This document describes a method for the determination of the oxidizable organic matter content of a soil, which is mainly composed of fresh organic matter and fulvic and humic acids, by back titration with potassium permanganate.
The result obtained with this technical specification is not comparable with those obtained by EN 17685-1:2023 (loss on ignition).

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the loss on ignition (wLOI) of fine, intermediate, composite and coarse soils, organic soils and anthropogenic materials (according to
EN 16907 2) after ignition under air at 550°C.
NOTE   The loss of mass suffered by these materials at 550 °C is usually due to the release of volatile compounds, water (absorbed, crystalized or structural) and gases from decomposition of organic matter and inorganic substances such as sulfur, sulfides or hydroxides (e.g. H2O, CO2, SO2).
A method is given in Annex B in order to estimate the organic matter content (COM) from the value of wLOI for clayey soils.

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This document describes the reference method for the determination of the methylene blue value (VBS) in soils and rocks for earthworks.
The test is based on measuring the quantity of methylene blue that can be adsorbed by the material suspended in water. This quantity of absorbed methylene blue is reported by direct proportionality to the 0/50 mm ground. The soil blue value is directly related to the specific surface area of the soil particles or rocky material.
NOTE   The VBS test uses common equipment and calibration as the methylene blue test MB for aggregates (EN 933 9), but the test is applies to another granular fraction (5 mm for VBS and 2 mm for MB, respectively). Thus, the results obtained between the two tests cannot be compared in the general case.

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This document defines the principle and the methods for the determination of the "fragmentability coefficient" of rocky material.
The fragmentability coefficient IFR distinguishes the behaviour of certain rocky material and is used to show the change in particle size from the moment than the material is excavated through to its subsequent implementation and in certain cases during its whole service life. Changes in the particle size occur due to the structural resistance of the rock being unable to support the mechanical stress to which it is subjected during its implementation and use.

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This document defines the principle and the methods for the determination of the "degradability coefficient" of rocky material.
The degradability coefficient IDG distinguishes the behaviour of certain rocky material and is used to show the change in the geotechnical characteristics (particle size, clay content, plasticity, etc.) in relation to the characteristics seen immediately following excavation.
Changes in the particle size occur due to the combined action of climatic or geohydrological elements (frost, soaking-drying cycles) and mechanical stress to which it is subjected. In the case of degradable rocky material, this leads to a fairly significant and continuous reduction in the mechanical and geometric characteristics of the works in which they are used.
The two methods developed in this document for the determination of IDG are not equivalent, so any result obtained by this document can refer to the method used.

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This document describes the reference method for the determination of the Index of dust emission (IDE) in soil treatment for earthworks.
This test concerns more particularly:
- limes in conformity with EN 459-1, Building lime - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria;
- cements in conformity with EN 197-1, Cement - Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements;
- road binders in conformity with EN 13282-1, Hydraulic road binders - Part 1: Rapid hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- road binders in conformity with EN 13282-2, Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- fly ashes in conformity with EN 14227-4, Hydraulically bound mixtures - Specifications - Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically bound mixtures;
- siliceous fly ashes in conformity with EN 450-1, Fly ash for concrete - Part 1: Definition, specifications and conformity criteria;
- ground-granulated blastfurnace slag in conformity with EN 15167-1, Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortar and grout - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria.

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This document describes the reference method for the determination of the lime fixation point (LFP) in soil treatment for earthworks.
The test consists in measuring the lowest quantity of lime to be added in a soil suspension in water that will result in a pH value of the soil-lime mix suspension of 12,4, measured at 25 °C ± 1 °C.
This test method cannot be used to provide information about soil reactivity with lime, or other performance values (mechanical characteristics of soil-lime mixes) applicable for improvement or stabilization purposes. Those performance tests will be conducted in a laboratory from a specific study, the lime dosage to be applied being indicated from this method.

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