1: Elektronske storitve knjižnice vključujejo online katalog, spletno mesto knjižnice, zbirko elektronskih virov,
elektronsko izposojo, elektronsko dostavo dokumentov (posredovano), elektronske referenčne storitve,
usposabljanje uporabnikov z uporabo elektronskih sredstev, storitve za mobilne naprave, storitve za interaktivno
uporabo (vključno s storitvami v družbenih omrežjih) ter dostop do interneta, ki ga zagotavlja knjižnica.

OPOMBA 2: Rezervacije fizičnih storitev knjižnice (na primer sob ali vodenih ogledov knjižnice) preko elektronskih sredstev
niso vključene.

predhodno dogovorjena aktivnost s kulturnim, izobraževalnim, socialnim, političnim, poučevalnim ali
kakim drugim namenom

PRIMER: Razstave, obiski avtorjev, literarne razprave in delavnice.

OPOMBA 1: Prirejeno po ISO/TR 28118:2009.

OPOMBA 2: Vključeni so samo dogodki, ki jih organizira knjižnica sama ali v sodelovanju z drugimi institucijami, znotraj ali
zunaj knjižničnih prostorov. Dogodki, ki se odvijajo v knjižnici, vendar jih organizirajo zunanje institucije brez
sodelovanja knjižnice, so izključeni.

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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
OPOMBA 3: Usposabljanja uporabnikov in vodeni ogledi knjižnice so izključeni.

OPOMBA 4: Tekoči programi knjižnice so vključeni. Vsaka izvedba programa se šteje za en dogodek.

OPOMBA 5: Virtualni dogodki so vključeni.

časovno omejen prikaz predmetov, ki ga organizira ali soorganizira knjižnica

OPOMBA 1: Razstave se lahko odvijajo v knjižnici ali zunaj nje.

zunanja dobava dokumenta
dokument ali del dokumenta, v tiskani ali elektronski obliki, dostavljen iz virov izven knjižnične zbirke
preko zunanjega dobavitelja, ki ni knjižnica (ne preko medknjižnične izposoje), pri čemer knjižnica
posreduje pri izvedbi in/ali plačilu

OPOMBA 1: Ni pomembno, ali je bila vsaka posamezna transakcija plačana po vpogledu ali pa je bilo za določeno število
transakcij plačano vnaprej.

OPOMBA 2: Oblike izposoje in storitve dostave, definirane v tem mednarodnem standardu, so prikazane v preglednici 1.

zunanji uporabnik
uporabnik knjižnice, ki ne sodi med potencialne uporabnike knjižnice

informacijsko vprašanje
neposredna in/ali administrativna poizvedba, dostavljena knjižničnemu osebju

OPOMBA 1: Vključena so na primer vprašanja o lokaciji osebja in storitev, vprašanja o odpiralnih časih in vpisnih postopkih
ter vprašanja o ravnanju z opremo, kot so tiskalniki ali računalniški terminali.

OPOMBA 2: Vprašanje se lahko posreduje osebno ali preko telefona, običajne pošte, faksa ali elektronskih medijev (preko
elektronske pošte, spletnega mesta knjižnice ali preko omrežnih komunikacijskih mehanizmov).

OPOMBA 3: Za referenčna vprašanja glej 2.2.26.

uporaba gradiva v knjižnici
prezenčna uporaba
uporaba dokumentov v prostorih knjižnice, ki so uporabniku na voljo v prostem pristopu

OPOMBA 1: Uporaba gradiva v knjižnici vključuje pregledovanje gradiva na policah v smislu kratkega ogleda vsebine,
izključeno pa je izbiranje gradiva na podlagi pregledovanja hrbtnih naslovov.

interaktivna storitev knjižnice
spletna storitev knjižnice z družbeno programsko opremo, ki omogoča dvosmerno izmenjavo
informacij med uporabniki ali med uporabniki in knjižnico

medknjižnična izposoja
izposoja dokumenta v fizični obliki ali dostava dokumenta ali dela dokumenta v kopirani obliki iz ene
knjižnice v drugo knjižnico, ki nista pod isto upravo

OPOMBA 1: Posredovan prenos dokumentov v elektronski obliki se šteje za elektronsko dostavo dokumentov.

OPOMBA 2: Oblike izposoje in storitve dostave, definirane v tem mednarodnem standardu, so prikazane v preglednici 1.


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SIST ISO 2789 : 2013
internetni dostop
internetna povezava, ki jo vzpostavi uporabnik z računalniške delovne postaje v lasti knjižnice ali s

Questions, Comments and Discussion

Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.