Information and documentation -- Collections management for archives and libraries

This document provides guidance and recommendations in the planning, implementation, maintenance
and improvement of the preservation of archive and library collections through:
— recommendations and guidance for preservation planning and ongoing management of physical
collections in archives and libraries;
— procedures for managing collections in the stacks, research and reading rooms, conservation
facilities and while on exhibit and during transportation.
— guidance and recommendations for appropriate enclosures and containers for archive and library
This document applies to preservation of archive and library physical collections of institutions and
volumes small and large. It applies to all collections housed by an institution; their own collections
and deposits or loans from other institutions. Some information on digital collections, born digital and
digitized, for conservation is included for reference.
This document also applies to collections that are being managed by governmental agencies.
This guidance is intended for collections that are being preserved for long-term use.
Collections intended for long-term use need to be managed to mitigate many risks that can cause loss,
including catastrophic loss from fire and floods, risks of vandalism and theft, to instability of materials,
including acetate film and acidic paper. Collections management addresses the risks from a holistic
perspective. It is recognized that compromises are necessary based on, among other factors, the
quantity of collections in archives and libraries. The compromises can be managed when the factors
of use, significance, vulnerability of the collections and the expertise and best practices from several
fields are included in the decision-making process.
This document covers specifically the operations required to manage the collections environment
that are relevant to the preservation policy and plan of the institution. This includes the monitoring
of climate stability, control of exposure to light, preventive cleanliness measures and cleaning of the
collections storage areas.
The conservation treatment of individual items within the collections is not covered in this document.

Information et documentation -- Gestion des fonds et collections pour les archives et les bibliothèques

ISO/TR 19814:2017 fournit des recommandations relatives � la planification, � la mise en ?uvre, � l'entretien et � l'am�lioration de la conservation des fonds et collections d'archives et de biblioth�ques sous les formes suivantes:
- recommandations relatives � la planification de la conservation et � la gestion continue des fonds et collections physiques d'archives et de biblioth�ques;
- proc�dures de gestion des fonds et collections dans les magasins, salles de recherche et de lecture et installations de conservation-restauration, et lors de leur exposition et de leur transport;
- recommandations relatives au choix de contenants et de conditionnements appropri�s pour les fonds et collections d'archives et de biblioth�ques.
ISO/TR 19814:2017 s'applique � la conservation des fonds et collections physiques des archives et des biblioth�ques d'institutions de toutes tailles. Il s'applique � tous les fonds et collections qui sont conserv�s par une institution, c'est-�-dire aussi bien aux fonds ou collections qui lui sont propres qu'aux d�p�ts ou pr�ts effectu�s par d'autres institutions. Certaines informations relatives aux collections num�riques, qu'elles soient nativement num�riques ou num�ris�es � des fins de conservation-restauration, y sont incluses � titre de r�f�rence.
ISO/TR 19814:2017 s'applique �galement aux fonds et collections qui sont g�r�s par des organismes publics.
La pr�sente recommandation s'adresse aux fonds et collections qui sont conserv�s dans une perspective d'utilisation � long terme.
Les fonds et collections destin�s � un usage � long terme doivent �tre g�r�s de mani�re � att�nuer les nombreux risques qui peuvent �tre � l'origine de pertes, y compris de pertes majeures qui peuvent aller des incendies et inondations au vandalisme et au vol, et jusqu'� l'instabilit� des mat�riaux, y compris le film ac�tate et le papier acide. La gestion des fonds et collections aborde les risques selon une approche globale. Il est admis que des compromis, bas�s sur l'ampleur des fonds et collections d'archives et de biblioth�ques concern�s, entre autres facteurs, sont n�cessaires. Il est possible de g�rer ces compromis lorsque les crit�res d'utilisation, de valeur et de vuln�rabilit� des fonds et collections et l'expertise et les bonnes pratiques dans diff�rents domaines sont int�gr�s dans le processus d�cisionnel.
ISO/TR 19814:2017 traite sp�cifiquement des op�rations n�cessaires � la gestion de l'environnement des fonds ou collections, qui concernent la politique et le plan de conservation de l'institution. Sont ainsi inclus la surveillance de la stabilit� climatique, la ma�trise de l'exposition � la lumi�re, les mesures pr�ventives de propret� et le nettoyage des magasins.
ISO/TR 19814:2017 n'aborde pas le traitement de conservation-restauration des diff�rents documents qui composent les fonds et collections.

Informatika in dokumentacija - Upravljanje zbirk arhivov in knjižnic

Ta dokument podaja smernice in priporočila glede načrtovanja, izvajanja, vzdrževanja ter izboljševanja shranjevanja zbirk arhivov in knjižnic s pomočjo:
– priporočil in smernic za načrtovanje shranjevanja ter neprekinjenega upravljanja fizičnih zbirk arhivov in knjižnic;
– postopkov za upravljanje zbirk, zloženih na police, v raziskovalnih in bralnih prostorih, skladiščih ter med razstavljanjem in prevažanjem;
– smernice in priporočila za ustrezna ohišja in vsebnike, namenjene za zbirke arhivov in knjižnic.
Ta dokument se uporablja za shranjevanje fizičnih zbirk arhivov in knjižnic, ki so v lasti ustanov, ter majhnih in velikih knjig. Uporablja se za vse zbirke, ki jih shranjujejo ustanove – njihove lastne zbirke in shranjene ali izposojene zbirke, ki so v lasti drugih ustanov. Nekatere informacije o shranjevanju digitalnih zbirk (izvirno ustvarjenih v digitalni obliki in digitaliziranih) so vključene kot referenca.
Ta dokument se uporablja tudi za zbirke, ki jih upravljajo vladne službe.
Te smernice so namenjene za zbirke, ki se shranjujejo za dolgoročno uporabo.
Zbirke, namenjene za dolgoročno uporabo, je treba upravljati zaradi preprečevanja številnih tveganj, ki lahko povzročijo izgubo, vključno z uničujočo izgubo zaradi požara in poplave, tveganje vandalizma in kraje ter nestabilnost materialov, vključno z acetatno folijo in kislim papirjem. Upravljanje zbirk obravnava tveganja celostno. Ugotovljeno je, da ogrožanje med drugimi dejavniki nujno temelji na količini zbirk arhivov in knjižnic. Ogrožanje je mogoče upravljati, če so v postopek odločanja vključeni dejavniki uporabe, pomena in ranljivosti zbirk ter strokovnost in najboljše prakse z več področij.
Ta dokument posebej obravnava postopke, potrebne za upravljanje okolja zbirk, ki so pomembni za pravilnik in načrt shranjevanja določene ustanove. To vključuje nadzor stabilnosti klimatizacije, nadzor izpostavljenosti svetlobi, preventivne čistilne ukrepe in čiščenje prostorov, v katerih so shranjene zbirke.
Shranjevanje posameznih elementov zbirk ni obravnavano v tem dokumentu.

General Information

Publication Date
Current Stage
6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date

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Standards Content (Sample)

REPORT 19814
First edition
Information and documentation —
Collections management for archives
and libraries
Information et documentation — Gestion des collections pour les
archives et les bibliothèques
Reference number
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)
ISO 2017

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Preservation in collections management . 5
4.1 Collections management practices . 5
4.1.1 General. 5
4.1.2 Training of staff . 6
4.1.3 Training of external users . 6
4.2 Preservation policy . 6
4.2.1 General. 6
4.2.2 Documenting policies and procedures . 6
4.2.3 Record and transfer of ownership . 7
4.2.4 Ownership marking . 7
4.3 Preservation planning . 9
4.3.1 General. 9
4.3.2 Avoidance of hazards . 9
4.3.3 Preservation risk management cycle .10
4.3.4 Documentation for preservation planning .11
4.4 Emergency preparedness and response plan for collections .12
4.4.1 General.12
4.4.2 Emergency preparedness plan .12
4.5 Security of archive and library collections .12
4.5.1 General.12
4.5.2 Security plan .13
4.5.3 Security during transport and loan .13
4.5.4 Documentation of loans and transfers .14
5 Collections storage preservation environment .14
5.1 Overview .14
5.2 Managing the collections storage preservation environment .14
5.2.1 General.14
5.2.2 Monitoring the environment .14
5.2.3 Controlling light exposure .15
5.3 Preventive environmental measures .15
5.3.1 General.15
5.3.2 Exclude exterior sources of pollution .15
5.3.3 Manage internal sources of pollution .16
5.4 Integrated pest management .16
5.4.1 General.16
5.4.2 Preventing pest infestation .16
5.5 Cleaning of collections storage areas .17
5.6 Time out of storage .18
5.7 Other environments for collections .18
6 Shelving for archive and library collections .19
6.1 Shelf planning .19
6.1.1 General.19
6.1.2 Basic recommendations for shelving .19
6.1.3 Arrangement of runs .21
6.1.4 Gangways and aisles .21
6.1.5 Materials used in shelving .21
6.2 Shelf design .22
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

6.2.1 General.22
6.2.2 Uprights .22
6.2.3 Access .22
6.2.4 Bracing .22
6.3 Mobile shelving .23
6.3.1 Construction .23
6.3.2 Movement of runs .23
6.3.3 Stability .24
6.3.4 Load warning notices and shelf usage .24
6.3.5 Fire control .25
6.4 Storage for oversize documents .25
6.4.1 General.25
6.4.2 Storage area . . .25
6.4.3 Risk of strain and distortion .25
6.4.4 Unrolled horizontal storage .25
6.4.5 Cabinets for oversized documents .25
6.4.6 Vertical storage for oversized documents .26
6.5 Rolled documents .26
6.5.1 General.26
6.5.2 Cantilever shelving .26
6.6 Oversize or heavy-bound volumes.27
6.7 Cupboards and chests .27
7 Collections maintenance .27
7.1 General .27
7.2 Packaging paper, parchment, bound volumes and other traditional archive and
library collections .28
7.2.1 General.28
7.2.2 Loose sheets .29
7.2.3 Oversize documents .29
7.2.4 Rolled documents.29
7.2.5 Other traditional archive collections .30
7.2.6 Bound volumes .30
7.2.7 Seals and lead bullae .30
7.3 Packaging of analogue photographic material and audiovisual media .31
7.3.1 Paper-based photographs .31
7.3.2 Glass plate negatives and slides .31
7.3.3 Photographic sheet film negatives.31
7.3.4 Microfilm .32
7.3.5 Moving image film .32
7.4 Machine-readable documents .33
7.4.1 General.33
7.4.2 Magnetic media .33
7.4.3 Gramophone records.34
7.4.4 Sound cylinders .34
7.5 Electronic media .35
7.5.1 General.35
7.5.2 Optical discs .35
8 Treatments and reformatting .36
8.1 General .36
8.2 Mould removal .37
8.3 Disinfestation of collections .37
8.4 Deacidification of paper .38
8.5 Paper strengthening .38
8.6 Binding .38
8.7 Reformatting .38
8.7.1 General.38
8.7.2 Digitization.38
iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

8.7.3 Digitized archive and library collections.39
8.7.4 Photocopying .40
8.7.5 Microfilming.40
Annex A (informative) Packaging enclosures and materials .41
Annex B (informative) Exhibition of archives and library collections .48
Bibliography .53
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following
URL: w w w . i s o .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, SC 10,
Requirements for document storage and conditions for preservation.
vi © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

This document is based on ISO 11799 and BS 5454:2012. It is intended to be used with ISO 11799 and
ISO/TR 19815.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved vii

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Information and documentation — Collections
management for archives and libraries
1 Scope
This document provides guidance and recommendations in the planning, implementation, maintenance
and improvement of the preservation of archive and library collections through:
— recommendations and guidance for preservation planning and ongoing management of physical
collections in archives and libraries;
— procedures for managing collections in the stacks, research and reading rooms, conservation
facilities and while on exhibit and during transportation.
— guidance and recommendations for appropriate enclosures and containers for archive and library
This document applies to preservation of archive and library physical collections of institutions and
volumes small and large. It applies to all collections housed by an institution; their own collections
and deposits or loans from other institutions. Some information on digital collections, born digital and
digitized, for conservation is included for reference.
This document also applies to collections that are being managed by governmental agencies.
This guidance is intended for collections that are being preserved for long-term use.
Collections intended for long-term use need to be managed to mitigate many risks that can cause loss,
including catastrophic loss from fire and floods, risks of vandalism and theft, to instability of materials,
including acetate film and acidic paper. Collections management addresses the risks from a holistic
perspective. It is recognized that compromises are necessary based on, among other factors, the
quantity of collections in archives and libraries. The compromises can be managed when the factors
of use, significance, vulnerability of the collections and the expertise and best practices from several
fields are included in the decision-making process.
This document covers specifically the operations required to manage the collections environment
that are relevant to the preservation policy and plan of the institution. This includes the monitoring
of climate stability, control of exposure to light, preventive cleanliness measures and cleaning of the
collections storage areas.
The conservation treatment of individual items within the collections is not covered in this document.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:// www .iso .org/ obp
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

action of adding document (3.8) or group of documents to the collections of an information and
documentation organization
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001,, modified.]
archival-quality material
material that does not cause harm or reduced life expectancy when in contact with other items (3.16)
[SOURCE: SAA Glossary — A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology]
organization or part of an organization responsible for selection, acquisition, preservation (3.21) and
availability of one or more archives (3.4)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.02]
records of the same provenance accumulated by an organization or person in the course of the conduct
of affairs and preserved because of their enduring value
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.01]
gathering of documents (3.8) assembled on the basis of some common characteristics without regard to
their provenance
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.07]
intervention techniques applied to prevent, arrest or delay deterioration (3.7) of a document (3.8)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.03]
gradual degradation and possible ultimate destruction of materials arising from damaging inherent
properties or interaction with environmental influences
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.13]
recorded information or material object which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
Note 1 to entry: Documents can differ in form and characteristic.
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 1.2.02]
embossed mark for security
2 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

source of potential harm
[SOURCE: ISO Guide 73:2009,]
memory organization
institution involved in the collection (3.5) and preservation (3.21) of cultural information, such as
a library (3.17), archive (3.3) or museum that is itself together with its collections, established as a
permanent entity
[SOURCE: ISO 27730:2012, 3.6]
totality of materials in the custody of an information and documentation organization
Note 1 to entry: Holdings includes all types of materials kept in archives and libraries regardless of their physical
format, mainly books, manuscripts, files, maps, seals and graphic collections and other documents consisting of
paper, but also parchment, papyrus, films

SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
Informatika in dokumentacija - Upravljanje zbirk arhivov in knjižnic
Information and documentation -- Collections management for archives and libraries
Information et documentation -- Gestion des fonds et collections pour les archives et les
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TR 19814:2017
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
REPORT 19814
First edition
Information and documentation —
Collections management for archives
and libraries
Information et documentation — Gestion des collections pour les
archives et les bibliothèques
Reference number
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)
ISO 2017

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------

SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------

SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Preservation in collections management . 5
4.1 Collections management practices . 5
4.1.1 General. 5
4.1.2 Training of staff . 6
4.1.3 Training of external users . 6
4.2 Preservation policy . 6
4.2.1 General. 6
4.2.2 Documenting policies and procedures . 6
4.2.3 Record and transfer of ownership . 7
4.2.4 Ownership marking . 7
4.3 Preservation planning . 9
4.3.1 General. 9
4.3.2 Avoidance of hazards . 9
4.3.3 Preservation risk management cycle .10
4.3.4 Documentation for preservation planning .11
4.4 Emergency preparedness and response plan for collections .12
4.4.1 General.12
4.4.2 Emergency preparedness plan .12
4.5 Security of archive and library collections .12
4.5.1 General.12
4.5.2 Security plan .13
4.5.3 Security during transport and loan .13
4.5.4 Documentation of loans and transfers .14
5 Collections storage preservation environment .14
5.1 Overview .14
5.2 Managing the collections storage preservation environment .14
5.2.1 General.14
5.2.2 Monitoring the environment .14
5.2.3 Controlling light exposure .15
5.3 Preventive environmental measures .15
5.3.1 General.15
5.3.2 Exclude exterior sources of pollution .15
5.3.3 Manage internal sources of pollution .16
5.4 Integrated pest management .16
5.4.1 General.16
5.4.2 Preventing pest infestation .16
5.5 Cleaning of collections storage areas .17
5.6 Time out of storage .18
5.7 Other environments for collections .18
6 Shelving for archive and library collections .19
6.1 Shelf planning .19
6.1.1 General.19
6.1.2 Basic recommendations for shelving .19
6.1.3 Arrangement of runs .21
6.1.4 Gangways and aisles .21
6.1.5 Materials used in shelving .21
6.2 Shelf design .22
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

6.2.1 General.22
6.2.2 Uprights .22
6.2.3 Access .22
6.2.4 Bracing .22
6.3 Mobile shelving .23
6.3.1 Construction .23
6.3.2 Movement of runs .23
6.3.3 Stability .24
6.3.4 Load warning notices and shelf usage .24
6.3.5 Fire control .25
6.4 Storage for oversize documents .25
6.4.1 General.25
6.4.2 Storage area . . .25
6.4.3 Risk of strain and distortion .25
6.4.4 Unrolled horizontal storage .25
6.4.5 Cabinets for oversized documents .25
6.4.6 Vertical storage for oversized documents .26
6.5 Rolled documents .26
6.5.1 General.26
6.5.2 Cantilever shelving .26
6.6 Oversize or heavy-bound volumes.27
6.7 Cupboards and chests .27
7 Collections maintenance .27
7.1 General .27
7.2 Packaging paper, parchment, bound volumes and other traditional archive and
library collections .28
7.2.1 General.28
7.2.2 Loose sheets .29
7.2.3 Oversize documents .29
7.2.4 Rolled documents.29
7.2.5 Other traditional archive collections .30
7.2.6 Bound volumes .30
7.2.7 Seals and lead bullae .30
7.3 Packaging of analogue photographic material and audiovisual media .31
7.3.1 Paper-based photographs .31
7.3.2 Glass plate negatives and slides .31
7.3.3 Photographic sheet film negatives.31
7.3.4 Microfilm .32
7.3.5 Moving image film .32
7.4 Machine-readable documents .33
7.4.1 General.33
7.4.2 Magnetic media .33
7.4.3 Gramophone records.34
7.4.4 Sound cylinders .34
7.5 Electronic media .35
7.5.1 General.35
7.5.2 Optical discs .35
8 Treatments and reformatting .36
8.1 General .36
8.2 Mould removal .37
8.3 Disinfestation of collections .37
8.4 Deacidification of paper .38
8.5 Paper strengthening .38
8.6 Binding .38
8.7 Reformatting .38
8.7.1 General.38
8.7.2 Digitization.38
iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

8.7.3 Digitized archive and library collections.39
8.7.4 Photocopying .40
8.7.5 Microfilming.40
Annex A (informative) Packaging enclosures and materials .41
Annex B (informative) Exhibition of archives and library collections .48
Bibliography .53
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following
URL: w w w . i s o .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, SC 10,
Requirements for document storage and conditions for preservation.
vi © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

This document is based on ISO 11799 and BS 5454:2012. It is intended to be used with ISO 11799 and
ISO/TR 19815.
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved vii

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
Information and documentation — Collections
management for archives and libraries
1 Scope
This document provides guidance and recommendations in the planning, implementation, maintenance
and improvement of the preservation of archive and library collections through:
— recommendations and guidance for preservation planning and ongoing management of physical
collections in archives and libraries;
— procedures for managing collections in the stacks, research and reading rooms, conservation
facilities and while on exhibit and during transportation.
— guidance and recommendations for appropriate enclosures and containers for archive and library
This document applies to preservation of archive and library physical collections of institutions and
volumes small and large. It applies to all collections housed by an institution; their own collections
and deposits or loans from other institutions. Some information on digital collections, born digital and
digitized, for conservation is included for reference.
This document also applies to collections that are being managed by governmental agencies.
This guidance is intended for collections that are being preserved for long-term use.
Collections intended for long-term use need to be managed to mitigate many risks that can cause loss,
including catastrophic loss from fire and floods, risks of vandalism and theft, to instability of materials,
including acetate film and acidic paper. Collections management addresses the risks from a holistic
perspective. It is recognized that compromises are necessary based on, among other factors, the
quantity of collections in archives and libraries. The compromises can be managed when the factors
of use, significance, vulnerability of the collections and the expertise and best practices from several
fields are included in the decision-making process.
This document covers specifically the operations required to manage the collections environment
that are relevant to the preservation policy and plan of the institution. This includes the monitoring
of climate stability, control of exposure to light, preventive cleanliness measures and cleaning of the
collections storage areas.
The conservation treatment of individual items within the collections is not covered in this document.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:// www .iso .org/ obp
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 1

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SIST-TP ISO/TR 19814:2018
ISO/TR 19814:2017(E)

action of adding document (3.8) or group of documents to the collections of an information and
documentation organization
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001,, modified.]
archival-quality material
material that does not cause harm or reduced life expectancy when in contact with other items (3.16)
[SOURCE: SAA Glossary — A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology]
organization or part of an organization responsible for selection, acquisition, preservation (3.21) and
availability of one or more archives (3.4)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.02]
records of the same provenance accumulated by an organization or person in the course of the conduct
of affairs and preserved because of their enduring value
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.01]
gathering of documents (3.8) assembled on the basis of some common characteristics without regard to
their provenance
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.07]
intervention techniques applied to prevent, arrest or delay deterioration (3.7) of a document (3.8)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.03]
gradual degradation and possible ultimate destruction of materials arising from damaging inherent
properties or interaction with environmental influences
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.13]
recorded information or mater

Première édition
Information et documentation —
Gestion des fonds et collections pour
les archives et les bibliothèques
Information and documentation — Collections management for
archives and libraries
Numéro de référence
ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)
ISO 2017

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

© ISO 2017, Publié en Suisse
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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 2
4 La conservation dans le domaine de la gestion des fonds et collections .6
4.1 Pratiques de gestion des fonds et collections . 6
4.1.1 Généralités . 6
4.1.2 Formation du personnel . 6
4.1.3 Formation des utilisateurs externes . 6
4.2 Politique de conservation . 7
4.2.1 Généralités . 7
4.2.2 Documentation des politiques et des procédures . 7
4.2.3 Inscription à l’inventaire et transfert de propriété . 7
4.2.4 Marquage de propriété . 8
4.3 Planification de la conservation .10
4.3.1 Généralités .10
4.3.2 Prévention des phénomènes dangereux .10
4.3.3 Cycle de management du risque relatif à la conservation.11
4.3.4 Documentation relative à la planification de la conservation .12
4.4 Plan de préparation et de réponse aux situations d’urgence pour les fonds
ou collections .13
4.4.1 Généralités .13
4.4.2 Plan de préparation aux situations d’urgence .13
4.5 Sûreté des fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques .14
4.5.1 Généralités .14
4.5.2 Plan de sûreté .15
4.5.3 Sûreté lors du transport et du prêt .15
4.5.4 Documentation des prêts et déplacements .15
5 Environnement de rangement des fonds et collections .16
5.1 Introduction .16
5.2 Gestion de l’environnement de rangement des fonds et collections .16
5.2.1 Généralités .16
5.2.2 Surveillance de l’environnement .16
5.2.3 Maîtrise de l’exposition à la lumière .17
5.3 Mesures environnementales préventives .17
5.3.1 Généralités .17
5.3.2 Protection contre les sources extérieures de pollution .17
5.3.3 Gestion des sources internes de pollution .17
5.4 Gestion intégrée des nuisibles .18
5.4.1 Généralités .18
5.4.2 Prévention des infestations de nuisibles .18
5.5 Nettoyage des magasins .20
5.6 Sortie des magasins .20
5.7 Autres environnements pour les fonds et collections .21
6 Rayonnages pour les fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques .21
6.1 Planification des rayonnages .21
6.1.1 Généralités .21
6.1.2 Recommandations de base pour les rayonnages .22
6.1.3 Disposition des épis .23
6.1.4 Couloirs et allées .24
6.1.5 Matériaux utilisés pour les rayonnages .24
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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

6.2 Conception des tablettes .25
6.2.1 Généralités .25
6.2.2 Montants .25
6.2.3 Accès .25
6.2.4 Contreventements .25
6.3 Rayonnages mobiles .26
6.3.1 Construction .26
6.3.2 Déplacement des épis .26
6.3.3 Stabilité .27
6.3.4 Notices d’avertissement relatives au chargement et utilisation des tablettes .28
6.3.5 Lutte contre les incendies .28
6.4 Rangement des documents de grande taille.28
6.4.1 Généralités .28
6.4.2 Emplacement du magasin .28
6.4.3 Risques de déformation et de contrainte .28
6.4.4 Rangement à plat en position horizontale .29
6.4.5 Meubles pour documents de grande taille .29
6.4.6 Rangement en position verticale des documents de grande taille .29
6.5 Documents roulés .29
6.5.1 Généralités .29
6.5.2 Rayonnages en porte-à-faux .30
6.6 Volumes reliés de grande taille ou lourds .30
6.7 Armoires et coffres .30
7 Entretien des fonds et collections .31
7.1 Généralités .31
7.2 Conditionnement des papiers, parchemins, volumes reliés et autres fonds et
collections traditionnels d’archives et de bibliothèques .31
7.2.1 Généralités .31
7.2.2 Feuillets volants .32
7.2.3 Documents de grande taille .33
7.2.4 Documents roulés .33
7.2.5 Autres fonds traditionnels d’archives .33
7.2.6 Volumes reliés .34
7.2.7 Sceaux et bulles de plomb .34
7.3 Conditionnement des documents photographiques et supports
audiovisuels analogiques .35
7.3.1 Photographies sur papier .35
7.3.2 Diapositives et négatifs sur plaque de verre .35
7.3.3 Négatifs photographiques en feuilles .36
7.3.4 Microfilms .36
7.3.5 Film cinématographique .36
7.4 Documents lisibles par machine .37
7.4.1 Généralités .37
7.4.2 Supports magnétiques .37
7.4.3 Disques phonographiques .39
7.4.4 Cylindres phonographiques .39
7.5 Supports électroniques .39
7.5.1 Généralités .39
7.5.2 Disques optiques.40
8 Traitement et changement de support .40
8.1 Généralités .40
8.2 Élimination des moisissures .41
8.3 Désinsectisation des fonds et collections .42
8.4 Désacidification du papier .43
8.5 Renforcement du papier .43
8.6 Reliure .43
8.7 Changement de support .43
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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

8.7.1 Généralités .43
8.7.2 Numérisation .44
8.7.3 Fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques numérisés .45
8.7.4 Photocopie . . .45
8.7.5 Microfilmage .46
Annexe A (informative) Matériaux et contenants de conditionnement.47
Annexe B (informative) Exposition des fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques .55
Bibliographie .61
© ISO 2017 – Tous droits réservés v

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est
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a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux.
L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier de prendre note des différents
critères d'approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2 (voir www.
L'attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
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Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
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Pour une explication de la nature volontaire des normes, la signification des termes et expressions
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techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant:
Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation,
SC 10, Exigences pour le stockage et la conservation des documents.
vi © ISO 2017 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

Le présent document est basé sur les normes ISO 11799 et BS 5454:2012. Il est destiné à être utilisé
avec l’ISO 11799 et l’ISO/TR 19815.
© ISO 2017 – Tous droits réservés vii

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Information et documentation — Gestion des fonds et
collections pour les archives et les bibliothèques
1 Domaine d’application
Le présent document fournit des recommandations relatives à la planification, à la mise en œuvre, à
l’entretien et à l’amélioration de la conservation des fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques
sous les formes suivantes:
— recommandations relatives à la planification de la conservation et à la gestion continue des fonds et
collections physiques d’archives et de bibliothèques;
— procédures de gestion des fonds et collections dans les magasins, salles de recherche et de lecture
et installations de conservation-restauration, et lors de leur exposition et de leur transport;
— recommandations relatives au choix de contenants et de conditionnements appropriés pour les
fonds et collections d’archives et de bibliothèques.
Le présent document s’applique à la conservation des fonds et collections physiques des archives et
des bibliothèques d’institutions de toutes tailles. Il s’applique à tous les fonds et collections qui sont
conservés par une institution, c’est-à-dire aussi bien aux fonds ou collections qui lui sont propres qu’aux
dépôts ou prêts effectués par d’autres institutions. Certaines informations relatives aux collections
numériques, qu’elles soient nativement numériques ou numérisées à des fins de conservation-
restauration, y sont incluses à titre de référence.
Le présent document s’applique également aux fonds et collections qui sont gérés par des organismes
La présente recommandation s’adresse aux fonds et collections qui sont conservés dans une perspective
d’utilisation à long terme.
Les fonds et collections destinés à un usage à long terme doivent être gérés de manière à atténuer les
nombreux risques qui peuvent être à l’origine de pertes, y compris de pertes majeures qui peuvent aller
des incendies et inondations au vandalisme et au vol, et jusqu’à l’instabilité des matériaux, y compris le
film acétate et le papier acide. La gestion des fonds et collections aborde les risques selon une approche
globale. Il est admis que des compromis, basés sur l’ampleur des fonds et collections d’archives et de
bibliothèques concernés, entre autres facteurs, sont nécessaires. Il est possible de gérer ces compromis
lorsque les critères d’utilisation, de valeur et de vulnérabilité des fonds et collections et l’expertise et les
bonnes pratiques dans différents domaines sont intégrés dans le processus décisionnel.
Le présent document traite spécifiquement des opérations nécessaires à la gestion de l’environnement
des fonds ou collections, qui concernent la politique et le plan de conservation de l’institution. Sont
ainsi inclus la surveillance de la stabilité climatique, la maîtrise de l’exposition à la lumière, les mesures
préventives de propreté et le nettoyage des magasins.
Le présent document n’aborde pas le traitement de conservation-restauration des différents documents
qui composent les fonds et collections.
2 Références normatives
Le présent document ne contient aucune référence normative.
© ISO 2017 – Tous droits réservés 1

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse
inscription à l’inventaire
action consistant à ajouter un document (3.8) ou un groupe de documents aux fonds ou collections d’un
organisme d’information et de documentation
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001,, modifiée]
matériau de qualité archives
matériau qui ne cause pas de dommages ou n’entraîne pas de réduction de la durée de vie lorsqu’il est
en contact avec d’autres documents (3.16)
[SOURCE: SAA Glossary — A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology]
service d’archives
organisme ou partie d’un organisme responsable de la sélection, de l’acquisition, de la conservation (3.21)
et de la disponibilité d’un ou plusieurs fonds d’archives (3.4)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.02]
fonds d’archives
documents d’activité de même provenance, recueillis par un organisme ou une personne dans le cadre
de la conduite de ses affaires et conservés en raison de leur valeur dans la durée
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.01]
rassemblement de documents (3.8) réunis sur la base de caractéristiques communes, sans considération
pour leur provenance
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 3.1.07]
techniques d’intervention appliquées dans le but d’éviter, d’arrêter ou de retarder toute
détérioration (3.7) d’un document (3.8)
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.03]
dégradation progressive et éventuelle destruction finale de matériaux, découlant de propriétés
intrinsèques néfastes ou d’interactions avec l’environnement
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 6.1.13]
2 © ISO 2017 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO/TR 19814:2017(F)

information portée sur un support, ou objet matériel, qui peut être traité(e) comme une unité dans un
processus de traitement documentaire
Note 1 à l'article: Des documents peuvent avoir des formes et des caractéristiques différentes.
[SOURCE: ISO 5127:2001, 1.2.02]
estampage à sec
marque en relief apposée pour des raisons de sûreté
phénomène dangereux
source de dommage potentiel
[SOURCE: Guide ISO 73:2009,]
organisme patrimonial
établissement impliqué dans le recueil (3.5) et la préserva

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