This document describes the grey scale for determining staining of adjacent fabrics in colour fastness tests, and its use. A precise colorimetric specification of the scale is given as a permanent record against which newly prepared working standards and standards that may have changed can be compared.

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ISO 105-E02:2013 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to immersion in sea water.

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ISO 14184-1:2011 specifies a method for determining the amount of free formaldehyde and formaldehyde extracted partly through hydrolysis by means of a water extraction method. The method can be applied to the testing of textile samples in any form.
The procedure is intended for use in the range of free and hydrolysed formaldehyde on the fabric between 16 mg/kg and 3 500 mg/kg when determined by this method. The lower limit is 16 mg/kg. Below this limit, the result is reported as "not detectable".
A method for determination of released formaldehyde is given in ISO 14184-2:2011.

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ISO 14184-2:2011 specifies a method for determining the amount of formaldehyde released under the conditions of accelerated storage from textiles in any form by means of a vapour absorption method.
The procedure is intended for use in the range of releasable formaldehyde on the fabric between 20 mg/kg and 3 500 mg/kg when determined by this method. The lower limit is 20 mg/kg. Below this limit, the result is reported as  "not detectable".
A method for determination of free formaldehyde and formaldehyde extracted partly through hydrolysis in aqueous solution is given in ISO 14184-1:2011.

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ISO 105-E07:2010 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to spotting by water.

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ISO 105-E09:2010 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of boiling water. It is mainly applicable to wool and textiles containing wool.

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ISO 105-E12:2010 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of wool and part-wool textiles to the action of soap and sodium carbonate solutions used in alkaline milling (severe method) or of a soap solution only (mild method).
The mild method can be applied to light- or medium-weight wool (or wool-containing) clothing fabrics.

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ISO 105-C06:2010 specifies methods intended for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to domestic or commercial laundering procedures used for normal household articles using a reference detergent. Industrial and hospital articles may be subjected to special laundering procedures which may be more severe in some aspects.
The colour loss and staining resulting from desorption and/or abrasive action in one single (S) test closely approximates to one commercial or domestic laundering. The results of one multiple (M) test may in some cases be approximated by the results of up to five domestic or commercial launderings at temperatures not exceeding 70 °C. The M tests are more severe than the S tests because of an increase in mechanical action.
These methods do not reflect the effect of optical brighteners present in commercial washing products.
These methods are designed for the detergents and bleach systems given. Other detergents and bleach systems may require different conditions and levels of ingredients.

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ISO - Taking over of a 2nd ISO Technical Corrigendum (the 1st ISO Technical Corrigendum has already been included in EN ISO 105-G02:1997)

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ISO 105-P02 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms, to the action of steam-pleating processes.
Three tests differing in severity are described.

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This part of EN 20105 specifies a method for measuring the colour difference between two specimens of textile in any form.

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This part of EN 20105 specifies a method intended for quantifying the whiteness of textiles, including fluorescent materials.

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Describes a method for the determination of solubility of water-soluble dyes at 25 °C in aqueous solution without previous heating. The method is not intended to measure absolute solubility.

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Describes a method for the determination of the application solubility of water-soluble dyes in the range 40 °C to 90 °C and of their solution stability. The method is not intended to measure absolute solubility.

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Describes a method for the determination of the dispersibility of disperse dyes by means of filtering time and filter residue. This test method is used for determining the degree of dispersion in aqueous media only.

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Describes a method for the determination of the solubility and the solution stability of reactive dyes for use in batchwise and continuous dyeing processes in the presence of electrolytes.

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Specifies a method for the determination of the behaviour of a basic dye in relation to its compatibility with other basic dyes when applied to acrylic fibres.

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Describes a method for the determination of the dusting behaviour of dyes.

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A specimen of the textile (wool textiles in all forms) is treated in a formic acid buffer solution to which solutions of sodium dichloroisocyanurate and sodium hydrogen sulfite are added succesively, and is then rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen is assessed with the grey scale. This treatment simulates the manufacturing operation in which a liquid containing or liberating active chlorine under mildly acid conditions is used for imparting shrink-resistant properties to wool in textiles.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms, except loose fibres, to exposure to atmospheric oxides of nitrogen as derived from the combustion of chemically pure butane gas. The method may be used for rating the colour fastness of dyes by applying the dye to textiles by a specified procedure and at a specified depth of colour and testing the dyed textiles. The change in colour is assessed with the grey scale.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles from wool of all kinds), treated with the chemical solution, is placed in contact with specified adjacent fabrics and subjected to steam pressing. A comparison specimen, not treated with the chemical solution, is steam pressed simultaneously. The specimens are dried and any differences between the colour of the two specimens and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales.

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Describes a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide. The method is mainly applicable to cotton and to mixtures containing cotton. A specimen of the textile in contact with a specified adjacent fabric is treated with sodium hydroxide solution, rinsed, acidified, rinsed again, and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabric are assessed with the grey scale.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of processes used for dyeing wool. Specimens of the textile in contact with adjacent fabrics are treated in different types of wool dye-bath, but without any dyestuff. The specimens are then rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles of all kinds and in all forms) between specified undyed cloths is rolled around a glass rod and treated with boiling sodium carbonate solution with and without the addition of a reduction inhibitor. The composite specimen is rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the undyed cloths are assessed with the grey scales.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of ozone in the atmosphere, both at ambient room temperatures with relative humidities not exceeding 65 % and at elevated temperatures with relative humidities above 80 %.

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Specifies an instrumental method for assessing the change in colour of a test specimen in comparision to an identical untreated reference, and the calculations undertaken to convert the instrumental measurements into a grey scale rating.

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Intended for the determination of the 1/1 standard depth of a dyeing on any textile material by a colorimetric method which is a permitted alternative to the visual method described in clause 12 of ISO 105-A01:1994.

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Cancels and replaces the third edition (1987) and amendment 1 (1993). Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to organic solvents. If dry cleaning is involved, use the method specified in ISO 105-D01:1993.

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Describes a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds, except loose fibre, to the action of soap solutions such as those used in degumming raw silk. A specimen of the textile in contact with adjacent fabrics is treated with a soap solution, then rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles in all kinds and in all forms) in contact with adjacent fabrics is milled in acid solution, rinsed and dried (action of dilute and hot mineral acids). The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles of all kinds and in all forms) in contact with specified adjacent fabrics is rolled into a cylinder and placed in the neck of a flask containing boiling water. The staining of the adjacent fabrics is assessed with the grey scale.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles in all kinds and in all forms) in contact with adjacent fabrics is milled in solutions of acetic and/or sulfuric acid, rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales.

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Tests are given for hot pressing when the textile is dry, when it is wet, and when it is damp. The end-use of the textile usually determines which test should be made. A dry specimen (dry pressing) or a dry specimen covered with a wet cotton adjacent fabric (damp pressing) or a wet specimen covered with a wet cotton adjacent fabric (wet pressing) are pressed with a heating device at a specified temperature and pressure for a specified time.

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A specimen of the textile is wrapped around a perforated cylinder, and steam passed through it for 15 min. The change in colour of the dried specimen is assessed with the grey scale. Correct handling of the method is controlled by use of a test-control specimen tested under identical conditions. Two tests, mild and severe, are given.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles of all kinds and in all forms) in contact with adjacent fabrics is rolled around a glass rod, treated with slightly acidified hot water and dried. The change in colour of each specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabrics are assessed with the grey scales. The method is mainly applicable to wool and textiles containing wool.

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The principle of the method specified is assessing the difference in colour between dyeings made in the presence and in the absence of salts of the metal present (due to its use in the construction of dying machinery or resulting from water and steam used in dyeing) with the grey scale.

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A specimen of the textile (textiles of all kinds and in all forms) is exposed to the action of gaseous formaldehyde in a closed container. The change in colour of the specimen is assessed with the grey scale. This method is not suitable for assessing changes in colour which may occur during crease-resist finishing with urea-formaldehyde products, or in subsequent treatment of the dyeing with solutions of formaldehyde.

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A specimen of the textile (coloured textiles which change in colour on exposure to light but which virtually return to their original shade when stored in the dark) is exposed to light of high intensity for a time much shorter than that necessary to cause a permanent change. The change in colour of the specimen is assessed immediately after exposure, using the grey scale. The specimen is then stored in the dark and assessed again.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of sulfur monochloride under the conditions usually occurring during the cold vulcanizing of rubber. A specimen is exposed to sulfur monochloride vapour. The change in colour of the specimen is assessed with the grey scale before and after neutralizing with ammonium hydroxide.

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This test method is intended for determining the effect on the colour of a dye of dyeing in the presence of hexavalent chromium salts. It is applicable to wool. An alternative test method is specified in 6.3 to provide a milder test suitable for assessing the effect of chromium salts in such concentrations as might be found when shading.

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Describes a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles in all forms to manufacturing operation designed to remove vegetable impurities by treatment with the cited chemical at high temperatures. The method is mainly applicable to wool and textiles containing wool, particularly those containing also acetate or polyamide fibres. The treated specimen is dried, baked, rinsed and neutralized. The changes in colour after rinsing, neutralizing and drying are assessed with the grey scale.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles in all forms to the manufacturing operation designed to remove vegetable impurities by a treatment at high temperatures and with the cited chemical. The method is mainly applicable to wool and textiles containing wool, particularly those containing also acetate or polyamide fibres. The treated specimen is dried, baked, rinsed and neutralized. The changes in colour after rinsing, neutralizing and drying are assessed with the grey scale.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of a typical rubber compound such as may be used in the proofing industry, and to its decomposition products, during vulcanization in open steam, either under conditions that prevent live steam from coming into contact with the specimen to be tested (method A) or under conditions that allow live steam to infiltrate into the adjacent fabric to be tested (method B).

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of a typical rubber compound such as may be used in the proofing industry, and to its decomposition products, during vulcanization in hot air. A specimen is heated in direct contact with an (initially) unvulcanized rubber compound. The change in colour of the specimen is assessed with the grey scale.

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Method for determining the resistance of the colour in textile fabrics to migration into polyvinyl chloride which contains plasticizer. A specimen of a textile impregnated with plasticizer is brought into contact with a white pigmented polyvinyl chlorid foil and kept under pressure at 80 °C. Then the specimen and excess plasticizer are removed from the foil and the staining of the foil is assessed with the grey scale.

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Three tests differing in temperature are provided.

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Specifies methods for assessing the possible effect of repeated commercial laundering on the flammability of textile fabrics. The effect of laundering is simulated using an automatic horizontal drum washing machine or small-scale laundry drum (wash wheel).

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of natural cellulose textiles to the action of severe bleaching with sodium chlorite as ordinarily employed in textile processing. A specimen in contact with one or two specified adjacent fabrics is treated in a sodium chlorite solution, rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabric(s) are assessed with the grey scale.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles composed of natural and regenerated cellulose to the action of mild bleaching with sodium chlorite as ordinarily employed in textile processing. A specimen in contact with one or two specified adjacent fabrics is treated in a sodium chlorite solution, rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabric(s) are assessed with the grey scale.

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Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of bleaching baths containing peroxide in concentrations commonly used in textile processing. A specimen in contact with one or two specified adjacent fabrics is immersed in the bleaching solution, rinsed and dried. The change in colour of the specimen and the staining of the adjacent fabric(s) are assessed with the grey scale.

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