CEN/TC 214/WG 2 - Safety requirments for dry cleaning machinery using PERC
Standardization of safety requirements for dry cleaning machinery using PERC in co-operation with ISO under the Vienna agreement
Safety requirments for dry cleaning machinery using PERC
Standardization of safety requirements for dry cleaning machinery using PERC in co-operation with ISO under the Vienna agreement
General Information
ISO 8230-2:2008 specifies safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines that exclusively use perchloroethylene (or “perc”) as their cleaning medium. It is applicable to such dry-cleaning machines, within the scope of ISO 8230-1, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse that are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
ISO 8230-2:2008, in conjunction with ISO 8230-1, deals with all significant hazards, significant hazardous situations and significant hazardous events that have been identified as being significant to the types of machines covered by ISO 8230-2:2008 and which require specific action by the designer or manufacturer to eliminate or reduce the risk.
It deals with the following significant hazards specific to the use of perc, which can lead to the inhalation of unhealthy vapours, to perc contact with the skin (including of the feet) or eyes of the machine operator and those of other personnel and members of the public, as well as to water and ground contamination: perc emission to the workroom, seepage into the ground and sewer during operation and maintenance of the water separator; perc emission resulting from operation, cleaning and maintenance of the distilling installation.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 8230-1:2008 specifies common safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines. It is applicable to dry-cleaning machines of all sizes intended for industrial and commercial use for the cleaning of articles made of textile, leather, furs and skins, using exclusively either perchloroethylene or combustible solvent as the cleaning medium.
It is not applicable to: machines placed at the disposal of the general public (self-service); barrier machines; transfer machines; ironing presses (see ISO 10472-1 and ISO 10472-6); ancillary equipment, e.g. room ventilation equipment, waste recuperation systems of the still, external water cooling systems or external systems for solvent recovery from the still sludge.
ISO 8230-1:2008 deals with all significant hazards arising from the use of the dry‑cleaning machine, where “use of the dry‑cleaning machine” comprises both intended use and foreseeable abnormal situations and includes commissioning, use and maintenance. It defines the common safety requirements for dry‑cleaning machines and is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 8230‑2 and ISO 8230‑3, as relevant. Specific requirements in ISO 8230‑2 and ISO 8230‑3 take precedence over the respective requirements of ISO 8230-1.
ISO 8230-1:2008 does not deal with hazards caused by processing items that can create an explosive atmosphere (e.g. printers' wipers containing a low-flash solvent), nor with machines processing loads that can contain “foreign solvents”, which could lead to a change in a property (characteristic) of the cleaning solvent, e.g. cause foaming or make it carcinogenic.
- Standard41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 8230-3:2008 specifies safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines that use a combustible solvent (CS) as their cleaning medium.
It is applicable to such dry-cleaning machines, within the scope of ISO 8230-1, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse that are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
ISO 8230-3:2008, in conjunction with ISO 8230-1, deals with all significant hazards, significant hazardous situations and significant hazardous events that have been identified as being significant to the types of machines covered by this part of ISO 8230 and which require specific action by the designer or manufacturer to eliminate or reduce the risk.
It deals with the following significant hazards specific to the use of CS: hazards related to the entire dry-cleaning machine (electrical hazards, explosion hazards); hazards relating to the machine and tumblers (combustible solvent emission, explosion hazards during the cleaning phase, explosion hazards during the drying phase); hazards relating to the distilling equipment (combustible solvent emission, explosion hazards).
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Situation on 1991-04-11: ++ - Target dates agreed with TC Chairman and Secretary (meeting CS 1990-04-09) ++ to be approved formally by BTS2; ++ 1992-09-16:Res. BTS2 38/1992: Appr. target dates and standstill ++ Target dates revised on 93-03-15 (telecom Mr Ch. Perrin)
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day