This document specifies the in-vehicle information (IVI) data structures that are required by different intelligent transport system (ITS) services for exchanging information between ITS stations (ITS-S). A general, extensible data structure is specified, which is split into structures called containers to accommodate current-day information. Transmitted information includes IVI such as contextual speed, road works warnings, vehicle restrictions, lane restrictions, road hazard warnings, location-based services and re-routing. The information in the containers is organized in sub-structures called data frames and data elements, which are described in terms of their content and syntax.
The data structures are specified as communications-agnostic. This document does not provide the communication protocols. This document provides scenarios for usage of the data structure, e.g. in case of real time, short-range communications.

  • Technical specification
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This document contains specifications for a set of ITS station security services required to ensure the authenticity of the source and integrity of information exchanged between trusted entities, i.e.:
—     between devices operated as bounded secured managed entities, i.e. "ITS Station Communication Units" (ITS-SCU) and "ITS station units" (ITS-SU) as specified in ISO 21217; and
—     between ITS-SUs (composed of one or several ITS-SCUs) and external trusted entities such as sensor and control networks.
These services include the authentication and secure session establishment which are required to exchange information in a trusted and secure manner.
These services are essential for many intelligent transport system (ITS) applications and services, including time-critical safety applications, automated driving, remote management of ITS stations (ISO 24102-2), and roadside/infrastructure-related services.

  • Standard
    113 pages
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This document specifies a global transport data management (GTDM) framework composed of
—     global transport basic data model,
—     global transport access control data model,
—     global transport function monitor data model, and
—     sensor and control network data model
to support data exchange between applications.
This document defines standardized data classes in a Global Transport Data Format (GTDF), and the means to manage them.
Application and role-based access control to resources in GTDF are specified in accordance with IEEE 1609.2 certificates.
This document specifies GTDM as an ITS-S capability which is an optional feature (ITS-capabilities are specified in ISO 24102-6).
The GT access control (GTAC) data model specifies access permissions to data and function control by defining role-based mechanisms.
The GT function monitor (GTFM) data model specifies a configuration method to generate a flow logic for monitoring purposes, e.g. observing data parameters with respect of a defined limit.

  • Technical specification
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This document provides guidelines on security applicable in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) related to communications and data access.
In particular, this document provides analyses and best practice content for secure ITS connectivity using ISO/TS 21177.
This document analyses and identifies issues related to application security, access control, device security and PKI for a secure ITS ecosystem.

  • Technical report
    135 pages
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This document specifies a methodology to define ITS-S communication profiles (ITS-SCPs) based on standardized communication protocols to interconnect trusted devices. These profiles enable secure information exchange between such trusted devices, including secure low-latency information exchange, in different configurations. The present document, in order to exemplify the methodology, also normatively specifies some ITS-SCPs based on the methodology, yet without the intent of covering all possible cases. Further ITS-SCPs can be specified at a later stage.
Configurations of trusted devices for which this document defines ITS-SCP’s include:
a)   ITS station communication units (ITS-SCU) of the same ITS station unit (ITS-SU), i.e. station-internal communications;
b)   an ITS-SU and an external entity such as a sensor and control network (SCN), or a service in the Internet;
c)   ITS-SUs.
The specifications given in this document can be equally applied to secured and unsecured communications, being groupcast and unicast communications, being localized or networked communications.

  • Technical specification
    36 pages
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This document serves as a guideline explaining the concept of hybrid communications and support functionalities for Cooperative ITS services deployed in conformance with the ITS station architecture and related Cooperative ITS standards.

  • Technical report
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This document
—     describes standardization activities related to C-ITS on a global level by major standard development organizations (SDOs);
—     explains the various purposes of deliverables from SDOs and introduces a classification scheme of such documents;
—     describes methods on how C-ITS services are presented and performed;
—     identifies an approach for C-ITS releases and exemplifies this approach;
—     presents a list of standards (Bibliography) with special relevance for C-ITS.

  • Technical report
    33 pages
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This document specifies the fast service announcement protocol (FSAP) for general purposes in ITS. It references and supports all features of ISO/TS 16460, especially supporting the service response message (SRM) and related features in addition to the service announcement message (SAM), which enables only very basic features.
FSAP supports locally advertised ITS services uniquely identified by an ITS application identifier (ITS-AID).
This document specifies message formats and related basic protocol procedures by reference to ISO/TS 16460, and further related protocol requirements for operation of FSAP in the context of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217.
This document illustrates its relations to service announcement protocols specified by ETSI TC ITS and IEEE.

  • Standard
    64 pages
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This document specifies a generic position, velocity and time (PVT) service. It further specifies the PVT service within the ITS station (ITS-S) facilities layer (ISO 21217) and its interface to other functionalities in an ITS-S such as:
—     ITS-S application processes (ITS-S-APs), defined in ISO 21217;
—     the generic facilities service handler (FSH) functionality of the ITS station facilities layer, defined in ISO/TS 17429.
This document specifies:
—     a PVT service which, dependent on a specific implementation, uses a variety of positioning-related sources such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs, e.g. GALILEO, GLONASS and GPS), roadside infrastructure, cellular infrastructure, kinematic state sensors, vision sensors;
—     a PVT service which merges data from the above-mentioned positioning-related sources and provides the PVT output parameters (carrying the PVT information) including the associated quality (e.g. accuracy);
—     how the PVT service is integrated as an ITS-S capability of the ITS station facilities layer;
—     the interface function calls and responses (Service Access Point ? service primitives) between the PVT ITS-S capability and other functionalities of the ITS station architecture;
—     optionally, the PVT service as a capability of the ITS-S facilities layer; see ISO 24102-6;
—     an ASN.1 module C-itsPvt, providing ASN.1 type and value definitions (in Annex A);
—     an implementation conformance statement proforma (in Annex B), as a basis for assessment of conformity to this document.
NOTE    It is outside the scope of this document to define the associated conformance evaluation test procedures.

  • Technical specification
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This document defines the message, data structures, and data elements to support exchanges between the roadside equipment and vehicles to address applications to improve safety, mobility and environmental efficiency. In order to verify that the defined messages will satisfy these applications, a systems engineering process has been employed that traces use cases to requirements and requirements to messages and data concepts.
This document consists of a single document that contains the base specification and a series of annexes. The base specification lists the derived information requirements (labelled informative) and references to other standards for message definitions where available. Annex A contains descriptions of the use cases addressed by this document. Annexes B and C contain traceability matrices that relate use cases to requirements and requirements to the message definitions (i.e. data frames and data elements). The next annexes list the base message requirements and application-oriented specific requirements (requirements traceability matrix) that map to the message and data concepts to be implemented. As such, an implementation consists of the base plus an additional group of extensions within this document.
Details on information requirements, for other than SPaT, MAP, SSM, and SRM messages are provided in other International Standards. The focus of this document is to specify the details of the SPaT, MAP, SSM, and SRM supporting the use cases defined in this document. Adoption of these messages varies by region and their adoption can occur over a significant time period.
This document covers the interface between roadside equipment and vehicles. Applications, their internal algorithms, and the logical distribution of application functionality over any specific system architecture are outside the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    245 pages
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This document provides the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) pro forma for conformance test specification for the Contextual Speed Information Service as defined in ISO/TS 17426:2016 in accordance with the relevant requirements and in accordance with the relevant guidance given in ISO/IEC 9646-7.

  • Technical specification
    17 pages
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This document contains a detailed description of the (actor invariant) roles (3.22) and responsibilities (3.21) required to deploy and operate Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) (3.8). The organization/organization of actors / roles described in this document are designed to be appropriate for any fully operational system that uses the C-ITS concepts and techniques in order to achieve its service provision. This document is presented in terms of an organizational or enterprise viewpoint (3.10) as defined in ISO/IEC 10746-1.
This document is for all types of road traffic of all classes, and for any other actors involved in the provision of applications and services which use C-ITS techniques to achieve service provision. The description of roles is technology agnostic and, in terms of C-ITS, agnostic in respect of communication modes and embraces vehicle-vehicle communications, vehicle-infrastructure communications and infrastructure-infrastructure communications.
This document provides a methodology for the identification of service specific roles and their corresponding responsibilities based on a process oriented approach. Additionally, the methodology is used to identify the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS in general. Both the methodology as well as the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS are deduced from ISO/IEC 10746-1, ISO/IEC 10746-2, ISO/IEC 10746-3, the reference model of Open Distributed Processing. Open Distributed Processing offers five viewpoints of which the enterprise viewpoint corresponds with the organizational architecture and its roles and responsibilities.
To limit the scope of the document to the core of C-ITS, the roles are separated into external and internal. Considered to be internal are all roles that are highly relevant for the purpose of achieving service provision by means of C-ITS. Considered to be external are all roles involved in C-ITS, but not set up only for the purpose of C-ITS.
This document provides a description of a high-level architectural viewpoint on C-ITS. It is designed to be used as a blueprint when implementing service provision systems that use C-ITS, and the corresponding organizational structures. The characteristics of C-ITS entail a huge number of data/ information exchanges. Therefore the implementation stringently respects privacy and data protection as it is defined in ISO/TR 12859 and in national laws and regulations (where instantiated). Privacy and data protection affects all roles defined in this document due to these characteristics and all actors occupying roles in C-ITS respects the corresponding standards and regulations.

  • Standard
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This document
—          describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers are used in the ITS communication protocol stack,
—          introduces an organizational framework for registration and management of ITS-S objects,
—          defines and specifies management procedures at a high functional level,
—          is based on the architecture of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217:2014 as a Bounded Secured Managed Domain (BSMD),
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for the identifiers, addresses, and registry records identified in this document, and
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for a C-ITS Data Dictionary containing ASN.1 type definitions of general interest.

  • Standard
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This document:
—    describes the functionality of a "Local Dynamic Map" (LDM) in the context of the "Bounded Secured Managed Domain" (BSMD);
—    specifies:
—    general characteristics of LDM Data Objects (LDM-DOs) that may be stored in an LDM, i.e. information on real objects such as vehicles, road works sections, slow traffic sections, special weather condition sections, etc. which are as a minimum requirement location-referenced and time-referenced;
—    service access point functions providing interfaces in an ITS station (ITS-S) to access an LDM for:
—    secure add, update and delete access for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure read access (query) for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure notifications (upon subscription) to ITS-S application processes;
—    management access:
—    secure registration, de-registration and revocation of ITS-S application processes at LDM;
—    secure subscription and cancellation of subscriptions of ITS-S application processes;
—    procedures in an LDM considering:
—    means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store;
—    mechanisms supporting several LDMs in a single ITS station unit.

  • Standard
    79 pages
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This document
—          specifies communication service parameters presented by ITS station (ITS-S) application processes to the ITS-S management in support of automatic selection of ITS-S communication profiles in an ITS station unit (ITS-SU),
—          specifies related procedures for the static and dynamic ITS-S communication profile selection processes at a high functional level,
—          provides an illustration of objectives used to estimate an optimum ITS-S communication profile.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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ISO/TS 17429:2017 specifies generic mechanisms enabling the exchange of information between ITS stations for applications related to Intelligent Transport Systems. It complies with the ITS station reference architecture (ISO 21217) and defines the following ITS station facilities layer functionalities:
-      Communication Profile Handler (CPH);
-      Content Subscription Handler (CSH);
-      Facilities Services Handler (FSH).
These functionalities are used by ITS-S application processes (ITS-S-AP) to communicate with other ITS-S application processes and share information. These functionalities describe
-      how lower-layer communication services assigned to a given data flow are applied to the service data units at the various layers in the communication protocol stack (CPH, see 6.2.3),
-      how content from data dictionaries can be published and subscribed to by ITS-S application processes (CSH, see 6.2.5),
-      how well-known ITS station facilities layer and management services can be applied to application process data units (FSH, see 6.2.4), relieving (ITS-S) application processes from having to implement these services on their own,
-      how service access points (SAP) primitives specified in ISO 24102‑3 are used,
-      service primitives for the exchange of information between ITS-S application processes and the ITS station facilities layer (FA-SAP), and
-      a set of communication requirements and objectives (profiles) using the methods defined in ISO/TS 17423 to select the level of performance (best effort or real-time, etc.), confidence and security (authentication, encryption, etc.) for information exchange between ITS stations, such as data provision, event notification, roadside configuration, map update.

  • Technical specification
    52 pages
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ISO/TS 17425:2016 specifies the In-Vehicle Signage service and application that delivers In-Vehicle Signage information to ITS stations (vehicle ITS stations or personal ITS stations devices) concerning road and traffic conditions, qualified by road authorities/operators, in a consistent way with road authority's/operator's requirements, in the manner that is coherent with the information that would be displayed on a road sign or variable message sign (VMS).
NOTE          A Variable Message Sign is also named dynamic message sign. Both terms are considered as synonyms and can be used interchangeably. In the text below, only variable message sign and its abbreviated term VMS are used.
ISO/TS 17425:2016 defines the following:
-      the In-Vehicle Signage service and the In-Vehicle Signage application that instantiates this ITS service;
-      the requirements to be fulfilled by the In-Vehicle Signage service;
-      the requirements for using functions provided by the ITS station facilities layer supporting the use of the In-Vehicle Signage service;
-      the ITS-S application processes in the different ITS station, that instantiate the In-Vehicle Signage ITS service.
ISO/TS 17425:2016 also specifies: the sets of communication requirements and objectives (profiles) using the methods defined in ISO/TS 17423 to select the level of performance (best effort or real-time, etc.), confidence and security (authentication, encryption, etc.) for each communication flow between ITS stations in the scope of the In-Vehicle Signage service.
This Technical Specification defines the selection of relevant functions and procedures provided by the ITS station facilities layer (ISO/TS 17429) and defines the message structure, content, syntax, atomic elements to be used by the In-Vehicle Signage application.
NOTE          This application is colloquially called "In-Vehicle Signage".
The In-Vehicle Signage service includes the on-board information management. This management ensures contextual coherence of the end-user ITS service (e.g. vehicle characteristics, message priority, etc. avoiding amongst others things the presentation of conflicting information to end-users).
The production of information supporting the In-Vehicle Signage application, its qualification, and its relevance are out of the scope of this Technical Specification.
ISO/TS 17425:2016 does not specify the design of in-vehicle Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), but it does specify requirements that such interfaces shall be capable of supporting in order to permit the correct dissemination and use of information provided by the In-Vehicle Signage service.

  • Technical specification
    114 pages
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ISO/TS 17426:2016
-      specifies the Contextual Speed Information Service, namely the general requirements regarding the provision of the Contextual Speed Information Service, the data flow supporting the service, and the presentation of the service result,
-      specifies the requirements to be fulfilled by the Contextual Speed Information Service,
-      specifies the ITS Station (ITS-S) application processes of the vehicle ITS station, roadside ITS station, central ITS station, and personal ITS station that are required to instantiate the Contextual Speed Information Service,
-      specifies sets of communication requirements and objectives (profiles) using the methods defined in ISO 17423 to select the level of performance (best effort or real-time, etc.), confidence and security (authentication, encryption, etc.) for each Contextual Speed Information Service communication flow between ITS stations,
-      selects relevant functions and procedures provided by the ITS station facilities layer (see ISO 17429), and
-      specifies messages, messages sets structure, content, and syntax to be used by the Contextual Speed Information Service.
ISO/TS 17426:2016 considers the scenario for the transmission of Contextual Speed information from the infrastructure/roadside to the vehicle, for onward presentation to the vehicle's driver. This scenario foresees that the calculation of Contextual Speed information is performed on the Infrastructure side, not within the vehicle.
Mandatory speed limits or advisory speed recommendations are output of the Contextual Speed Information Service which (in the scenario considered in this Technical Specification) is run by the Road Operator in its Traffic Control Centre or comparable infrastructure (e.g. Roadside ITS Station). To transfer this information to the vehicle (and therefore the driver) over the air (wireless communication), defined messages are required. These messages are specified in this Technical Specification.
When Contextual Speed information arrives in the vehicle, further pre-processing might be necessary before the Contextual Speed information, and, if available, additional explanations on speed limits or recommendations, can be presented to the driver. This Technical Specification specifies the requirements that need to be fulfilled when processing the messages. It does not specify how the vehicle handles the incoming messages.
The production of information supporting this application, its qualification and its relevance are out of the scope of this Technical Specification.
ISO/TS 17426:2016 addresses Use Case 1 "Provision of mandatory speed limit information into vehicle ? for driver awareness purposes" and Use Case 2 "Provision of advisory speed information into vehicle ? for driver awareness purposes".

  • Technical specification
    38 pages
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ISO/TR 17424:2015 surveys the status of Local Dynamic Map (LDM) regarding architecture, implementation, and standardization efforts. It summarizes the high level architectures of the most important implementations and compares it with the CEN/ETSI/ISO ITS-Station architecture.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 derives out of the application needs the requirements for a global LDM concept in terms of functionality, technical and legal aspects.
A gap analysis with existing specification and standards will be performed and recommendations towards SDOs and decision bodies will be made.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 does not give any decision on how or whether one of the solutions described is commercially feasible to be considered as an implementable offer to the user.
ISO/TR 17424:2015 considers the most important documents and research projects to the knowledge of the authors, but does not claim to be complete or free of any mistakes.

  • Technical report
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This document
—          describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes,
—          describes how ITS-S object identifiers are used in the ITS communication protocol stack,
—          introduces an organizational framework for registration and management of ITS-S objects,
—          defines and specifies management procedures at a high functional level,
—          is based on the architecture of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217:2014 as a Bounded Secured Managed Domain (BSMD),
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for the identifiers, addresses, and registry records identified in this document, and
—          specifies an ASN.1 module for a C-ITS Data Dictionary containing ASN.1 type definitions of general interest.

  • Draft
    52 pages
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This document
— specifies communication service parameters presented by ITS station (ITS-S) application processes to the ITS-S management in support of automatic selection of ITS-S communication profiles in an ITS station unit (ITS-SU),
— specifies related procedures for the static and dynamic ITS-S communication profile selection processes at a high functional level,
— provides an illustration of objectives used to estimate an optimum ITS-S communication profile.

  • Draft
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This document:
—    describes the functionality of a "Local Dynamic Map" (LDM) in the context of the "Bounded Secured Managed Domain" (BSMD);
—    specifies:
—    general characteristics of LDM Data Objects (LDM-DOs) that may be stored in an LDM, i.e. information on real objects such as vehicles, road works sections, slow traffic sections, special weather condition sections, etc. which are as a minimum requirement location-referenced and time-referenced;
—    service access point functions providing interfaces in an ITS station (ITS-S) to access an LDM for:
—    secure add, update and delete access for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure read access (query) for ITS-S application processes;
—    secure notifications (upon subscription) to ITS-S application processes;
—    management access:
—    secure registration, de-registration and revocation of ITS-S application processes at LDM;
—    secure subscription and cancellation of subscriptions of ITS-S application processes;
—    procedures in an LDM considering:
—    means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store;
—    mechanisms supporting several LDMs in a single ITS station unit.

  • Draft
    74 pages
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This document specifies the "Fast Service Announcement Protocol" (FSAP).
FSAP is in support of locally advertised ITS services uniquely identified by an ITS application identifier (ITS-AID).
This document specifies message formats and related basic protocol procedures by reference to ISO/TS 16460:2016, and further related protocol requirements for operation of FSAP in the context of an ITS station specified in ISO 21217:2014.

  • Draft
    61 pages
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This document specifies the in-vehicle information (IVI) data structures that are required by different intelligent transport system (ITS) services for exchanging information between ITS Stations (ITS-S). A general, extensible data structure is specified, which is split into structures called containers to accommodate current-day information. Transmitted information includes IVI such as contextual speed, road works warnings, vehicle restrictions, lane restrictions, road hazard warnings, location-based services, re-routing. The information in the containers is organized in sub-structures called data frames and data elements, which are described in terms of its content and its syntax.
The data structures are specified as communications agnostic. This document does not provide the communication protocols. This document provides scenarios for usage of the data structure, e.g. in case of real time, short-range communications.

  • Technical specification
    58 pages
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This document contains specifications for a set of ITS station security services required to ensure the authenticity of the source and integrity of information exchanged between trusted entities, i.e.:
—    between devices operated as bounded secured managed entities, i.e. "ITS Station Communication Units" (ITS-SCU) and "ITS station units" (ITS-SU) as specified in ISO 21217; and
—    between ITS-SUs (composed of one or several ITS-SCUs) and external trusted entities such as sensor and control networks.
These services include the authentication and secure session establishment which are required to exchange information in a trusted and secure manner.
These services are essential for many intelligent transport system (ITS) applications and services including time-critical safety applications, automated driving, remote management of ITS stations (ISO 24102-2), and roadside/infrastructure-related services.

  • Standard
    114 pages
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This document contains specifications for a set of ITS station security services required to ensure the authenticity of the source and integrity of information exchanged between trusted entities:
—          devices operated as bounded secured managed entities, i.e. "ITS Station Communication Units" (ITS-SCU) and "ITS station units" (ITS-SU) specified in ISO 21217, and
—          between ITS-SUs (composed of one or several ITS-SCUs) and external trusted entities such as sensor and control networks.
These services include authentication and secure session establishment which are required to exchange information in a trusted and secure manner.
These services are essential for many ITS applications and services including time-critical safety applications, automated driving, remote management of ITS stations (ISO 24102-2[5]), and roadside/infrastructure related services.

  • Technical specification
    97 pages
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ISO/TS 19321:2015 specifies the in-vehicle information (IVI) data structures that are required by different ITS services (for example, refer to ISO/TS 17425 and ISO/TS 17426) for exchanging information between ITS Stations. A general, extensible data structure is specified (see Clause 5). This is split into structures called containers to accommodate current-day information (see Clause 6). Transmitted information includes IVI such as contextual speed, road works warnings, vehicle restrictions, lane restrictions, road hazards warnings, location-based services, re-routing, etc. The information in the containers is organized in sub-structures called data frames and data elements which are described in terms of its content (see Clause 7) and its syntax (see Annex A).
The data structures are specified as communications agnostic. This Technical Specification does not provide the communication protocols. This Technical Specification then provides scenarios for usage of the data structure, e.g. in case of real time, short-range communications.

  • Technical specification
    53 pages
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ISO/TS 19091:2017 defines the message, data structures, and data elements to support exchanges between the roadside equipment and vehicles to address applications to improve safety, mobility and environmental efficiency. In order to verify that the defined messages will satisfy these applications, a systems engineering process has been employed that traces use cases to requirements and requirements to messages and data concepts.
This document consists of a single document that contains the base specification and a series of annexes. The base specification lists the derived information requirements (labelled informative) and references to other standards for message definitions where available. Annex A contains descriptions of the use cases addressed by this document. Annex B and Annex C contain traceability matrices that relate use cases to requirements and requirements to the message definitions (i.e. data frames and data elements). The next annexes list the base message requirements and application-oriented specific requirements (requirements traceability matrix) that map to the message and data concepts to be implemented. As such, an implementation consists of the base plus an additional group of extensions within this document.
Details on information requirements, for other than SPaT, MAP, SSM, and SRM messages are provided in other International Standards. The focus of this document is to specify the details of the SPaT, MAP, SSM, and SRM supporting the use cases defined in this document. Adoption of these messages varies by region and their adoption may occur over a significant time period.
ISO/TS 19091:2017 covers the interface between roadside equipment and vehicles. Applications, their internal algorithms, and the logical distribution of application functionality over any specific system architecture are outside the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    221 pages
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ISO/TS 17427:2014 describes the (actor invariant) roles and responsibilities required to deploy and operate Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS). The organizational architecture described in this document is to be used for a fully operational system. ISO/TS 17427:2014 is couched in terms of an organizational or enterprise viewpoint, as defined in ISO/IEC 10746 Open Distributed Processing.
ISO/TS 17427:2014 is applicable to all types of road traffic of all classes. The description of roles is completely technology agnostic and, in terms of C-ITS communication modes, embraces vehicle-vehicle communications, vehicle-infrastructure communications and infrastructure-infrastructure communications.
ISO/TS 17427:2014 provides a methodology for the identification of service specific roles and their corresponding responsibilities based on a process oriented approach. Additionally, the defined methodology is used to identify the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS, in general. Both the methodology, as well as, the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS are deduced from the reference model: Open Distributed Processing (ISO/IEC 10746). Open Distributed Processing offers five viewpoints of which the enterprise viewpoint corresponds with the organizational architecture and the roles and responsibilities.
ISO/TS 17427:2014 separates C-ITS roles into 'external' and 'internal'. Those considered to be internal are all roles set up for the sole purpose of C-ITS and those considered to be external are all roles involved in C-ITS but not set up for the sole purpose of C-ITS.
ISO/TS 17427:2014 describes high-level architectural viewpoint on C-ITS. It can be used as a blueprint when implementing C-ITS and the corresponding organizational structures. The characteristics of C-ITS entail a huge number of data/information exchanges. Therefore, the implementation of the organizational architecture stringently needs to respect privacy and data protection, as defined in ISO/TR 12859 and in the national laws and regulations (where instantiated). Privacy and data protection affect all roles defined in this Technical Specification and due to these characteristics, all actors occupying roles in C-ITS need to respect the corresponding standards and regulations.

  • Technical specification
    53 pages
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ISO/TS 18750:2015
- describes the functionality of a "Local Dynamic Map" (LDM) in the context of the "Bounded Secured Managed Domain" (BSMD), and
- specifies
- general characteristics of LDM Data Objects (LDM-DOs) that may be stored in an LDM, i.e. information on real objects such as vehicles, road works sections, slow traffic sections, special weather condition sections, etc. which are as a minimum requirement location-referenced and time-referenced,
- service access point functions providing interfaces in an ITS station (ITS-S) to access an LDM for
- secure add, update, and delete access for ITS-S application processes,
- secure read access (query) for ITS-S application processes,
- secure notifications (upon subscription) to ITS-S application processes, and
- management access,
- secure registration, de-registration, and revocation of ITS-S application processes at LDM, and
- secure subscription and cancellation of subscriptions of ITS-S application processes,
- procedures in an LDM considering
- means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store, and
- mechanisms supporting several LDMs in a single ITS station unit.

  • Technical specification
    68 pages
    English language
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ISO/TS 17419:2014 illustrates and specifies "Global Classification and Management of ITS Applications" (GCMA). It is based on the ITS station and communication architecture described in ISO 21217. It describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management, describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes and how ITS-S object identifiers are used in the ITS communication protocol stack, introduces an organizational framework for registration and management of ITS-S objects, and defines and specifies management procedures at a high functional level.

  • Technical specification
    48 pages
    English language
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ISO/TS 17423:2014 specifies communication service parameters presented by ITS-S station (ITS_S) application processes to the ITS-S management in support of automatic selection of ITS-S communication profiles in an ITS station unit (ITS-SU) and related related procedures for the static and dynamic ITS-S communication profile selection processes at a high functional level, and provides an illustration of objectives used to estimate an optimum ITS-S communication profile.

  • Technical specification
    41 pages
    English language
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    1 day