This document provides general methods for measurement and calculation of quantities associated with human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. It is intended specifically to be used for the assessment of emissions from products and comparison of these with the exposure limits for the general public given in Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC, and those given for workers in Directive 2013/35/EU, as appropriate. It also is intended to be used for assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the workplace to determine compliance with the requirements of Directive 2013/35/EU. This standard deals with quantities that can be measured or calculated external to the body, notably electric and magnetic field strength or power density, and includes the measurement and calculation of quantities inside the body that form the basis for protection guidelines. In particular the standard provides information on: — definitions and terminology, — characteristics of electromagnetic fields, — measurement of exposure quantities, — instrumentation requirements, — methods of calibration, — measurement techniques and procedures for evaluating exposure, — calculation methods for exposure assessment. Where an applicable electromagnetic field standard specific to a product or technology exists it is expected to be used rather than this document. EN 62311:—, Table 1 gives a list of relevant standards.

  • Standard
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The scope of this document is to provide a general procedure for the assessment of workers’ exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in a workplace in order to determine compliance with exposure limit values and/or action levels as stated in European Directive 2013/35/EU. The purpose of this document is to — specify how to perform an initial assessment of the levels of workers' exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), if necessary, including specific exposure assessment of such levels by measurements and/or calculations, — determine whether it is necessary to carry out a detailed risk assessment of EMF exposure. This document can be used by employers for the risk assessment and, where required, measurement and/or calculation of the exposure of workers. Based on specific workplace and other standards, it can be determined whether preventive measures/actions have to be taken to comply with the provisions of the Directive. The frequencies covered are from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. NOTE 1 This document relates to the exposure limits as specified in the Directive 2013/35/EU. It is intended to protect workers from risks to their health and safety arising or likely to arise from exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) during their work. However, this and other Directives can include additional measures for the protection of specific groups of workers and/or specific workplaces for which the employer is required to investigate other protective measures as a part of the overall risk assessment. See Annex A. NOTE 2 Directive 2013/35/EU has been transposed into national legislation in all the EU member countries. It is intended that users of this standard consult the national legislation related to this transposition in order to identify the national regulations and requirements. These national regulations and requirements can have additional requirements that are not covered by this standard.

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This document provides general methods for measurement and calculation of quantities associated with human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. It is intended specifically to be used for the assessment of emissions from products and comparison of these with the exposure limits for the general public given in Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC, and those given for workers in Directive 2013/35/EU, as appropriate. It also is intended to be used for assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the workplace to determine compliance with the requirements of Directive 2013/35/EU. This standard deals with quantities that can be measured or calculated external to the body, notably electric and magnetic field strength or power density, and includes the measurement and calculation of quantities inside the body that form the basis for protection guidelines. In particular the standard provides information on: - definitions and terminology, - characteristics of electromagnetic fields, - measurement of exposure quantities, - instrumentation requirements, - methods of calibration, - measurement techniques and procedures for evaluating exposure, - calculation methods for exposure assessment. Where an applicable electromagnetic field standard specific to a product or technology exists it is expected to be used rather than this document. EN 62311:-, Table 1 gives a list of relevant standards.

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This document provides electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure conformity assessment methods for low power electronic and electrical equipment. It is applicable to intentionally radiating equipment operating at frequencies between 10 MHz and 300 GHz with time-averaged transmitted power less than or equal to 20 mW in case of equipment intended for use by the general public, or less than or equal to 100 mW in case of equipment intended for use only by workers when at work, respectively. In the context of this document, time-averaging is over any 6-min period up to 10 GHz and over any 68/ƒ1.05 -minute period (ƒ in GHz) for frequencies exceeding 10 GHz. It also applies to non-intentionally radiating equipment in the same frequency range.

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