This document specifies:
a)   the field of application for mechanical mixing valves for use in a supply system of Type 1 (see Figure 1);
b)   the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, endurance, corrosion resistance of the surface of the product, sequence of testing and acoustic characteristics with which sanitary tapware products including their components (flexible hose, pull out spray) need to comply where applicable;
c)   test methods to verify the characteristics.
The tests described in this document are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control or factory production control (FPC) tests carried out during manufacture.
This document applies to draw-off taps (mechanical mixing valves) for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for personal hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms, etc.) and for food preparation (kitchens), i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, bidets, showers and sinks.
The conditions of use and classifications are given in Table 1.
[Table 1]
Figure 1 shows a supply system of Type 1 with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa [(0,5 to 10) bar].
[Figure 1]
Final materials included in the product are not covered by this document.

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The purpose of this document is to specify requirements for marking, identification, leaktightness, electrical and operational safety and mechanical resistance for sanitary tapware with opening and closing controlled electronically.
The conditions of use for the supply system type are specified in Table 2:
[Table 2]
Annex B lists possible consequences of using a product outside its recommended operating range.
[Figure 1]
[Figure 2]

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This document specifies:
a)   the field of application for pillar taps, bib taps, single and multi-hole combination taps for use in:
1)   a supply system of Type 1 (see Figure 1) with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa [(0,5 to 10) bar];
2)   a supply system of Type 2 (see Figure 2) with a pressure range of (0,01 to 1,0) MPa [(0,1 to 10) bar];
b)   the dimensional, leak tightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, endurance, corrosion resistance of the surface of the product, sequence of testing and acoustic characteristics with which sanitary tapware products including their components (flexible hose, pullout spray) need to comply where applicable;
c)   test methods to verify the characteristics.
The tests described in this document are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control or factory production control (FPC) tests carried out during manufacture.
This document is applicable to draw-off taps (single taps and combination taps) for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for personal hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms etc.) and for food preparation (kitchens), i.e. for use with baths, basins, bidets, showers and sinks.
This document applies to sanitary draw-off taps of nominal size 3/8”, 1/2", 3/4" and 1” (PN 10).
The conditions of use and classifications are given in Table 1.
Table 1 - Conditions of use
[ table not reproduced here ]
[ figure not reporduced here ]
Figure 1- Supply system of Type 1 with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa [(0,5 to 10) bar]
[ figure not reporduced here ]
Figure 2 - Supply system of Type 2 with a pressure range of (0,01 to 1,0) MPa [(0,1 to 10) bar]
NOTE   Components which are part or can be delivered with sanitary tapware products are listed in Annex C.
Final materials included in the product are not covered by this document.

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This document specifies:
- the dimensional, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which sanitary tapware aerators (with and without flow regulation) should comply;
- the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This document is applicable to:
- Sanitary tapware aerators intended to be mounted on tapware used with sanitary appliances in toilets, bathrooms and kitchens (e.g. single taps, combination tap assemblies, mechanical mixing valves, thermostatic mixing valves);
- Sanitary tapware aerators used under the following pressure and temperature conditions (see Table 1).
[Table 1: Conditions for the use of aerators]
NOTE 1   Sanitary tapware aerators can only be connected downstream of the obturator of the sanitary tapware product.
NOTE 2   For the purposes of brevity, sanitary tapware aerators will be detailed only as aerators in the rest of this document.
NOTE 3   The tests described in this document are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
NOTE 4   Aerator swivels are to be tested in combination with a specific aerator only and are therefore considered to be sanitary tapware accessories. (Testing of the stand-alone swivels is therefore not covered by the scope of this document. Where swivels are used they are considered to be part of the tapware constructions, e.g. for bidet taps).

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This European Standard is applicable to single and mixer taps with automatic shut-off for use with sanitary appliances installed in washrooms.
It does not apply to urinal or WC flushing valves or valves which open automatically.
The purpose of this standard is to specify the marking, identification, chemical/hygiene, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic, mechanical endurance, and acoustical characteristics of automatic shut-off tapware.
The tests described in all the standard are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture
The following conditions of pressure and temperature apply:
Table 1 - Conditions for the use of self closing tapware
(The pressures given are flow pressures)

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This European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature - 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilet and cloakrooms) and bathrooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve, controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or, bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
Table 1 - Conditions of use

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This European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature approximately 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilets and cloakrooms) and bath rooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
Table 1 - Conditions of use

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This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses should comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (sink and wash basin mixing valves) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this European Standard.
Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1.

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This European Standard applies to hoses for extractable outlets of any material intended for equipping sanitary tapware for sinks and basins. Such hoses will only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware. The tapware will comply with EN 200, EN 817, EN 1111, EN 1286 or EN 1287 (see [1], [2], [3], [5] and [6]).
Hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this standard.
This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which the hose for extractable outlets shall comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1.

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This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which extractable outlets with or without spray mode selector function need to comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
It applies to extractable outlets made from any material which is intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for sinks and wash-basins used for culinary or ablutionary purposes. Such extractable outlets shall only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Extractable outlets with total closing device fitted after the obturator of the tapware are not covered by this standard. Such products will be tested in accordance with EN 200, EN 817, EN 1111, EN 1286 or EN 1287 (see [1], [2], [3], [5] and [6]).
The conditions of use and classification are specified in Table 1.

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This European Standard specifies:
   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which shower outlets shall comply;
   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This European Standard applies to shower heads and hand showers of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers.
This European Standard applies to shower heads and hand showers connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Integral and remote spray attachments incorporated in tapware (e.g. sink and wash basin mixing valves) are not covered by this standard.

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The purpose of this document is to specify:
- the dimensional, hygiene, tightness, pressure performance, hydraulic, acoustic, mechanical and physico chemical characteristics which inlet valves for flushing cisterns shall comply with;
- the test methods for  testing these characteristics;
- marking and presentation.
This document applies exclusively to the valve itself and it does not prejudge compliance with health regulations as the inlet valve is being fitted into the cistern.
This document does not cover valves intended to equip flushing cisterns with external overflow.
This document applies to valves such as float valves limit operating at pressures up to NP 10 (whose operating range is from 0,05 MPa to 1 MPa - 0,5 bar to 10 bar) designed to supply cold water to flushing cisterns for use with WC pans, that are permanently connected to a potable water supply system.
The working range can be extended downwards (< 0,05 MPa - 0,5 bar) down to 0,01 MPa (0,1 bar), in which case the manufacturer's instructions shall indicate this possibility as well as the recommended working range.

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The aim of this European Standard is: - to define the condition of the exposed surfaces of tapware, - to establish the characteristics (resistance to corrosion, adherence) of the surface coating, - to describe the tests for verifying these characteristics. It applies to all sanitary fittings (supply or waste fittings) which have a metallic Ni-Cr coating, whatever the nature of the substrate material.

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This Eruopean Standard applies to flushing valves for WCs and valves for urinalswith automatic hydraulic closure, intended for: -WC pans prEN 997; -urinals; -siphon action urinals. It does not apply to no-contact detection valves. It is intended to specify: -the marking, identification, physical-chemical, dimensio- nal leaktightness, pressure behaviour, hydraulic, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics to determine requirement for the atmospheric interrup- ters (air gaps) which shall form an integral part of WC and urinal flushing valves with automatic closure.

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This European standard specifies requirements for low hydraulic resistance mechanical mixing valves suitable for use in low pressure water supply systems as described in informative Annex C. This European standard specifies: the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic performance, mechanical endurance characteristics with which low pressure mechanical mixing valves shall comply; the procedure for testing these characteristics.

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This document acknowledges the field of application for taps, shower outlets, shower sets and shower systems used in water supply systems with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa [0,5 to 10] bar.
The tests described in this document are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
This document covers:
-   PN10 taps;
-   PN5 shower outlets;
-   PN5 shower sets;
-   PN10 shower systems.
The following products are excluded from this document:
-   shower taps on its own;
-   taps for filling bathtubs;
-   the tub filling function of combined taps;
-   the function of a tap that delivers e.g. boiling water or sparkling water, etc.;
-   body or side jet showers.
The conditions of use for taps and shower systems are given in Table 1. The conditions of use for showers sets and shower outlets are given in Table 2.
Table 1 - Conditions of use for taps and shower systems
NOTE Taps and shower systems for use at pressures lower than those in Table 1 are not covered by this standard.
Table 2 - Conditions of use for shower outlets and shower sets
Figure 1 - Supply system with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa [(0,5 to 10) bar]
Health and quality requirements in accordance to European and national legislation for final materials in contact with water intended for human consumption are not covered by this document.

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This document applies to flushing valves for WCs and valves for urinals, with automatic hydraulic closure, intended for:
-   WC pans EN 997;
-   single flush urinals EN 13407;
-   siphon acting urinals EN 13407.
It does not apply to no-contact detection valves.
It is intended to specify:
-   marking and identification, physico-chemical, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure behaviour, hydraulic, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics of flushing valves for WCs and urinals with automatic closure;
-   test methods used to verify these characteristics;
-   and to determine requirements for the atmospheric interrupter which shall be an integral part of the WC flushing valve.
It applies in the following pressure and temperature conditions:
Table 1 — Conditions of use for tapware
Dynamic Pressure range recommended for a good working   Urinals
WC DN 15
WC DN 20   0,1 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,5 MPa
(1 bar ≤ P ≤ 5 bar)
   WC DN 25   0,08 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,25 MPa
(0,8 bar ≤ P ≤ 2,5 bar)
   WC DN 32   0,08 MPa ≤ P ≤ 0,25 MPa
(0,8 bar ≤ P ≤ 2,5 bar)
Maximum static pressure   1 MPa (10 bar)
Water temperature   ≤ 25 °C
NOTE 1   Although this document limits the pressure for WC DN 25 and WC DN 32 valves till 0,25 MPa (2,5 bar), some European countries have legislation and recommendations for higher pressures.
Health and quality requirements in accordance to European and national legislation for final materials in contact with water intended for human consumption are not covered by this document.

  • Draft
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This document specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons, the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature approximately 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilets and cloakrooms) and bath rooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This document allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.

  • Draft
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This document specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature - 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilet and cloakrooms) and bathrooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This document allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve, controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or, bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.

  • Draft
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This European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature - 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilet and cloakrooms) and bathrooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve, controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or, bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
Table 1 - Conditions of use

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This European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature approximately 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing.
It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilets and cloakrooms) and bath rooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1.
This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use).
The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
Table 1 - Conditions of use

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This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (sink and wash basin mixing valves) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this European Standard.
Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1.

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This European Standard specifies:
   the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, endurance and acoustic characteristics with which mechanical mixing valves need to comply;
   test methods to verify the characteristics;
   the tests described in this European Standard are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
This European Standard applies to PN 10 mechanical mixing valves for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for bodily hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms, etc.) and in kitchens, i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, bidets, showers and sinks.
The conditions of use and classifications are given in Table 1.
Table 1   - Conditions of use/classifications

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The purpose of this European Standard is to define requirements for marking, identification, leaktightness, electrical and operational safety and mechanical resistance for sanitary tapware with opening and closing controlled electronically.
Annex B lists possible consequences of using a product outside its recommended operating range.
A vented domestic hot water and cold water supply system incorporating gravity hot water, mains cold water and alternative gravity cold water supply to sanitary appliances.

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This European Standard specifies:
a)    the field of application for pillar taps, bib taps, single and multi-hole combination taps for use in:
1)   a supply system of Type 1 (see Figure 1);
2)   a supply system of Type 2 (see Figure 2);
b)    the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, endurance and acoustic characteristics of nominal size ½ and ¾ single taps and combination taps;
c)    test methods to verify the characteristics.
d)    The tests described in this European Standard are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
This European Standard applies to draw-off taps (single taps and combination taps) for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for bodily hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms etc.) and in kitchens, i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, bidets, showers and sinks.
Figure 1 shows a supply system of Type 1 with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) Mpa [(0,5 to 10) bar].
Figure 2 shows a supply system of Type 2 with a pressure range of (0,01 to 1,0) Mpa [(0,1 to 10) bar].
This European Standard applies to sanitary draw-off taps of nominal size ½ and ¾ (PN 10).
The conditions of use and classifications are given in Table 1 but note the comments in Table 2.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the performance criteria related to the health and environmental protection of people for sanitary taps and their related accessories used for the water supply. The performance requirements are expressed in terms of mechanical endurance, flow rate, effectiveness and level of acoustic pressure. This standard includes and makes reference to the corresponding test methods and the evaluation of conformity of the product to this standard.

  • Standard
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This European standard specifies requirements for "low hydraulic resistance" thermostatic mixing valves suitable for use in low pressure water supply systems as described in informative annex C. This European Standard specifies: the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic performance and mechanical endurance characteristics with which low pressure thermostatic mixing valves shall comply; the procedures for testing these characteristics.

  • Standard
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This European standard is applicable to single and mixer taps with automatic shut-off for use with sanitary appliances installed in washrooms etc. It does not apply to urinal or WC flushing valves or valves which open automatically. The purpose of this standard is to specify the marking, identification, chemical/hygiene, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic, mechanical endurance, and acoustical characteristics of automatic shutt-off tapware.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
    41 pages
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This European Standard specifies :  - the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic performance, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics with which thermostatic mixers shall comply ; - the procedures for testing these characteristics.  It is applicable :  - to thermostatic mixing valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in washrooms (toilets, bathrooms etc.) and in kitchens ;  - to PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves used under the pressure and temperature conditions given in table 1.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (sink and wash basin mixing valves) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this European Standard.

  • Standard
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This European Standard applies to hoses for extractable outlets of any material intended for equipping sanitary tapware for sinks and basins. Such hoses will only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware. The tapware will comply with EN 200, EN 817, EN 1111, EN 1286 or EN 1287 (see [1], [2], [3], [5] and [6]).
Hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this standard.
This European Standard specifies:
-   the dimensional, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which the hose for extractable outlets shall comply;
-   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1.

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TC - Table 11, 2nd column, 2nd row - Correction of test pressure

  • Corrigendum
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The purpose of the document is to define requirements for marking, identification, leaktightness, electrical and operational safety and mechanical resistance for sanitary tapware with opening and closing controlled electronically.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies:
   the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall comply;
   the procedures for testing these characteristics.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers.
This European Standard applies to shower hoses connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (sink and wash basin mixing valves) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this European Standard.

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This document specifies:
- the field of application for pillar taps, bib taps, single and multi-hole combination taps:
- for a supply system Type 1, (see Figure 1);
- for a supply system (Type 2, (see Figure 2);
- the dimensional, tightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic, mechanical strength, endurance and acoustic characteristics of nominal size ½ and ¾ single taps and combination taps;
- test methods to verify the characteristics.
NOTE   Tests described in this document are type tests and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture.
This document applies to draw-off taps (single taps and combination taps) for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for bodily hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms etc.) and in kitchens i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, bidets, showers and sinks.
Figure 1 shows the supply system of Type 1 with a pressure range of (0,05 to 1,0) MPa (0,5 to 10) bar.
Figure 2 shows the supply system of Type 2 with a pressure range of (0,01 to 1,0) MPa (0,1 to 10) bar.
This document applies to sanitary draw-off taps of nominal size ½ and ¾ (PN 10).
The conditions of use and classifications are given in Table 1.
It does not cover mechanical mixing valves, thermostatic mixing valves, shower accessories or taps adapted for special use (e.g. hose union taps)

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This European Standard specifies the performance criteria related to the health and environmental protection of people for sanitary taps and their related accessories used for the water supply. The performance requirements are expressed in terms of mechanical endurance, flow rate, effectiveness and level of acoustic pressure. This standard includes and makes reference to the corresponding test methods and the evaluation of conformity of the product to this standard.

  • Standard
    55 pages
    German language
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This European Standard specifies :
- the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall comply ;
- the procedures for testing these characteristics.
It applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for connecting shower handsets to the sanitary tapware of baths and showers. They should only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Details of pressure and temperature are given in Table 1.
Table 1 - Conditions of use
   Limits of use   Recommended limits for correct operation
Dynamic pressure   0,01 £ P £ 0,2 MPa
(0,1 £ P £ 2 bar)   0,02 £ P £ 0,1 MPa
(0,2 £ P £ 1,0 bar)
Temperature   T £ 70 °C   T £ 42 °C
Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (e.g. sink mixers) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this standard.

  • Standard
    20 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies:
- the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower outlets shall comply;
- the procedures for testing these characteristics.
It applies to shower heads and hand showers of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers. They should only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.
Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1.
Table 1 - Conditions of use
   Limits of use   Recommended limits for correct operations
Dynamic pressure   0,01 £ P £ 0 MPa
(0,1 £ P £ 0 bar)   0,02 £ P £ 0,1 MPa
(0,2 £ P £ 1,0 bar)
Temperature   T £ 70 °C   T £ 42 °C
Integral and remote spray attachments incorporated in tapware (e.g. sink and basin mixer taps) are not covered by this standard.
Fittings complying with this Standard can also be used with inlet supply pressures in the range (0,1 to 0,2) MPa (1,0 to 2,0) bar in installations not subject to acoustic requirements.

  • Standard
    18 pages
    English language
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The aim of this European Standard is to specify: - The dimensional, leaktight- ness, mechanical,   hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which shower outlets shall comply; - the procedures for testing these characteristics. It applies to shower heads and hand showers of any material used for ablutionarypurposes and intended for equiping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers. They shall only be connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware.

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English language
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The aim of this European Standard is to specify: - the dimensional leaktightnessmechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall comply; - The procedures for testing these characteristics. It applies to shower hoses of any material used for oblutionary purposes and intended for connecting showerhandsets to the sanitary tapware of baths and showers. They shall only be con- nected downstream of the tapware.

  • Standard
    16 pages
    English language
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    1 day